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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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@winterbubbletea If its the states its available in Target from what I understood. I got both the whitening(the one she used) and the pore control cushion. That's why I'm broke now. It's 37usd I think but it comes with one refill meaning you get 2 for price of 1. I have bad acne scars and it covered mine yet it feels very light at the same time. It's definetly worth the tries. I was actually against Laneige because I just dislike the brand in itself for no logical reasons but it proved me wrong. 

The crazy things DOTS make me do. I even research a career as military psychologist because I want to go in there but my dad whose also in military talked me out of it. According to him, he didn't want his daughter to suffer in military... and I was like... but.... YSJ and SDY .... TT TT Please write more !!! I read it everyday !

@kokodus Because in Korean language there are many formality suffix at the end that's not just 'yo'. Example... he said arraso, kaman isso... if its informal he would have said 'ara... yah chakkan'. arrasso, kaman isso is the honorific way of speaking without sounding too stiff and 'overly formal like'.

@winterbubbletea Its 34usd but its like 2 for price of 1 and 1 cushion usually last me 4-5 months with everyday usage. 

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BTS of DOTS, hair tied's scene

SHK:   이렇게 하지말고, 이렇게

SJK: 알았어, (couldn't catch the next one), then he goes "이렇게, 잘했지? 칭천을 좀 해줘"

Scene when SHK watched the doves, SJK blocked her view, she glared at him:

SJK to SHK: 진짜 진짜 싫어한다 야, 제대로 몰입하네

if the above is formal way to speak Korean, I need to comeback to my school and ask for tuition back :D

@princessmantou kaka, I think we all (plus Agus) should study Korean from you ^^ until DOTS 2 coming, what is your time zone? I could change my sleeping habit for online lesson ^^ (things I do only for DOTS)




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@SkyKid There's many ways to speak formally. Just that the way they spoke is not the formal language that's being spoke when making speeches or speaking to someone important. Even idols who laugh and yelled on variety show use formal language though it don't sound like it...

Most Korean Language schools from grade 1-5 teaches more daily formal language. The way Korean speak informally is on another level... there are even words you can't find in the dictionary or never heard before... it amazes me where many words come from

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1 hour ago, princessmantou said:

I was thinking that its possibly KMY joking that she's the noona in ep 2... You don't yell at your noona or oppa 'Yah'. It's major disrespectful especially when others heard it.

. . . .

Our YSJ and KMY, if they are truly born in the same year... its not only the same year they share LOL.... They both are blood type A and very goodlooking.


If KMY tried 3-4 times to be a professor, it would be safe to say her age is 32/33. Because in Korea you need to do the whole resident thing finish by 27 and then you have to apply to be a professor by 29. 

To be Captain of the ROKA, including military academy. YSJ stated he was in the military for 15 years. 18 years old plus 15 years... 5 years in military academy and it takes 10 years to rise to the position of captain... .... Yup its his age 1983...

Gah, I'm not even sure why I'm answering this because -- at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter to me who's older -- but since I was tagged . . . one last post (from me) on the age thing!  The conversation in Episode 2 is precisely why I think KMY is older.  She'd yelled, "Yah," at him when he teased her about the water outage incident, and he was calling her out on it, asking who was older.  She answered by calling him an oppa, which led him believe he was older, but then immediately followed that by saying she was the noona.  In that context, it doesn't make sense to correct him with a joke.  On the contrary, it makes more sense to lead with the joke (letting him think he was an oppa) before correcting with the truth (that she's older).  Add to that, there are continuous references/jokes to her being old in the drama (both from him and her).  Like the reason he looks out for her is because she falls in his elderly category, not the beauty.  Or, in the end, when he asks why she was chosen to represent her class in reciting the Hippocratic oath and she says it's because she was the class beauty, he asks if it wasn't because she was the oldest.  Those are the sorts of teasing jokes one would make to someone who's older than you, not to someone who's younger.  That's why I, and others, still think KMY is older than YSJ despite the other evidence indicating otherwise (i.e., him being a 1983 Pisces coupled with her birth date on the list of volunteers). 

Having said that, while I think KMY is the older of the two, I also think it plausible that they are close in age, even possibly donggaps.  That might explain any informal language spoken between the two.  As a non-Korean speaker, I readily admit I can't always distinguish between the two.  For the most part, I had assumed they were speaking formally for most of the drama (particularly given the military context).  I know there was one scene, it was in Episode 12 after KMY was saved and he was asking after her bullet wound.  She told him she just wanted to have a normal relationship where she could complain about the traffic and share how she'd dithered over what to have for lunch, he responded, "So just tell me," or something like that.  The Viki subs had originally indicated he was speaking informally in that moment, so I knew from that it was a significant gesture (in the sense that it must be different from how he normally spoke to her).  They've since removed that indicator.

