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Guest skeletonworks

I hope Seol will be able to bring warmth to Yoojung's cold character. I also like that she indirectly pushed Inho to start playing the piano again. I think she brings positive vibes to both of them. This is the only drama where I ship both leads. Sometimes YJ's cruelty put me off but when he's so loving and caring about Seol, I can't help but melt.... While Inho and Seol have such a great chemistry together. 

Finally that Professor Kang got some brain... I thought she left it at her home or something. No one should be getting a free ride in a group project. If they're gonna fail, don't bring other teammates down with them too... It's just so unfair. How can you just rely on communication when doing a group project. Each person also need to have a sense of responsibility....

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Guest skeletonworks
1 hour ago, LeMoN_sQuEeZy said:

Does the webtoon explain what exactly happened to InHo's hand?

It seems like from Ep8, InHo can still play, so he just chose not to play for 5 years?

I was under the impression his left hand got ruined so he couldn't play anymore.


Read at your own risk:



His hand was crushed in high school. He got into a fight with YJ's circle of friends. Inho saw YJ was just watching the whole thing and didn't do anything to stop the fight. That's why he resented him...

Yes you could say that he chose not to play... He's a stubborn guy and with too much unnecessary pride. He refused to go for rehab because he has no patience for it. He's used to playing piano effortlessly. I think his mindset is telling him that he's never gonna be as good as before because his precious hand has broken. Until Seol came along... and showed him how you can achieve what you want by working hard even if you got no talent.


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@enigmatic_zephy  you replayed, right?


Would you be calm, if you are sitting in the room and suddenly one loud mouth comes and starts calling you thief?...No..MS was but natural reaction.. she is taken aback..and deflects..and she regrets it..she should have kept calm and given it back to HS right then as you say.. now if MS realizes that and regrets that..then how is that not sane?

You are talking about a personality who is gullible.. 0 friends, no support system, such low self esteem..and she likes someone and is trying to be friends with her.. everyone wants to feel loved and accepted..

Consider her personality and then analyze .. did she really re-program herself?.. she had people reprogramming her.. YG and that gf of hers... had it been only YG..MS would still have reason to doubt..but that new gf with bun.. she is a popular, sane, regular kid..she is extending support to her.. so yeah.. very very very easy to see other shades of pre-existing perception she had of seol.. nothing out of ordinary there..


First of all, she didn't sit calmly in the room when Bora and Seol attacked her "without a reason" (also, I have enough sense to not claim something as mine, if it's not, even when someone right aways calls me thief. Happened once. We solved that situation without any major fights and now good friends with that person. Now if I acted like MS, I doubt she would even once seriously consider to became friends with me). That lion was only on Seol's phone, then after she lost it the exact same one appears inside MS's bag. Coincidence? As we know, not at all. I once lost my bag, thanks to my stupid brother, and went to question every person at that place with the same exact bag. If bag theirs they could easily prove it and I could easily apologize. My property was stolen, I have any rights to question people around me, even if they're innocent. Me sitting and feeling bad for people will not magically make my bag appear in front of me. MS had plenty of chances give it back, with or without meal. But she kept something that not hers and when Seol gave chance to MS take her words back, give lion and forget about this situation, if it's misunderstanding on their case, but MS refused to do so "No! It's mine!". And what the point to "release", if you're not going to change situation. "I release I stole your stuff and I was wrong to lie, but I will antagonize you anyway". It was easier to her. To make herself a victim. To make herself even believe, that Seol copies her, not the other way around.  "Everybody cruel, there is nothing wrong with me". People like MS loves apologize themselves, and you're apologizing her too. "She did nothing wrong, Seol provoked her". Girl had a big attitude to fight with Seol over the lion, instead of solving little misunderstanding. She manipulated crowd and even felt proud about herself after that. Just killed any sympathy in me. Not a person who released she did something wrong at the end. People who released that they did something wrong comes with apologize. Hong not the one who should deal with her issues. MS needs a psychologist (YG on other hands needs psychiatrist). 

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Last episode got on my nerves so bad. I felt like I watched too much Min Soo and Young Gon and that other sunbae who is really annoying and that girl Young Gon dates and basically everyone other than our leads. Minsoo was so creepy though, like really. If Jung is creepy to some people, I wonder what she is lol.

