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24 minutes ago, 12blbl said:

Just want to confirm, ep 9-10 still airing the same schedule, only ep 11-12 will be delayed right?

Yes eps 9 & 10 this Monday and Tuesday then we get no new episode in 2 weeks because of the Lunar New Year. 

@trashoppaya does your user name have anything to do with Reply 1994? If yes MY KIN *hugs* it's rare to meet people who loved Trash oppa from R94, if not *hug anyways* I like your user name LOL.

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1 hour ago, 12blbl said:

Just want to confirm, ep 9-10 still airing the same schedule, only ep 11-12 will be delayed right?

@stargazer 9 n10 will broadcast tomorrow n tue. 11 n 12 only resume after lunar new year. 


Seriously please back read one or two pages, otherwise u miss out a lot of info n goodies.:)

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Oh my gaawddddd.... we will have to be ready for the longest torture ever.. and if the cliff hanger is on the sad and dark part.. get your self a good hair tonic (and a few xanax) soon to prevent hair loss due to our instability of mental and mind...

aaaarghhh my Kdrama life is the killing field geunde ottoke?? I love my Kdrama life too much hehehehe... (cheers guys)

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Yay firework flashback scene! \*,*/

I'm all in for the trio's flashbacks. They're not just the 'good old day' type of flashbacks. It can be the smallest fb, in which Jung says one sentence and a light floods in on Jung's inner being. I'm thrilled!

.....Well, assuming the kdrama will follow through with how the flashback was shown in the webtoon. Burst my own bubble there. 

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I'm finally all caught up on cheese in the trap! This is my next korean drama after finishing up Reply 1988, which I got burned haha. I'm really enjoying this drama so far - love the slice of life format. Think that Seol is someone I can relate to and would love to be friends with. Also love the story with In-Ho and him getting back into piano.

Did anyone notice the 2 separate, small scenes in the other episodes where Jung was looking at insects? he was really gentle with them. Maybe cause they're not as complicated as humans.  


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4 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I was thinking on it and I know most have compared Jung and Seol and the drama to Pride and Prejudice as well as Twilight but for me, it reminds me of the dark gothic genre. More Anne Rice than Stephenie Myer. Honestly Jung/Seol remind me of the Phantom and Christine from The Phantom of the Opera (both the novel and Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical) or the greek mythology of Hades and Peresphone (who became a boss richard simmons queen of the underworld and both a feared and loved figure in the 'Odyssey' and well sans the kidnapping (or was it) or the incest. I've seen the story interpreted so many ways). Basically this is not your typical rom-com meet-hate-love story. It's much darker and not so simple to peg down and I like that. 

It's probably because Cheese does still frame itself within certain conventions of the romance genre. I can see some of the parallels with P & P but Jung isn't quite the same misunderstood guy Darcy is. Unless of course the reason why we haven't seen the childhood flashbacks is because they want us to see Jung as someone who is very wronged and misunderstood at the end. What a Kdrama thing to do. :P

I have a new one to add to the list. It's Anne of Green Gables. And it's not just about the red hair either. :D There are quite a number of interesting similarities. He yanked her hair and called her "carrots" because she ignored him, hostilities ensued. Bitter rivals (mostly on her side). Both became top students of the school and town. He gives up his school appointment for her so she could be closer to home. They become good friends and very much on the same wavelength. But he wants more but she skirts the issue as much as possible. 

It doesn't follow the exact same trajectory but there are happy similarities. Besides Cheese does the whole growing-up narrative on a cocktail of acid and steroids.

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@40somethingahjumma I like the Anne of Green Gables comparison (honesty most any and every kdrama rom-com applies) and I will rage if the turn Jung into some "misunderstood boy who just need a special snowflake to turn his good" Nah! That's not what he is in the webtoon even now in s4. Seol sees him and accepts who he is. We see some growth and changes but he is who he is. I will fly to Korea and set tvN aflame if they pull something like that. They can redeem him without making him some misunderstood typical richard simmons lead.

