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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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@liddi Regarding DRAMAWORLD, I'm not too sure if that's true cos the makeup artist for that particular head injury-look did post a similar photo before, and one of the tags was She Was Beautiful. Anyway, let's watch the next 2 eps these 2 nights and see if it's part of the current drama.

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Hi All.after few months as silent reader, i finally manage to register (after several trial :)).

i just watched the series after the airtime  ended (Somewhere in Aug) when someone posted the link in wgm JongYeon thread. What makes me eager to know is that the "victoria secret model" (im not fan of vs).because i didnt know that asian model is part of it. As far as i know there is no asian model in vs. after i watched that series, i love LW character, the way she carry herself. Not so ga-ga towards siwon.i like that.play hard to catch!!! Hehe.then i start to follow her IG (not SW bcoz im not kpop lover. Sorry)

pls do update here @liddi and the rest cause i love your writing n i dont have any sources as i cant read chinese.

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Hi all, I'm delurking to comment on this upheaval the Piaget rings brought to the forum.  Please can everyone see that it is the thought behind the gifting that counts.  Consider this: Liu Wen also gifted Siwon something from La Perla (the lounge wear) for his birthday, the Tiffany bracelets, and the Louis Vuitton cuff links at the start of the show-- all brands that she has done campaigns for.  Both are really famous celebrities who unsurprisingly have associations with many high-end brands.  Are you going to restrict them to gifting only brands they have NOT done campaigns for?  What are they going to do...make their own jewelry, clothing, and accessories?  Plus, Liu Wen stressed that she cares about gifts that have sentimental rather than monetary value which is why her last gift to Siwon was her letter.  Likewise, Siwon made her a photo album of the special moments spent together.  Give these two a break.  They have more than expressed their love for each other.  

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@blurfish Congratulations! I presume you got your original username back, @deepblue_1:) That's what I originally thought too... that the injuries are a result of speeding to KHJ's rescue in the rain at the end of Ep9. Hence my surprise when Soompi said it is a scene from Dramaworld. But you're right. We'll know tonight and I can't wait to go cross-eyed peering into my screen for any more hints - not that I am the most well versed in terms of identifying whether a blur picture in the background is from one of her magazine covers or shows :D

Yes, I lurk on Weibo a fair bit, but I don't participate in the discussions there. This is the only thread I am active in as far as WonWen goes, until such time when I cease to be vocal about them on open thread. Kudos to you for being active on multiple forums! How do you manage it?

@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Yes, we have heard all the official stances and statements (misquoted or not). However, we too have all the reasons we still ship them, perhaps now more than ever, at least for me. Storms and deafening silence will come... haters, naysayers and flip-floppers already abound on every platform as far as this couple is concerned. Which is why, assuming we do believe they are together, I personally do not see any reason to revive something that was discussed in the past, and doubt his sincerity towards her once more by assuming without proof he gifted her something he obtained for free, just because he had connections to the brand. Especially since we have seen so much, way after the show, that indicate what they do mean to each other. 

EDIT: As for them not wearing the gifts post-show, my interpretation would be that it is very much in line with what their party line is, which would then tide her over the two years without having to address questions about him. Though according to @deepblue_1, the Weibo fashion blogger who was on set during his Piaget CF shooting said he was wearing the ring at that time... so that is surely positive news, right? And when all the doubts about accessories are raised, I will always remember him being caught wearing the ring on his private family vacation in Europe, when there shouldn't be any reason to do so if it was just for the show :)

It is not to say we cannot have concerns... there are times when I do too, but honestly, I have not seen anything, especially in recent days, that trigger alarm bells in my head. Of course I may be hard of hearing... or need new prescription glasses, but seriously, I am and remain very optimistic about them, not in the least because of who they are and their core values.

