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I have started watching the drama from the start again and this time, I paid more attention to YJ's facial expressions than before. On the posted picture, you can see that YJ was actually upset about NYJ's misdeed and quite mad at her which proves to me that even if it happened during the year when HS and YJ weren't close, he wasn't indifferent towards her the whole time! It was quite the opposite. This is another clue that he was definitely attracted by her!



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@mgicc sorry, I cant find the original article. but the chinese version I see is here

http://bbs.krdrama.com/thread-585427-1-1.html bbs.krdrama is a site where I read all the k variety news translated to chinese

@bebebisous33 yes I find this drama totally worth rewatching over and over again because there are many subtle infor from sunbae's behaviour. Its very interesting.


erm me bad, the background music that was played when they were kissing at the bench. anybody know what song it is? I try to shazam it, but it gave me a wierd title. thanks.

By the way this is the official facebook of the drama facebook link

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8 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I was thinking on it and I know most have compared Jung and Seol and the drama to Pride and Prejudice as well as Twilight but for me, it reminds me of the dark gothic genre. More Anne Rice than Stephenie Myer. Honestly Jung/Seol remind me of the Phantom and Christine from The Phantom of the Opera (both the novel and Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical) or the greek mythology of Hades and Peresphone (who became a boss richard simmons queen of the underworld and both a feared and loved figure in the 'Odyssey' and well sans the kidnapping (or was it) or the incest. I've seen the story interpreted so many ways). Basically this is not your typical rom-com meet-hate-love story. It's much darker and not so simple to peg down and I like that. 

@trashoppaya here is where points of views differ LOL. Reading the webtoon and still reading the recent chapters I never once saw or thought that Seol (Sul) liked/likes Inho as more than a friend or saw him in a romantic light. IMHO it was always clear through the differences in interactions and response to Jung and that to Inho that while he began to (because in the beginning I think she was just a friend to Inho too) see her/feel the attraction as something more. It never went there with Seol. It always came from Inho to me. Don't get me wrong, they had their cute moments and sometimes I've wondered "is this where Inho will kiss her or something and she may start to wonder and feel conflict?" -and that would be a natural response for anyone if a friend kissed you. you would question your actions and behavior that may have lead them to an idea of you and them together and then you may even begin to wonder yourself if you and them could/should be together- However that never came (well s4 chap 20, but even then not really). To me reading the webtoon for so long, I always felt it was clear that Seol was going to end up alone or with Jung. I don't know. I felt there were many times and opportunities that if Seol liked/likes Inho in that way and ever thought of taking it there with him, it would be clear on her part (the many times he protects her, hangs out with her, talks with her, is there when she and Jung are on the outs or Jung is simply too busy with his life to be there like before) and it would have went there but it didn't/doesn't.

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Like in the latest chapter Seol is being harassed by San Chul and while Inho does hear it but I believe he was being held off by glasses dude and Joon from going ape richard simmons. Jung who has been MIA and we didn't see but only saw the feet off runs and is there to catch Seol as she falls. He takes the burnt of the fall and hurt for her. This from the writers tells me, (as far as Jung's role and his place in Seol's life) that even when Jung is not there (we couldn't see him see him) he's always there and is there and will be there for Seol when she truly needs him. And that scene is not the first time the webtoon does this.

The many times Jung reads Seol's mind or pops up and freaks her out because she was thinking of him/needed him. The time she fought with her parents and they were "time apart" but as she's walking and thinking of needing someone, there he is. Or that time she missed him and hadn't talked to him in days so she thought he had forgotten her. However he shows up on campus and she runs right into a bear hug with him. His part in the Minsoo resolving. I always felt the webtoon made it clear the two boys roles and significance/necessity in Seol's life. But hey maybe I am shipper blinded and I am so ready to be wrong or have read the whole damn thing wrong (thank you R'88 for the lesson LOL).

But one thing a previous drama has taught me is that writers can do whatever they please with their work and can/could be openly leading towards one thing on purpose only to conclude with the other thing they seemingly hid so well. Basically I could be reading the whole thing wrong and what I think is friendship and seeing someone as family is really untapped and unknown love. I always imagined Seol would be single or with Jung by the end of the webtoon and this drama but I am more than ready to be wrong and left yet again broken and wondering why LOL.

