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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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I think the picture @Jei_em posted in http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/346231-current-drama-2015-my-love-eun-dong-사랑하는-은동아-—-fridays-and-saturdays-at-840pm-kst/?page=148#comment-19041861 is so great. It shows how small ED is (in real life) compared to EH (a billboard about 100 times bigger), the nation's best actor. That was why she broke down and cried at the hair salon, a real sad scene for such a pretty woman. ED felt insignificant to EH and she felt he was just teasing her. But she needs to know soon how much EH loves her and that she should do what she did 10 years ago in the phone booth, encouraging him to go all the way with her.

In 2005 HS and ED saw the film Note Book in the theater (released 2004). The rain, the kiss and the intense love paralleled for both dramas. But what I remembered most about the Notebook was the acting of the old people (James Garner) and that they were still together at the end. They died in their sleep together. The concept of the notebook was that the female lead wrote down all her memories and when she suffered from memory loss, her husband was to read to her so she could regain the memory, briefly, before they went away permanently. I do want EH and ED to end their life together, getting old together. That would be my wish.

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Hi, MLE chingudeul! 

If anyone is interested, it seems like that DC people couldn't wait for MLE DC Gall opening and decided to camp on Joo Jin-mo's past drama Fashion 70s DC Gall... http://gall.dcinside.com/board/lists/?id=fashion70&page=1

Enjoy, all the new posts are about Eundong!!! If anyone that understand well Korean, find some juicy info, feel free to share! :wub:

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@docster6 thanks for pointing it out. Yes that could be the reason why she was crying in that salon. She felt so small compared to Eun Ho. How she is just a regular girl and Eun Ho is a top actor. How things changed after 10 years. She probably felt Eun Ho was so successful compared to her. She even said " You're so cool", deep inside she is a fangirl. Eun Dong doesn't realize yet, or couldn't believe how this top actor could really be Hyun Soo, the boy who loved her, and how that top actor Hyun Soo now, could love someone like her. 


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Good morning Eundongers :) 

Came across this glaringly positive review and thought it'd interest you and keep your faith in this drama grounded.  It's quite lengthy, hence in spoilers. If it interests you, read on... 

PS: As you can see, the ratings thus far is 8.2 out of 10, from a pool of 226 raters/reviewers, of which 40.2% gave it a 5-star rating, 35.8% a 4-star rating and so on. Impressive!



CR: Douban.com


Original Source:Douban Movies / Review By:顶上的夕阳 / 2015-06-18 

(Douban.com is a Chinese SNS website for the Pan-Chinese, similar to Daum Movies for the Koreans, or IMDb for the West.)


Haven't seen  a drama worth repeated plays for a long time.

Looking at the six episodes that have been aired, the plot development is compact, clever and vicarious without any feeling of abruptness. It's a production of goodness. The screenwriter has a good control of the story structure, the director is able to harness and showcase the good acting talent of the actors/actresses, the cameramen also contribute to the actors excellent interpretation of their roles, and the subsequent editing work is completed without dropping the ball.  Every aspect of excellence complements the other to bring forth a quality project that makes the audience watch over and over again.

There are some who say the costume and styling were too general giving a feeling of mass appeal. But this is precisely one of the highlights that make this drama a success.

Although the male lead is a Top Star, this drama is not about the career of this Top Star. Rather, the focus is beyond the spotlights and focuses on the life of an ordinary person presenting his love story. In the drama, there are occasional inclusions of interviews, filming, CFs and so on to render the Top Star status of the male lead. But without excessive packaging, or ludicrous secondary plot that will weaken the quality of the drama, and reducing it to a soap opera.

The male lead with ruffled hair, bleary-eyes, belly-scratching and plopping down on the sofa with hands and feet in the air... isn't that how most men are when they are at home? The female lead who has to wake her sleepy son up for school, who has to scramble in the morning to get ready for work... isn't that the daily life of the working class? It's so true to life that viewers seem to be watching themselves when they watch the drama. It makes viewers engrossed.
Male leads in suits may look handsome and suave, female leads who are well-dressed may be full of charming elegance,  but those are somewhat stereotypical and lack realism, which indirectly creates an indirect feeling of alienation with the audience. 

This drama does not utilize too many designer clothings to dress up the male and female leads. Casual and comfortable clothing, fresh natural make-up and styling, seemingly too casual with its simplicity, but is in fact  the deliberate pursuit of the stylist!