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Hai @ieja rashid welcome to our thread! Hahaha you are just the same like me. I didnt know that Liu Wen already a part of VS runway show since 2009. But i fall in love with LW character and personality  after the show.. if you haven't read this article written by LW personally.  Please do read and you will admire her even more :)


She also has the talent to write like a pro Jurnalist. VOGUE magazine only help her to translate the articles for chinese to english 

Anyway.. after the fuzz over the endorsement i just want to make it clear abt my stand. Although i think their gift is an endorsement but im 100 percent sure that indeed they are in a relationship. Endorsement  stuff is like a daily basis life of a superstar.. it never indicate that the relationship is fake at all. Let me put it this way. If ordinary people have to buy stuff to woo their girlfriend,  people like siwon are lucky to get the privilage to woo his girl for free since almost everybody  around his circle offer free stuff for him. If you are in his position  maybe you will do the exact same thing right? Why you have to reject free stuff from your surrounding? Its free and you just need to wear it in public occasion once. Besides that im pretty sure there are other gift from both that are not shown in the show that makes LW fall in love with him  even more and could only be their secret.. 

And i do agree with @luria82 the personal letter and the photo book is the greatest gift both could ever have.. exceeded any monetary value,,  i do believe  is the  deepest expression of their love and that is what matters the most and the reason i ship them so hard. If they are not end up to be together later on , is  because they cannot cope with the situation after the show.. but never once i think that they are faking it. Oh no. They arent not. Relationship is a hard challenge for them. We have to support them fully so they can survive all the hardship they might encounter in the future and hope for the best. If it doesn't work out.. i will continue to support both career (most likely LW thogh LOL) and hope they found their partner for life someday :wub:

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@blurfish Congratulations! I presume you got your original username back, @deepblue_1:) That's what I originally thought too... that the injuries are a result of speeding to KHJ's rescue in the rain at the end of Ep9. Hence my surprise when Soompi said it is a scene from Dramaworld. But you're right. We'll know tonight and I can't wait to go cross-eyed peering into my screen for any more hints - not that I am the most well versed in terms of identifying whether a blur picture in the background is from one of her magazine covers or shows :D

Yes, I lurk on Weibo a fair bit, but I don't participate in the discussions there. This is the only thread I am active in as far as WonWen goes, until such time when I cease to be vocal about them on open thread. Kudos to you for being active on multiple forums! How do you manage it?

Heh, thanks, just managed to retrieve it after the admins revamped the system yesterday. Oh yes baby, everyone get your binoculars on and scrutinize every corner of KSH's workdesk tonight! :phew::phew::phew: Betting 6 pomegranates that the covers will remain.

It's easier for me to loiter around weibo actually, i just notify munwonnie of whatever information that she hasn't updated yet and she'll follow through, after which i'll just post a line or two in the comments section. Soompi, on the other hand, requires VPN (i hate the great firewall of china), and the pages seem to refresh constantly so it's been quite annoying for me, only come here whenever i'm free and have access to a computer.

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Cr: @她很漂亮/weibo

She Was Pretty will officially end on 11th Nov with 16 episodes, there will be no episode extensions to the drama.

@blurfish Thanks for the heads up. I really hope they finish filming way before 11th... hopefully latest Nov 8th, based on what he told Kyuhyun. He should have sufficient time to prepare for his enlistment, and spend the remaining time with loved ones by then.

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 @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Yes, we have heard all the official stances and statements (misquoted or not). However, we too have all the reasons we still ship them, perhaps now more than ever, at least for me. Storms and deafening silence will come... haters, naysayers and flip-floppers already abound on every platform as far as this couple is concerned. Which is why, assuming we do believe they are together, I personally do not see any reason to revive something that was discussed in the past, and doubt his sincerity towards her once more by assuming without proof he gifted her something he obtained for free, just because he had connections to the brand. Especially since we have seen so much, way after the show, that indicate what they do mean to each other.

It is not to say we cannot have concerns... there are times when I do too, but honestly, I have not seen anything, especially in recent days, that trigger alarm bells in my head. Of course I may be hard of hearing... or need new prescription glasses, but seriously, I am and remain very optimistic about them, not in the least because of who they are and their core values.