Actually, in the webtoons she said on more than one occasion that she thought In Ho was attractive. Actually, her friend once asked her who she thought was more handsome and she said InHo was so the attraction is there. She definitely does not see him as a brother lol  She could be herself around him a lot more than when she is around Jung. In Ho and Sul seem to understand each other pretty well so I think the writer did a very good job developing their closeness. The best relationships start out with a good solid friendship therefore, I would disagree that Sul can't have feelings for In Ho. Friendship + attraction is what makes a relationship and they have it. I can see very clearly how much you like Jung but don't count In Ho out just yet:) 

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2 hours ago, stargazer187 said:


I hope there won't be any selfish parents try to separate them or smoething similar as a conflict later, please don't...

The pics you displayed about Jung's surprising visit to Seol's family reminded me of outside-seoul commenting on this scene, his reasons and possible consequences. I found it very on point. Please check:


Please Monday, come quick!

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6 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Yes eps 9 & 10 this Monday and Tuesday then we get no new episode in 2 weeks because of the Lunar New Year. 

@trashoppaya does your user name have anything to do with Reply 1994? If yes MY KIN *hugs* it's rare to meet people who loved Trash oppa from R94, if not *hug anyways* I like your user name LOL.

Yes :) I loved trash oppa 

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@MrsSoJiSub thanks a lot for reminding me of Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre's story! I kind of was obsessed with this novel some 6 years ago... This drama or webtoon really shows some parallels to that story by getting us all attracted to a man who's dangerous, mysterious in a certain way

I confess: I was so in love with the character I went to see Toby Stephens to his "Private Lives" show in West End London as I went there for a summer course. I wanted to meet the actor of Mr Rochester at least once! 

That was right before my KDrama addiction arrived to my life to stay and changed it for the better. No more courses in England but in South Korea.

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@trashoppaya yes I know that sometime relationship starts from friendship and HS is more comfortable when she is with IH. But from my experience and people-watching, I know for a fact that usually when someone is in love, they will act awkward, clumsy or even strange and not at ease when they are with someone they love. I know maybe IH could be the lead, and HS ended up with him. But judging from the development of the story as well as YJ&HS's relationship, I can say that YJ is the one HS love in the end. Becausee "girls will fall to the bad guys" ;) 


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@rhaps I agree with you. He was the whole time upset, but I chose this picture because it's even clearer that he is really pissed off. His finger are tapping on the book as if he wanted to do something but he is maintening his cool appearance!

@qwenli The more you watch it, the more you discover the subtility of the writing. Let me give you two examples, but in this post I only write the first example because the comment would get too long.

In the episode 2, we see what NJY is doing to HS. She steals the report and sends the drunk man! So we are mostly focusing on her misdeeds! But we all forget that in that same episode, we are witnessing that Assistent Teo is making huge mistakes. He left the office without locking the doors so that NJY could enter the office that was at that time empty. The reports were lying visible on the desk. So Assistent Teo didn't even put the reports in a locked drawer or in a locked cupboard! As conclusion, he made two huge mistakes: the door of the office was unlocked, while it was empty and the reports weren't hidden! 

What an irony!! He got mad at YJ because his reputation suffered as he had to get rid of YJ's report. He was considered as a bad assistent, but in the end, it was true! Sure, he doesn't know anything about the stolen reports. However, YJ knows about it and now, I can understand why he was so really mad at assistent Heo! He had another reason for that!

If HS had thought again about the stolen report, she should have realised that assistent Heo did a bad job! Because of him too, she could have got a very bad grad!

To conclude: YJ was nice enough to save assistent Heo!! He didn't only cover for NJY, but also for Heo. If this had been revealed, Heo would have lost his job for sure!!




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@trashoppaya I'll say one more an then I'll let it go I swear LOL. Seriously I do not want to start a shipping war. I've always wanted to understand and see what some webtoon readers have seen, because I've never seen it and I don't want to think that I am that biased that I am blinded to everything (which maybe I am. Wouldn't be the first time I got something I thought was so obvious wrong *sigh*) Okay, so Seol isn't blind and can see that Inho is attractive (he is a good looking dude) and notices he has good qualities within him, but is she attracted to him as in she would date him or is/has thought of maybe dating him? Like the piano scene while I saw Inho shooting squeal worthy glances at Seol, I got nothing squeal worthy from her end. I'm not saying Seol doesn't care about Inho, because she does nor am I saying she doesn't enjoy being around him, talking to him, etc, because again she does. And yes she's comfortable around him but there in lays the problem to me.

