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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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@amyR055 oh Amy, I just love your posts,  we think alike you and me, firstly about MY checking with Wookie, because of how considerat she is, and how he doesn't feel comfortable around strangers,  although he seems to know quite a few there, but not closely.  And JW was so adorable with him, he seems a little shy himself but weren't they the cutest thing together, and when they won that award together,  they both looked surprised "what! We won popularity award!!" Lol. And when checking with PMY about that Noona question,  so adorbs, I will make the gifs when I'm not too sleepy or busy. 

Also what you said about Wookie staking claim, yes, there's no need to guide her, but that was just an instinctive reflex for what you mentioned above, THIS WOMAN IS MINE, love it, so animalistic. Did you see how both the MCs were flirting with her, hahaha, I wanted to see his face then

Edited by ReemKanabta
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Guest amyR055

Hahaha Chinese take away - see  that is what we called bull's eye - such a kind and considerate 'player' you have there.  You're right player or not, once he find the right (not the so called perfect) soul mate, there is no turning back.

But to call JCW a player - quite hard to believe - he is the one that claimed he doesn't like superficial relationship no matter how pretty the girl is - that is definitely not a player. For sure he never thought about marriage before, but he surely not against marriage at all. He has an obligation to his mom to give cute and lovable grandchildren. lol

Hahahaha they didn't even confirmed their relationship in public,  yet we are discussing about their marriage already. Hahaha

At that award, people at the other tables look friendly with each other taking selca and having friendly conversation because they were in the same drama but for JCW he was all alone- luckily he was seated in front of MY. That guy next to him didn't even try to make small talk with him. In between the break, he really looked kind of lost. When MY went to change her dress, he was looking left and right, didn't know what to do.




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Oh @amyR055 ya I saw that lost puppy, poor baby I wanted to hug him there. But I saw JW trying to talk a few times, but he was all polite and maybe answering with one syllable only, poor him. I think maybe she told the staff to let him set in a table in front of her, she would knew him well to know what he needs *swoon* or maybe he was complaining that he wouldn't know anyone but her and she's leaving him there alone, whiny puppy, hahaha.

I heard or read about some people calling him a player, young and successful,  aiming high equal player!! *scratching head* because I think of him the opposite,  and yes he has an obligation for his mother,  come on Wookie, we all want grand children

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Guest amyR055

@ReemKanabta  Reem  maybe the other way around too- now I remember that guy name - Joo Won- maybe  both of them were being awkward to each other. :D

@thesoloobligatorn Oh hi... you have been missing for quite a while.:)

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Guest charliew

I haven't read everything from page 284 yet but.. maybeITALY means I Trust And Love You. :))


P.S. That turquoise Healerite under the profile pic *O*

omg you are genius! ​​ i've been wondering why the hastag ITALY coz it doesnt make sense with the pic, icouldnt connect the dot with the pic but now i know hahahaha 

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@tehlimau wow!  just wow!  this is one great FF! I got so immersed while reading it as if I'm in JCW's head. Felt so real (but it could be, right? right?) :)  can't help it but I'm smiling like crazy in front of the computer while reading. 

thank you.  you really know how to make changminers go crazy. LOL :wub:

way to go  ;)

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Guest FleurdeLys101

Just some delulu fuel to start your day...

Somebody is singing his heart out:

Aish i can`t embed instagram post... oh there


The part that he is singing in the vid: I think about you Even at the moment when I fall asleep and dream I think about you,

Apparently he is singing along to this song:



Tonight, the entire time while I'm walking you home You told me that I have changed That I'm not considerate of you You complain Is love always like butterflies to you? To me, it's being comfortable I don't set apart time to think about you I always think about you Yes, I think about you Even on busy days, each moment, I see you in each of those moments I can't show you everything but you can feel a little too, right? I always think about you Every day, I think about you Even at the moment when I fall asleep and dream I think about you, smiling in front of me Do you remember? The day I confessed my love to you I didn't prepare a special event but you accepted me In my heart always, like now I always think about you Yes, I think about you Even on busy days, each moment, I see you in each of those moments I can't show you everything but you can feel a little too, right? I always think about you Every day, I think about you Even at the moment when I fall asleep and dream I think about you, smiling in front of me (Yes, me me me) I always think about you Yes, I think about you Each moment that we spent together is so precious to me So I can't express it all in words but I'll show it to you little by little I always think Every day I think When I wake up early in the morning I think about you, the happiest person Looking at you smiling in front of me I love you

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@tehlimau what a pleasant surprise to wake up to, I honestly thought you will take your time with it, sorry to rush you off. But it's brilliant,  we're finally in his beautiful head, reading his mind :w00t: , hahaha, I can imagine Chigu always nagging about his revealing behaviour,  poor Wookie, his focus was really on her the whole night. And that text!!! Thank you for make it lovely and funny like that, too many things to say, the way he was drooling over her appearance, his wish for not shooting in winter (which is my most wanted wish), him thinking about offering his arm to her when walking the red carpet, this so characteristic for him, his thought about SIG being chummy with her to his disapproval of it, LOL. What else!! All of it actually, that's why I didn't pick favourite lines, Ah and that last line , eagerly waiting for MY WOMAN;  that would be my favourite word,  because I always thought,  specially recently with all our discussions about the awards,  that he must of felt, she was his,  his woman, and I love that you used it here *happy dance*.

Okay I'm still sleepy, but thank you again and again my dear *lots of hugs and kisses*

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Guest FleurdeLys101

@FleurdeLys101 is that really lyrics of a song,  because if our delulu is right, the words describe how he's feelings perfectly. I want to see that IG post a,  where did you find it!!

I have embedded the video. Song is really nice. i actually enjoyed listening to the whole song on YT... Ahhh a song that warms me up inside..

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Guest FleurdeLys101

Okay,  when was THAT!!! Is it recently! ! Who's this guy with him!! And yaaaayy for watching him drive and sing along,  I just love it, and his VOICE!!! *swoooon* @FleurdeLys101

​Last night, coz his friend is leaving this morning.

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