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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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All I can say is 4 more DAYS!!!!


@thegoldbug  omg yess!! I want to see how she reacts to knowing all of JH deceit ... if she doesn't give him a slap I will, 10 years of lies... and he says he loves her .... lets he him try to pull any crap..


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"When is ED going to start standing up for herself with all the people who have lied and hurt her? When is she going to give it back in spades to the chief architect of her misbegotten life?"


 I wish for Eun Dong to become worthy of the love Eun Ho bears for her.


(sorie for cutting post since i cant highlight on mobile)

no worries! Per nxt ep preview we can alrdy see ED recoiling at JH touch in hosp.. her "HS oppa, oppa!" pining cry.. her provocative smile +kiss in rain.. 

w writernim's track record so far, im sure 20s ED will be back!! 

My blissful scene will be ED return the slap to her adoptive father!! (Sigh i doubt that will happen in hierarchical k drama though)

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Before ED's second dinner date with EH, she came across a large sum of money ($48000 USD) that DG couldn't believe she readily accepted just like that, i.e., a simple thank you. She went to Min Soo's hair salon and told the hair stylist she has money to spend. What I wanted to point out was that she cried, saying, "why can't I be attracted to Ji Eun Ho, I am a woman too!" That stuck in my mind for the longest time.

Nice arms @docster6?  Well each to their own.  As a woman I just think she is absolutely beautiful in every way.  I watched the Press Conference interview of JJM and he said that when he found out KSR was going to play JED she was not the picture he had in his head as JED.  But once they got acting out the parts he now understands why the PD (or who ever decides these things) chose her.  He didn't explain what he meant by that.  Well she had to be beautiful enough for a man to go all silly and crazy for 20 years is my guess.

But since you mentioned it I've been thinking about the $48,000 question.  When they were on the bench at the villa before all hell broke lose because ED told EH they were over, ED asked EH how he knew she knew she was ED.  He answered when she took the money without protest.

For the life of me I can't figure out how he came to that conclusion from ED taking the money.  Do you have any idea @docster6?  Can you read the man's mind here for?  Anyone else with suggestions on why he would say that?  Thank you.


I haven't read all coments yet, so doesn't know if someone answered your question already. If it is the case, it will be then a sort of double post here :)

During their first dinner, EH said he wish to give her bonus. She said it wans't necessary, it wasn't her story. And he said something like it was because it was also hers that she could accept the money. So, I assume, when she accept the money without flink, he assumed it was because she agreeded the book was also about her story.

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You know the preview for ep 11/12. ED dress-shirt when she was kissing HS in the rain was white. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA it would be epic if the camera has a shot of HS face who is glancing at her dress clinging to her body and the rain droplets slowly gliding down her alabaster skin. After that he scoops ED into his arms and ED wraps her arms around his neck and snuggles into the spot between the neck and the shoulder. Then he goes to the room and lies her down in the middle of the bed and gives her the look ;) and then hovers over her and slowly undo the buttons and then the camera would pan slowly to his face, his eyes filled with desire and his lips parted with desire. And then the camera would pan to ED whose also has a similar expression. Then HS would slowly part her dress and kiss her gently from her shoulder giving  her a trail of kisses from there to her neck to her cheeks to the corner of her lips and finally her lips. BLESS they can just black out there and show us the morning scene with those two snuggling together and HS waking up with a smile to his lips and snuggling closer to ED. AHAHAHHAA just give us some LURRRVEE SCENES!


Fan fic already?

Kim Sarang did not work out 8 hours a day and get a boob job for her body to do unnoticed :-) I'm sure her outfit in the rain is just conveniently white, cotton and short.

I just hope JJM's body doesn't get wasted too.:


;);) ;) ;);) 

Definitely would be a crime if this body of his was not well utilised! 


Credit: Tumblr


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OMG YAY! Talented tumblr user has made gifs of the intense stare scene!

tumblr_nqpj5z6xwL1sq7hzoo1_400.gif tumblr_nqpj5z6xwL1sq7hzoo2_400.gif

tumblr_nqpj5z6xwL1sq7hzoo3_400.gif tumblr_nqpj5z6xwL1sq7hzoo4_400.gif

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While looking at Player Choi Jae-ho’s life, I learned many things. I should not be greedy on other people’s things. And in the world of competition, there is a need to get violent.