She does think of him as family. He's a friend, he's family in the same way Bora and Euntaek are friends and "family". With Inho it goes one step further because her family has basically adopted him as family and he's practically "hyung" with Joon. Have you read s4 chap 20 of the webtoon? If so what was your take on events there? I'm sorry if it feels like I am attacking you or something because that is not my intent. I really do want to get your POV and take on things and then rewatch and see maybe if there is something I am missing or something I am not reading into that I maybe should be reading into. Also I have learned to never ever count anyone out. Especially not the oh-they-are-just-friend-she-sees-him-as-a-brother-and-cares-for-him-close-to-a-mother-40-year-old-widows-compatiable dynamics out. They be the ones that cause me the biggest heart break of my drama watching month. I am not lying when I say I am so ready for/when/if Seol is with Inho in the end. I don't think the story is taking it there or has developed to go there but I have learned LOL. I have learned! More Seol/Inho shippers come out and educate me please LOL. Also let's you and I be friends forever :D Oppa-ya is my ideal. He and I are so alike and I just adored everything about him.

Eee I laugh and also kind of look away when that head bump scene comes because it looked soooooooo painful. I'm evil but I die at his facial expression at the contact because damn did it hurt and damn he didn't imagine it LOL. I try not to ship irl people because it rarely comes true (I can only think of a few reel to real kdrama stars that lasted) so I'm just glad to know that they are/were really comfortable around one another and much of what see/saw and felt was natural, really was natural.

@Ahpheng :lol::lol: I love that hot and cold Jung strip. Your comic strips always give me a good laugh.

ETS: @opinionatedajumma this is how I feel about Rochester 10.gif 

I did/do enjoy Heathcliff and Catherin and their toxic mess of "love" well until Heathcliff lost his ever loving mind even more so in the second half of the novel. I didn't mind all the revenge stuff, until he brought his sickly son and the next generation into things. Nah, I loathed him and Catherine (they should have done everyone a favor and pulled a Rome and Juliette)  Yeah, the Bronte sisters books always left me raging (kind of brilliant as they were). I did/do enjoy Anne's 'The Tenant of Wildfell Hall' though.

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@bebebisous33 -- Having fun playing detective? Digging up all the dirt... I thoroughly approve. :lol:

TA Heo was pretty useless and to leave the office door unlocked  and people's reports lying around to be stolen. Tsk, tsk, tsk... And then he harrasses her something terrible when she comes to work for him.

I can quite understand why Jung doesn't hold him in the highest esteeem. Funny that.


I dunno why but I'm not really bedazzled by the piano scene at the end of Ep. 8 that everyone seems to be. Something's wrong with me I'm sure but I can't help feeling just a tad manipulated by it. I'm really really not a fan of love triangles  and it's as if I'm being flash burned by a huge "love triangle" sign.

Yeah, yeah, I know... I'm biased.


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@40somethingahjummai aagreeeee!!! The scene for me seemed so long, cause im an avid jungxseol shipper, i was was like "man this scene is sooo long, inho back off"!! Damn it i was always so annoyed when inho appeared in the webtoon and the same thing happens in the drama, but don't get me wrong.. Kang joon has really improved as an actor..its just the character, let's just say that the baek siblings are not my cup of tea!!

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Hong Sul’s spring freshman look


Hong Sul, the protagonist in tvN drama “Cheese in the Trap,” shows the perfect look for freshmen to learn from. Her fashion style has impressed the public, with each of her outfits closely examined by bloggers and fashionistas.

Many freshmen who are just entering college may think that spring is just around the corner. Well, not really. The air is still going to be quite chilly in March, and luckily Sul gave a great example of the perfect clothes for this kind of weather.





Her look includes various layers of knitwear, with a long ivory cardigan on top to keep things stylish. She also casually wrapped a dark khaki scarf around her neck to keep herself warm.



Another outfit that Sul tried out pulls out her lovely side to the maximum level, but still fits her tidy image. The pink striped shirt with rolled-up sleeves makes her look just like a freshman despite her age. Moreover, she matched it with a white ripped miniskirt to make it more vintage.




The last look that would be perfect for freshmen to don just as spring pops up is a denim look. The light blue denim overalls seem to be a perfect pair with the simple white button-down shirt underneath. The cuffs of the pants adds a touch to the overall fashion.



In reality, it may be hard to get a boyfriend like Sul‘s but it sure won’t be too hard to dress like her. As her fashion is very practical but stylish, it‘s definitely worth trying out.