The kiss scene though :wub: I loved drunk Jung. He looked and sounded so vulnerable and transparent, right in front of Seol. I could almost see the love, adoration and sadness and all kinds of feelings going to Jung from Seol's eyes. I loved that moment. AND THE KISS WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. IT WAS SO SLOW AND DEEP AND SWEET UGHHH :bawling:  I am really grateful they didn't do it like most of the dramas, only touching the lips awkwardly. 

And Jung read Seol's mind again ahahahah first was when she thought what to give him (ramen or coffee?) and he said another time and second him saying he remembers it all. :heart: There are many things that are like a habit now, thumb stroke, tousling the bangs, and now this. I wonder if the other two happens in the webtoon too, because I don't know why but I feel like they could be Park Hae Jin's ideas.

I really hope this whole Young Gon and Min Soo stuff will be resolved next week because it is really hard to watch them. :sweatingbullets:

And the last scene!!!! They looked so cute and pure I love In Ho and Seol just like this.

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2 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

do koreans really drink this much? n women? n how safe is it to send drunk women home in cabs alone


Here are a couple of articles you might find interesting. Know that soju is actually the alcohol that is the most sold in the world. Yes, even before vodka!




I am actually really surprised to see so many people doubt that Seol and Jung might end up together. I actually have little doubt... CITT is no R1988! There is no hunt, no clues, etc. The important part is the psychology of characters. So I don't think we'll get a shocking ending.

Have faith people!


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After watching ep. 7 & 8, my only wish right now is to watch the BTS vids of the drunk scene, and the sweetest kissing scene on kdrama land (IMHO) 

Cant get over PHJ's kisses 

pD-nim, after their LQ on the next episodes, can you give us more of those lovey dovey scenes again? chuseyo! :) teehee.... 

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6 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

On the MS taking the dog doll scene -

As per drama, Bora worsened it.. MS found it..and in front of the mirror she says that she would return it to HS and have lunch (and she has been trying fror lunch since ep 3 ... and genuinely helped her.. Bo Ra is too overbearing..and HS wasn't exactly ever kind to MS too.. genuinely making her feel happy.. be it lunches..be it helping with studies..that girl saved you multiple times..

And since Bo Ra outrightly blamed MS ( who the hell gives you the right to blame MS and call her thief.. would you sue everyone..whoever follows or copies their celebs style?)..

Hating Bo Ra..and do feel bad for MS..

Poor kid just wanted decent friendship...and frankly HS is wrong too..if someone is trying to hard..and you can see how that person struggles to gel in .. wat the hell are you being so haughty about.

Hated Bo Ra and HS in this case.. they deserve the MS showdown

But Seol does not have to hang out with her. You can be nice and helping to someone but you shouldn't expect any return, in this case a lunch.  I don't really understand how someone can feel sorry for Min Soo after all this stuff. And I think that Bora was just right with her actions, MS copies Seol from head to toe and when you see something you lost on MS(and that lion is very unique for so many people to have it)  of course you can't help but think that she stole it. MS is just so ready to be manipulated and if there is one thing I should feel sorry about MS is that she is way too stupid. I don't think I can easily forget the scene where he took a photo of Seol's brother. I think she was the creepiest there. I know I sounded really rude but I am sure I didn't offend anyone here because I think no one here likes MS.

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Watching HS and YJ interactions with each other despite all their odds, I find it interesting that YJ is always able to sync his answer with HS thoughts of question as if he can read her mind.. it is fascinating how good their chemistry is.. up to 8 episodes YJ was always able to answer HS's question without HS voice it out verbally which show how their heart match each other..in the next episodes 9-16,i'm dying to see HS would able to answer YJ as YJ did  :wub:

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I dunno, I found Bora a bit petty in how she treated Minsoo, especially when she snubbed Minsoo's offer to Seol to sit next to her. That was pretty mean, especially since this was before they found the lion plushie among Minsoo's belongings.It wouldn't kill them to have been nicer to Minsoo who was obviously just a bit infatuated with Seol.

On another note, oh my god, now I know why Jung and Seol are meant to be together. Seol needs to learn some manipulation tactics from Jung!! I love the contrast of how Seol and Jung handle their group members, Seol employing hard confrontation with Sangchul while Jung sweet talks his way to Minsoo's heart. I'm really excited to see how Jung is planning to tackle Minsoo. Seol should really learn a thing or two about covert politics from Jung. On the other hand, I also really liked the implication that Jung should learn some compassion from Seol. This was nicely illustrated in the first scene with Inho. It seems that Jung has the best intention for Inho, but can't stop being so condescending about it. He needs to learn to be more sincere and simple. Seol needs to teach him to use his heart.

