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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Guest shellhan_stv

Hi guys, just watched this video of 'Lost Stars' on YouTube, but words said at the end of the song sounds like Korean to me (I don't understand Korean). Can anybody tell what was said after the song?



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Guest bibidep

Welcome to WonWen thread.   Comment and post more in here.

@Shellhan Let me repost the video for you.  Wow it is very clear and excellent quality. 



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@silvergrey Please continue to work out your story! Definitely fuel for more delulu and spazzing here :P But what you say is highly plausible... so perhaps we are not so delulu after all. And yup... I highly doubt that it was a surprise to Siwon that she was at the concert, since Keenie was the one with her. Which then makes her having met the family after arriving in Seoul prior to the concert, a pretty plausible scenario. Perhaps she even had an authentic Korean meal with them, as Daddy Choi promised? As for Keenie now being part of her entourage, I would prefer to think they have combined their respective entourages... just because ;) 

Noticed that some posters are bashing Jiwon for blocking Siwon fans who hated the picture of the siblings with Liu Wen. Good on Jiwon for taking steps to counter the outpouring of vitriol over her post. Funnily enough, Siwon also copped a lot of flak for posting "Start with Jesus, Stay with Jesus, End with Jesus", pretty ironic especially since he has always made his religious views known? Not forgetting, it is his personal Instagram, which he has every right to post what he wants?

Hahaha .... sure, I'll scour around for more firewood ;):lol:

Nothing but admiration for Jiwon. She is definitely well placed to defend them. Haters can't exactly accuse her of fabrication or being delulu .... or can they. :rolleyes:

It's very odd these people who call themselves his fans. Frightening really that they consider him as inanimate and open for manipulation. Bend this way, raise that arm, nod your head, change your heart.

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Guest shellhan_stv

Welcome to WonWen thread.   Comment and post more in here.

@Shellhan Let me repost the video for you.  Wow it is very clear and excellent quality. 



Thanks a lot. It's my first post, and I don't really know how to do it. And doesn anybody know what he said after the song?

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I just saw the ENGSuB Version... how sweet is him to actually test the skydiving first before she arrives at guam. To make sure everything is okay and save. He is such a gentlemen :wub:

Im tottally agree with @mywebfoot . The photo of Jiwon , Liuwen and  siwon is a confirmation  already from their part of they are going steady and serious... the mesaage is clear, is not even a hint anymore...  i wonder why korean /chinese news didnt bash around on this IG update... hmmmmmm. 

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The point is, like Liu Wen, I had difficulty trusting his words, especially his "It's real, it's all real". But like Liu Wen, Mr. Put-it-all-out-there has convinced me that he's not fooling around about wanting to be with her. And truly, like Liu Wen, no matter how cheesy, I'm starting to buy into "Oppa can do anything." 

Same here. Early on, I thought it was bravado or macho/ego on his part. Then the light bulb clicked on. With a father such as Papa Choi, how can Siwon not grow up believing that if he put his best efforts into something he can do anything. Look at daddy! I do believe that Siwon is the kind of person who does believe he can do anything. Not because he thinks he is invincible or trying hard to prove his manliness. But because he will make sure he does anything he puts his mind to. And that's a great quality to have in any person.

Enjoyed reading your thoughts, @mywebfoot, and love that take on the rest of the night after the face mask :wub:

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Guest bibidep

Im tottally agree with @mywebfoot . The photo of Jiwon , Liuwen and  siwon is a confirmation  already from their part of they are going steady and serious... the mesaage is clear, is not even a hint anymore...  i wonder why korean /chinese news didnt bash around on this IG update... hmmmmmm. 

That make me wonder since yesterday too, may be they saw the show still air at the moment so they don't want to say anything yet.  Today one Chinese news came out but only a few words hahah.

Here the Chinese new, one of the fan translated them.



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So this is what it feels like to have a ship sail. Truthfully, as @liddi said, there is a distinct surreal feeling - like nothing that happened has truly happened. Still, converging evidence is hard to disbelieve. This isn't a case of a hint here and a clue there... Like a bangle here and a coincidence there that feeds certain ships for YEARS. No this is very very clearly a show of Choi Family force and a public declaration that Liu Wen is now under the protection of super dongsaeng, Choi Ji Won. (Did I mention I love her???) 

That concert event was a clear message: It's straight up, "This is the woman I'm dating, she comes to visit me in the concert, I dedicate a song to her and she visits me backstage". Nothing can be clearer, seriously. There is no beating about the bush. I have to say, my respect for SiWon as a straight shooter just went up. I mean, many and I mean MANY people go on WGM and it's ilk lying that they'll take it seriously, and it's all fake romance. But this guy, I can't even tell when he decided, but it was wayyyy early on, and he just went for it. He didn't even give her any wiggle room (which I am still ambivalent about. My husband, who saw the ep with the couch, claims he 'wore her down', and I am on the fence of how forceful one should be in chasing a girl, because there was a little bit of ultimatum setting in that conversation. On the other hand, Liu Wen did and continues to have some massive walls, so I doubt he'd have gotten to her any other way? Ah, who knows.)

Anyway, I digress. 

The point is, like Liu Wen, I had difficulty trusting his words, especially his "It's real, it's all real". But like Liu Wen, Mr. Put-it-all-out-there has convinced me that he's not fooling around about wanting to be with her. And truly, like Liu Wen, no matter how cheesy, I'm starting to buy into "Oppa can do anything." 