Joo Jin Mo and Kim Sa Rang are the perfect casting for their roles, and you can say they are uniquely and singularly suited for the male lead of Ji Eun Ho and the female lead of Ji Eun Dong respectively. Their CP(couple/OTP) feel is 100%.

Just can't leave out mentioning Joo Jin Mo, a seasoned actor with good looks, and Kim Sa Rang, an elegant actress with clean and extraordinary appeal, both add to the improvement of the overall and inherent quality of this drama. 

The first episode with 10s generation of young actor and actress, their innocent first love; the second episode with 20s OTP and their sentimental and romantic love which makes viewers invariably reminisce about the feeling of first love, and occasionally accompanied by 30s male lead Joo Jin Mo's sexy and magnetic voiceover calling out the name of his love, making a head-start which makes audiences look forward to the coming 30s OTP.

"Eun Dong ah... Eun Dong ah"... simply makes one intoxicated.

Joo Jin Mo's expressive eyes and subtle facial expression, seemingly infused with Eun Ho's soul, looking like a real lover Eun Ho yearning for his love. Can't imagine anyone in this role, just the thought makes one faint...

Some folks say Joo Jin Mo looks like an ahjussi with wrinkles when he laughs, but a man in his forties, how can there not be any appearance of wrinkles? However, these do not affect the handsome and suave aura of a mature male charm, with a sexy and innocent chiseled face. Not every man can emit just the right amount of sexiness in an innocent and good-looking face. If it's too sexy, it'll become erotic and sleazy, if it's too innocent and pure, it'll look silly. In particular, his eyes are clear and bright, like a young man. A man like this is a rare specimen. Ahjussi and the 10s actor do not appear out of sorts.

With respect to Joo Jin Mo's acting, there's a little difference when compared with Kim Sa Rang's. Although her acting is very good, it's just that Joo Jin Mo's performance in this drama is extremely good, so good that viewers can overlook and forget about the plot. However, the aura between them is very complementary. This is perhaps what the acting profession terms as mutually complementary chemistry. If either one of them were replaced by another partner, that would not make viewers want to watch again and again.

Also can't think of any other actress with such an aura who will be more suitable than Kim Sa Rang for the role of Eun Dong. There's no intention to demean anyone else. It's just a discussion on how well-suited and irreplaceable Kim Sa Rang is as Eun Dong. Kim Sa Rang is very beautiful. As an actress, she is also an ever-changing goddess who has a great body, and a gorgeously seductive feel. In the drama, she is natural, pure and innocent with simple elegance - an appealing character's  image that's unrivaled by any. Of 37 years of age and a mature female actress, how many are there who can withstand the focus at close proximity of a high-definition camera? She...truly can handle that with her complexion that's young and girlish, almost flawless. The most valuable aspect is the look/glance from her eyes. Being a natural beauty adds to her excellence, and continues the pure and innocent feel of the 10s Eun Dong.     

A truly great project, having watched it once, but still want to watch it again. Thus far, every episode has its new and exciting highlight. Especially in episode 6, the crying scene of Joo Jin Mo and the ending scene of the male and female leads having a date. The plot development that will be shown in upcoming episodes will also become new highlights that will keep viewers engrossed...

Joo Jin Mo's engaging eyes and his crying scene, excellent performances that can make viewers forget about the plot... Who can resist! Kim Sa Rang's beautiful, fresh and girlish appeal... Keeps you engrossed!  

My Love Eun Dong, a drama that induces poppy-like addiction.

-------------------------Translation: Jadecloud-------------------------------



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Basic K-drama rules:  time space continium does not apply.  Peripheral vision is not possible.  So, just let the writers unbundle the confusion right at the end.  Sister doctor will do the DNA test and clear up everything.  Psycho "kitty"  , for PP ease (replace with the other word for kitty starts with a "p" like richard simmons cat, will join stalker psycho dad and husband to try to stop them.  But, she should not have told sister doctor, because she will get to the truth.  She is a justice crusader, not of the psycho variety.  


@Stellaa  My Love Eun Dong is in the least a basic K as we've been shown in the first half of 8 eps. So the K-basic rules don't apply here. They didn't in the past 8 eps. K-cliches, yes we do see them, but with a fresh and different approach each time. IMO, this is so much more. In fact, it's becoming a K-classic of the romance genre.   Number one basic K-drama rule:  in some way all the characters will be involved with each other in a "coincidence" where everyone will say " Maldonde" which I think means:  could not be.  Oh, yes it is.  The doctor is his sister, 

All the coincidences are not K-drama land rules?:  how they meet and re-meet, the sister is the doctor?   It does not mean it's bad, it's just that the same tropes happen.  The "eeevil" powerful woman that is trying to keep them apart?  I even see the white truck of death in the flashbacks.   The story can be romantic but still have the K-drama tropes that make us love it.  It's not edgy like Heard it Through The Grapevine, or Misaeng, it's classic melodrama K-Drama style.  