Credit: salistic


Also the scene where SR and HS first met. I mean look at that guys sexy face, just look at him. :wub:

tumblr_nqojqbF9hh1sq7hzoo1_400.gif tumblr_nqojqbF9hh1sq7hzoo2_400.gif

tumblr_nqojqbF9hh1sq7hzoo3_400.gif tumblr_nqojqbF9hh1sq7hzoo4_400.gif

tumblr_nqojqbF9hh1sq7hzoo5_400.gif tumblr_nqojqbF9hh1sq7hzoo6_400.gif

This hotel’s coffee is horrible. You should change the barista.


Credit: salistic

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First comment on this thread! I started watching this drama very late because the topic wasn't really appealing to me, but I was wrong. The actors are really good and so is the writing. Actually, people kept warning EH that ED might be married and have a family. So these are the points advanced by his opponents. However, we know that JH is not the father and I am quite sure ED has never been married to him too. So ED and Eh only need to reveal these facts.

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I don't see why there is even a need for a sad ending. All the sadness/loss/disappearance/yearning happened in the first 10 episodes. For the remaining 6 episodes, it must be about how ED and HS get back together to form a family with RA II and the rest of his siblings-to-be.

Dong Gyu - one  more reason to love him. At episode 4 when President wanted to meet ghost writer, DG warned him not to do anything to her, otherwise, he would tell all to EH. He has always been protective of ED.

Why did ED accept the money? I agree with the views here that (1) the story was about HS and ED (and she accepted the fact that she was ED) and (2) as family, she could accept the money without guilt or shame. I would also add that she felt the sincerity of EH and was comfortable to accept the money from him.

Amen!!! *________*

Ah yes...chingus. Amen to that too. And to Dong Gyu and Mi Soon who have the best interests of Eun Ho and Eun Dong. I think this upcoming trip to Jebudo or Taean or wherever that Mi Soon is asking Eun Dong to go to, is prob a 'helpful plan' by the cousins to enable uri OTP to meet up. This pair of cousins know first hand, the depth of their love for each other, and the conflict that exists.

And I agree, @ross27 sincerity too. Eun Ho has always been sincere and honest with Eun Dong, since the 10s. I believe after these decades of knowing one another, there is a level of mutual trust and comfort.

@annien99, Welcome to the thread hum... If you want the pictures @seungshin shared it's from MLED DC Gall (Temporary one on Fashion 70s DC Gall) There you go: http://gall.dcinside.com/board/lists/?id=fashion70&page=1

And warm welcome to all our new chingus out there ;) 

@seungshin that's interesting the DC post you shared... Maybe there is another twist... Jaeho faking his disability to keep Eundong with her or more believable hiding from everyone some improvements much much better than using his hands, like starting "a lil" walking...

Even though, I'm already bracing myself for a twist with Hyunsoo's father, he seems to know Eundong, I don't know how but I'm eager to see... 

i thought it was interesting too...this writer shows us just a little of something that turns into a big revelation later.  Hoping for a good plot twist.

If there's a twist in Hyeon Soo's dad, it is a positive and helpful one cos dad Park has had a good impression of Eun Dong - for her positive influence in young Hyeon Soo's life. I welcome that too .

The fear I have is more in regard to stepdad Seo. We haven't really seen much about him and his 'true' involvement. I really am fearful of what he will do in light of Eun Dong having recovered and regained her lost memories, and in light of the chips soon falling where they may in regard to the 'untainted truths' of the accident, the marriage, and the birth right of Ra Il. Will he become more evil? Will he still stand behind Jae Ho when the truth of the accident is revealed? when the paternity of Ra Il is confirmed? I've a feeling that stepdad Seo may not know what exactly happened to cause the accident and how Ra Il was conceived, He may just have relied on the lies that Jae Ho gave him. Will stepdad twist and become good? and join hands with stepmom Seo to help Eun Dong?

Knowing what we know of Eun Dong's unchanging love for Eun Ho, and of Eun Ho's undying love and unrelenting pursuit of Eun Dong, I really really hope writernim will make them strong and fight - separately and jointly - their way through in uncovering the truths behind the lies, and in bulldozing their way through all the obstacles in their ways till they get their rightful dues/justice, their togetherness(incl Ra Il), their deserved happiness. 

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I have just finished with a MLED marathon and the one remaining thought in my head is rather bloodthirsty.

