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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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i missed the live recaps tonight...yeah i sleep 30minutes before its started, i thought i would woke up on time but it turned up i overslept, but still thank you to all live recappers despite the lag, you didnt give up you still give your best to live recapping to poor soul like me who cant even to love streaming.. you rock guys!!!!!!

just finished read all live recaps, take more than 30 minutes to read it yeah...another great episode i think just by read live recaps here and how cute our OTP . kyaaaaaaaaaa.....Why i just remember the cute things and leave out the tense and sad scene in this episode????hahahahahahahaha its too cheesy over here and there, but really i am getting used by these cheesy things because  i am also fangirl that love cheesy things too sometimes,hahahahahahaha, no wonder KSE style is similar with me, we are fangirl after all. i can bear that cheesy because you YSJ KMY SDY and YMJ.....

i wont missed live recaps tomorrow, i think i will camping here since afternoon soi wont missed a thing...see you tomorrow all


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5 minutes ago, rafaishan said:

I guess you didn't read the description clearly in page 1 :P:)


We should just stop relying to that annoying poster and this thread will stay peaceful and focused :) Just ignore empty comments.

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2 minutes ago, utkim said:

^ i think so too renic , probably end of ep 6? i love that scene so much, like MY saw a light in a dark tunel, so heartbreaking yet so beautifully ...gahh, can't wait

Yup But if I'm MY  I definitely running to him and hug him tightly.. I mean I'm between life and death because of earthquake... :D...  

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42 minutes ago, enzek said:


ok this is only a guess but maybe this is the ending scene? or one of the final ep scene? hmmm

its like shi jin and mo yeon chilling enjoying the view there. and if they visit this place again together it kinda the final ep scene.

where did you get that pic? did it also appear in today's ep? another scene that i missed? no?

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That was the opening scene from today's episode.  Where they put the credits/rating.  

I would say that's the final ep. scene, but I doubt they'd give it away that quickly.  They change the opening scene a lot. 

And she got to wear his shirt. :P  Well, not quite how I imagined she might... but I'l take it


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3 minutes ago, minoz_joyax said:

where did you get that pic? did it also appear in today's ep? another scene that i missed? no?

the picture appear at the beginning of the video for the today episode

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15 minutes ago, mizuki85 said:

Thank you for the updates and recaps, so funny, I can't hold burst out of my laughter 


I think for a doc like kmy it is easy to find one good looking charming guy, I bet there are many among doctors. Yet, to find a guy special like him with an endless flirting energy is one of a kind. 


Kmy cute, pretty and silly, love her this way. So is CH. 


Thank you for reading them! 

And yes, she can probably find a good charming doctor somewhere but...can he compare to Shi-jin? Like you said, the man has endless stamina when it comes to flirting. Although I'd say that the upcoming rejection might leave him weary of trying again. This time, I think, he'll need a billboard sized sign from Mo-yeon telling him that she's up for it before he'll make another move on her...not to mention that with, you know, deadly earthquakes and all, they might be a tad too busy not dying to pursue other activities...

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1 minute ago, leedonghaek said:

LOL so many people are angry at Mo Yeon for not kissing Si Jin back. I don't know if those people have a hard time understanding why she didn't reciprocate. Smh..

Angry? Why? Do we have to love everyone just because he/she loveS us? No! absolutely not. No matter how cute she/he is. 

I just dont really understand because I dont know Korean language. I also guest that she still doesn't want to adventure into the new way. 

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Just now, leedonghaek said:

LOL so many people are angry at Mo Yeon for not kissing Si Jin back. I don't know if those people have a hard time understanding why she didn't reciprocate. Smh..

Haha figures. 

I liked that she didn't.  Sure, I would have liked if she did kiss him back of course, but I liked that she didn't automatically swoon and kiss him back.   I also really liked that he noticed that she wasn't reciprocating the kiss and didn't push it (much).  I think she might have kissed him back if not for the wine bottle breaking the mood too.  She obviously likes the guy.  She's just got to get over her fear and live for today instead of worrying about what might happen.  Him leaving is the best thing so she can experience life without him and realize how much that sucks. 

And SJ didn't take it too personally in the end.

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