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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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omo i just realised I got @Eileen531 and amy mixed up this morning. Mianhe to both and congrats this time to Eileen re: the graduation. My brain is obviously still not working well today! :tears:

Just saw @cmoirae2 IG and felt very excited that the photobook she has so painstakingly done is now in Wookie's hands with all our comments! Wheee! Glad I contributed some - hopefully he gets someone to translate the English for him. :D So envious that you can see me live! Argghh - so much happiness.

@reemkanabta - great points as usual. Besides kbs awards, any other PMY feels?! (tagging is wonky today).

@mellinadear - happy birthday!

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Hello @All ! 

POV on PMY's silence....: -

1) 2 yrs hibernation with almost to the point of not coming back... loosing her self-confidence during that terrible time;  that 'incident' in her life was so traumatic which get me to think.. 1st love experience of that kind will leave a scar that will always serve as a reminder of that chapter in her life. (if its her 1st,  that proves how faithfully strong her love can be;  that one lost so much by letting her go) 

2)  her love for acting is foremost so she gives it another shot but she is still vulnerable to the point that any slight inclination to that 'past' has a strong impact/effect on her rebuilt self-confidence.  

3)And while what we see are only superficial things, what goes on in reality only she,  family and her friend, jessica knows.We are witness to how close these two are.  

4) She was doing ok as we saw with her trying to be her usual bubbly always smiling self,  opening interaction comm with her supporters.  Alas! that day when the nottobenamed news /IG and the bashings... she went almost offline again. I repeat we dont know what goes behind the curtain...but she is expressive  (her pole dancing IG post to the unfollowing spree) Jess knew what was happening to her and she stood and supported her friend ... :)   

(remember JCW's face ...at one point in time?)

( am stopping for now..hope i can continue later)

Honestly,  I see PMY is a deep person  (I dont know how to better explain that) ... and if our Wookie is serious about her,  he'll be one lucky person at that if he wins her heart..... PMY is one unpolished stone.

Edited by luvspartace
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Well @tehlimau we only have the awards, press con and the bts to see her interactions with Wookie, and I was trying to think about her behaviour outside the awards also.  But from what I'm seeing she was really happy acting in Healer,  we all know that, and she said it a million time. Before or at the start of healer she said she wanted to focus on her acting career, on the awards she wished for a boyfriend and at the guerrilla date IV she mentioned that she want to madly fall in love without being caught,  at the end of healer she said again she doesn't have time to date,  but she doesn't want her love cells to die. So my guess with her contradicting herself here and there, is that she WAS trying to focus on her work, but along the road when she started to notice Wookie, and maybe have feelings for him outside of her YS character,  she tried to resist, but it seems she missed having someone by her side to love and be loved, that's why maybe she wished for that. As the days continued and her proximity to Wookie has increased,  by the bed of the show I think she was aware of what she was feeling, but didn't want history to repeat itself,  she was trying to convince herself that she had no time to date regardless of how she was feeling. And now with a couple months passing after healer, with the ongoing contact with Wookie maybe she realised that it's okay to feel that way again, and to be happy again, note that she doesn't want to date for the sake of dating, she's craving to start a family and to have someone to stay by her side always,  she doesn't want a casual relationship,  maybe that was also among the reasons for her to try to resist her feelings for Wookie, he still has along promising road ahead of him, and MS, maybe she thought he wouldn't be as committed as she wants him to be, and she didn't want to have that pressure on him, she still valued him a lot as a friend and as a hard working actor, oh My Minyoung ah,  how thoughtful you are

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but as I said before with his healer picture and some heart to heart conversations, she might have been persuaded to dive in, and give in and act upon their feelings to eachothers.

Look what you got me to do :huh: talking non stop, when I was trying to say a few words

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hiiiii everyone...omg i lovd it (♥♥♥) 

pmy is very lucky coz there is someone who truly loves her...i onow jessica knows everything about her so she supported her (unfollowing everyone on insta) by the wayy how can i contact her :P hihihihi n jcw latest post "miracle" makes me wonder many thing lol

chingus we will never get to know if they are dating also as they (wookie) said he want to date secretly so be ready coz whenever we will get to know about it  then think that they r engaged or getting married kikikik 

jcw voice ahhhhhh i want a bf like him now..i dont want to b single anymore ^_^ 



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Guest amyR055

@ReemKanabta agreed with what you said. We really have limited visual interactions between them outside of filming.