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I wasn't happy with the way bora went "yappy yappy" on Min soon. She's a loner but she "admires" seol. There were other ways to go about asking about the lion. Not to the point of making a scene.

As for MS, inasmuch as she wants to be friends, its kinda creepy... To me anyway but at the same time Isn't that the same behaviour Some fans portray for idols they like/admire? 

YG..*sigh* don't get me started on this creep. All I want to do is put him in a bottle and throw him in the ocean. He can enjoy he view from the bottle anyway. 

I'm happy InHo is finally coming to terms with what he really wants. I really do ship him with the piano. I'm a sucker for classical music or even ballads so I want to see more of his progress on his piano lessons. I hope The pain of what happened to him doesn't show up thereby making him give up again. 

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my two cents on epi 7-8

More and more insights into the characters and more and more confusion in my mind. and what the hell, everyone in this college is a freakshow. the pendulum regarding jung is constantly swinging haha. the thing is everything is justifiable yet see it through others eyes, it might seem unfair and appalling.

Jung and Seol seem so much like a normal couple despite all the crazy unbelievable stuff about to happen to them. like how, when she was moving out she tells him how she is going to miss this place, cause its her first taste at independence. (i like the slice of life touches the makers subtly give), or the time both of them are hell bent that the other leave first...and keep on waving as they move back n back...but still Jung has his way and sees her go haha.

When that pervert attacks her, and when yoo jung is tending to her, jun calls and he decides to go....seol tells him not to...in that moment of physical pain where she can barely speak...i liked that concern.

Surprisingly, i found myself cheering for yoo jung as he beat the crap outta that guy. (you ve gotta give it to the him for having presence of mind, connecting dots remembering seol mentioning seeing someone in the alley) I have seen many 'normal' fictional characters do that in the spur of moment when their loved ones get hurt....of course suprising those loved ones too....i guess that 'dark' bit lies in all. sure, when provoked, he started to become more and more ruthless. But i won't go ooh he's so dark just over this, as i have seen happy go lucky dudes do that. That's anger. It's sorta sad if you see it from his perspective...the guy is not expressive about his inner turmoil, but he surely fears losing seol so much. We got so many glimpses of that today. First, when she refused to take his help freaking out after the fight, or when he just looks on as she shares umbrella with her brother and In ho.

Oh Seol, how much i love her. the ever accommodating. Scary as it maybe, he did it for her. Her pain provoked him to lose his cool for a while. Just love the relief he has on his face as they intertwine their fingers. Oh i just love moments of holding hands...i find them as intimate as anything in this world...single most romantic thing. ever noticed how she always grabs his hands when he is about to let go...it may not be evident, but her efforts her definitely more to keep their ship sailing...while yoo jung just keeps it within himself....it would be interesting to see will that change once they break up?

It's amusing to see how she has started to see her future with Jung, be it just blushing at the silly thought of marriage or even feeling low when Jung shares his future plans wondering what will she do 5 years from now....will she besides jung as she is right now? God, jung - just gets touched easily...this fellow i wonder how lonely he must be in his life...he just hugs her reassuringly. His sense of protectiveness for her makes him even go behind her with an umbrella in hand, only to be crushed again. Awww. I can so connect to that feeling. It can be so many things...seeing three of them cheerful, makes him miss having real friends...even maybe his past moments with In Ho (i will not include that freakshow in ha...cause my wish humph). Also often when we are possessive over our loved ones, it sorta deflates us seeing them with other friends...its a sorta insecurity. Yoo jung definitely must feel their relationship is very fragile to get all this sorta thoughts...hence the fear of losing her...

But my favourite scene of the week has to be that of drunk Yoo Jung. it just stirred up so much emotions in me lol (and it came at a time when i was having second thoughts about his actions...yet again...) Firstly, when he rests his head on her shoulders. Just how much frustration and suffocation is bottled inside him.it's so noisy... with the people he does not want to see around - they have come to mooch off him yet again...when he's spending time with the girl who matters the most to him...and again he has to put up a polite face. He just snuggles even more into her hair to feel the comfort (ah my poor heart).

