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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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she deleted her pict with liu wen from her instagram...someone in weibo screencaptured it 

@Kculturefun Another video of her arrival? Can you please share the link?

The guy walking ahead is not Siwon? But it's definitely him in the IG photo right?

@siwonie407 Who deleted her IG post with Liu Wen? And I wonder who gifted Hermes to Miss Choi... hm,...

siwon's stylist posted her pict with liu wen then she deleted it already..

another gift from lw maybe? :P

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@Kculturefun It's fine... I think I found it


cr. Fbingbing_Lwen weibo

Definitely a different fellow in light green shirt... and not the fellow in grey who was in the IG photo ;)

@siwonie407 Yup... I noticed. She was dressed in the same outfit posted by Siwon's make-up artist 5 hours ago... so.... Miss Liu was on set, either to visit him at work or for the much hoped for cameo? :wub:

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Guest Connie633

I found out most weibo and Instagram users who turned haters on Siwon were misled by a sina weibo user verified as "Choi Siwon Official Fan Page".

Here is what was posted that caused the uproar: #siwon choi she was pretty# special live Q&A- Siwon said he is single. If (you) know someone good, you can introduce (that person) to him. When some fan showed disbelief, Siwon answered, "How can I prove that to you?"

There was no video footage attached, only a photo of Siwon looking quite weary. Lots of people quoted "if you know someone good" while they bashed Siwon. 

There will always be something that get lost in translation. But this version of Siwon's answer seems drastically different than the other ones. 


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So if LW make a cameo, it should be for the episodes next week?

Not exactly sure... depends on how many episodes were pre-filmed before it started airing. Certainly, if she does cameo, let's hope we get to see it soon :)

So Weibo users are messing again :-) - Siwon, it is too much to ask for a photo between you and your work partner (LW), right? (since you are "single" now)

Also, they said the Hermes box JW shared on her IG is actually for the Korean version of moon cakes people eat during Moon Festival - aka "Mid-Autumn" Festival..  

Edited by Kculturefun
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I'm unsure as to why there seems to be a desperate need for justification that she's in Seoul for work reasons. Why, so that there are those who can turn around and say, oh, they're just friends who've found another chance to work together?

Or...hmm. Could that in fact be the case? It doesn't bode well for the existence of a romantic relationship if they only ever meet up when professional obligations are involved. I discount her appearance at the concert because that was so brief and they may have made a pact on the show that she would attend one of his concerts.

I suppose that could mean his remark yesterday was him being totally honest, with no strings attached. Maybe he is truly single, and she's only in Seoul to work with him. If that isn't the case, his remark still annoys me because he may have been trying to protect his image since he knew the speculation would start with her being in Seoul.

There I go again, being doubting Thomasina...liddi, more reassurances, please! :P 


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To actually choose a cameo or whatever over MFW is rather a bold statement. The work excuse may be their way of 'hiding' what they have on the premise of 'just work colleagues'. If there will be no news of liu wen flying to Milan, i guess we can conclude she'd be in seoul for quite a while. :wub:

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I think a lot of people are feeling perplexed right now... 

Yesterday, SW picked the question out of many to state" I am single"... I think he did mean to deliver the message for whatever reasons, 1) could he and LW agree to go very low key now and for the next 2 years, so he said that with LW's full agreement to take the heat off them (we can pretty much agree that he won't purposely hurt her)... or 2) he is in fact single (I really think the probability is low)

The chaos and uproar his remark caused was completely insane... LW was bashed by ELF, SIWON bashed by LW and some 16 fans, even Jiwon, SW's HK manager and Bugsy got bashed too... not sure SW and/or anticipated that types of reactions.

Then boom, LW came out and stabilized the situation by one photo and a simple caption "I am back, Seoul"  I tried to figure out why she did that.. she was in Seoul the day before and only very few people knew and they kept it quiet...so I think they including LW intended to keep the trip quiet....  Then the live chat happened, I think she did it to tell people "hey, I am fine... no need to go crazy"  so this is almost reminiscent of the Su He situation (I only knew very little about it...) - SIWON in hot water, LW came to rescue.. 