I love this excerpt from a book written by PMY's seonsangnim in the university. He wrote a book about his famous students and PMY was one of them.  This gave a valuable insights about her personalities from a third person view.

Credit to minmin blog, PMY international blog or the one who translated PMy's portion.

Minyoung’s Chapter Title : Park Min Young = Listen


Minyoung’s Teacher said :


    “As an actor, work is important, but attitude is more important.”

    “Minyoung has a major advantage and that’s she’s always taking care of the people around her”


    One day, Minyoung came to class with a body about to fall and said : “Sir, I’m feeling very uncomfortable ….. I’ve seen a doctor already, but my physical condition is still very bad. At that moment, I was thinking that Minyoung was in a situation that she was not able to attend class, and so I said to Minyoung : “Oh Oh, you’re so ill so why do you still want to come to class? instead of you come here, you should go home and have a rest, woah she really is something!! But Minyoung said to me : “but, but…… I still have to come to the class, although I can’t do rehearsal  but I still want to finish the lecture then I’ll go back. If I really feel very uncomfortable, I will leave the class quietly, and will not interfere the class, bend the rules for once!  The Teacher then said : “usually for other actors, if they’re not feeling well, they’ll call their agency then the agency will call the teacher and ask for an understanding, but Minyoung even with weak body she’s still insisted to come to the class and the teacher also said that actually that day Minyoung was not in a good condition and she had a high fever but she was still insisting and want to come to the class which showed her enthusiasm. “I engaged in teaching for many years, based on experience and judgment, this isn’t just a deliberate behavior in order to obtain good will and good impression. From that day on, I have more trust in Minyoung. I know that she is a person who has sense of responsibility and she knows what is important in an actor, those are being careful, responsible, and has wisdom.

    The so-called Master said that you can see student’s behavior and conduct through small things, so don’t blame me that I’m too easy in believing her (MY). One day, Minyoung brought plates for props, there was no specific instruction that requiring students to bring the plates, but what is praiseworthy was that she really did study her curriculum and brought the plates. So other students needed to borrow the plates from her, during the rehearsal someone accidentally broke the plates, at this kind of situation people usually say “Ouch, should be more careful or oh, I borrow that from my mother…” which indirectly expressing that someone is not happy, but Minyoung without showing the least unpleasant or angry look, instead she calmly and quietly stayed on her seat and said : “are you okay? it’s nice that you didn’t get hurt” in this kind of situation, her calmness, manner of speaking and the attitude dealing with things made me think that this girl is good and smart.

    Reporters asked teacher about his first impression of Minyoung? The Teacher said : “she’s very cute, she likes to do leaping and jumping, and is a clingy child. Being especially clever is the thing that I particularly love about her. Just remind her a few words and she can understand and she can do it straight away. She is a very motivated and very thoughtful person and has aspirant ideas and goals. Although Minyoung is still very young but she has the wisdom to analyze her own situation and to respond with cautious words and attitudes. Such intelligence may have come from her willingness to listen to other’s personalities. This intrinsic character made her became a strong and smart person, and also always makes people around her in happy mood.


    Because she often listened to the words of others, so she’s able to understand correctly and respond appropriately. She also always has something good to say, and have the ability to express those words delicately and it made her loved by others .


    Now look through her performance, you know that her good personal conduct revealed in her acting.


    I think a lot of people like Minyoung who is inherent sensitive, caring, thoughtful and always feeling of healthy and full of vitality.

    According to the Teacher, “teaching Minyoung is a fun and happy things. The girl always say : “Ah ~ ~ ~ I see. and I always hear “Ah ~ ~ ~ I see ” from her mouth which means that she’s seriously listens to my words and showed that she understands what I’m talking about through her action. The Teacher praised Minyoung this :” listening is not easy, because not just listen to the the surface of the words but most importantly is to understand the inside meanings of the words. In the process of acting lesson, found a problem big enough to become the drawback.” Because she lived in United States before she had problem with the correct pronunciation expression but fortunately she has more advantages that outweigh the disadvantages. That is I think the most important character ─ ─ listen.