And as i said before, he is not so expressive about the storms inside him, yet everything comes out and we see a jung vulnerable as never before. you really like me right? ugh heart is breaking into so many pieces right now. it gives an insight about his psyche...like how he has had enough of being a pushover...and that's why he is what he is right now...so indifferent to everyone, not caring a zilch. It's like if they can fake it around me so can i. He started seeing everyone through that prism, and even kept Seol earlier in that pedestal...and unknowingly might have set the stage to bring trouble to her in the past. This sad revelation made this kiss even more beautiful to me

Seol be so ultra adorable after the kiss, walking in a daze LMAO. initially when they started out i was skeptical whether she would be happy with Jung or not (esp after that awkward date). But my my she is so cheery and bubbly just at the sight of him. To me, she totally seems to be in love with him, you can see it in her eyes when he tells her to call him if Young gon bothers, and says so this is how it feels to be cared for. Goes even more moony when he tactfully avoids the kissing bait laid down by those worthless seniors.

It is also good to see character growth in In Ho...and his journey towards getting some patience. i especially like that scene in the tube where he asks Seol  what is hardwork. HA. And she just wonders it must be good be talented. (another slice of life touch). I'll reserve my comments about Jung's role in injuring In Ho, cause i still don't know the whole story (not acquainted with the webtoon). They were inseperable in high school, what happened that he got under the list of people who do not matter?

Eun Tak is another sweet heart i must say. Bo Ra is one lucky girl.

Another thing that bothered me was, why didn't she tell Jung about her encounter with Young Gon. It was sad to see him know from others. Cause Seol has always been in the forefront when it came to communicating with him. He is the one who's lacking in that department...really he could have talked about the Yong-gon episode too...but i guess again the fear of losing her plays again

Young Gon and Min Soo have graduated from the same university of freakshow. esp Min Soo, i am unable to decipher the level of psycho in her. Talking of psycho, we have Young Gon. How are people putting up with him, no one goes to the authorities or what? Again i'll reserve my comment on Jung's role in adding fire to his psychoticness. But i do feel its messed up big time. How much ever justification i may give...He didn't know Seol, let alone care about her...she was just like anyone else to him..didn't even like her... He didn't even know the kind of crazy Young Gon was (did he?)... although again it was all In Ha....but its really messed up...and i guess he has the guilt within, even told her in drunken state not to hate him...he's not a bad person. No he ain't a bad person, but still has to face the consequences of his actions. Oh my thoughts about this are so jumbled up ugh. And then suddenly the drunk scene comes and i melt....

Just like Seol i am all, what kind of a person are you Sunbae?

P.S. Was actually surprised to see the gender bias...as in letting joon go to US cause he's the guy? Is it prevalent in South Korea? Just curious.

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I have a  I dont digest thought :D


So, Jung is drunk..head on shoulder into the neck.. you got the scene I am talking about right? - Now analyze this:


1. YJ: My head hurts, its noisy

HS: clueless..on what to do

YJ: constantly : its noisy its noisy,, and deeper deeper into the neck... finally making HS realize that they should leave..


Now YJ clearly wasn't or didn't.. didnt know what he was doing..


Do you think it was on purpose...?? to lure her away..get their own time..and maybe just maybe manipulated the situation/HS for the kiss..you know kiss in the garb of  drunken me..spontaneous..because whether he shows it or not..YG's words did make him nervous..


Just watch the scene..when he is saying its noisy..its noisy.. it just feels as if he is egging her on to leave :P


*ofcourse...99% chances that my overactive romantic brain is overworking..*



also hope..this without filter..super anxius (not bothering to spell check or grammar check) my thoughts are bearable ;) .. really dont mean to spam..but cant help it..



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22 hours ago, bjvipb2uty said:

I'm only going to reply to this; not on the rest as I have not seen episode 8 and don't want to speak just by going off the webtoon. Sawry for cutting your post btw.

I think Seol has stood up for herself. For example, she's stood up to YG a few times already. In the flashbacks we saw how firmly she told YG off. Or the time he bothered her after she came out of the convenience store. He kept pulling at her and spouting nonsense. She didn't just take it all in; she retorted back. And when YG threatened IH, she went up and defended IH. Then in episode 7 she told YG to stop pestering her or she'd tell everyone what he did. I think to say she doesn't stand up for herself then she'd have just stood there on all of those occasions. 

