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19 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:

to me... ALL of their scene is favorite.. but I also have one dislike scene of Jung to Seol. 

That was when he thrown his phone to the sofa after he replied Seol text.. he just casually continue playing his nintendo or sumthin'. That made him looks like he's not purely like Seol.. I was swayed big time and what the fff him at that time.. only that.

yeah, i was abit taken aback at that time too. But someone wrote and said usually for guys when they are playing games, they wont even bother to answer their phones until they are done. So for him to reply readily seems special. Then again, I just think its one of the drama ploy to make Sunbae looks bad.

@MrsSoJiSub I got a strange feeling that the fate of the webtoon will be affected by the drama. Since the drama has to end somehow, it will affect how the webtoon continue. If Soonkki cannot continue off the drama reasonably then it may kill the webtoon. But if she writes it like a continuation, then it may go on for a long time. In anycase, I think she should be very proud of herself for having her work being adapted to a drama. Its any writer's dream. I hope she was paid handsomely for this.

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2 hours ago, qwenli said:

ok folks, I got bad news, I went to search, CITT will indeed be preempted for lunar new year on 8th and 9th :tears:

news link http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype.htm?id=201601300100318450021288&servicedate=20160129

Tvn will be screening some special movies during those two days. I am like, are you serious? People want to watch their cheese!

So we still got ep 9 and 10 this week but ep 11 will only resume Feb 15 onwards.:cold_sweat:


Wow! You have an eye for detail! Looking for this article here and there and it seems so. But I wonder why it labeled as SC이슈 which means rumour, no? No one talks about this on DC (I miss sometimes) and this article doesnt appear on major korean search engine. In addition, If it was being written on 29 evening, should it be on english translated site like soompi...... no?

However, If it really happens, we need to unite and send uncountable mail to tvN!!! How dare yaaaaa

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2 hours ago, coffeeboy said:

@qwenli @magicc Thank you guys for translating. Would you mind if give it a try subbing these videos. I don't really have experience but i would like to give it a try. 

hi @coffeeboy I remember we talk about this, am down with a cold, otherwise I would have started on the long vid.:tears:

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Heh Jung throwing the phone to the side didn't phase me at all. I'm the same way when playing a game or watching my kdramas and someone texts. Honestly when I'm watching my dramas you're lucky if I pause to look at your text LOL. I pause, read it, answer, then toss my phone aside to see if "kiss her. Don't be a noble idiot" LOL. So yeah games are to Jung what dramas are to us. The phone toss doesn't mean he doesn't care for Seol just that he was busy and she was not. 

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@qwenli it depends on the writer itself. If u r a fan of anime, there was a popular manga - Fullmetal alchemist. The anime was air while the manga was still in progress. So, once the anime reach the storyline based on manga, the writer manga gave permission to continue with their own path. After the manga ends, they publish a new set of anime called "fullmetal alchemist brotherhood" . The ending for both anime was different but i like it both. However they going to end it, hey, the shooting has ended! Ha ha ha.

Better be paid than plagiarized! Ok, back to count days...

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Hahaha...Jung throwing of his phone after replying to Seol. Men i tell you!...that's how guys are. Typical guy thing. You don't disturb them when they are playing video games, or watching football/baseball or playing table tennis. As the saying goes...if a man picks up a call during a crucial match he's watching...he's a keeper. But yeah as a girl i would hate it too...humph! 

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I was re-watching ep 1 and was wondering about a couple of things:


1. YJ knew he gave the receipt to JW so it was JW who posted it on the online board. So during the confrontation scene between SC and HS, why did YJ say to HS "you did what you had to" implying that he too thinks HS posted the receipt on the online board. But...why? Why falsely accuse her? Was he being childishly malicious towards her just because he saw her smirk knowingly at him that night? Or did he really think she did it?

Could it be that YJ hadn't anticipated that JW would post the reciept online? That's why he went around asking people to not take SC to the police? What would he get by saving SC though? (Is this idea a bit too far fetched?) OR  was that really his intention? Did he really mean it for JW to get back at SC? But then why go around trying to save him. I hope we get another flashback from YJs perspective because I am still unclear with regards to this incident.


2. Why didn't YJ tell on SC? SC changed HS time table during class registeration and YJ knew about it. If he wanted to get into HSs good books especially after knowing that HS actively suspects him surely he could inform her of the truth? No? (This would be the route MS would take TBH) but I don't see why he didnt. I mean he didn't need to expose the truth to the entire world but he could atleast let HS know. Did he do it so he could use SC in the future? Or it is because he was kind and forgiving towards SC? I really can't fathom his reasoning sometimes. I know he doesn't like to make a fuss but it's frustrating dude.

This character is too complicated but I love him!!!

If anyone understands the above incidents better please shed some light.