Jung needs to truly reflect on his actions, see the wrong in some of it, and apologize (really mean it) and I'm cool LOL (dang I'm easy). He can still deal with pieces of [MOD EDIT] they way he do. You use me I use you. Those pieces should make better choices. The other  [MOD EDIT: Do not circumvent the swear filter.]  deserved it and until they own up to their ish and apologize they can cry me a river. So basically I like Jung and want him to stay him but also reform where need be :) (aka try to relate more to the world and not always have that wall of distance where he's an observer dealer. Be like Elisa. The cold never bothered you and be the more of the buried you that was confessing to being used, concerned with and scared/insecure of how Seol viewed you -he actually cares what she thinks about him while with everyone else he don't give a, special snowflake indeed LOL-, and just being genuine in how much you adore the girl -the kiss-. 

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36 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@40somethingahjumma I like the Anne of Green Gables comparison (honesty most any and every kdrama rom-com applies) and I will rage if the turn Jung into some "misunderstood boy who just need a special snowflake to turn his good" Nah! That's not what he is in the webtoon even now in s4. Seol sees him and accepts who he is. We see some growth and changes but he is who he is. I will fly to Korea and set tvN aflame if they pull something like that. They can redeem him without making him some misunderstood typical richard simmons lead.

Jung needs to truly reflect on his actions, see the wrong in some of it, and apologize (really mean it) and I'm cool LOL (dang I'm easy). He can still deal with pieces of shits they way he do. You use me I use you. Those pieces should make better choices. The other fuckers deserved it and until they own up to their ish and apologize they can cry me a river. So basically I like Jung and want him to stay him but also reform where need be :) (aka try to relate more to the world and not always have that wall of distance where he's an observer dealer. Be like Elisa. The cold never bothered you and be the more of the buried you that was confessing to being used, concerned with and scared/insecure of how Seol viewed you -he actually cares what she thinks about him while with everyone else he don't give a, special snowflake indeed LOL-, and just being genuine in how much you adore the girl -the kiss-. 

That highlighted bit. Yes, that's what I'm hoping to see. I think it has to be a choice from her about whether she can live with his idiosyncrasies. If there's anyone who can it's probably her because he is crazy about her. Myself I think he can be tamed. ;)  He will never be a boy scout that's for sure but I don't think that really matters. 

At the end of the day he's just a guy who uses his smarts to get the desired result. If he's given the right kind of guidance, he could be amazing. Some of his machinations have been really cunning and dodgy, some of them have actually benefitted others. I don't know if I really l want him to give up using his noggin' in that way.

I was just thinking about a couple that I know/knew. The husband's very intelligent but tends to judge quickly and forgive reluctantly. The wife, when she was alive was very sociable and friendly, very well-liked, could be talked into things. In some ways they were so different and at odds with one another's temperaments but her personality tempered his. It made him think less harshly of people and behave less abrasively. When she died, it became so much obvious what she brought to that marriage, how she softened all his rough edges.

That's what I'm thinking about. That's what I want to see. Ironing sharpening iron.

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Thank you everyone for the beautiful pictures/gifs/BTS :) Imma lurk around here for another day then I'll have to be away from this thread until I watch the next two eps in dramafever without spoilers xD kekekekek~

So...... I rewatched 8 episodes again and... my take of characters analysis and comparison to its webtoon version

Is it bad of me to WANT and NOT MIND AT ALL Yoo Jung Sunbae to be bad? :lol: Like an anti-hero (not evil evil but villain-ish) type of character... lol Park Hae Jin's acting just captivates me soooo much that I don't mind him turning Yoo Jung 'bad' lol. Everything so far about drama Yoo Jung is perfect, a different kind of perfect than webtoon version. Since I'm only up to date with the english translation of the webtoon [season 2 ep 39, now ep 40], I feel like the drama YJ is more mysterious/villain-ish/scarier: those smirks/glares/resort to violence moments.. Yet his gentleness is better too while the webtoon YJ feels more nonchalant. 

The more I feel like I understand the YJ character, the more I fall in love with him, and the more I'm curious of how he's gonna turn out throughout this drama. I don't think overall, YJ is a bad/scary/creepy character at all. His way of thinking/doing things is different than the social norm. Although things he did had some bad outcomes/consequences, I personally don't think his intention was ever bad. Plus you can't call his character bad where the rest of the school kids are pretty annoying/bad/judgemental too, even Hong Seol. Basically no one in this drama is perfect, AND I FREAKING LOVE IT!!!

