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[Drama 2015] I Remember You 너를 기억해


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I find that's the scary thing about LJY, he has blended so well in society. I'm surprised the Planning lady and Team Leader's Dad did not sense anything around him all this time.

> Another great thing about this drama is that it depicts many characters as possible monsters, even in the cases. Love how they tackle it, are psychopaths born with the gene or made from their environment and this drama gives the wolves story, as in do you feed that monster? So the closer Hyun gets to finding his brother and LJY, he gonna face that huge mountain: is he gonna feed that a monster inside?

I see more tears in the future from both sides of the screen. Gotta prepare my tissues/hankie for next week! 

There are probably psychopaths around  but we never know because they blend well in the society... and that's scary. What sets  I Remember you apart from the other drama is the way they are handling the psychopath / disturbing behavior of kids. Who is what is to blame. Is it nature, the environment or the  people who surround you. This drama is intelligently tackling serious social and mental emotional condition of people w/ disturbing behavior in a way that we a layman viewers understand. And yet this drama still able to give full mystery with touch of humor and witty banter.  The fact that everything is so detailed even to the minor things.. plate number, purple flowers,  the same action fight scene, the same outfit of young LJY and Min, it shows how this drama was well conceptualized.

EP 11-12  next week.. which means... it's the second half of the drama. More emotional scenes, as this is the vital episodes. More dramatic scenes more hurt and sadness  revelation and murder.

We're all ready, right?  Ji-An, Hyun and Min. I want them to have good ending!  Oh and of course... our favorite team leader Kang..aka Chunderella!

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Guest wizengamot

i think they will have to extend this show. i mean, there's so much more that needed answers. 

> what really happened to their mom? so basically, we still need Hyun to retrieve his loss memory. who killed mom because the one who killed mom gave her purple flowers. what does hyun and min got to do with mom's death?

> what's up with Gu Ha? i mean, on the episode of officer Yang being killed, some of us wondered too (like what Seung Joo did) why he never included himself on one of the first people that was on the crime scene. but we brushed it off because it was not strong enough to raise speculations but now after the background checking by Hyun's indebted friend, why does they have to actually make Gu Ha an orphan? i mean, Min aka attorney was not found to be adopted le alone orphan or maybe i'm just over reacting. say i'm over analyzing things

> what happened to Ji An's dad? he's probably dead but we at least deserve a confirmation, are we not?

> and a lot more unanswered questions

with that being said... AN EXTENSION TO THIS SHOW PLEASE!!!


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Guest aoikarin

> i mean they make a great team, that three. and LJY wasn't hateful at that confrontation with the live-in partner killer girl. I was like LJY IS A BOSS! haha


Yes, he wasn't hateful.. but he's darn creepy!!!.. I was like OMG! That's a realy Psycho look..Look at his expressions.. He was pointed with a gun but the thrill excite him even more.. really crazy creepy monster!. Thumbs up for senior actor Choi Won Young.. He's really good!



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Guest wizengamot



so as promised, a decent but not yet colored/done fanart of the holding hands... (forgive that multiple trademark/watermark, one of my HyunJi (HyunxJiAn) fanart was stolen - posted with my name being removed (art theft) so i had to put lots of my name to prevent that from happening again)


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Hi, first time commenting ever but have been lurking soompi for a few years back. lol. Figures this drama could pull me out of hiding-it's awesome! Loving this drama and everyone's recaps, thoughts and analysis. Something caught my attention:  sorry to cut @aprilslily post but you are definitely onto something here.

"I was re-watching episodes (maybe all of them), and I was thinking the book that was left on the table in episode ten wa,s not his fathers diary (which was a hard back book), but the Detective's note book. Also the Father's book didn't have any gold lettering on it, but the Detective's did. (episode 4). "

In episode 6, Eun Bok left out in his conversation with LH that he was the first one to arrive at the crime scene for Officer Yang's murder. 

Heres my thoughts: what if that book was picked up by Eun-Bok? And that's who left it on LH's table. Hmmm. So many good thoughts and what if's. Guess we'll wait (patiently?) till Monday. Thanks again for everyone's input. I love reading and getting more depth in kdramas.


