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Article: 'Cheese' Park Hae Jin and Kim Go Eun, their sweetness comes to an end... will they reach a crisis?

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+236, -10] What's great about watching the drama is that in the webtoon, it took us weeks and months to read through the characters who richard simmons us all off ㅋㅋ but since this is a drama, we only have to wait a week or so until the conflicts are resolved and the plot moves on ㅋㅋ Son Min Soo, you're over with~ how dare you mess with jun ㅋㅋ and Seol and Jung make up so quickly too

2. [+148, -7] I want to throw that Oh Young Gon ba$tard into a ring match with Iron Man for 60 minutes.

3. [+94, -1] Next week is making me nervous ㅠㅠ Oh Young Gon and Dayoung are going to add to the stress.. and Son Min Soo is getting scarier too.. Yoo Jung's preview makes me so nervous ㅜㅜ

4. [+36, -0] I don't like how so many people think Yoo Jung's personality is strange. I never really thought he was weird... but everyone he encounters are always like, "Does your girlfriend know how strange you are?" so tired of it

5. [+14, -0] I like that the drama moves at a faster pace than the webtoon ㅋㅋ and Baek Inho is already starting to tug at my heartstrings.. I felt bad for him when he did the dishes alone..


Article: Park Hae Jin retains his cool even with Ji Yoon Ho's provokes "You're weak"

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+304, -8] Almost got cancer from Oh Young Gon and knock off Seol today. Thankfully the piano scene made me happy.

2. [+291, -8] Oh Young Gon is the problem it seems. I'm worried because I think something's going to happen to the Seol couple next week.

3. [+238, -8] My cancer is back thanks to Oh Young Gon and Min Soo. Actually, I think my cancer cells have cancer now.

4. [+31, -0] Hong Seol's college life is as dangerous as some war zone. I'm glad Baek Inho is with her now since he's taking piano but this is probably going to cause issues too.

5. [+24, -0] Yoo Jung's character shines when he's pissed off ❤ Talk about straight out of the webtoon...

Article: 'Cheese' Yoon Ji Won lies to Kim Go Eun, "I didn't steal the doll"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+365, -0] The drama did such a good job of compressing the webtoon down. Son Min Soo and Oh Young Gon's cancerous ways are depicted exactly the same as the webtoon too..

2. [+264, -5] Had no idea she was this type of character. She should've just been honest from the start.
- She's way more annoying in the webtoon, and she's only going to be more annoying in the future too. Plus Oh Young Gon plus Dayoung, more characters to richard simmons you off all around ㅋㅋㅋ
- I understand why Son Min Soo's upset considering they twisted her desire to become closer to them and are now treating her like a thief

3. [+251, -2] Why would knock off Seol agree with Oh Young Gon that he's right ㅋㅋㅋㅋ she's just agreeing with whatever he says, ridiculous ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+33, -0] I hate fake Seol ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and I was so pissed off when Yoo Jung put his arms around her thinking it was Seol in the preview ㅋㅋㅋ ugh
- Jung did it on purpose ㅋㅋㅋㅋ he also makes jabs at her about the doll later on too
- Wow, I'm so glad ㅋㅋ I didn't read the webtoon but now I can sleep at peace ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+20, -0] Such cancerous characters... why are they so good at acting!?

cr: netizenbuzz

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okay, I just finished watching ep. 7 and wanted to somehow vent all my thoughts before watching ep. 8 tonight. 

I think out of all the things in this episode, inho really stood out to me, especially because we got to see his old self in that flashback! and viola! finally layers for inho! I have been waiting for it, mainly because everybody is so layered in this show, jung being the most layered, so inho really came across as one dimensional to me, and finally we see that in his past, he was arrogant, he wasn't that caring of his sister or her dreams. Though, He has taken a hit and learned humility along the way (which is always a plus), but it is good to know the inho of the past. And I also don't feel bad for inho seeing how inha was mooching money off of him anymore, Is that too harsh and cold of me? Idk. But, seeing that flashback, I really felt for inha, she obviously seemed to cherish painting. Maybe she wasn't as talented as inho, but her dream definitely did not deserve to be mocked and disrespected like that by inho who was more talented and accomplished in his own dream. I can see why inha is so callous towards her brother now. Not that I agree with her methods, but I definitely understand! 

And another thing that really surprised me was seeing another layer of Jung with Inho/Inha siblings. He was (dare I say it?) much kinder almost? He definitely seemed to care for inha, seeing how he told inho to be more considerate of her and even for inho, he stood up and clapped when his piano recital was over. THIS JUNG! After this episode, I'm very very certain, something must have happened for inho to think jung had anything to with his incident, and I'm also suspecting that Jung feels hurt by inho's accusations, and he prolly felt even more hurt when inho refused to go to rehab for his hand. Idk why, but it is just a strong feeling for me. and I see nothing wrong with what Jung said to inho in the end, he said if he still has regrets and wants to play, he will send him abroad (I know most of this was about seol and him being jealous), but the way he told him to stop wallowing and stop dragging seol into it and play if he wants was pretty accurate. Inho has wallowed in pity for long enough, he needs to get up now and go chase his dreams if he wants to! All that anger is misdirected for him. Instead of thinking how much he was wronged or pitying himself and getting mad at jung, He need to direct that anger towards playing again and better, all the while reaching for that dream he holds so dear. 

