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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Guest Siliu

Perhaps is that a church? Maybe not but if it is that would be great, as it will be a sign that "wedding bells soon" Sorry me being delula:D

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Guest kitkatz23

@bambam13 LOVED reading your post! To have a long time Suju fan believe it too makes a lot of difference!

After rewatching the finale again, I realised that the weibo user who posted the scrapbook pics didn't upload some very crucial pages! Such as these captions accompanying the photos: 

"I watched you sick. At that time, I realized how much I cared about you."

"I never thought about marriage.. Before I have this photo.."

"Everybody knows that we are in a perfect fit"

"We overcame out difficulty together"

"We get closer and closer"

"Goodbye is another hello"


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@bambam13 LOVED reading your post! To have a long time Suju fan believe it too makes a lot of difference!

After rewatching the finale again, I realised that the weibo user who posted the scrapbook pics didn't upload some very crucial pages! Such as these captions accompanying the photos: 

"I watched you sick. At that time, I realized how much I cared about you."

"I never thought about marriage.. Before I have this photo.."

"Everybody knows that we are in a perfect fit"

"We overcame out difficulty together"

"We get closer and closer"

"Goodbye is another hello"


OMG, sweetness overload! I'm totally loving this ship!!! Thanks for sharing that. I'm hoping they continue to protect and nurture the love they have for each other. Even if they don't end up together, I'm content with the fact that they hold a special place in their hearts for each other and I'm so happy our Siwon was given this opportunity to meet such a great girl. I'm grateful that we got to see at least part of their love journey. They're  both so lucky to have met each other. I wish my first love were Siwon too lmao but umm, he was more of a dud than a stud and Liu Wen is such a well rounded young lady, what a blessing for Siwon to meet and know her. Wow! Shiliu FTW indeed !

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Guest bibidep

Perhaps is that a church? Maybe not but if it is that would be great, as it will be a sign that "wedding bells soon" Sorry me being delula:D

You never know dear, it could be she start to go to church and learn about God, either one is good sign if that is the church.

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Guest bibidep

Start at 11:52 minutes in the back room interview Siwon eyes had tears and his words came out of his mouth not very clear.  I wonder what did he said that made him so emotional.  Here the link for WonWen part.


This episode gave me such feels. I'm gonna go to two lover's this weekend and try to find that lock!

Make sure you don't take off their lock ok hahah.   If you see the episode, I'm sure you can find their lock very easy, 2 locks together.  Funny he lost Liu Wen keys only his keys left to throw in to the sea.  I wonder why they had to have 2 locks.

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Make sure you don't take off their lock ok hahah.   If you see the episode, I'm sure you can find their lock very easy, 2 locks together.  Funny he lost Liu Wen keys only his keys left to throw in to the sea.  I wonder why they had to have 2 locks.

Usually when couples do the lock thing, the couple usually use 2 locks to symbolize both parties.

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Start at 13:18 minutes in the back room interview Siwon eyes had tears and his words came out of his mouth not very clear.  I wonder what did he said that made him so emotional.  Here the link for WonWen part.



I think Siwon is saying that at last I see her smile, very good.  It's literal but I'm not sure it translates into English with the same feeling.

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Guest bibidep

Here is the picture with the ring, may be the color of the picture made the ring into a little green color.  A small gift picture show her ring




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Not sure where I found the willpower to not watch the final episode until I finished reading everyone's comments and posts. Everyone's posts were so insightful. It really gave me an interesting perspective before starting the episode. It seemed like there were parts of this episode that did not live up to everyone's expectations. However, it was easy for me to have a positive mindset before I hit the play button - mainly because we all know Liu Wen went to support Siwon's concert :P.

To my understanding, the scene that seem to get the least positive comments was the glass church part. I felt that this part also showed the most sensitive and raw emotions from both Liu Wen and Siwon. Although a lot of viewers did not like the way Siwon came about so eager to leave but it was only because he had a huge surprise + private concert in store for Liu Wen. His abrupt actions remind me of episode 2 where he was fidgeting and trying to come up with excuses for Liu Wen to leave his car - only to pop his car's trunk filled with balloons and gifts for Liu Wen. His monotone and what appears to be emotionless words may have hurt Liu Wen and some viewers but they were definitely unintentional!! It's the same concept and action he used to surprise Liu Wen in episode 2 with the balloons in his car :) so I hope that helped reassured everyone that the scene may have seemed bitter at first, but it was all good and positive intentions behind it. I can't imagine how hard it was for Siwon to keep a straight face and to hide everything that he worked on for Liu Wen (coming up with quotes and captions for his photo album, preparing the private concert - these little things speak volume for the love that he has for her. And yes, this man sure knows how to give his Queen heart attacks and and then kills her with romantic surprises - each and every time, lol. But that's what they say about couples who are madly in love right? Can't live with them, can't live without them. ;)