As for blood types, didn't KMY send him a text in Episode 15 telling him she was an O type? 

Finally, @winterbubbletea, both Laniege and IOPE are available in the US.  You can even find Laniege at Target.

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@SkyKid It's 4am Korean time here... and I'm still watching DOTS again haha...

@themarchioness I remember the writer Kim Eun Sook say that KMY is a Blood Type A woman.... and YSJ is Blood type A too isn't it. I don't really care whose older... its just that when I watch it without subtitles... I keep getting confused... Those jokes he made to her about her being an eldery... I don't feel you can only joke it with someone whose older than you. No one would joke such things with a girl whose actually older... most people will just remain silent. If the girl is younger and you joke that and its obvious is a joke... it won't come off as offensive isn't it. At least thats what most people I observe are like... those who are really older no one will dare to use age as a joke. Such jokes are usually played on younger girls who are over 30 in Korea. Anyway girls in Korea are sensitive when it comes to age.... if you date a guy whose same age in Korea... it makes you feel 'older' than the guy even if you are not. 

Like in the Korean version... its very very confusing... because he would speak to her as if he's the older one... then KMY calls herself noona... I'm confused and I need Kim Eun Sook to answer this question mark in my head. 

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7 minutes ago, princessmantou said:


@themarchioness I remember the writer Kim Eun Sook say that KMY is a Blood Type A woman.... and YSJ Blood type A too isn't it. I don't really care whose older... its just that when I watch it without subtitles... I keep getting confused... Those jokes he made to her about her being an eldery... I don't feel you can only joke it with someone whose older than you. No one would joke such things with a girl whose actually older... most people will just remain silent. If the girl is younger and you joke that and its obvious is a joke... it won't come off as offensive isn't it. At least thats what most people I observe are like... those who are really older no one will dare to use age as a joke. Such jokes are usually played on younger girls who are over 30 in Korea. Anyway girls in Korea are sensitive when it comes to age.... if you date a guy whose same age in Korea... it makes you feel 'older' than the guy even if you are not. 

You may be confusing Type A personality with the personalities Asians associate with blood types.  I think when KMY and YSJ have been described as being the Type A type, it's talking about them in the personality sense that Type As are known to be aggressive, competitive, leader types (see Wiki explanation). 

I'd have to rewatch the scene in Episode 15 again to be certain, but my recollection is she finally told him she was a Type O blood type.  As for him, I'm not sure we actually know his blood type.  I don't think he ever actually said so in the drama and my recollection is that at one point, there was some online chatter about how the drama was inconsistent with his blood type -- that on his dog tags, it indicated he was an O, but on his uniform arm band, it indicated he was an A.

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@themarchioness The armband is his bloodtype... the dogtag is what bloodtype this person needs. It's a ROKA thing... The armband A+ is his blood type.. The dogtag O is the bloodtype he needs. This is also one of the reason on important missions they have to remove their dogtags too..

Maybe I got the Type A part wrong... I forgot... its just a vague memory I had of what Kim Eun Sook said. 

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15 minutes ago, princessmantou said:


Like in the Korean version... its very very confusing... because he would speak to her as if he's the older one... then KMY calls herself noona... I'm confused and I need Kim Eun Sook to answer this question mark in my head. 

I hate to say it, but I think you may just have to either let it go or resolve it with your gut feeling.  Do you choose to follow the evidence that was shown to us via his comment about being a Pisces 1983 and the volunteer list?  Or do you feel that the drama presented itself otherwise?  At the end of the day, I'm not sure it really matters and I think for the most part, the drama tried to keep it vague -- perhaps on purpose.  :)

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5 minutes ago, themarchioness said:

You may be confusing Type A personality with the personalities Asians associate with blood types.  I think when KMY and YSJ have been described as being the Type A type, it's talking about them in the personality sense that Type As are known to be aggressive, competitive, leader types (see Wiki explanation). 

I'd have to rewatch the scene in Episode 15 again to be certain, but my recollection is she finally told him she was a Type O blood type.  As for him, I'm not sure we actually know his blood type.  I don't think he ever actually said so in the drama and my recollection is that at one point, there was some online chatter about how the drama was inconsistent with his blood type -- that on his dog tags, it indicated he was an O, but on his uniform arm band, it indicated he was an A.

YSJ did mention his blood type is A when giving information about Doctor Kang's bf for the hospital director, hehe. 

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7 minutes ago, princessmantou said:

@themarchioness The armband is his bloodtype... the dogtag is what bloodtype this person needs. It's a ROKA thing... The armband A+ is his blood type.. The dogtag O is the bloodtype he needs.