Miss Hong Seol is seriously the most ADORBS character out there!!!!! She is SHO FREAKING CUTE in every scene and everything she does. Kim Go Eun's portray of HS is quite different than webtoon HS but I love it! It works and suits PHJ version of Yoo Jung so well :wub: My most favorite moment was when she got drunk and slapped both YJ and InHo in the head and then just passed out on the table LOLOL :lol: 

I found drama Young Gon so much creepier. Webtoon Young Gon is pitiful; but drama YG is just annoyingly creepy to me.. I don't see that character growing on me anytime soon, ESPECIALLY after seeing ep 9 preview :angry:

Baek In Ho.... I'm not sure about him yet.. But at this point, somehow, I don't think he has any romantic feelings for HS yet.. His passion for piano was still too great for any other space in his mind to occupy someone else. But we'll see... My guess is that his stubbornness, arrogance and impatience somehow contributed to his hand incident in the past yet he's still too prideful to admit it. [it's always easier to blame someone else] And him giving in to his sister all the time bc he feels like she might have abandoned her own dream bc he looked down/kept teasing her about it; plus the childhood incidents.

Not sure how I feel about Baek In Ha yet.. the webtoon version of InHa is somehow 'cooler' and more 'suave' than the drama version, yet Kim Sung Kyung's portray has her good moments as well..

Eun Taek and Bora are adorbs!!! drama Bora is gentler than webtoon Bora lol Eun Taek is cute in both versions. I love it too!

Mehh about the other characters for now.. :) Imma keep rewatching all of them again and do detailed analysis on each ep on tumblr or something.. lol I seriously have so much to say about every moment of this drama xD I CAN"T HELP IT!!! SOMEONE HELP ME lol !!!!:lol:


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2 hours ago, speak without my voice said:

I'm finally all caught up on cheese in the trap! This is my next korean drama after finishing up Reply 1988, which I got burned haha. I'm really enjoying this drama so far - love the slice of life format. Think that Seol is someone I can relate to and would love to be friends with. Also love the story with In-Ho and him getting back into piano.

Did anyone notice the 2 separate, small scenes in the other episodes where Jung was looking at insects? he was really gentle with them. Maybe cause they're not as complicated as humans.  


I got it! Yoo Jung needs to meet a good psychologist/therapist/counselor/life coach/friend, that can help him to view people in the same light as he views those helpless ants and snails that he does not squash. For whatever reasons that he does not squash the ant and snail even though he has the power and very much could, he should apply those same sentiments to people who richard simmons with him. Depending on what they do, I could hit them back. However Jung, think of them as an ant or snail. The same reasons you do not crush them, try to apply it here. I am making it more simple that it really is, but this is what psychologist do. It's how those we label abnormal are taught/learn to cope and function within the confines of social norms and decorum (it's really how we all work, no? Any of us could be murders, but we're not. why? Because take time to think of the action, the consequences of the action, and how it would not only affect us but others in the short and long term. Does Jung do this? Off course he doesn't/wouldn't murder, but we have only seen him once reflect and come to the conclusion of "it's you, not me" LOL).

I get amused and a bit wondering of people's views of the world, when I read analysis that are quick to call/label Jung as some sort of pathology and unredeemable, throw him in the damaged trash bin and take him out. There are plenty of Jung's (to varying degrees) in this world and like I have said before, many of them function, thrive, and live lives most would envy. There are functioning sociopaths who are not mass murders or serial killers and they have a "normal" life. They have a spouse, a kid, and a Joe Friday job. This image and idea of otherness that must be locked away like Rochester locks his wife "the madwoman in the attic" away in Jane Eyre (I loath Rochester so much and there is a great novel Wide Sargasso Sea, that gives background into and tells the story of "the madwoman in the attic") ummm...what kind of people do people know, what kind of ideal world have we built in our heads? I'm not saying we should go Best Buddies a Charles Mason or give a free for all Kumbaya we're all really good people philosophical debates that predates Socrates and Plato, at the same time the world isn't so black and white, categorized so simply into good and bad. 