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Guest vvpal

The IG's photo is nice...Maybe is the hotel room where they spent the 2nights together 10 years ago! And maybe it'll take place a new and romantic scene between them *__*

It's the 30's ED here. I rather the 30's ED and EH spend 3 days 2 nights in the hotel @;@ JJM rocks my world!

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@docster6 thanks for pointing it out. Yes that could be the reason why she was crying in that salon. She felt so small compared to Eun Ho. How she is just a regular girl and Eun Ho is a top actor. How things changed after 10 years. She probably felt Eun Ho was so successful compared to her. She even said " You're so cool", deep inside she is a fangirl. Eun Dong doesn't realize yet, or couldn't believe how this top actor could really be Hyun Soo, the boy who loved her, and how that top actor Hyun Soo now, could love someone like her. 


@jei_em - It is because she does not know better. Ji Eun Ho got famous because of her. Ji Eun Dong. His name is actually the one he promised to use if they ever get separated. The marketing people thought that name sucks but Hyun Soo insisted that be his acting name. The reason EH went into acting is because ED told him as a teenager that she wants to do that to find her mom. His first break through drama he got his first male lead because he auditioned so well, reading the script tailor made for his situation where his love disappeared on him. EH told SR that first drama was not acting but instead he was living through the script. Therefore, to this date, EH feels he and ED accomplished it together. EH told ED she should share the royalties of the book because she was part of the story. EH never wavered, ED is his girl.

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Scenes that made me breathless:

When EH look straight into the camera and said, "I will steal her". Gasps

When EH called ED and questioned how she knew abt the milk incident and said her name, "Eun Dong ah" and she gasps. Again he said her name and she gasps. Ehem...I gasped too B)

In the elevator when he tried to hide them and he was just staring at her face... *swoons

That changing room scene. So close together and he asked, "Are you afraid of me?" and I reply, "No, oppa!!" Yup, I had that problem of talking to the screen. :P 

And their first dinner date, when he sat across from her and he fidgets alittle bit out of excitement, curiosity...and can't stop looking at her... *swoons

When she asked him why he can't forget ED, and his reply, "I slept with her. We bang bang till death for two days and we see rainbows, and unicorns singing and we didn't leave the room for two days..." Ok, I am exaggerating the dialogue but still my ovaries was happy.

EH's "Don't sleep with your husband tonight."  *And I said okay...#smh

That slight hand touching outside movie theater before EH grab hold of ED's hand and said, "This hand was mine ten years ago...."  *sacsacs moment

 And I can't believe women in the 30s are considered Ahjummas. Really? Aigoo, wae I feel so old with that name?! Lol 

And I LOL so much when that cutie manager said, "If Jung Ji Hyun gives him money, he should accept it. If ugly women give him money"...and EH said, "you should still accept it." (Lol, men!) 

Friday seems far....away....


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That "clue" of the possibility Ra-il being EH's son is annoying to me because that gesture is a habit, it's not hereditary. It makes no sense for them to have the same habit when they never even met each other before. This method is used a lot in movies and TV but honestly, it's nonsense and lazy of the writers/directors. An allergy or any other medical condition would be better. /end rant

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According to JJM Chinese Fan Club...credits as tagged. Date of sightings 2015-6-22.

JJM fancam sighted JJM at Gangnam. Seoul's 5-star  hotel "Novotel Ambassador".

Fan stated on IG "JJM is really really good-looking!"




Another IG: Kim Sa Rang in a luxury suite room. Could it be the Novotel Ambassador too?

Did Eun Ho invite her? Are they moving ahead with their 'illicit desire'? their forbidden love? 




Fancam from NA hotel staff. Staff stated on IG that there was a huge event involving filming of 150 people in a conference room.

Wonder what is happening/has happened?

Can't read the signage. Can anyone? The guy in light beige clothing seated at about 1 o'clock looks like JJM himself.