No, I've never said he obtained the Piaget gifts for free and I'm not operating under that assumption. That possibility was only floated because juzagurl, who's an expert on these matters, suggested it since Siwon endorses the brand. Now we know for sure that Liu Wen went to a Tiffany's store in Beijing and bought those gifts herself; we're still not entirely sure about Siwon, but I doubt he acquired his gifts for free as well. I only said I would personally have a problem with my boyfriend giving me free stuff as gifts, but if Liu Wen is A-OK with it, then good for her.

My point of contention is that they made sure they were seen in public wearing those gifts while the show was running, but after it was over, nothing. I cannot think of an entirely satisfactory explanation why they would do that if they're together, so that does set at least a distant sound of alarm bells ringing in my head.

And evidence to indicate they're not together goes beyond official stances and statements; of course, we have evidence to suggest otherwise, too, or we'd lose all hope, but I'd like to point out that all such supportive evidence is entirely subjective, so there's still an equally good chance that they aren't a couple as the likelihood that they are.




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@blurfish Thanks for the heads up. I really hope they finish filming way before 11th... hopefully latest Nov 8th, based on what he told Kyuhyun. He should have sufficient time to prepare for his enlistment, and spend the remaining time with loved ones by then.

 Production of Ep 12 had been completed a couple of days ago, and i'm assuming that they'll be done filming around the 5th since that was the original date for the final airing. Hopefully they won't drag just because they've got a week's extra time on hand now.

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv I did go back earlier and edit my reply to you regarding not wearing the gifts post show, but anyway, just to be pedantic, here it is again:

As for them not wearing the gifts post-show, my interpretation would be that it is very much in line with what their party line is, which would then tide her over the two years without having to address questions about him. Though according to @deepblue_1, the Weibo fashion blogger who was on set during his Piaget CF shooting said he was wearing the ring at that time... so that is surely positive news, right? And when all the doubts about accessories are raised, I will always remember him being caught wearing the ring on his private family vacation in Europe, when there shouldn't be any reason to do so if it was just for the show :)

Basically, I believe it all boils down to their mutual understanding of how they would conduct their relationship right now. Which is why him being spotted wearing the ring in Europe when he was not expecting an audience, speaks far louder than what they officially wear in public. Of course as you say, we are operating based on subjective evidence. For me, I am prepared either way, but what I have seen to date serves to support my belief, now more than ever, that they are together, rather than negate it.

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv I did go back earlier and edit my reply to you regarding not wearing the gifts post show, but anyway, just to be pedantic, here it is again:

As for them not wearing the gifts post-show, my interpretation would be that it is very much in line with what their party line is, which would then tide her over the two years without having to address questions about him. Though according to @deepblue_1, the Weibo fashion blogger who was on set during his Piaget CF shooting said he was wearing the ring at that time... so that is surely positive news, right? And when all the doubts about accessories are raised, I will always remember him being caught wearing the ring on his private family vacation in Europe, when there shouldn't be any reason to do so if it was just for the show :)

Basically, I believe it all boils down to their mutual understanding of how they would conduct their relationship right now. Which is why him being spotted wearing the ring in Europe when he was not expecting an audience, speaks far louder than what they officially wear in public. Of course as you say, we are operating based on subjective evidence. For me, I am prepared either way, but what I have seen to date serves to support my belief, now more than ever, that they are together, rather than negate it.

So then why wear the gifts all the time only when the show was on air? I can still remember how pointed it seemed to be at the time; they were seen with them on at practically every press event they attended! That suggests they wanted people to think they were a real couple just to publicize the show - if the official stance is to be not seen (at least infrequently) wearing the gifts post-show to avoid further speculation, then why do the H&M campaign? They know the implications of shooting that campaign, and if they're acting all lovey-dovey in it, won't that invite all kinds of questions while Siwon is gone?