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Guest seriouslytho

 Also one hilarious scene was when she woke up and all the guys were around her and Min was looking like I hate you you bi*ch, taking my brother away from me and LJY looked like hoe I could care less about you.

+1. Their expressions cracked me up. Poor Ji-an will have to battle all kinds of psychopaths for her True Love.


Don't post one liners, this is against the rules and you will get a warning next time...

14. Do not bump pages so that your thread will remain on the first page of the forum. There is no need to echoe the same replies such as "he's hot!", "can't wait for the next episode!" or "why no preview?!" to establish your point. If you're going to make a post, say something intelligible or of substance.    

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Truly astounding details. And that part where Cha Jian is talking with the Pathologist at the hospital... she talked about the susceptibility mental syndrome just as Hyun was separately wondering if Min has it. The Pathologist didn't look so happy about it. He was a bit alarmed. Was he perhaps alarmed at the thought that Min does wrong because of him? But then he responds by justifying that the genes for being a murderer has been with them all the time, anyway. It really looked like Jian struck a nerve when she said that it was bad luck for the girl to meet the guy.  And then some sheer sense of timing, Min walks in. The three of them all related to Hyun sitting side by side is just creepy!

But my heart really goes out to Min in this episode... when he noted that they may not have enough time to save Jian anymore, Hyun answers almost defiantly that they'll find Jian"no matter what". It was almost as if he regretted saying it out loud the second after he said it. Perhaps, was he worried he gave off more of his "weakness" than necessary? I'm really sad for Min! I'm anticipating the moment the brothers unite! :'(

And why is this drama popular with international viewers? Because it's intellectually talking about about mental syndrome, genes, how  does one become a murderer or signs  and symptoms  In normal usual kdrama it'll be blah blah makjang!

I feel for  Min too. That fragile little bro,  he grew up, but he never really did. He wants his hyung's love and attention. Like he wants the Hyung  who was always there to protect him. That jealous hurt look he gave Hyun and Ji-An.. it's just.. I'm like... I wish Hyun would've have looked back at  Min and see if he was alright.. but he did not.  :(

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Guest wizengamot

i was browsing instagram and there was a pic of Min walking away (after the brawl with the serial killer guy on ep. 10) while Hyun assist JiAn on walking, and the caption on that particular ig post was like Min should tell JiAn what she feels because he might regret it later. it seems to me that some of the viewers think that Min being nice to JiAn was because he likes her. I don't think that's the case. Aside from Hyun and Team Leader, i don't think there's anyone harboring a crush to Ji An from the show

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Guest aoikarin

My badass heroine Ji An really good in insulting and provoking her enemy. I bet her skills improved as much as her practice bantering with Hyeon.







Cha Ji An’s insults:

Let’s have a one on one fight (wooow! badass Ji An Mode)

WHy? ARe YOu Scared?

You are sexually crippled, aren’t you?

That’s why you’re killing women.

There are a lot of jerks like you.

Because they are sexually crippled, they are killing women instead, like you crazy bastard.

Do you think I’ve only arrested one or two of those kinds of bastards?

Those bastards only worked on making their body larger, just like you.

To hide the fact their manhood are crippled (Oucch!! That’s harsh, Ji An)

They only work on making muscles. Right?


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Guest dramacf

The PSH comparison was made in jest, we all know SIG is one of the guys who knows how to really kiss in kdrama land.

I don't think there will be an extension coz the 16 episodes fits each portion of the infinity sign. We're past halfway the 16-episode allotted for this drama, some answers are already being unraveled about the past. Only questions left now are the LJY reveal, LH's mom's death and who's behind LJY's escape so those 3 main points basically covers 3 weeks which is what is left in this drama.

Clearly, the writer did a lot of thought on how to pace and interweave each case within LH's life and mix it with a dash of comedy, sprinkle it with enough action, spoonfuls of delicious romance and enough slice of suspense and mystery is no easy task. So, again bravo to writer-nim! 

I'm still hoping the brother Min is just a minion and hasn't killed anyone, it could be LJY who's killing those people but Min is just tasked to dispose of the bodies. Unless, I see for myself that he has killed someone, I'll believe he's just a sociopath and not an actual psychopath yet....I badly want the brothers to reunite coz watching their longing for each other is painful to watch.