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@40somethingahjumma I found the scene cute. They were comfortable and having fun but it didn't bring out the feels *shrugs* when I say Inho gave her glances, I mean "he gave her glances" LOL. I guess something was there but I watched the scene and I was like "Inho is enjoying showing his skills off to someone who encourages/believes in him and wants him to achieve this dream/goal" I don't know. I don't know. I'm not sold that Inho is in like, like with her yet. I agree with one user (sorry I can't remeber who said it) who said because of his and Jung's connection Inho respects/would respect what the two have (and I think Inho is just that decent). I thought that it was visible/made clear in all the times where Inho sees and comments (snide as they may be) on Jung and Seol's coupledom and is sometimes surprised/taken aback by how much effort Jung is putting into this relationship unlike the Han river tear, truckloads of women relationships of the past. Also he tries to change the subject/attention from them LOL.

But again that scene was cute. It didn't give me that eeekhaedho;isgho;isrhneio'hf9pujpsgio feels but I understand why it would if you ship them. They were comfortable laughing and having fun. Seol was open free what is the right word? in a way she hasn't been able to be with Jung and I think they will never be (not that they can't or won't have any fun and laughter because they can and do) because the dynamic in their relationship simply isn't like that. Another cute Inho and Seol scene is when she gives him the juice and thanks him for the notes and also when she stands with him in the rain with the umbrella and covers for him when he mentions it in the bar (Seol is the giver). I really really liked the "natural curls. SAY IT!!" scene LOL. KGE was perfection in that scene. I die when she does the little drummer move with the "he was a drummer" comment. Inho was lit "just break up already", Jung: dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow! LOL. He reacted so quick with a *glare* and STFU hoe, who invited you? LOL.

The three of them are kind of becoming my OT3 (well when Jung and Inho aren't at each other's throats that is) and Jung and Inho are so in love. Omg, the opening scene of ep 7 is everything. The two could not take their eyes off each other then they shared a moment after Seol pushes Jung's hand away. Forget the girl, just marry each other. Now theirs is a kdrama typical k-drama love to hate to love story if I ever saw one. "You broke my hand" "Well, you broke my heart".....make it happen writers!

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I don't know if somebody already posted this video. So, I found this vid on fb where PHJ said that his ideal type is Kim Go Eun!! Wahhh! Just click on the link below guys!! 


Our OTP's ship is sailing~~~!!!! :wub::wub::wub: 


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Here I am back again!! balloons smiley @40somethingahjumma Yes, I love playing detective!! Especially, when it comes to defend YJ's honor! boxer pink mousehaha milk bottleAs you know me, I also love detective/crime dramas very much! 

@qwenli As for the second example I mentioned above. In the episode 2, you see YJ going to the office in order to deliver the reports for Witch Kang. He puts the reports on the desk and assistent Heo starts engaging a conversation with YJ.

Just to remember: the scene happened after Heo lost YJ's report on purpose! Assistent already has a bad reputation. Back then, we didn't know the relationship between assistent Heo and YJ. As you can see, Heo is trying through his questions to influence YJ to finish his studies! Now, we know the reason. He considers YJ as a thread and to him, seeing YJ feels like a damocles' sword over his head. In his mind, it would be great, if YJ studied abroad or finished his studies! The sooner, the better!! That's exactly what's assistent Heo is thinking! 

Striking is the answer from YJ: He doesn't intent to leave the university because right now, he is having so much fun! Back then, I thought, he was refering to his relationship with Seol (he got closer to her!). But actually, these words (from the last picture) have a double meaning. Here, YJ could have been refering to the blackmail he used! I can imagine Heo's reaction by hearing these words. He feels even more pressured! Either YJ likes tormenting assistent Heo a little! Or he doesn't realise what is the impact of his words! Especially when he told Heo later that a deal was a deal and that was it! Moreover, like I wrote earlier, assistent Heo did a bad job for real and hurt Seol in the process. Therefore maybe YJ used this again as a leverage against Heo so that Seol would get the job at the office. 

Finally, this could explain Heo's reaction, when he is seen by Seol with his lover... he might be blackmailed again. Because there is a high chance that YJ might have put Heo under pressure a second time (the stolen report!)! red fox

This second example proves us that only after watching the entire drama, we will be able to understand the subtitily of the writing! 





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@MrsSoJiSub hahaha so those are your feelings for Mr Rochester, I see! I enjoyed his tortured soul and Jane's strengh and purity. Now after so many Kdramas those characters seem so far behind.. Good so! Back then I spent a couple of years watching and reading every Victorian series and novel I could find. I guess this fandom, together with loving Anne of Green Gables (I was very young when it aired and loved it immediately) is something many of us have in common in this forum. 


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