That . . . doesn't make much sense, no offense.  It makes more sense to put your actual type on the dog tag because with that information, an emergency responder can then figure out what a person needs.  An A can receive A and O blood, after all, so why limit the dog tag to just O? 

Wikipedia pretty much confirms that even in S. Korea, a person's blood type is put on the dog tag: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_tag#South_Korea

2 minutes ago, SkyKid said:

YSJ did mention his blood type is A when giving information about Doctor Kang's bf for the hospital director, hehe. 

Oh you're right!!!!  I'd forgotten about that scene.  (how could I forget?  I love that scene!!!  :)

In which case, then the online chatter was right that the dog tags were incorrect.

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@SkyKid I think what @themarchioness was saying is that although YSJ said he's A and his army uniform tag states he's Blood type A. His dog tag states 'O'. However in Korean military and I believe US military, the bloodtype on the dogtag indicates the blood type that this person needs in case there is a need for blood donation. Because of military confidentiality, its not 'safe' to blatantly state your blood type. 

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@themarchioness Because revealing your bloodtype to the enemies in missions poses danger to the person's health itself. This is under blood group type... What you can save you what can't... It's a ROKA law. My brother is a B and his dogtag states O too. My father is a A like YSJ and his states A instead. Because before you enter the military, there is a full health check in regards what blood type reacts best with your blood type. My younger brother is a sergeant from Special Command Forces and he told me you can never reveal your blood type to enemies thats why their green uniform have completely no information. 

My dad always tell me... if a soldier dies... he dies... most soldiers don't have the luxury of having a emergency doctor everywhere they go. That's why the death rate of soldiers are so high. Because when you die... there is no way to save you... what could you do ? Drag your dying comrade in a middle of a battle to get help ? Soldiers are all taught to fight till the end not saving your comrades in the middle of a battle and get yourself and the remaining ones killed...

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3 minutes ago, themarchioness said:

That . . . doesn't make much sense, no offense.  It makes more sense to put your actual type on the dog tag because with that information, an emergency responder can then figure out what a person needs.  An A can receive A and O blood, after all, so why limit the dog tag to just O? 

Wikipedia pretty much confirms that even in S. Korea, a person's blood type is put on the dog tag: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_tag#South_Korea

Oh you're right!!!!  I'd forgotten about that scene.  (how could I forget?  I love that scene!!!  :)

In which case, then the online chatter was right that the dog tags were incorrect.

About the dog tag, the first one before YSJ leaves Urk, it's wrong (stated his blood type as O), but in ep 12 when he left his uniform we can see they changed his blood type on the dogtag to A.  Haha, DOTS with its flaws:D:sweatingbullets:

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@SkyKid I'm not sure about that part but I know that every ROKA's guy dogtag is different.... some of their dogtag is same as their blood type some are not. Sometimes their dogtag include possible medical conditions and all ROKA guys own two dogtags not one... two together in the same chain and both have different information... My dad's dogtag both states A blood which is his own. But my younger brother has one that states O one that states B. My other younger brother whose an AB has one that states O and one that states A... it confusing but.... 

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48 minutes ago, princessmantou said:

@themarchioness Because revealing your bloodtype to the enemies in missions poses danger to the person's health itself. This is under blood group type... What you can save you what can't... It's a ROKA law. My brother is a B and his dogtag states O too. My father is a A like YSJ and his states A instead. Because before you enter the military, there is a full health check in regards what blood type reacts best with your blood type. My younger brother is a sergeant from Special Command Forces and he told me you can never reveal your blood type to enemies thats why their green uniform have completely no information. 

My dad always tell me... if a soldier dies... he dies... most soldiers don't have the luxury of having a emergency doctor everywhere they go. That's why the death rate of soldiers are so high. Because when you die... there is no way to save you... what could you do ? Drag your dying comrade in a middle of a battle to get help ? Soldiers are all taught to fight till the end not saving your comrades in the middle of a battle and get yourself and the remaining ones killed...

:Logic is mostly universal donor the O that is well sought of as safe conditions to give to any blood type. I think that is why they said on dog tags to give O blood since it is a universal donor. Normally, it depends also what is in stock in the department to give blood. During surgeries in Civilian Hospitals if a surgery is planned they will use the blood type of the person. If they do not know then they would normally use O.

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Song Hye-kyo unveiled behind-the-scene cuts from 'Descendants of the Sun'



Actress Song Hye-kyo unveiled behind-the-scene cuts from drama 'Descendants of the Sun.' In the photo above, Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo showed bright smiles. 


Photo from Song Hye-kyo


'Descendants of the Sun' recently ended with 16 episodes with 40% of local viewer ratings. 



Korea.com's Emily You contributed to this report from Seoul. [E-mail: maintyoung@korea.com]



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