All IGs CR: JJM Chinese Fan Club as tagged

Remember the synopsis of MLED? There are several classic melo and retro classic movies mentioned. CPnim in one of his journal entries also mentioned them. One of which is 'Illicit Desire' - which points towards forbidden and illegal tryst. With Eun Ho saying in preview of ep 9 'he'd rather live in hell with Eun Dong' (something to this effect...). Also, Jeong Eun's character description stated 'her world will be transformed once she recognizes Eun Ho is Hyeon Soo, and she can't do anything about her attraction for Eun Ho'... Whoa!

Will Eun Ho really NOT CARE of paparazzi all over? Of his fame going down the drain? Of death knell scandals?

Will Eun Dong be that bold? Will she throw all caution to the wind?

Will they really have "THE DEVIL MAY CARE" attitude in pursuing their love?

Again, my inquisitive, wildly imaginative mind wants to know - Are they moving ahead with their 'illicit desire'? their forbidden love? My heart is already thumping faaassst.... But don't let me influence anyone. My faith though, is that however it may be filmed, if it will be 'pots and pans' like SLA did(not that it was bad, it was artfully subtle)? But it will definitely not be sleazy, or erotic (which is the vibe I get from ID movie although not having watched it, I really don't know).

Actually, I'll be satisfied with a sweet, good kiss from OTP.... REALLY! HONEST!;) 

What do you think? Come on and throw some thots out :) 

OMG. Friday, COME NOW! MLED...Indeed a poppy-like addiction.




Some info on the ID movie. +19 genre, I believe. The movie itself, I mean, not the photos below....hehe. I haven't watched it and don't care for it nor for Director Li's projects. But I do wonder why this movie is referenced and what writernim, PDnim and CPnim intend to do? Will they reproduce a popular scene like they did with CAALS and ITMFL? If at all? 

Movie Poster


Screencap from movie teaser



...this erotic, mystical top 5 hit of 1973 takes a trio of Chinese legends and brings them to the screen as only   Director Li Han-Hsiang--the undisputed master of the Hong Kong costume epic--can. 

Source: http://www.hkcinemagic.com/en/movie.asp?id=3900

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Scenes that made me breathless:

When EH look straight into the camera and said, "I will steal her". Gasps

When EH called ED and questioned how she knew abt the milk incident and said her name, "Eun Dong ah" and she gasps. Again he said her name and she gasps. Ehem...I gasped too B)

In the elevator when he tried to hide them and he was just staring at her face... *swoons

That changing room scene. So close together and he asked, "Are you afraid of me?" and I reply, "No, oppa!!" Yup, I had that problem of talking to the screen. :P 

And their first dinner date, when he sat across from her and he fidgets alittle bit out of excitement, curiosity...and can't stop looking at her... *swoons

When she asked him why he can't forget ED, and his reply, "I slept with her. We bang bang till death for two days and we see rainbows, and unicorns singing and we didn't leave the room for two days..." Ok, I am exaggerating the dialogue but still my ovaries was happy.

EH's "Don't sleep with your husband tonight."  *And I said okay...#smh

That slight hand touching outside movie theater before EH grab hold of ED's hand and said, "This hand was mine ten years ago...."  *sacsacs moment

 And I can't believe women in the 30s are considered Ahjummas. Really? Aigoo, wae I feel so old with that name?! Lol 

And I LOL so much when that cutie manager said, "If Jung Ji Hyun gives him money, he should accept it. If ugly women give him money"...and EH said, "you should still accept it." (Lol, men!) 

Friday seems far....away....



 @sooyoungdaebak Chingu yyyahhhh, you are so ffunny! Where is the LOL button when I need it? I really belly-laughed till my chest hurts. Thank you for making me laugh so hard on a mundane blue Monday.  (Peeps are looking at me funnily ...LOL)


PS: For a moment, I thought your ID is Seo Young Daebak, as in Seo Young from My Daughter Seo Young drama which I love love love! But I guess not.


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According to JJM Chinese Fan Club...credits as tagged. Date of sightings 2015-6-22.




Will Eun Ho really NOT CARE of paparazzi all over? Of his fame going down the drain? Of death knell scandals?

Will Eun Dong be that bold? Will she throw all caution to the wind?

Will they really have "THE DEVIL MAY CARE" attitude in pursuing their love?

Again, my inquisitive, wildly imaginative mind wants to know - Are they moving ahead with their 'illicit desire'? their forbidden love? My heart is already thumping faaassst.... But don't let me influence anyone. My faith though, is that however it may be filmed, if it will be 'pots and pans' like SLA did(not that it was bad, it was artfully subtle)? But it will definitely not be sleazy, or erotic (which is the vibe I get from ID movie although not having watched it, I really don't know).