As for another thing, Why do I feel that inha had something to with inho's hand accident? She seemed pretty vindicated after that painting incident. And maybe jung knows it?

On another, lighter note, Seol is an absolute cutie! <3

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Can we just appreciate how cute her interactions are with each boy (YJ and IH). They have their own ways of communicating and to me its so nice that I can watch her scenes with both of them without feeling like its a competition for her affections. For now I can only feel the best friends sibling love vibe from IH and Seol. With Jung and Seol I definitely get the otp feels. I just love how they didn't take long to get together, they confessed right away and dated. Its much more realistic because in a real relationship it will be awkward at first, along the way you slowly get to know all the good and bad things about each other. It's actually a good thing that they are encountering all these problems because I know that through it they will learn to trust and love each other not just because of their strengths but also their faults (if they are endgame, 88 traumatized me). Also it will make their relationship stronger. Regarding YJ and the pervert, I agree with previous comments. If I saw someone I loved getting choked to death then pushed down the stairs I would wanna beat the richard simmons out of that person. Plus that pervert had no remorse at all for what he had done. If IH found the pervert first I think he would have beaten him up as well. The only difference would be that YJ had a calm cold menacing face while IH would have been cursing a lot making a ruckus. I also think that In Ha was the reason why In Ho broke his hand. Maybe YJ was hurt that In Ho misunderstood and just let him think otherwise so that the twins would not fight (In Ha's revenge for In Ho badmouthing her dream? IDK just a thought)

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Finally got to watch ep 8 raw (not finished) but had to pause and say, the kiss was not long enough LOL but very nice for a first kiss. I mean Seol responded (some what) and this from the girl who had to work up all that nerve just to kiss on the cheek. Good job girl, I hope/expect it to get better and longer LOL from here on out.

Younggon is scary. He scares me. You all fear Jung, I FEAR HIM!!! That boy shows you how sane Jung actually is...Younggone is Jung unhinged TBH...his manipulations have no fineness to it, he's sloppy and he's lashing out at everyone for his own failings and HE SCARES ME! I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the boy came to school one day and massacred everyone. He's not all there in the head. Something about the obsessive nature he wants to bring Jung down and how he is willing to outwit and use like use people who are not mentally sound themselves to do it. I don't get him. He like Seol, Jung told him Seol may like him too. He tried to pursue Seol, Seol rejected him because she doesn't like him...Why does he blame Jung or Seol for the fact that she just doesn't like him? Why does he see himself the victim in all this? The way he looked at Euntaek as he played the sunbaes, last ep how he sat on the rock posing and waiting for Jung and Seol to pass by.....HE SCARES ME!!!


They are stupid. Each and everyone of them. I still don't get how that girl is dating Yonggon, how has no one noticed Single Korean Female: MinSeol!?!?!!!! Okay if we excuse the clothes, what about the hair and this obsession to befriend Seol. Seol RUNAWAY!! MinSeol is going to skin Seol alive and then wear her like a costume...

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Okay I was on NB reading comments on the latest spoiler article and just sigh.... The same old regarding Jung. How Jung is so creepy and even how even his smile is so creepy! like it's been what 7 subbed episodes by now? Can people get past that initial impression of Jung already and START analyzing his motivations and reasons behind each of his actions already? Not just for him, but for every freaking character that is multi layered in this show. why are people hell bent on making multi layered characters one dimensional, aka Jung being creepy (there is sooooooo much more to discover about Jung beyond that point) and Inho being a cutie (though he definitely is a cutie, there is much more to him, don't look at him with biased glasses of a typical 2nd lead on)

Sorry for this rant, but I'm just SO tired of people outside this forum simplifying everything in this complex, detailed and layered drama. UGH.. 

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I was initially put off by the kiss because Sol looked like she was being kissed by Quasimodo.  But then it got better.  It wasn't the best kissing scene but I still like how it played out.  I'm really curious what Jung did to make YG stop stalking Sol after she confronted Jung about it.  In Ha is seriously irritating.   Makes me want to skip any scene that she's in.  

Jung is seriously troubled by Sol leaving him and the possibikity that she's like "everyone else".  Next week will be awesome angst. Can't wait.  It's going to be like the beginning episodes with Sol avoiding Jung and Jung watching Sol but now with different feelings involved.

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I think I figured out what happened with the texting.....looks like we'll get more Inha next week. Eee :) looks like we'll get studying Inho and Seol. I am so glad Inho is determined to pick his life up. Can Younggone go away and never comeback. Yes looks like we'll get ore of the trio's background next week as well. Minsoo, Minsoo, MinSeol *le sigh* I was feeling for you but then you are now trying to make Seol the bad guy and just *le sigh* why would you even want to be Seol??? Her life is a never ending telenova. Why are you two walking your separate ways....I wonder if Jung looking pissed and snatching the phone from Inha comes before or after the walk away.....