To hit this level of public declaration this quickly - I've said it before, but now I'm convinced A LOT WENT ON OFF-SCREEN. A LOT! I was half-kidding with @liddi the other day, that when he left her room after the Facemask Farce, there was a distinct sense of okay, now I am leaving the room, now I am saying good night, because I am leaving the room... watch me walk out the door... yes, I have said good night, therefore I have officially left the room.... followed by okletmeturnaround once the cameras went off.  But now, I am pretty much convinced the night didn't end after he left the room. I'm not saying anything about apples and oranges, but perhaps there was a fruit salad later that night. :P

Thanks for reading my long overdue spazzing. :D


Oh, sister @mywebfoot! I'm on the same page as you in regards to the fruit salad party you mentioned! It was barely 7:00 PM when Liu Wen, Siwon and Liu Wen's friend Facetime'd each other - so by the time they're done video chatting and Siwon failing with the cream mask (lol), it was probably barely 8 or 8:30PM. Who goes to sleep that early, especially when you're on vacation at Guam?? The time was noticed when Liu Wen opened her laptop - the time was shown clearly on the top right corner :lol:. It's scary how this show has gotten us to notice the smallest details.

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Guest bibidep

 It's scary how this show has gotten us to notice the smallest details.

Is that you comments in Jiwon Instagram about one fan said Siwon did not love the Siwonest any more??  Well done dear!!!  That's the way to go.  Don't argue with them but lead them to the love road.  Really smart way to deal with the fans that lost their way in how to love a person and how other love them.  I don't have Instagram account so I can't comment but can read the 50 current comments hahah.

Look like today one more Victoria Secret girl or the Model had found her other half, and he is a billionaire.   When can Siwon and Liu Wen hand in hand walk on the street like them, hope soon.




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Guest mywebfoot

@bibidep @silvergrey @juzagurl Today's paper in Singapore (My Paper) had a blurb in chinese with a JiWon's instagram with Liu Wen. I can't read chinese, but I think when it appears in they physical papers, I guess it's almost official? Certainly people are starting to pay attention. My guess is like some of you have said - it's particularly scandalous is the people just come right out and say it. Not nearly as fun for the paparazzi to stalk and expose what is right out there for all to see. And this has already been seen by, hmmm LiuWen's instagram (1M) + Won's instagram/twitter 2M + one Olympic Gymnastics Arena 15K + assorted internet drabble (us!, easily ~85K) =~ 3M people? A bit hard to claim that as news. 

I'll grab a pic of it later when I get home, or if anyone else has seen it... :)


 EDIT: It's online  page 12 of this site:


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I'm no longer watching a reality show  WGM  - I'm witnessing  a beautiful first love from the most beautify purest  woman in the world .

Couldn't agree more, and nowhere was this more apparent than in the skydiving scenes which I can't stop spazzing over. Where to begin in terms of the adorability factor? LW back-hugging SW, Bobby being mischievous by scaring LW and her hilarious reaction, LW's honest-to-goodness wails at the freakiness of the situation, I could go on and on. LW was increasingly losing it as they neared the first drop, and looking out the plane door, who can blame her? I would've been petrified! It's really scary as heck when one stops to think about what they had to do.

Much love to SW, too, for being such a rock: constantly holding LW's hand and kissing it, telling her he loved her (who said this first? It better have been SW as I'm very old-fashioned :P), and looking at her reassuringly just before he jumped when he heard her yelps. I think he had worked it out beforehand with Bobby that, hey, my girlfriend is scared to death of doing this stunt so do take care of her. :D Finally, LW's screams when SW jumped, that rush of feeling, the tension written on her face - that must've been the emotionally truest scene in all of WGM history! 

What comes across is how guileless and vulnerable LW is, almost rather like a child. And no acting in those skydiving scenes, too; after all, there's literally no room for scripts and retakes in that tiny plane! This relationship is turning out to be one of a helplessly inexperienced girl who needs the man to guide and take care of her ("I just feel like you leave me"..."How can you live without me?"), and I can only hope that Siwon is up to the task!

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Guest mywebfoot

@mywebfoot Thank you for sharing. Did that reporter visit this thread or all the other ShiLiu supporter sites? This job is too easy! Such a walk in the walk. And you're right, no thrill of the chase :P

I actually had that thought! To keep up with the news, all they have to do is read Soompi! And then they can have a walk in the walk. KKKK. I know, typos typos. :D

Anyway, Dear Ms. Journalist-lurking-here, since you are here enjoying the fruits of our spying activities, please could you help publish MORE about Won-Wen so that we get the official confirmation we all need and want? THANKYOUVERYMUCH :phew::wub:

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I remember a SuJu interview where they said after a concert they get a few days off, is it too much to hope that Siwon is in Hong Kong with Liu Wen ;)

Nope, it's not. I personally think that's completely possible and feasible for Siwon to be in Hong Kong as long as Super Junior doesn't have a comeback stage/showcase immediately before and on 16th. SM hasn't released any information regarding Super Junior's comeback stages.

And speaking of suitcases, what if that black suitcase was his? :D 
As in after his concert has ended, what if he flew to Hong Kong? That could be a reason why Siwon had a suitcase with him.

remember how I mentioned that SM hasn't released any information on Super Junior's comeback stages? Well, they did release a special album medley as well as naver comeback special on 15th. And so, if Siwon is in HK, it means he needs to fly back to Korea by the latest, 15th. I think it is a comeback showcase (not sure since I can't read Korean but when SNSD made their comeback, they also had their  comeback special on Naver).



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@mywebfoot Thank you for sharing. Did that reporter visit this thread or all the other ShiLiu supporter sites? This job is too easy! Such a walk in the walk. And you're right, no thrill of the chase :P

I actually had that thought! To keep up with the news, all they have to do is read Soompi! And then they can have a walk in the walk. KKKK. I know, typos typos. :D

Haha ... I stand corrected ... talk the talk and walk the walk :lol: Learned from 10 dollars

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