Fanart credits: DC

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Guest wizengamot

after watching this fanvid, i'm like 85% sure that Hyun might actually kiss her back or that she will pull away or break the kiss but he will pull her back to initiate the kiss this time. 

just look at the lyrics of the third OST matched with all of Hyun's concern to Ji An that he, himself, did not notice too. 


"You approach and enter into my heart

You can hear the sound of this love slowly growing..

... right away the trace of love emerges"

the lyrics sure suits Hyun

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Damn I love this drama soooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad !! 

Love it love it :wub:

really so much crazy in loving this drama !! 

Osen - Naver: 'I Remember You' Jang Nara gives Seo In Gook a surprise kiss

1. [+2,713, -39] Could barely catch my breath throughout this episode

2. [+2,370, -40] Never saw this kiss scene coming but it's still sweet ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+1,229, -63] I don't want a lame ending just like that of  'The Girl Who Sees Smell' ~~~

4. [+406, -5] This drama's daebakㅜㅜ  I'm so sad about the ratings

4. [+239, -4] When I watched the trailer for this drama, I thought it would be another immature romcom but it focuses more on investigation than love lines.  It deserves more viewers and high ratings. No crappy actors, love triangles and makjang. This is one of the better dramas this year 

5. [+181, -3] Seo In Gook should've kissed her back

6. [+182, -4] I don't mind the big age gap as they have a pretty good chemistry ~^^ They're so pretty together~^^ More romantic scenes for the remaining episodes please

7. [+147, -1] I love how this drama is 80% investigation and 20%  romance

8. [+104, -1] Lee Hyun's so sexy~~~

9. [+103, -1] How do I wait another week?

CREDITS: kkuljaem

after today breaking news of shin min ah and won bin ,,, nothing is impossible for ori Narassi !! :D 

I believe it is the same age gap difference of about 6 years !

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Guest aoikarin

See how deep Ji An’s and Hyeon’s trust and faith for each other? I love their partnership is as solid and beautiful as diamond, truly soulmates!



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*Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnntsssss* I just couldn't keep up with you guys! I think I had backtracked more than 10 pages and I didn't expect that! 

I should because this show is exactly the type which is great for discussing and sharing opinions on soompi. 

Much things have been said and I love reading your analysis. Just want to say some things;

1) The Kiss! 

Oh all the reactions :D !

This is why dramas with addictive OTPs, romance and squee-worthy scenes get high ratings. It is also why I dislike it when it is used for fanservice, as a lazy way to pull viewers without putting more effort into the story and of course to jack up ratings. For this drama, none of the foresaid happened and when the "Kiss" finally took place, I totally buy why it happened and it made sense. Ji An had a close brush with death and clearly more traumatized than she allowed herself to show. In such a state, she puts aside convention and kisses her guy first. She knows instinctively that Lee Hyun sees her more as a friend, No or not much words were spoken but it was all in his action, his saving her, him holding her as she collapsed into his arms. I think she felt confident that he loves her. And what better way to show her own feelings than to kiss him? Plus the show has been building up the case for their love since ep 1 and so this kiss happened not a moment too soon :D 

Lee Hyun's reaction is awkward for sure. In reality, no one stands there frozen. You either push the other person away or you kind of reciprocate. But this is a show so it's excusable to have people frozen a little longer than in reality just to show the emotions running through them. Plus with Lee Hyun's innate personality(he was strangely inhibited even as a child) and emotional handicap, his inability to deal with expressions of love like this is understandable. 

2) The Mother

I got a feeling that Lee Hyun's mother's death is the big jigsaw puzzle piece which will make the picture a whole lot clearer. 

What if LJY isn't the killer? You know we never really got the scene of LJY killing, not even of Prof Lee. LJY is a psycho alright but there could be more to it. There's also this weird eye stuff going on all the time with LJY and Min. They don't seem to be like acting together or in sync if we are talking about them being partners in crime. 

There was also this indication that Min is born a psycho but I doubt the show will go there. It will really be quite a deviation from norm for a drama, not movie to suggest that a child can be a monster. 

I know I am confusing myself but just throwing up thoughts and questions.....geez....this show makes your mind work hard :D 

someone said this and I agree - what's this thing about one of the team(aaargh forgot his name) being raised in a orphanage. Red herring or a link? But dude is too young to be involved, I dunno. 