@colormejoyous to each their own ya know. Let's all enjoy what we enjoy and dislike what we dislike. Some comments on Jung are valid and well more for us LOL.

Thank you @Kasmic for the vid.

ETA: I truly want to see Jung emotionally sing 'Let It Go' with fabulous cap and hair flipping please and thank you, LOL. It would be the best. Legit, that song is perfectly sums up his character and life. Look it the bolded is totally Jung: 

A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried.
Don't let them in, don't let them see.
Be the good girl you always have to be.
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know!

Let it go, let it go!

Jung has totally been locked in his room and he just needs to allow Seol (and a select few others) to build a snowman with him. Jung, would like to build a snowman?

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LOL...there were a few crazies in evidence in last night's episodes.

After watching YG, that is a classic case of someone who is not totally there. Makes me wonder if he has been properly diagnosed.

YJ has to up his game to make sure that YG does not get the best of him. We can see YG is targeting people around Seol and spinning his web. I am now sure that YJ had something to do with YG leaving school from the previous stalking incident.

The episodes seem to be getting better and better (and it's tempting me to read the webtoon - NOooooooo!) Will have to save reading the webtoon once the drama ends.  ^^

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Korean houses have an indigenous Korean heating system called ondol that has been used for thousands of years, where heat is circulated beneath the house.

Korean winters are bitter cold which affected many elements of Korean culture such as cuisine (which is why there are so many types of hot soups and pickled vegetables) and even the design of homes. Ondol is very cost-efficient and continues to be used in the vast majority of Korean homes, even homes where people have raised beds and even in modern apartments that have dozens of stories. Modern ondol systems use underfloor water pipes to circulate boiling water throughout the home, while older modern systems used coal briquettes as seen in Reply 1988.

One drama scene that I felt would get questions from many non-Koreans is in episode 1 of Reply 1988, when someone puts a bowl of rice underneath some blankets to keep it warm. Ondol floors are not merely warm, they're hot, very hot, which allows Koreans to dress lightly at home during cold winters and use less blankets. Even people with beds will sometimes spread some blankets and sleep on the floor because it's nice and cozy. If you want to experience ondol without visiting Korea then look for a Korean sauna nearby, because most of them uses a combination of ondol and another indigenous heating system.

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28 minutes ago, miles99 said:

I don't know what to feel anymore !!! I always liked Yoo Jung but after seeing that he did actually manipulate YG into stalking Seol it's so upsetting !


I haven't finish reading the webtoon yet, but I think it was understandable for YJ to be like that at that time.. because he did admit that he thought Seol was just the same as others (he didn't like them all).. I think he regretted that now.. haha


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9 minutes ago, miles99 said:

I don't know what to feel anymore !!! I always liked Yoo Jung but after seeing that he did actually manipulate YG into stalking Seol it's so upsetting !


Let's not judge prematurely. YG seems mentally unbalanced judging by his actions so far. So, Jung could have nonchalantly said something in the affirmative when YG asked him about seol and YG could have spun that whole thing into Jung telling him to stalk seol in his mind. This seems like the most likely scenario for now. Let's see what they reveal about this situation next week. 

And I have to say, the actor playing YG is seriously really good! Bravo to him. He makes YG completely realistic and believable with a dark/ slightly psychotic edge without going too overboard. Will be looking forward to more of his work.

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Guys, the CITT FAQ link is on the first post, thanks to @ororomunroe and @sanika. It's a Google Doc, so you can update it, I guess. But at your own risk since your Google name will appear there hahaa. I will put the OST there much later, mianhae. I'm still in the dungeon so I can't contribute much. I'm doing some ninja moves right now. Bye again. 


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Omo @MrsSoJiSub your comments had me in stitches. You've got the thriller side of the drama already planned out.. YES I'm totally scared of YG. For once the eyeliner and extra dark hair makes this actor even more psychotic. And OMG dont get me started on Minseol.. totally odd and freaky. I agree Seol needs to runaway from that school. Wait if she runaway from that school then there wont be a drama. Ok then she can runaway with Sunbae hahaha! :w00t: and her friends.

Side news on Park Min Ji

2016012615002093667-540x546.jpg source: tenasia

Im loving their friendship.  I hope they keep in touch. PMJ is now in wedding photoshoot to be released in Feb. Good for her

Big waves to you @emme85 omo jumpin inbetween threads with you hahaha! crazy-monkey-emoticon-050.gif?1292792391 

crazy-monkey-emoticon-095.gif?1292792404 Wouldnt it be funny if I post the wrong comments here and there too hahaha! 

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@bjvipb2uty have you read the webtoon? I've read all and I will admit some things confused me while reading but seeing it all play out. Like I said he's not lying. This magnificent bastard ;) Responsibility and accountability for ones actions, for others actions...this drama makes me question and ponder on too many things....


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