In regards to Siwon's caption for the "If we met each other earlier... like seventeen.. *smiley face*" - this part was super cute and not as negative as posts that brought up Siwon's past ex., etc. Remembering from what he said in the black room, it's really Siwon's perspective of Liu Wen and that this is how they would look like as a couple if they knew each other back in high school. They would be one of the "popular and good looking" couples that everyone would envy  (this was from his own thoughts during the interview in episode 10). :D 

For his caption, "So lately, I've been wondering who will be there to take my place when I'm gone. You'll need love to light the shadow on your face.... could you make it on your own." In this quote, I feel that it expresses Siwon's heart for Liu Wen so much. He knows Liu Wen is capable of taking care of herself but for Siwon, he may feel much more pain knowing that there is a definite 2 years that he will be away and cannot physically be there for her due to his military obligations. This hurts Siwon the most because he wants to be the man who can always be there for the people he love and in this case, especially for his woman. Knowing Siwon, he probably already made plans to have friends and maybe even his sweet little sister to check in on Liu Wen for him while he's away at the military. From their Guam trip, Siwon shows that he is a man who is not only thinking 3 steps ahead of everyone, but 10 steps ahead. At first, especially starting with episode 10, some of his actions caught me a bit off guard such as the one-arm-hug, etc. but definitely got a positive perspective from @Doradora1984 and @mywebfoot's thoughts in regards to how his hugs could be from his consideration of having "manner-hands" or for visual aspects (we discussed this on page 238 and 240 for anyone who wants to read it, lol and no, I am not crazy and do not memorize page numbers.  I have the memory of a fish. I back tracked in case anyone's new to the forum and missed these great perspectives from Dora and MyWebFoot. Is anyone rewatching their 'documentary' from episode 1 yet? Our precious @Liddi, we know you have been! :P I am guilty of this myself. It's pretty impressive how well Siwon knows himself. This is something I'm trying to learn to do as well because lately, I haven't been too happy at work and have been trying to find my own passion, etc. I find that Siwon knows himself so well because since the beginning of the episodes, he told Liu Wen that he knows people around him would get tense/paranoid and ask what's wrong if he appears too serious or cool - and that's why he makes fun of things from here and there.

Siwon is right. Every time he appears to be a cool guy, like with his one-arm-hugs, it makes us get all worked up and question if everything is okay and turns us all paranoid and bipolar, lol. But really, Siwon is just so poised and knows exactly what he's doing. This makes me realize that from episode 10, he has already set his mind and know that he will do everything he can to continue his relationship with Liu Wen after the show. So although everyone may view the episode as a finale, to him, he already knows it's only the start to the Siliu (Pomegranate) fruit salad party. That's why he was not as emotional as the males in other WGM episodes, except for when he sees Liu Wen tearing up or when Liu Wen shares her feelings with him. Her words get to him every time. Maybe this is also why he wanted to run out of the church because he knows he would tear up if he reads Liu Wen's letter right there and then. 

Rationally (and not being delusional for once) observed from all the actions and things he did for Liu Wen in Guam. Making a scrapbook and coming up with the perfect captions and quotes take a lot of time, heart and effort. Some may say that it's all in the producer's script, but really, Siwon and Liu Wen's feelings and subtle gestures for each other can never be scripted. Sort of like, the producers are there to provide two strangers the opportunity and setting, but the effort, timing and preparation is really up to the two person's feeling for each other. Siwon definitely seized the opportunity. This still holds true, they both are lucky but luck doesn't just happen. As the old saying goes, "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity." Siwon gives an impression that he is very strong minded and disciplined - not surprised knowing that he came from a strict father as mentioned in previous posts and interviews. Only Liu Wen can make him weak (definitely in a positive way, such as putting his guard down and calling his Father when Liu Wen was in emergency need, etc.) something that possibly never crossed his mind that he would do for someone else. Siwon left the church saying "you're a strong woman, I am a weak boy" - another powerful insight to Siwon's inner feelings. Liu Wen's love does wonders to him and Siwon's love does the same to her.

Often time, we can get caught up on the tiniest things and forget all the positive things that someone does behind the scenes for a person. Siwon, you make us so proud. Liu Wen, we love you to the moon and back.