Idk if the drama will bring this in later. But in the webtoon when YG is stalking her + whole presents ordeal, she actually records him so she has evidence to take to the police. Unfortunately it doesn't record his voice well (ugh) but Seol's intention was to report him as a stalker or at least use that to threaten him. Ofc this wasn't in the drama but just wanted to mention it too. She has a backbone. ;)

And I think she'll definitely stand up to Minsoo. Big time.


She has her moments when pushed, but when dealing with YJ her reaction isn't delayed. She confronts him to his face and doesn't hide her disdain. To be honest, I like that side of her. I wish she confronted everyone like that. 

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38 minutes ago, debolina said:

my two cents on epi 7-8

More and more insights into the characters and more and more confusion in my mind. and what the hell, everyone in this college is a freakshow. the pendulum regarding jung is constantly swinging haha. the thing is everything is justifiable yet see it through others eyes, it might seem unfair and appalling.

Jung and Seol seem so much like a normal couple despite all the crazy unbelievable stuff about to happen to them. like how, when she was moving out she tells him how she is going to miss this place, cause its her first taste at independence. (i like the slice of life touches the makers subtly give), or the time both of them are hell bent that the other leave first...and keep on waving as they move back n back...but still Jung has his way and sees her go haha.

When that pervert attacks her, and when yoo jung is tending to her, jun calls and he decides to go....seol tells him not to...in that moment of physical pain where she can barely speak...i liked that concern.

Surprisingly, i found myself cheering for yoo jung as he beat the crap outta that guy. (you ve gotta give it to the him for having presence of mind, connecting dots remembering seol mentioning seeing someone in the alley) I have seen many 'normal' fictional characters do that in the spur of moment when their loved ones get hurt....of course suprising those loved ones too....i guess that 'dark' bit lies in all. sure, when provoked, he started to become more and more ruthless. But i won't go ooh he's so dark just over this, as i have seen happy go lucky dudes do that. That's anger. It's sorta sad if you see it from his perspective...the guy is not expressive about his inner turmoil, but he surely fears losing seol so much. We got so many glimpses of that today. First, when she refused to take his help freaking out after the fight, or when he just looks on as she shares umbrella with her brother and In ho.

Oh Seol, how much i love her. the ever accommodating. Scary as it maybe, he did it for her. Her pain provoked him to lose his cool for a while. Just love the relief he has on his face as they intertwine their fingers. Oh i just love moments of holding hands...i find them as intimate as anything in this world...single most romantic thing. ever noticed how she always grabs his hands when he is about to let go...it may not be evident, but her efforts her definitely more to keep their ship sailing...while yoo jung just keeps it within himself....it would be interesting to see will that change once they break up?

It's amusing to see how she has started to see her future with Jung, be it just blushing at the silly thought of marriage or even feeling low when Jung shares his future plans wondering what will she do 5 years from now....will she besides jung as she is right now? God, jung - just gets touched easily...this fellow i wonder how lonely he must be in his life...he just hugs her reassuringly. His sense of protectiveness for her makes him even go behind her with an umbrella in hand, only to be crushed again. Awww. I can so connect to that feeling. It can be so many things...seeing three of them cheerful, makes him miss having real friends...even maybe his past moments with In Ho (i will not include that freakshow in ha...cause my wish humph). Also often when we are possessive over our loved ones, it sorta deflates us seeing them with other friends...its a sorta insecurity. Yoo jung definitely must feel their relationship is very fragile to get all this sorta thoughts...hence the fear of losing her...

But my favourite scene of the week has to be that of drunk Yoo Jung. it just stirred up so much emotions in me lol (and it came at a time when i was having second thoughts about his actions...yet again...) Firstly, when he rests his head on her shoulders. Just how much frustration and suffocation is bottled inside him.it's so noisy... with the people he does not want to see around - they have come to mooch off him yet again...when he's spending time with the girl who matters the most to him...and again he has to put up a polite face. He just snuggles even more into her hair to feel the comfort (ah my poor heart).

And as i said before, he is not so expressive about the storms inside him, yet everything comes out and we see a jung vulnerable as never before. you really like me right? ugh heart is breaking into so many pieces right now. it gives an insight about his psyche...like how he has had enough of being a pushover...and that's why he is what he is right now...so indifferent to everyone, not caring a zilch. It's like if they can fake it around me so can i. He started seeing everyone through that prism, and even kept Seol earlier in that pedestal...and unknowingly might have set the stage to bring trouble to her in the past. This sad revelation made this kiss even more beautiful to me

Seol be so ultra adorable after the kiss, walking in a daze LMAO. initially when they started out i was skeptical whether she would be happy with Jung or not (esp after that awkward date). But my my she is so cheery and bubbly just at the sight of him. To me, she totally seems to be in love with him, you can see it in her eyes when he tells her to call him if Young gon bothers, and says so this is how it feels to be cared for. Goes even more moony when he tactfully avoids the kissing bait laid down by those worthless seniors.