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5 minutes ago, junghwana said:

I was re-watching ep 1 and was wondering about a couple of things:

1. YJ knew he gave the receipt to JW so it was JW who posted it on the online board. So during the confrontation scene between SC and HS, why did YJ say to HS "you did what you had to" implying that he too thinks HS posted the receipt on the online board. But...why? Why falsely accuse her? Was he being childishly malicious towards her just because he saw her smirk knowingly at him that night? Or did he really think she did it?

Could it be that YJ hadn't anticipated that JW would post the reciept online? That's why he went around asking people to not take SC to the police? What would he get by saving SC though? (Is this idea a bit too far fetched?) OR  was that really his intention? Did he really mean it for JW to get back at SC? But then why go around trying to save him. I hope we get another flashback from YJs perspective because I am still unclear with regards to this incident.

2. Why didn't YJ tell on SC? SC changed HS time table during class registeration and YJ knew about it. If he wanted to get into HSs good books especially after knowing that HS actively suspects him surely he could inform her of the truth? No? (This would be the route MS would take TBH) but I don't see why he didnt. I mean he didn't need to expose the truth to the entire world but he could atleast let HS know. Did he do it so he could use SC in the future? Or it is because he was kind and forgiving towards SC? I really can't fathom his reasoning sometimes. I know he doesn't like to make a fuss but it's frustrating dude.

This character is too complicated but I love him!!!

If anyone understands the above incidents better please shed some light.

To your question 1, I would say that YJ never wanted to have SC arrested for theft! YJ gave the bill to JW thinking, the latter might use the bill as thread against SC so that the latter would stop harassing him. We saw that YJ isn't the one who will report crimes, but rather notice it and use it later as a weapon. So when JW reported him anonymously, YJ was kind of surprised because this would mean that SC would have to drop his studies, would get a criminal record aso. In the end, this would ruin SC's life. YJ might be mad at people for taking advantage of him, but his  life motto has always been: live a decent life!!" So basically, he wanted SC to change his behaviour. Therefore he helped SC in that case. He thought, the report would have too much consequences on SC's life.

To your question 2: There are many reasons why he didn't reveal the truth. 

First: Like I have always said, YJ is different from MS! He will never hurt others in order to look good. At that time, he already wanted to get closer to Seol! By revealing the identity of the criminal, YJ would have ruined SC's reputation but I doubt that HS would have trust YJ after wards. He knew that making SC looking bad, wouldn't have helped anyway. That's why he only wanted her to watch the CCTV in order to prove his innocence which was much more important to him.

Second: SC had already been punished for his misdeed. When he tried to get into that class, it was already too late! Someone else had put his name on the class list! So why did he need to punish SC for that? Moreover, he did punish SC for his wrongdoing by pushing him to reveal his misdeed! YJ acted as if he had evidence... he put SC under great pressure! He wanted SC to feel remorseful! 

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4 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

To your question 1, I would say that YJ never wanted to have SC arrested for theft! YJ gave the bill to JW thinking, the latter might use the bill as thread against SC so that the latter would stop harassing him. We saw that YJ isn't the one who will report crimes, but rather notice it and use it later as a weapon. So when JW reported him anonymously, YJ was kind of surprised because this would mean that SC would have to drop his studies, would get a criminal record aso. In the end, this would ruin SC's life. YJ might be mad at people for taking advantage of him, but his  life motto has always been: live a decent life!!" So basically, he wanted SC to change his behaviour. Therefore he helped SC in that case. He thought, the report would have too much consequences on SC's life.

To your question 2: There are many reasons why he didn't reveal the truth. 

First: Like I have always said, YJ is different from MS! He will never hurt others in order to look good. At that time, he already wanted to get closer to Seol! By revealing the identity of the criminal, YJ would have ruined SC's reputation but I doubt that HS would have trust YJ after wards. He knew that making SC looking bad, wouldn't have helped anyway. That's why he only wanted her to watch the CCTV in order to prove his innocence which was much more important to him.

Second: SC had already been punished for his misdeed. When he tried to get into that class, it was already too late! Someone else had put his name on the class list! So why did he need to punish SC for that? Moreover, he did punish SC for his wrongdoing by pushing him to reveal his misdeed! YJ acted as if he had evidence... he put SC under great pressure! He wanted SC to feel remorseful! 


I knew my thinking capabilities were limited >_< so thank you for the clarification. I always love reading people's insight. It makes sense to me now.

But one question still remains...why accuse HS? He knew JW was involved but he didn't need to drag HS in it. Okay I guess he didn't outright accuse her but he did imply it fully knowing that she was innocent. At that point in time HS hadn't really done anything to get on his bad side unless that smirk really pissed him off?

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Hello all! I have to thank my sister. Because of her, I am now officially obsessed with this drama beyond words! 