You know how when you're reading a book or being able to pinpoint a favorite part of a show/movie? I find myself loving every single episode of Liu Wen and Siwon's documentary of their love! I think every episode was well done and it made a beautiful start to their new, "Hello". Seriously, loved the subtle but powerful meaning behind Siwon and Liu Wen introducing themselves again to each other. This marks the beginning and continuation of their journey together. At least we know for sure what they did since the show ended... Liu Wen flew to Korea to attend Siwon's concert!!!!!! Cheers to many, many more happy memories in the making for Siwon and Liu Wen! Now, patiently waiting for Siwon to release that one photo that he kept. Maybe he'll publish it to his instagram?? :wub:

Edited by teamwonwen
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Guest bibidep

Aizzzaahhhh look like Siwon read her letter here, may be he read but not understand all, and she keep clean his face for him.  They cut a lot in the chapel that's why it feel erupted.  May be he and her even cry in here too.




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Guest fordzery

@bibidep  The answer is in the album ... you had concerns about why Siwon is acting out of sorts. He's also begun worrying about Liu Wen, amongst other things. 

"So lately, I've been wondering who will be there to take my place when I'm gone. You'll need love to light the shadow on your face. If a great wave should fall it would fall upon us all. And between the sand and stone, could you make it on your own."


hi! its my first time to post but been a silent reader since this thread started.. so i guess im not new here just invicible.. hehehehe anyway this phrasing is so familiar to me its actually a song from The Calling, " Wherever you will go" he should sung this song to her instead i will always love you... :0



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Translation of Liu Wen's letter
Note: Re-reading the last paragraph with fresh eyes, I have revised my previous translation a little, because I believe she was talking not about them not communicating, but having so little chance of being together physically, each being so busy with their individual schedules.


My beloved $10 Oppa

My beloved Siwon, I am so happy to have met you at 27 years of age. Despite it being a planned arrangement, yet enclosed in the cabin in the solitude of a long flight, recollecting every moment with you, I feel that meeting you is truly wonderful!

The first day I met you, I was so shy that I dared not even look at you. You helped me wear the bracelet you prepared for me. That day, the entire world said that you were my boyfriend.

On the second day, you brought me to see the cherry blossoms. We met an old photographer, who said that our relationship would not fade for 100 years. Through the pink cotton candy, I saw your smile, like the flicker of candlelight.

On the third day, you held a large bouquet of roses and proposed to me in the photography studio. I blushed and dared not respond, which I think must have really hurt you. I like you, but could only bring you to eat food that you enjoy. That day, you held my hand. While it was really cold, your hand was like the warmth of a summer day.

On the fourth day, you visited me. Your childlike smile was so mesmerising, and I remember how delicious your handmade dumplings were. I love that kind of peaceful life, simple and perfect. I hid my feelings for you in the yoghurt [I made], and I wonder whether you felt it.

On the fifth day, we went for the tango lesson. As you stood in the sunlit classroom, in that moment I felt that you really treated me like a princess. Seeing your face so close to mine, I believed that I could fall in love with you.

On the sixth day, I wanted to bake you a cake, a cake with 12 cherry blossoms, to let you know that every single day of the twelve months in a year, I will always think of you. You guided me through the crowd to a quiet corner, to enjoy the sweet intimacy that is ours alone. We wore couple bracelets. From that moment on, my world was no longer alone because of you.

On the seventh day, you played the song you sang for me. I wanted to cry, but dared not do so. Instead I gently hugged you, while you comforted my lonely heart with a tteokbokki dish.

On the eighth day, you were so cool on the basketball court, and I was like a girl cheering you on. Your boyish smile was filled with sunshine and sincerity. You told me you would bring me to meet your family, and your father said he gave me both you and your heart! 

On the ninth day, we said goodbye at the airport. As I went through customs, I was alone once more. At the seat of the departure hall, I read through every single one of your messages.

On the tenth day, I met you once more by the sea. However, the rain once again disrupted our plans. As we sat at the house near the sea, all I saw was your smile, all I heard was your laughter. With you by my side, even the scenery did not matter anymore.

On the eleventh day, we went skydiving. The moment you jumped from the plane, I wanted to pull you back. The air at 4,200m was cold and I no longer wanted to be alone. So I willingly became a bird [and jumped], to fly freely with you.

Siwon, time has truly flown! 3 months, 12 dates. I am not good in expressing myself, so I wish to let you know through this letter: Although we used to be in our own separate worlds, with little chance of meeting each other, perhaps in the days to come, wherever we are, we will remember the beautiful moments we spent together. I'll be waiting for our next reunion!

Wishing you all the best!
Āi lǎohǔ yóu

Liu Wen who loves you

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