It is also good to see character growth in In Ho...and his journey towards getting some patience. i especially like that scene in the tube where he asks Seol  what is hardwork. HA. And she just wonders it must be good be talented. (another slice of life touch). I'll reserve my comments about Jung's role in injuring In Ho, cause i still don't know the whole story (not acquainted with the webtoon). They were inseperable in high school, what happened that he got under the list of people who do not matter?

Eun Tak is another sweet heart i must say. Bo Ra is one lucky girl.

Another thing that bothered me was, why didn't she tell Jung about her encounter with Young Gon. It was sad to see him know from others. Cause Seol has always been in the forefront when it came to communicating with him. He is the one who's lacking in that department...really he could have talked about the Yong-gon episode too...but i guess again the fear of losing her plays again

Young Gon and Min Soo have graduated from the same university of freakshow. esp Min Soo, i am unable to decipher the level of psycho in her. Talking of psycho, we have Young Gon. How are people putting up with him, no one goes to the authorities or what? Again i'll reserve my comment on Jung's role in adding fire to his psychoticness. But i do feel its messed up big time. How much ever justification i may give...He didn't know Seol, let alone care about her...she was just like anyone else to him..didn't even like her... He didn't even know the kind of crazy Young Gon was (did he?)... although again it was all In Ha....but its really messed up...and i guess he has the guilt within, even told her in drunken state not to hate him...he's not a bad person. No he ain't a bad person, but still has to face the consequences of his actions. Oh my thoughts about this are so jumbled up ugh. And then suddenly the drunk scene comes and i melt....

Just like Seol i am all, what kind of a person are you Sunbae?

P.S. Was actually surprised to see the gender bias...as in letting joon go to US cause he's the guy? Is it prevalent in South Korea? Just curious.

i love..as in loooove wat u wrote..specially th ekiss scene..i want to cry..

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2 hours ago, windofwar said:

@enigmatic_zephy  you replayed, right?

The show.. no  :P


2 hours ago, windofwar said:


First of all, she didn't sit calmly in the room when Bora and Seol attacked her "without a reason" (also, I have enough sense to not claim something as mine, if it's not, even when someone right aways calls me thief. Happened once. We solved that situation without any major fights and now good friends with that person. Now if I acted like MS, I doubt she would even once seriously consider to became friends with me). That lion was only on Seol's phone, then after she lost it the exact same one appears inside MS's bag. Coincidence? As we know, not at all. I once lost my bag, thanks to my stupid brother, and went to question every person at that place with the same exact bag. If bag theirs they could easily prove it and I could easily apologize. My property was stolen, I have any rights to question people around me, even if they're innocent. Me sitting and feeling bad for people will not magically make my bag appear in front of me. MS had plenty of chances give it back, with or without meal. But she kept something that not hers and when Seol gave chance to MS take her words back, give lion and forget about this situation, if it's misunderstanding on their case, but MS refused to do so "No! It's mine!". And what the point to "release", if you're not going to change situation. "I release I stole your stuff and I was wrong to lie, but I will antagonize you anyway". It was easier to her. To make herself a victim. To make herself even believe, that Seol copies her, not the other way around.  "Everybody cruel, there is nothing wrong with me". People like MS loves apologize themselves, and you're apologizing her too. "She did nothing wrong, Seol provoked her". Girl had a big attitude to fight with Seol over the lion, instead of solving little misunderstanding. She manipulated crowd and even felt proud about herself after that. Just killed any sympathy in me. Not a person who released she did something wrong at the end. People who released that they did something wrong comes with apologize. Hong not the one who should deal with her issues. MS needs a psychologist (YG on other hands needs psychiatrist). 

Everyone in that college needs psychiatrist except for ETK :P

- hmm.. i guess lets just agree to disagree.. because although MS went beyond what will be accepted (thanks to YG)... i just think that MS was not wrong to begin with.... everyone around including she herself had a role in the final draw of events..


also... coffee culture seems quite popular in Korea..unlike somewhat mention of tea is all other countries :P .. every sitcom has a mall or a coffee place being opened.. and if you are poor or an ajimoni then you open a noodle shop.. and all those shops have the best noodle in the world..