Jung has shown through his interactions with Seol and those he remotely cares about that he does have the abilities and is capable of functioning how we call "normal" (or he does a really good imitation of it). Is he an immediate threat or danger to people, as in you think at any minute Jung could snap and start slitting the throats of those around him and bathe in their blood you know, a Patrick Bateman or a D-Fens Foster waiting to happen? Jung will start a cult of terror starting with Seol? He is calculative and manipulative which could be a danger. At the same time he displays fine control of his emotions, perhaps too much control and we haven't been shown anything that says he'll take matters to that spectrum....aigoo this boy is a psychologist wet dream come true LOL. He's an enigma. Like all people he's complex and even those we find predictable are unpredictable. Also the drama would be hella boring and basic without him. I guess it all comes down to how much of a danger or threat you think Jung is to himself and or those around him and you go from there...

*I need to stop going on tumblr's cheese in the trap tag LOL, all of the above comes when I do..

ETA: Cheese In the Trap, you were supposed to be a balm from R'88, why do you make me think so much? :lol:

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omo omo, I just read an interview of PHJ by newsen on chinese media, am translating some of the excerpts:

With regards to the scene when he bumps his head on the table while being in Seol's room, it is really an NG scene, :w00t:

everyone was shocked. He thought that if he is YJ he would also continue to sleep after bumping his head. The director thought it was funny and said she want to use that footage for broadcast. 

The two of them filmed in Seol's room for 7 hours. PHJ said: KGE is very natural and we werent really acting but its like we are living there. I usually will remember how to move in respond to the camera but with KGE, I often forget those technical things and just immerse myself. When I watch the drama broadcast, I will think did I actually look at Seol that way? For e.g. when I met Seol infront of her school and arrange her fly away hair, I thought to myself why is my face so happy?

PHJ praise that KGE is pretty " If there is a friend like HongSeol, I think anybody will fall in love. She does all her things well and is very sensible. She never wants to be a burden to anyone and usually wont seek help from others. In real life, if there is such a person like HongSeol, she will be a great as a girlfriend.



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You are not helping my shipper heart! LOL.

Somehow that scene in the bedroom was too real and I still laugh now when I watch the part when he smashes the back of his head on the table. Kudos to him and KGE for continuing the scene. It was also evident it was an NG when KGE laughed and that was a very un-Seol like laugh (poor PHJ).

There are moments in this drama when you don't think the actors are acting and they are behaving as they would in real life.

Arghh...off to find more scenes! 


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38 minutes ago, qwenli said:

omo omo, I just read an interview of PHJ by newsen on chinese media, am translating some of the excerpts:

With regards to the scene when he bumps his head on the table while being in Seol's room, it is really an NG scene, :w00t:

everyone was shocked. He thought that if he is YJ he would also continue to sleep after bumping his head. The director thought it was funny and said she want to use that footage for broadcast. 

The two of them filmed in Seol's room for 7 hours. PHJ said: KGE is very natural and we werent really acting but its like we are living there. I usually will remember how to move in respond to the camera but with KGE, I often forget those technical things and just immerse myself. When I watch the drama broadcast, I will think did I actually look at Seol that way? For e.g. when I met Seol infront of her school and arrange her fly away hair, I thought to myself why is my face so happy?

PHJ praise that KGE is pretty " If there is a friend like HongSeol, I think anybody will fall in love. She does all her things well and is very sensible. She never wants to be a burden to anyone and usually wont seek help from others. In real life, if there is such a person like HongSeol, she will be a great as a girlfriend.



DAYUM why Yoo do this to me again?! And didn't he just say Hong Seol is like Kim Go Eun???!! Is it too much to hope?  [doge][doge][doge]

...  I...I don't know anymore...  [崩溃][泪流满面]

Yeah PHJ go think some more about why you are this way and reflect upon yourself. And when you're done thinking, I wish you would stop thinking and do something about it. Life is too short for regrets, y'know. Yoo can do this!  Go for the girl and make us fans and anti-fans alike riot~

PS: @qwenliCould you please post the link to the original article please? thank you!

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