3) Ji An

I love love this character! She's so cool, so cute and it's such a rare find in kdramaland. Jang Nara just went notches up in my ranking of actresses. She makes Ji An real. 

4) The Funny

Recently, I had more than my share of dumb cops. The irritation spikes when dumb cops appear in serious crime dramas, major eye rolls. Thankfully, the team here were never presented as highly skilled, special or cool. They were a motley crew from day 1. And Team leader is a hoot! There are such clown characters as always but this one has a heart of gold. I like that he is not so inept in fighting, he really works hard instead of relying on his dad all the time, he does care about his team. Anyway, he is still clueless and funny, His scenes with his Dad is also hilarious. For this reason, I can't imagine Dad being the No. 1 bad guy. This is actually a drama trope but I don't think he is. 

Psychoteers? The person who coined this is a genius! Yeah,,,you know I would like to see this 3 very intelligent guys in another drama, solving crimes. Their scenes in ep 10 working together on the case really made me wish I could see more of it :D 

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Every time I watched the new ep of  this drama I feel like every cell in my brain are working.....there are so many thing that need to be understand and I like this feeling. I always repeat almost 3 times watching the same ep.:w00t::w00t::w00t:

i never watched the korean drama about investigation that really brilliant in term of storyline and the cast....all cast do a good job.

Btw Jnr and sig look cute together....:lol:

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EP  9&10  of all the episodes since the start..probably had the best scenes.  EP  9. Min going to Hyun for a meal, visiting the  the house they/he used to live. Looking, remembering. Scenes with no words just facial expression  and we can see the emotions. Lovely poignancy to that scene! Kudos to the director! EP 10 that meal time with the psychoteers..when all 3 of them trying to see each others reactions. Imagine having dinner with all 3 casually talking about murder and corpse. Haha. And then Bonding together to save Ji-An. The drollery of the situation. We want more!

 The Kiss.. well, they kiss. I have no opinion. I'm not heavily invested in the otp cause I look at the drama more as crime mystery drama.  More interested in the brothers story.  But the reaction from.. our chingus.. thumbs up!

 I also agree about the cops in this show. They're not the fumbling idiotic type we're so used to seeing.  They give humor to the show but it's not the silly dumb humor.. Kudos to the writer. 

Oh and Team Leader Kang... our Chunderella....hehehe. I was thinking if ever.. Pink Panther k version. Slay it Chun.

Eunbok..one of the cop...the writer is trying to confuse up and add to our analytical thinking.  Hyun will have an interest.. for sure. But then.... Min will get all jealous of the attention Hyun will focusing. 

And the psychoteers.. more like psychotears. Oh Min, crying out for his hyung's attention. :(

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or maybe it will be good if ji han will be the one to breack the kiss while will keep on stayng in disbelif, maybe she will tell him that she is in love but doesen't expect anything now, but it will be good he will think about it and then give her an answer after awhile, but i really like when the heroine, knowing how it's the situation or that may be the possibility of the boy not recipocating the feelings, say:"i am sorry i shouldn't have but i don't regret this kiss,  you don't have to answer me right away a won't pester you,but i wanted to tell you my feelings, i couldn't stay silent any longer", then she leaves and start to try at least to be as normal as possible even if it's really difficult.

He on the other end still can't belive what just happened or what to do, and of course he will think about it, and couldn't think of anything else for awhile, then maybe he at first will tell her that he doesen't feel the same, and what can she do  other than accept the reality, she will try to be strong on the outside before him using a smile, (this could happen in the place where he touched her hands after she washed her hands) then she will go away and in the way could be seen by the captain that ask her what happened to her and she just break into tears and start cryng into his arms, he doesen't know what happened to her, the only think he can do is hug her and comfort her, after awhile HYUN go after her and see the scene, at that time he start to feel strange about that, the fact that she cried because of him and the fact that he doesen't like the way he touch her, even if he just rejected her.


girlsit took a long time but this is just a theory and i am sorry if it doesen't make sense just my delulu minds

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And this why we love this show. It's brilliant. Directing, writing, acting, the scenes, the details, the camera work. Hello awards!   So yes, KBS did well with this one! nevermind ratings. This show is more popular with intl viewers. KBS world wins! he he.

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