Actually, I'll be satisfied with a sweet, good kiss from OTP.... REALLY! HONEST!;) 

What do you think? Come on and throw some thots out :) 

OMG. Friday, COME NOW! MLED...Indeed a poppy-like addiction.


Honestly?  Thus is the power of attraction between this OTP I don't think I can handle any skinship between these two on screen.  Even a kiss.  Their words seduce me completely.  

I've tried my hardest to read the writing on that banner, zooming in on it and everything and I really can't make them out;

On top it says something like 'Beginning (Launching) of Hope ... ???'

Night of Support for '???.......... (something that sounds like a romanized Korean of a foreign title - could be a French title?  Not recognizable English title it appears)




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Korean media is as curious as us. LOL


Summary translation:

. SJE knows she is JED but does not reveal it to EJH because she is married with a child

. JEH and JED spent 2 nights and 3 days of Mil-ae (secret love) (Mil=secret ae=love)

[SLA lovers will remember its Korean title was Mil-hwe (Mil=secret hwe=meeting) I find the use of these different words interesting]

. against her adoptive parents wish for her to be with CJH, she got together with JEH

. the big question now is 'who is the father of Ra il'

. EH and RI havs a 'fish bread' pose* when they are lying down, the right arm under their heads and the left leg up

. it mentions RI is especially close to his 'father' JH

*fish bread pose:  K-drama watchers probably know about this 'bread' people eat a lot in K-Dramas.  Especially in winter time.  It's basically a small waffle made of flour and water and baked in a metal plate. It's made in a shape of gold fish, and that's how it gets the name 'fish bread' it has nothing to do with actual fish.  They are filled with different fillings (sweet red bean paste is most common and popular).  They are cheap and tasty when they are hot. Sold every where on the streets.  Baked with a bit of oil so it fixes craving for something greasy and crunchy on the other side and soft and doughy inside.

I am thinking they call the lying position of EH and RI 'fish bread' position in that they are exactly alike.  Exact copy.  Fish breads are made on a plate with shapes of gold fish imprinted so each of them is exactly the same shape and size - a replica.



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(Please pay no attention to the line above  ^^^^  TO BE CORRECT, it should read: --- Just now,  @mdj101 said:  -----i don't know how to omit or erase  that part )

June 22, 2015    ----  My Comments , Followed by a copy of the Original comment from p.149.                            RE:  The "bang, bang" catch phrase a , with its variation,  we are loving!         :wub:


 ON  PAGE  149 ,  I believe   @sooyoungdaeback said if first!    

 And said  it so very  well!     We have all picked up on that happy  phrase.  Embracing it as a perfect symbol of a pure  young love, a "fated love" of 20 years. 

We each laughed  at the  different  pictures we  were  creating  in our "mind's eye" , imagining  the eager but inexperienced  young lovers  exuberantly enjoying  the raptures of those first  shared  intimacies.    So innocent, so much like a pair of playful puppies!     

 Those  simple, sincere words evoke for us a vivid,  clear picture of the love-struck  young man's  attempt to describe  feelings  which were  inexpressibly sweet and dear to him, the times when his beloved Eun Dong, became his Fiancee, his Inamorata.     The 30s  Eun Ho denied searching for his "first love".  "She is my Fiancee", he said.      

That phrase  delighted us, maybe sparking memories of our own first loves, our "one and only true love"  of long  ago. 

 I can not imagine anyone taking it out of context and considering it as rude, in any way.   Straight forward, simple words spoken from a sincere, childlike  heart!




The Copy of the Original Comment  posted  by @sooyoungdaebak,  here on Forum page 149:


What's interesting for me is when ED call Choi, "Ra Il Appa". To me there's no doubt EH is Ra Il's biological father since ED and EH practically bang bang each other till death for two days! Choi was there when Ra Il was born and till now so he is the only dad the boy knows. You can't break that bond. 

I try to hate Choi but I can't. He may be infatuated with ED before the accident and since ppl in the drama think he was "protecting her" during the accident, I think he was up to no good when it happened. When he woke up paralyze, his mom may be distraught and ED's dad knowing ED has amnesia, he got them married. 

One fact though, ED, Choi and Ra Il did go to America. That's where EH's manager's cousin met her. And Ra Il's teacher did asked ED to send him to an International school. 