"When is ED going to start standing up for herself with all the people who have lied and hurt her? When is she going to give it back in spades to the chief architect of her misbegotten life?"

The only man who has been honest to her, even though it cost him, is Eun Ho.  He laid his heart bare to her and she trampled it to a bleeding mess.  He has been steadfast, faithful and determined.  He has pursued her even when it hurts.  I wish for the writer to stop making her a victim of manipulation and give her courage to meet Eun Ho half-way now.  She knows everything after the letter triggered the recovery of her memory.  I wish for Eun Dong to become worthy of the love Eun Ho bears for her.


I am so going to be pissed off if  ED returns to sharing a bed with He Who Covets What Doesn't Belong To Him after that preview scene (in the event the said scene does prove to be non-imaginary).Granted it might not  be as easy and straightforward for her to leave right away but ED can certainly express her deepest disgust and disregard towards what fake and lying excuse of a man did to her life .She needs to detach from everything connected to him including pushing his karma wheelchair.:w00t:Arrggh where's a truck of doom when we need one?It hurts so bad to see her being his carer when he's done such detrimental harm to her life ,yet shows no remorse.

*already crying in the corner thinking of that scene not being real*:(

 Don't overly fret, I don't believe that was imaginary.  This writer-nim doesn't do makjang or troll.  The hug was imagined but it fit the story at the time.

They have not been showing ED in bed with him in a while.  She's usually somewhere else in the house when they show JH in bed.

IN EP 10 she remembered the car accident among everything else she remembered.  She must know he caused the accident.  She must remember things about that accident and the events prior to the accident we the viewers have not been made aware of thus far.  Hopefully we will get to see more of that.

Writer-nim has made Eun Dong to be a very smart, honest and brave girl/woman right from the beginning. She can't even fib about meeting JEH to her husband.  I count on these characteristics to take charge of the situation.  I worry about what EJH will do when he learned all of this.  Someone needs to hold him down and under control before he does serious harm (which is ok in itself) that could come back and hurt him and ED and RI.  DG and Mrs. T have their work cut out for them.


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First comment on this thread! I started watching this drama very late because the topic wasn't really appealing to me, but I was wrong. The actors are really good and so is the writing. Actually, people kept warning EH that ED might be married and have a family. So these are the points advanced by his opponents. However, we know that JH is not the father and I am quite sure ED has never been married to him too. So ED and Eh only need to reveal these facts.

Wow, hooray, my French friend who lives in Germany has decided to join the MLED thread. @bebebisous33 is not an ordinary person, she started around April 2014; made Superstar in a flash; made Legend during last Christmas and it appears she will become Immortal before the snow comes. But most of all, I consider her a great friend and she is truly dedicated to the Korean Drama world. Her analytical mind will help us solve a lot of mysteries.

I do want to explain Eun Ho's raging comments, from a man's perspective, to Eun Dong in the car after the second dinner date. ED did the correct thing, asking why EH couldn't forget that woman; but then she also made a huge mistake as EH unloaded on her about sleeping with ED and SE couldn't stop him from going on. EH had rage in his mind, thinking whatever happened to ED for 10 years wasn't good, that she can't remember him and that she slept with another man and had a child (he thought not his). @gaixixon in her great post talked about how she cried when she saw SE cleaned JH's feet. I saw the same scene as a man, I saw cleavage of SE as she bent over. Say I am barbaric if you wish, but I am a man and so is EH. In my mind, over 10 years, JH must have seen SE in a lot of unintentional sexy situations, perhaps watched her changing clothes, getting out of showers unprepared with towels. EH's mind could go crazy very easily, especially when alcohol may be involved. On top of that he has been using his free time and DG's free time to go visit the river location where he saw ED last. He looked at video of ED riding a bicycle and worried about her. EH was a mess for 10 freakin' years. I can totally identify with EH's rage and nothing can stop that man, he WILL STEAL HIS WOMAN back, no matter what it takes. Aish, my heart hurts for EH as I am typing; EH loves ED so much.

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Fan fic already?

Kim Sarang did not work out 8 hours a day and get a boob job for her body to do unnoticed :-) I'm sure her outfit in the rain is just conveniently white, cotton and short.

I just hope JJM's body doesn't get wasted too.:

;);) ;) ;);) 

Definitely would be a crime if this body of his was not well utilised! 