I agree, though, that recent evidence seems to suggest they're still on, and anyway, if you've remained on the ship, that cruise must be a worthwhile one to be on. :)

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Guest mywebfoot

Cr: @她很漂亮/weibo

She Was Pretty will officially end on 11th Nov with 16 episodes, there will be no episode extensions to the drama.

@blurfish Thanks for the heads up. I really hope they finish filming way before 11th... hopefully latest Nov 8th, based on what he told Kyuhyun. He should have sufficient time to prepare for his enlistment, and spend the remaining time with loved ones by then.

@liddi, do you suppose what he told Kyuhyun was changed when SWP had a single episode postponement? The baseball-linked postponement of one ep would push the entire schedule back by one week, I think. 

Like you, I hope it doesn't mess with his pre-enlistment plans. Which include sneaking off to see one tall Chinese lady. In privacy. Undetected. :w00t:

I don't know about everyone else, but my heart skipped a beat when I saw the Piaget ads. Siwon looked 'bewitched, bothered and bewildered' frankly.

I'm wild again, beguiled again
A simpering, whimpering child again
Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered am I

There was a glow and joy in his face when he contemplated that ring. I think SiWon is acting wonderfully as Shin Hyuk but frankly he's not that good an actor. That level of convincing inner glow I've only seen the very, very best actors achieve. 


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Guest mywebfoot

@blurfish He has plans, that one, that's all I can say. I think SJ as a whole is at that time of their lives when everyone is thinking 'next step'. They will never admit to it, but the recently emptying of the dorm speaks for itself. They don't live together like scared children any more. They are now all grown up, capable of being on their own, and ready to be themselves. Of course, they will always identify with SJ, for good emotional and financial reasons. 

Welcome back to your regular self, btw. It occurs to me that maybe you should have my avatar. :w00t:

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv I really doubt my decision to stay on the ship would have any bearing on anyone. At the end of the day, everyone makes their own decisions based on what they see and interpret, so my presence or non-presence is certainly a poor barometer indeed :)

@mywebfoot I think what he told Kyuhyun was already based on the fact that Ep9's airing was cancelled. As to why he said Nov 8th, not Nov 11th... perhaps he expects the extra week to warrant shooting up to Nov 8th, which is good in the sense that there are much less chances of live shooting. I certainly do not want to see him still tied up with filming by Nov 11th, which is cutting it way too close to his enlistment.... the time of which could be much better spent with a certain bedimpled Chinese lady. Incidentally... have ratings hit 20% yet? Anyone in the vicinity of Myeongdong this time of year?

And yes! You nailed it perfectly... there is no mistaking the glow and happiness in him in the Piaget ad. Which is why I really can't wait to see the complete CF :wub:

Piaget's Weibo post:


Too bad I don't have x-ray vision like Superman, and am unable to see the engraving inside the ring :P

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The OST that SW recorded for She Was Pretty will be revealed in Ep 10 tonight. It's been titled Only You. 

Thanks for the heads up @blurfish! Too bad I don't understand Korean... so guess I'll just have to wait for kind subbers to provide a translation of the lyrics :D Within the context of the drama, it's meant to express KSH's feelings towards KHJ.

And yes, where is Liu Wen? Last seen in Beijing... and since then, nothing? :phew:

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv I really doubt my decision to stay on the ship would have any bearing on anyone. At the end of the day, everyone makes their own decisions based on what they see and interpret, so my presence or non-presence is certainly a poor barometer indeed :)

Kidding aside, I think your support of them is actually a pretty good barometer; if you abandon ship, there's practically no chance that they're together.

And yes, where is Liu Wen? It's been four days since she's been absent from IG; if I had to guess, I'd say she intends to lay low for awhile after being tailed by paparazzi or fans when she returned to Beijing. I highly doubt she's in Seoul at the moment.

Fashion forums have been posting higher-res pics from her Bazaar Bond girl shoot; she looks particularly alluring in this one:



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