Me trying to piece the puzzles together...hehe :crazy:


COMMENT:...  I understand that most times special words and phrases get a "life of their own".  They just take off and  just get so popular that nobody remembers where they came from!  I enjoy the phrase so much, and I wanted to thanK @sooyoungdaebak for being inspired!      

BUT I wanted to show you where  I  first  noticed  the now much  loved and  appreciated  phrase,  "practically bang bang each other to death for two days!"   ((haven't mastered "highlight" yet!)                        

 @luv2skulz cited  is what led me back to where I saw it first & I did intend to listen to the G-Dragon song, "Bang, Bang, Bang" mentioned in that same comment. Thank you. 


@jadecloud :... I totally LOVED, LOVED  the video you made combining the "bang, bang", blending it so seamlessly into the  "pots and pans" scene from SLA.  

(See  @shamrockmom 's REPLY, above (p.149),  for a fast LINK  to a site that will fill you in on the background of the "pots and pans" reference.)


EDIT:... Now adding unicorns, singing, and rainbows?... for 2 whole days?   Guess they just rested at night?   NOT!    Ha-Ha-Ha!    STOP! It's too much!

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Illicit Desire you said? I'm still not sure if they will be after a bold bed-scene or an artfully-shot one... But god, those hints and Producer's choice makes it look like it will be the former. ME LIKEYYYY.

Even more that they cast JJM and KSR, if they can have that sensual tension only by looking at each other in a restaurant, don't even imagine a kiss or bang bang bang..

Sorry, had to link this

0:57 for the curious ones ;) 

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What's interesting for me is when ED call Choi, "Ra Il Appa". To me there's no doubt EH is Ra Il's biological father since ED and EH practically bang bang each other till death for two days! Choi was there when Ra Il was born and till now so he is the only dad the boy knows. You can't break that bond. 

Forgive me if everyone knows this about the Korean language already on this forum.  But just in case not, I feel I need to shed a light on what it means when ED called JH 'Ra il appa.'  In light of the fact that the question of who Ra il's father is of utmost significance at the moment I hope this is timely and helpful.

In EP 8, after ED is confronted by EH in the car about their 2 nights and 3 days, back at home ED confronts her husband about what he knows.  Toward the end of their conversation ED says this in frustration at JH's anger.


I would like every one to know ED meant nothing unusual by calling JH 'Ra il's father' in this scene.  It's exactly the same as if she called him by his name except Koreans don't usually call each other by name.

Instead, Korean language refers to people by their 'titles' to convey whom they are speaking to or speaking about. When they do use names, an honorific suffix like 'ssi' are attached unless you are talking to someone younger or family in which case 'ah' or 'yah' get attached, depending on the constant/vowel the name ends with.  (eg. Eun Dong-ah.  Eun Ho-yah). 

Because names are rarely used, people are called by their 'titles' in the broadest sense.  That's why we hear, oppa, unni, uncle, aunts, grannies, grandpas (even to strangers).  This is also the reason why people call and are called by ajummas, ajussie, seonbae, hoobae, dongsang, teacher, writer-nim, PD-nim, president, etc. etc.  The list of titles goes on.

In fact for children, and it was the same for me, they don't hear their parents names being spoken and they have to study and memorize them in case they get asked (for identification) in unexpected places.   One of the strangest thing for me when my family immigrated to the west was hearing my friends calling other people' moms and dads by their names (my God that was so strange and hard to get used to).  It would be like calling Queen of England 'Elizabeth' 'Lizzy'?  - may be not quite but you get my meaning.

When people get married and have babies they get called 'so on so's mom' or 'so on so's dad'.  Usually the name of the first born child.  The parents are known for the rest of their lives as the eldest child's mom and dad, or their granny's or grandpas.  Everyone calls them by this. Anyone who knows their child's name. Presumably, you need to be acquainted  enough to know this.

Back to this scene, Jae Ho would be referred to 'Ra il's father' by anyone and everyone in the neighbourhood, or their families. So that's why ED called him by that.  In the west it is the same as her calling him 'David !!!!!!!!!!!!'  (if his name was David).Some may remember ED's mother referring to JH as 'Husband Choi', instead of 'Jae Ho.'  That's another title people can wear.  And wives would be referred to 'Lady Kim' or 'Lady Lee' or something like that.

So, I just wanted everyone in the context of that scene, there was no extra meaning whatsoever as to why ED called JH 'Ra il's father'.  She wasn't suggesting he was or was not or more or less a father of Ra il's than any other time.  Certainly the father over EH or anything like that.

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