[photo of JJM six pack deleted

Credit: Tumblr

I didn't want to post this because I didn't want to be so shallow as to write about peoples' bodies but @xXmzsmilesXx and the photo made me do it!  I swear! 

There is news today that Kim Sa Rang made it to the top of the list released by tvN on June 29th as 'the female star with the most beautiful body.'

tvN released the list and Kim Sa Rang is ranked #1.  I can't find the original story yet but apparently there are nice photos of her in that story.  I'm sure @lucy13880 will find it for us :)

So we have main actors with well publicized beautiful bodies.

This is only photo with the story on DC Inside.  


(eat dinner early and do not eat during the night and you will lose lots of weight)


29일 케이블채널 tvN '명단공개2015'에선 '가장 예쁜 몸을 가진 미녀 스타' 편이 방송됐다.

'명단공개2015'에 발표한 순위에 따르면 1위는 김사랑이 차지했다. 방송에선 김사랑의 우월한 몸매가 드러난 각종 화보가 함께 공개됐다. 청순한 외모와 글래머러스한 몸매로 늘 화제가 되고 있는 김사랑이다.


러브킴은 사랑입니다


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JH declared war to EH when he came out of the elevator at the hospital. He went straight for EH and EH step aside. Great acting by JJM. His expression/reaction was really good. 

That stare fest: JJM's eyes from pure love to pure hatred in a short span of time. Oscar worthy. 

@docster6 Really enjoyed your perspectives with this drama. As a woman, I am in awe with KSR beauty. She looks great dolled up and with bare minimal makeup too.  I'm so amazed how KSR can look so good in "daily-regular-people-clothes". Not many can pull it off well. We don't see her wear a $2000-$3000 top masked as a poor person clothes. Even her dress at that event is so simple. And her pajamas is something we gals would wear. Loved it. And dayum, she has a great body for a 37 yo woman! 

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Looks like a new poster with focus on Eun Dong. I haven't seen it before.

KSR truly is beautiful. How is it possible that she's still single? still unattached? And also, from that ELLE interview where she talked about having been the first to express her 'like' feeling to a guy years ago and realized she shouldn't have, it now makes me wonder....who is he? he must be biting his hands now...hehe. Anyone knows?






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Thank you for posting that beautiful poster @jadecloud !


Photo Cr. JTBC


Oppa! Thank you, I will never forget you…

As you said I will not be a kid forever,

Wonder if you will be very surprised when you see me again,

You would say ‘when did you grow up so fast?’…

I am leaving without seeing you but I will not be sad,

Please don’t worry,

Even if you are not around, I will be strong,

It may be that you looked after me so well because you felt sorry for me

Like you feel when you see a kitty who's lost her mother

I wonder if I was like that to you oppa?

Thank you for looking after someone who had so little..

Perhaps…we may not meet again,

But still, I willl like it very much if we met again some time.

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"When is ED going to start standing up for herself with all the people who have lied and hurt her? When is she going to give it back in spades to the chief architect of her misbegotten life?"


 I wish for Eun Dong to become worthy of the love Eun Ho bears for her.


(sorie for cutting post since i cant highlight on mobile)

no worries! Per nxt ep preview we can alrdy see ED recoiling at JH touch in hosp.. her "HS oppa, oppa!" pining cry.. her provocative smile +kiss in rain.. 

w writernim's track record so far, im sure 20s ED will be back!! 

My blissful scene will be ED return the slap to her adoptive father!! (Sigh i doubt that will happen in hierarchical k drama though)

Bwahaha - I'd hold him in place for her - the man seems thoroughly unlikable! I'd like to slap him with a fish myself!!!

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Guest lorac

Regarding JJM's films, I've watched all of them except Dance, Dance & Park vs. Park (couldn't find subs for it). So far my favorites are:

I don't believe that Ju Jin Mo is in Park vs. Park. I've seen the film, even have the DVD, bought it years ago, and he is not in it. That, or it's such a minor part and he goes unnoticed. I believe it is the other actor named is Joo Jin Mo who is in the film. I think it got added to his filmography in the beginning and over the years got copied, so it perpetuates. If anyone knows otherwise I'd welcome your comment.

If you look at Amazon they list Jin Mo as being in Righteous Ties and the drama Operation Proposal and we know he is not in either of those. And here's an "oh, my gosh!" moment. At Yesasia you can buy the ELLE Korea (June 2015) edition for $43.00.