Oh my.. life is funny..


Q: is koream food really spicy or bland? - u know compare to mexiacn, indian etc..

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14 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

I have a  I dont digest thought :D


So, Jung is drunk..head on shoulder into the neck.. you got the scene I am talking about right? - Now analyze this:


1. YJ: My head hurts, its noisy

HS: clueless..on what to do

YJ: constantly : its noisy its noisy,, and deeper deeper into the neck... finally making HS realize that they should leave..


Now YJ clearly wasn't or didn't.. didnt know what he was doing..


Do you think it was on purpose...?? to lure her away..get their own time..and maybe just maybe manipulated the situation/HS for the kiss..you know kiss in the garb of  drunken me..spontaneous..because whether he shows it or not..YG's words did make him nervous..


Just watch the scene..when he is saying its noisy..its noisy.. it just feels as if he is egging her on to leave :P


*ofcourse...99% chances that my overactive romantic brain is overworking..*



also hope..this without filter..super anxius (not bothering to spell check or grammar check) my thoughts are bearable ;) .. really dont mean to spam..but cant help it..



I don't think so.

When they arrived at the pub his first comment was "There's no many people, it's calm i like it".

We also know that YJ find people annoying because they tend to approach him with ulterior motives. He also like to keep this like to himself to avoid bothersome situations with said people.

Now in this situation YJ was drunk becoz he drink for two and you now how alcohol tend to erase inhibitions. Being drunk he could freely express his annoyance with the sunbae group --> "It's noisy"

I do not think he manipulated the situation just so that he could kiss Seol, becoz he had had the chance twice before and he chose to not force her each time.


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1 minute ago, coffeeboy said:

I don't think so.

When they arrived at the pub his first comment was "There's no many people, it's calm i like it".

We also know that YJ find people annoying because they tend to approach him with ulterior motives. He also like to keep this like to himself to avoid bothersome situations with said people.

Now in this situation YJ was drunk becoz he drink for two and you now how alcohol tend to erase inhibitions. Being drunk he could freely express his annoyance with the sunbae group --> "It's noisy"

I do not think he manipulated the situation just so that he could kiss Seol, becoz he had had the chance twice before and he chose to not force her each time.


I know.. its just me.. sitting in front of the laptop watching the kiss scene and grinning like a buffoon..


I need to get a life.. forget these drama characters..i need a psychologist for obsessing over a guy who doesn't even exist..:angry: .. well 50% exist.. the body does :P :wub: .. but then no way of ever seeing face to face..:tears: .. baaah (in Ho style)..


I am going to ship In Ha with In Ha herself.. safe territory :P 

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28 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

I have a  I dont digest thought :D

So, Jung is drunk..head on shoulder into the neck.. you got the scene I am talking about right? - Now analyze this:

1. YJ: My head hurts, its noisy

HS: clueless..on what to do

YJ: constantly : its noisy its noisy,, and deeper deeper into the neck... finally making HS realize that they should leave..

Now YJ clearly wasn't or didn't.. didnt know what he was doing..

Do you think it was on purpose...?? to lure her away..get their own time..and maybe just maybe manipulated the situation/HS for the kiss..you know kiss in the garb of  drunken me..spontaneous..because whether he shows it or not..YG's words did make him nervous..

Just watch the scene..when he is saying its noisy..its noisy.. it just feels as if he is egging her on to leave :P

*ofcourse...99% chances that my overactive romantic brain is overworking..*

also hope..this without filter..super anxius (not bothering to spell check or grammar check) my thoughts are bearable ;) .. really dont mean to spam..but cant help it..



Oooh, interesting thought. I wouldn't put it past Jung to perpetrate this. He very well could have planned to get some alone time with Seol. We later saw him really falling asleep and typed his message wrong so Jung being super drunk might have been real but given what we know of Jung, it's not impossible that he was a tiny bit sober.

This is what I find really interesting about Jung, we now have a hard time figuring out whether his actions are for real or if they were consciously planned. I love the constant reminder that Jung can be shady and scary.

I wonder whether Seol will always be a little suspicious of whatever the hell Jung does.Cos if this is real life, I certainly would..

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