No matter what, the two are very tight, I think if LW is doing a cameo, it is reasonable to believe that Siwon brokered the deal and made it happen... but again, why Korea?  it is not a big market, LW does not speak much Korean...honestly I don't see Korea being a target movie market for her, so I think her trip is a mix of personal and work... this will give her chance to try acting and bring her close to him, give them a good excuse to meet without much speculation... especially when he says he is single...  

One anecdote - It is said that it took Hu Nan TV (very influential TV station) almost 3 years to book LW to make a TV appearance... so it has to be "someone" very powerful and important for her to make her modify her schedule to make a trip to Seoul  (before LFIL, she had never been t Seoul before)

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@Connie633 None of us on the thread were privy to any video of the chat in the beginning either... but even so, I don't see any of us turning rabid last night. I think it is really the mindset we undertake when we decide to ship the couple - knowing what lines not to cross, understanding that they certainly do not owe us anything, and making the conscious decision that we would still support and wish them well even if they do not work out. A lot of these shipper-turn-haters blame WonWen, and especially Siwon for supposedly misleading them, and are even now, still demanding that they come clean. Others (in particular her fans) are attacking WonWen fans for still treating them as a couple. Seriously bewildering and a ridiculous sense of entitlement. Which is why, again, I am so grateful for everyone on our thread :) 

@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Don't worry... none of us are trying to justify that she is there for work reasons. If she really is there merely in professional capacity, choosing a brief TV role over Milan Fashion Week makes no business sense whatsoever. As such, I can only think that she is there for him, and any cameo (if any) is purely incidental. Certainly everything is being kept pretty hush hush... else why would his stylist feel the need to delete her photo with Liu Wen from IG? From the looks of it, she appears to have met up with the family as well, at least Jiwon, based on the latter's IG post. So unless we see hints to the contrary, I think it pretty much indicative that things are still going strong between them... and that his "single" answer serves as a private joke between them (seeing she was already in town with him earlier), and to keep their relationship an open secret among those close to them, until such time when he completes military service. When we think about it, why did she announce that she was in Seoul the next morning, when she specifically asked the fan who spotted them at the airport not to post the photo? Was it because of all the attacks that she saw directed at him, and this is her way of taking the heat off him too? In a sense, I think they are playing by ear... testing the waters with regards to any announcement (single or together or unconfirmed). So while I still maintain he is trying to protect her with his statement, looks like her announcement may be her way of protecting him too. Anyway, just my conjecture :) 

@Kculturefun I don't believe it is a Hermes mooncake box. If you look carefully, what Jiwon is holding says Hermessense Collection. So this is what I think her IG post featured... perhaps from a certain Miss Liu? ;) 


cr. basenotes.net

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Really curious abt what "bomb" they will give us.. they certainly are good at keeping this shipper excitement alive.. anyone knows whether she is still in Seoul or already  jetting off again? She is such an inspirational persona.. i love how she handles all the fandom drama,haters, and war abt siwon statement last night. She always maintained  to show her "class" and handle everything in a very good way.. 

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Don't worry... none of us are trying to justify that she is there for work reasons. If she really is there merely in professional capacity, choosing a brief TV role over Milan Fashion Week makes no business sense whatsoever. As such, I can only think that she is there for him, and any cameo (if any) is purely incidental. Certainly everything is being kept pretty hush hush... else why would his stylist feel the need to delete her photo with Liu Wen from IG? From the looks of it, she appears to have met up with the family as well, at least Jiwon, based on the latter's IG post. So unless we see hints to the contrary, I think it pretty much indicative that things are still going strong between them... and that his "single" answer serves as a private joke between them (seeing she was already in town with him earlier), and to keep it their relationship an open secret among those close to them, until such time when he completes military service. When we think about it, why did she announce that she was in Seoul the next morning, when she specifically asked the fan who spotted them at the airport not to post the photo? Was it because of all the attacks that she saw directed at him, and this is her way of taking the heat off him too? In a sense, I think they are playing by ear... testing the waters with regards to any announcement (single or together or unconfirmed). So while I still maintain he is trying to protect her with his statement, looks like her announcement may be her way of protecting him too. Anyway, just my conjecture :) 

