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Guest ororomunroe

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too bad..soonki is ending this manhwa.. it honestly has the capacity to go on for 10 years like HYD.. but then..we don't have patience..


Kudos to all webtoon readers..for being patient..liking CIIT so much that it was picked for drama.. and for being a driving force behind all of us enjoying CIIT.. had u not been crazy fans..they wouldn't have made a drama out o fit.. :P 

yup..officially i have lost my mind..have been posting mindelessly since yest.. gtg take a break..


cio..n thanks in advance for live recapping..


May god bless us all with steamy kisses

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13 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:


not being racist..but somehow koreans seem to be so much more good looking as a % of population compared to Japan, China, Thail, HK, taiwan ( strictly going by dramaland portfolio)

Sorry i beg to differ, i hv been to korea for holiday n the bulk of the population has big round faces with small eyes n no double eyelids. Thats why plastic surgery is so hot there.

The koreans that make it to become actors are naturally the better looking ones, even then many of the current korean actor's looks wouldnt hv make the cut in china including in my opinion kim go eun. U can google for hk/ taiwan n china actors/ actresses, the looks are quite incredible and most of them are natural. In fact in china, the film academy criteria is very strict and extremely hard to get in, ordinary run of the mill passerby looks just dont make the cut.

Ok, pls dun bash me, its just that this observation was brought up which i disagree.

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Whoa...I am behind by 5 pages :blink:. You guys rock!

Will backread - I watched Ep 7 with subs and I have to say I both fear and love YJ. He was so eerily calm when he approached the pervert and then he started slamming the guy into the wall and kicking the stuffing out of the pervert. I caught what YJ said about Seol being like him. I wonder what he meant by that. 

We see the vulnerable YJ when he was hurt by Seol's rejection (briefly) of him when he went to her after the fight. Did anyone catch how In Ho looked at YJ and perhaps he understood that side of YJ well enough. I love how Seol spoke to YJ outside the hospital room and she said she didn't want him to do this on her behalf and yet she understood he HAD done this for her. (Remember the scene where she had the dream and YJ was questioning how she really felt since all the things he had done - the English school, the scholarship was all for her)

I have a sneaky feeling that the reason why YG stoppped bothering Seol had to do with YJ as well. Now I am all jumbled up by the timeline!

So many memorable scenes which are made even better with the superspeed subbing. 

So I hope we are all ready for tonight! 

PS. I do hope that In Ho will remain as a good friend. I am sure he will develop feelings for Seol (who wouldn't!) but he realises that they are better off as friends. 

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7 hours ago, mellinadear said:

Watched with subs.. Finally.

I felt for Inho, his passion and love being hard on him. Loves that seol could see through him and just by getting him that cord was enough. I got pissed off when Jung came acting all," don't involve my gf into your problems" kinda way. Geez...was that the reason he followed her? To be that way? That wasn't what Inho needed at that moment. Urgh! Until I see a change in Jung's character, I'm just gonna stay by inho and his piano' side lol. 

To be fair both boys are such immature assholes sometimes having a stupid pissing contest because of so many things and using poor Seol with that.

Jung did that whole "leave my girlfriend out of it" and arm throw over her because he's an immature boy who was reacting to Inho purposely wrapping Seol under the umbrella and waving to Jung to get a rise out of him. Inho using Seol to get that rise worked because low and behold, Jung has a tossing and turning night and then does the immature "she's mine" bit at the end of their conversation. That petty behavior (just as Inho's was petty) made Jung seem more human and not some robot who can always hold it in and smile like things don't effect him. It made me see that he's just a man, a person like Inho *shrugs*

Both were being stupid and "marking their territory" of place in Seol's life. Honesty both boys/men can be immature little shits sometimes, but it seems only one gets more of a pass at it than other.....

Jung is totally Elisa from Frozen LOL He's beginning to 'Lef it goo' because the cold never bothered him anyway LOL. I love Inho and Seol for bringing some of that out. 

ETA: Most see and agree that Jung is a very reactive person. The fight with the pervert...let's rewind and go back to the earlier scene at the bar and what was going on. Both Inho and Euntaek summerize how they had to protect Seol from a perp. Inho implies the Jung knows nothing about his girlfriend nor how to protect her. That he has to leave other guys to protect/defend her (aka Jung is a useless inactive boyfriend and pretty much does nothing for Seol since other guys (he and Euntaek) know what's going on in her life and are "there"). In that conversation Jung's pride and role in Seol's life takes a hit. Again Inho bates and Jung reacts. 

Honestly Jung's words in Seol's dream of having to be perfect and how much does she expect of him rings true when you think of the audiences response to him and expectations of him I think @enigmatic_zephy said something interesting about expectations and response and how it has us accept a similar behavior in one character that we disapprove of in another...

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I'm being serious when I say Jung to is like Elisa from Frozen and I'ld love to write something on how both of their childhoods of having to hide and conceal parts of themselves has shaped their up bringing, themselves, and relationships with others. Cheese in the trap got me analyzing Disney. This show...

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Image result for cheese in the trap mangasuperthumb.jpg[羞嗒嗒]An illustration featuring two fish kissing.

Episode 7 for me changed how I saw Jung and even Seol too.  I think every episode gives us a deeper understanding of the different layers of Jung.  Who he is, what his thoughts are, what moves him, even why he reacts the way he does.  I have gone from Jung making me feel uneasy & creepy & cold to someone so, so different.  All of a sudden I realized, was I judging him just like Seol and so many others had.  What's on the outside of people is so easy to see when you walk down a street you take one glance and you assume you know them. But you don't.... Truth is this episode allowed me to see Jung in a new light underneath that mask he wears. The shield he places around himself like a protection not allowing his feelings to escape.  I remember thinking like before why after catching Seol at the bottom of the stairs hurt.  Didn't he right away get up and start to attack why the calm slow motion reaction.  But while watching Jung beating this messed up person I realized he couldn't control the anger and his first concern back then is & has always been Seol.  His thinking is rational but there is so much emotion under those thoughts.  Seol was taken back by his out of control anger while listening there in hiding but later she remembers & thinks & understands because she now is willing to look deeper. I think the sweet moments in this episode were tender and from the proud outing by Jung on their relationship to holding hands you just couldn't help but smile too.  The attempt Jung made to kiss Seol and what seemed like her rejection I think worried him a little. But when Seol found the courage to be bold enough to not let this amazing moment pass her by I was cheering!!!  [鼓掌][鼓掌] When she grabbed his cheeks for a moment it looked like it would be a fish kiss. Not to my surprise her shy innocent self wins out in the end and a gentle soft kiss to the cheek would be more than enough.  For all of Jung's concerns would vanish in that moment and underneath his heart would burst from happiness and produce a smile that lit up his entire face.  I loved this moment almost as much as he did.  It was then that I realized as he watched her run away embarrassed from showing him, her heart.  That he would soak every bit of this in for he had lived without real love or encouragement or warmth. Yearned for someone willing to love him enough to understand that whats on the outside may not be all of the story or who one is.   There is so much more if someone is willing to hold your hand and find it........

Credit & Thanks to original owners of pictures....

Forgive this added thought after my posting... When looking at someone....remember everything you see is not all there is..... USAFG

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