Is there a couple thread for our JungSeol? I noticed that there's a thread for InHo&Seol but can't find one for JungSeol

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What's everyone's favorite moment so far?  I really love the scenes where Jung is constantly surprised by Sol.  A good example is when Sol ask him to eat with her and that she'll pay.  His expression was priceless.  It was like the first time someone did that for him.  Then when Sol apologized for setting him up with AY then the rain scene when Sol demands to know why she has to avoid In Ho.  Perfect expression by PHJ.  Then of course when Sol grabs his face to "kiss" him.  OMG so awkward yet so adorable.

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Park Hae Jin Compliments “Cheese in the Trap” Co-Star Kim Go Eun on Her Acting


Park Hae Jin Compliments “Cheese in the Trap” Co-Star Kim Go Eun on Her Acting

In a recent interview with Yonhap News, Park Hae Jin reveals his thoughts on his “Cheese in the Trap” co-star, Kim Go Eun, and her perfect synchronization with her character.

He starts off by explaining that he thinks “synchronization isn’t just having similar visuals to the character, but rather something that the acting creates. Truthfully, the viewers didn’t see Kim Go Eun’s acting as Hong Seol until the drama started airing.” He remarks that he discovered the college student Hong Seol within Kim Go Eun when he met her officially for the first time last September on the drama set.

Throughout the interview, Park Hae Jin refers to Kim Go Eun not by her actual name, but her character name’s Seol. At the film set, he says that he always calls her “Seol-ah” and never really calls her as Go Eun. He insists that is how much “Seol” is just like the character Seol. Whenever he sees her acting, it doesn’t feel like acting or that she’s making up a new persona, and emphasizes that “Kim Go Eun is Hong Seol herself.” Portraying his thoughts clearly just like Yoo Jung sunbae, Park Hae Jin seems to be his character personified as well.

kim go eun park hae jin

With his passionate insistence, you can’t help but wonder how Kim Go Eun will be as Hong Seol in the later episodes. He continues on, adding that “I doesn’t know if her character portrayal is due to her flexibility as an actress, or her precise understanding and analysis of the character. I feel like Kim Go Eun is a really underestimated actress.”

Previously, Park Hae Jin actually chose Kim Go Eun as his ideal type, so when the casting news for “Cheese in the Trap” was finalized, people were even more excited. While Park Hae Jin argues that ideal type is just another title bestowed onto people, even Lee Yoon Jung, director of “Cheese in the Trap” asked if they had any notion of dating. While dating might not be foreseeable at the moment, you can clearly feel the affection and admiration that Park Hae Jin has for Kim Go Eun.

Park Hae Jin’s compliments definitely increases the expectations for this drama, so don’t miss out on a single episode! “Cheese in the Trap” airs on Mondays and Tuesdays at 11 p.m. KST.





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1 hour ago, honeywell said:

What's everyone's favorite moment so far?  I really love the scenes where Jung is constantly surprised by Sol.  A good example is when Sol ask him to eat with her and that she'll pay.  His expression was priceless.  It was like the first time someone did that for him.  Then when Sol apologized for setting him up with AY then the rain scene when Sol demands to know why she has to avoid In Ho.  Perfect expression by PHJ.  Then of course when Sol grabs his face to "kiss" him.  OMG so awkward yet so adorable.


Ahhhhhhhhh too many fav moments!!!!!

I shall name a couple since you insist lols


When YJ "follows" HS to ask her if she would like to eat with him, HS says no and proceeds to walk faster while YJ does so too. HS thinks YJ is still following her when in reality YJ has gone in the other direction and up the stairs- not knowing this HS turns around annoyed and shouts out loud why sunbae is doing this and stops mid sentence when realisation dawns on her, turns back around immediately feeling embarrassed and walks away. We see YJ surprised at first followed by that gorgeous smile.  I thought that was very cute!



Ep 3, IH moved to HSs neighbourhood. The night she goes to meet him to pick her phone from IH. On their way back home when HS thinks IH is following her but IH turns the tables and says it is her following him instead lol. Then IH asks her whether she lives around here and she blatantly insists she doesn't and hides behind a wall. IH catches that she is lying. That whole conversation was so hilarious. Loved it!!!


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@honeywellMy favourite moments are from the BTS. Haha i joke- But honestly I have too many to count.

Let's try this... I have diff fav scenes for diff pairings... So for IHx Seol:



IHx Jung:




Am I a sadist for loving the moments when Seol is all flustered and awkward and just all over the place? I probably am but oh well :D

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@coffeeboy Half of me thinks that you're nuts for attempting a freaking 26min video for your first subbed video and the other half is just amazed/happy that you're actually doing it. It's really nice of you to do it for everyone, thank you! We're all in for such a treat ^_^

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