Thanks, liddi! Trust you to make us feel better about everything, but be clear-sighted about it at the same time. :wub:

Well, well, I did not know she was with him earlier before he did that Q&A; if that is indeed the case, it certainly puts his remark in a totally different light, more so if she was in the studio with him. If that was a private joke between them and he was unprepared for the enormous backlash, he must be an idiot. Unlike many, I don't think such a statement from him is meant only to protect her and his band, or to provide a 'cover' so that they can meet up without arousing further ire; those reasons may in fact be valid, but I think a motive could also be to maintain his 'single' image. However, there's been one or two heated discussions over that issue, so I'll just leave it at that.

All I can say is that if his remark was intended to dampen things down, he's managed to accomplish precisely the opposite outcome. I honestly think more people would leave them alone if they just came clean about the relationship, but of course there are a myriad number of reasons why they wouldn't do that. And yeah, Liu Wen must've been aware that she became the number one trending topic in China yesterday, so I also did think that her posting of the Seoul pic was her effort to soothe the flames.

There's a good chance that Hermes gift box to Jiwon is from Liu Wen. Remember the image of those gifts from Tiffany's that Jiwon posted way back when? We were wondering if those were from Liu Wen because she had just been in Seoul, then much later it came out that Liu Wen has a new endorsement deal with the brand, and now it all makes sense.

Oh, and has it been confirmed that Siwon isn't done filming his show? Now, I'm hoping that he's long been finished with it so that it would mean LW isn't in Seoul just to work with him! :lol:

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I have the same thought as liddi and juzagurl.May be i think too far but now and then i have a feeling that lw may have some suitable types of men to become her future husband but for sw,lw is the most perfect wife for him who must be a good daughter-in law for his family,a good mother of his kids.Of course,a lover with great attractiveness and also an intelligent-fire fighter who can put out blazes around him.Mr "woolen hat" please hold her tight:P

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Looks like LW and SW are really 'working'

Keenie in Seoul?

SW hairstylist and makeup artist taking a pic together. His hairstylist deleted the photo that she took together with LW. The clothing that his hairstylist wear is the same as the one that she took with LW.


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Oh well.. i decided to be delulu right now.. imagining they have a very romantic date night.. or snuggling  up to each other while watching romantic movie... imagine people imagine!  Hahaha i do hope they have a very good quality time.. miss liu wen giving up MFW for this.. so mr. Choi better made this all worthwhile otherwise im gonna smack him in the face LOL...  ahh all the possibility..  :wub:


Is it possible for LFIL the movie then? Siwonliuwen Ig have mention that they will made the movie version of LFIL but the possibility  of Siwonliuwen join the project is small since siwon will be on duty on november. But can this be a possibility  too? @TA380

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - it is possible that he is trying to maintain his "single" status to keep his fans at bay (I guess this part of k-pop culture is very difficult for some of us to understand especially those who live in the western part of the world) , Andy Lau, a major HK movie star maintained that status for many years and got married in secrete... but that was the old times... fans did not like that and they felt they were deceived by him... but again.. there was this obsessed fan from China whose father committed suicide because his daughter was so obsessed with Andy, and the Dad could not take it any more and killed himself on a trip on HK... Andy in the end was firm with his fans and stated that he would not respond to fan's threats... SW stated once that he absolutely respects Andy's work ethics. 

@ta380 Kneenie has been in Seoul for a few days now...

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