Maybe someone (who knows Korean) could ask over at DCinside to confirm.

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Regarding JJM's films, I've watched all of them except Dance, Dance & Park vs. Park (couldn't find subs for it). So far my favorites are:

I don't believe that Ju Jin Mo is in Park vs. Park. I've seen the film, even have the DVD, bought it years ago, and he is not in it. That, or it's such a minor part and he goes unnoticed. I believe it is the other actor named is Joo Jin Mo who is in the film. I think it got added to his filmography in the beginning and over the years got copied, so it perpetuates. If anyone knows otherwise I'd welcome your comment.

If you look at Amazon they list Jin Mo as being in Righteous Ties and the drama Operation Proposal and we know he is not in either of those. And here's an "oh, my gosh!" moment. At Yesasia you can buy the ELLE Korea (June 2015) edition for $43.00.

Maybe someone (who knows Korean) could ask over at DCinside to confirm.

I lurk but do not post anything on DC Inside or any Korean sites.  They ask for your first born child to get through the sign up process, usually.

I find Asianwiki or Dramawiki or even Wikipedia are pretty good at laying out projects most well known K actors have been involved with:

Joo Jin-Mo - AsianWiki


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@seungshin OMO...Thanks for the translation tfCqeDA.gif 

That message on the poster....it was from 10s Eun Dong to Hyeon Soo oppa, right? it was when Eun Dong had to relocate and Hyeon Soo was stuck in the hosp, right? 

It was so sweet. They can both write very sweet and touching letters :) 


EDIT: Did you guys notice the change in forum/thread layout? I prefer the old layout :( 

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Guest lorac

Regarding JJM's films, I've watched all of them except Dance, Dance & Park vs. Park (couldn't find subs for it). So far my favorites are:

I don't believe that Ju Jin Mo is in Park vs. Park. I've seen the film, even have the DVD, bought it years ago, and he is not in it. That, or it's such a minor part and he goes unnoticed. I believe it is the other actor named is Joo Jin Mo who is in the film. I think it got added to his filmography in the beginning and over the years got copied, so it perpetuates. If anyone knows otherwise I'd welcome your comment.


I find Asianwiki or Dramawiki or even Wikipedia are pretty good at laying out projects most well known K actors have been involved with:

Joo Jin-Mo - AsianWiki


In this instance Asianwiki, Dramawiki and Wikipedia might be repeating info perpetuated over the years that is incorrect. Like I said, I have the DVD and have watched it and JJM is nowhere to be found. Not sure if I want to watch the DVD again to see if the other Joo Jin Mo is in it. It's all about family relationships and the ensuing funeral.

This from Wikipedia:
"He shares a name with another actor. Ju Jin-mo (born February 26, 1958) creating some confusion over the actors' projects as listed in the IMDb."

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@seungshin OMO...Thanks for the translation tfCqeDA.gif 

That message on the poster....it was from 10s Eun Dong to Hyeon Soo oppa, right? it was when Eun Dong had to relocate and Hyeon Soo was stuck in the hosp, right? 

It was so sweet. They can both write very sweet and touching letters :) 


EDIT: Did you guys notice the change in forum/thread layout? I prefer the old layout :( 

I had to 're-make' the photo so that i could post it without being penalized :) since I really needed to post the 'letter.' 

So I wonder if this letter is in her diary or a stack of 'unsent' letters since we know that the one she actually sent is very very short.  

She was so conscious about revealing too much of her feeling.  SO cute.


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I find Asianwiki or Dramawiki or even Wikipedia are pretty good (not perfect) at laying out projects most well known K actors have been involved with:

Joo Jin-Mo - AsianWiki

In this instance Asianwiki, Dramawiki and Wikipedia might be repeating info perpetuated over the years that is incorrect. Like I said, I have the DVD and have watched it and JJM is nowhere to be found. Not sure if I want to watch the DVD again to see if the other Joo Jin Mo is in it. It's all about family relationships and the ensuing funeral.

This from Wikipedia:
"He shares a name with another actor. Ju Jin-mo (born February 26, 1958) creating some confusion over the actors' projects as listed in the IMDb."

Like all things on wiki and other stuff we do need to look at them with critical eye.  I have found errors here and there.

Perhaps you can contact these sites and see if they will correct the error.  I know how annoying it is to see incorrect info on those sites.

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