Translated by MM ( thank you so much sis, for your help :) )

Remember when YS said she is a good listener actually PMY is talking about herself. JCW always emphasized about good communication between people - actually the person who always considered as a good communicator is the one that listen and pay attention to what others are  saying not the one that talks a lot.

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Daebak!!! @amyR055 this what wookie say with "sometime I fall in love when talked to her". Wookie ideal type able to communicate with him. 10% in their kakao talk was this "she is his listener" since he is a deep thinker. Need someone to hear and understand him. 

Ommoo... Can u hear the wedding bell chingguyaaa...

Btw what is @cmoirae2 ig id??

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And so after reading that description about PMY by her professor,  my doubts of my early on POV is gone...

PMY is an unpolished precious stone :)  yet... 

Thx a lot @amyR055 for sharing :)  A third person's perception of Minyoung sshi with a direct long time dealings with her is unquestionable. 


All the best of the best for another year in your life @mellinadear  :wub:

Edited by luvspartace
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Guest amyR055

@OdanKItha Yes that's what I want to point actually - he said he ' sometime I fall in love when I talked to  her.' He could only talk because there was someone who would listen wholeheartedly to his words and could dig deeper the meanings behind his words. That was one powerful connection/wavelength  when a light bulb in your head lighted and   he thought  'She knew exactly what I meant'.

@mellinadear Happy Birthday to you. Hopefully it is not belated yet.    

@luvspartace  Agreed with you and that is so true - MY is truly a rare exquisite gem waiting for someone special to protect and enjoy a lifetime of happiness with her.


Ahh why sometime tagging works and sometime don't. I give up  trying to make tagging  work already.

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Guest treasure51

@amyR055, awesome...

Like this part, 

    Reporters asked teacher about his first impression of Minyoung? The Teacher said : “she’s very cute, she likes to do leaping and jumping, and is a clingy child

Remember someone??


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Guest amyR055

@treasure51 Hahahaha I was thinking about the same things when I read that part who else likes to do leaping, jumping and clingy -  she is a female version of healer maybe. lol

I love reading that articles because even the professor was not immune to her cuteness. She works her magic on almost all people that she had opportunity to encounter.

@ReemKanabta Is Reem taking a break today? LOL

Enjoy your weekend Reem and others too. :D

About the book that written by PMY's professor it seemed @dandelionjd shared more details about it earlier in PMY thread. Thank you dandelionjd. I wished the publisher translated the book in English or can buy the hangul version online. Must be fun to read about his famous students.

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Hahaha @amyR055 actually my sister was visiting with her kids, and I also felt that I talk too much sometimes,  so trying to hold my self from me ranting about these two over and over again. I just loved reading what you posted about PMY's teacher opinion on her, I love it so much when I hear how people around her view her and their opinions on her personality, she's really someone you would love to have as a friend,  so imagine if it was as a lover, she's really a true gem @luvspartace and I thought the same about leaping and clinging @treasure51  and the listening part @OdankItha I specially loved these:

As an actor, work is important, but attitude is more important.”

    “Minyoung has a major advantage and that’s she’s always taking care of the people around her”

her calmness, manner of speaking and the attitude dealing with things made me think that this girl is good and smart.

Amy this remind me of what we thought about her speech in the awards:

Because she often listened to the words of others, so she’s able to understand correctly and respond appropriately. She also always has something good to say, and have the ability to express those words delicately and it made her loved by others .

She is a very motivated and very thoughtful person and has aspirant ideas and goals. Although Minyoung is still very young but she has the wisdom to analyze her own situation and to respond with cautious words and attitudes. Such intelligence may have come from her willingness to listen to other’s personalities. This intrinsic character made her became a strong and smart person, and also always makes people around her in happy mood

I just love everything he said actually, Im falling in love with her over and over again, if Wookie could see that in her how could he not fall for her, being the deep thinker he is, and how much he emphasis the importance of communication,  it's like they're different pages of the same book.

and now I'm starting to talk too much again, sorry  that wasn't my intention

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