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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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Guest charliew

@OdankItha on this gif,  do you see how much time he took before wrapping his arms around her, he was praising the Lord for this gift, Lol, I know, I know he was thankful for her safety, he sure felt every ounce of her body attaching itself to his, even by the hips :rolleyes: (their bodies are like puzzle pieces that's fits perfectly together)


​You made me blush :wub:


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@charliew you should,  because that's exactly what was on my mind :phew: in that position she can even feel something herself, if she was lucky enough.

okay I should stop this pervy mood and go to bed before I got send to jail, night'all

Edited by ReemKanabta
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@OdankItha on this gif,  do you see how much time he took before wrapping his arms around her, he was praising the Lord for this gift, Lol, I know, I know he was thankful for her safety, he sure felt every ounce of her body attaching itself to his, even by the hips :rolleyes: (their bodies are like puzzle pieces that's fits perfectly together)


@ReemKanabta i think he was shocked and stunned:w00t::obecause of some sensitive part of their bodies....ehm..ehm bopped and crushed into each other very tightly and Intensely because of that for a moment he kept his arms open and didnt know how have to react :sweatingbullets: before wrapping his arms around her:P(oh sorry for my pervy mind....):rolleyes::ph34r:

Edited by saeedeh
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Guest amyR055

Hahahaha that was the most sincere 'physical' frontal hug in Korean drama. Definitely not two plywood facing each other type of hugging. LOL

But I love that scene because it shows how considerate JH was, instead of rushing in and being all panicky and crushing YS in a hug - even though he was worry sick about her at that time - he took the time to calm himself and waited for YS to come and embrace him.  But I say he made the right decision seeing how YS almost took his breath away with the 'full body'  frontal hug.

@ReemKanabta -  @saeedeh  @charliew  we can  blame Reem for this pervy discussion. LOL


*tagging still doesn't work for me.

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Guest HanaSakura0212

Hello chinguya and my lovely unnies..oppa too?? :P Anyoeng..

Finally, I have found you all..neomu bogosipeosseo..suddenly our temp thread crush and went offline..huhu..I like :crazy: (What's going on?? What's happening?? :tears:)

Idk what you all have been discuss lately but last night before I went to sleep :wub::wub:..PMY-ssi updated her IG..3 updates, 3..:w00t: ..after I commented on JCW's latest IG update.."PMY noona, where is she now?? I miss her a lot"..Did he read mine?? Haha,, impossible, right?? Huhu..but I want to believe that JCW read my comment..:rolleyes:

I have an exam today..:(..Wish me good luck..and after that I will backread about 7 pages..WOWW!! What you guys talking about?? I'm curios now..:huh:

GTG..bye2 for now..huhu


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Guest Eileen531

@tehlimau, i really like your recent FF especially because it fills in the blanks........... of many conversations that we all imagine they could have. The everyday type of interactions.......Minyoung being thoughtful and buying breakfast for the entire cast. But singled him out and bought his favorite dish. Like @ReemKanabta, I LoLed at this part, he turned around to see her walking in and juggling two big bags of….were those food?!  I can totally picture this happening. 


@ahpheng, as always your comic strips are Daebak, thanks.

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Guest Eileen531

Haha, @ReemKanabta, @@saeedeh,  Doon't worry the Changminers will bail you out of jail. lolol.  I think it was  @OdankItha, who brought the topic up so she might  go to jail too. lolol

@charliew, look at it this way when pervy convos come up we get great lines like this..........from @amyR055, who said, That was the most sincere 'physical' frontal hug in Korean drama. Definitely not two plywood facing each other type of hugging. LOL.    LMAO, in all of K-drama history I think. 

@hanasakura0212, do you use Hangul when you comment on Jcw's instagram?  You had luck in the past with him suggesting she update.......maybe it is reaching him.......delulu but it's fun to imagine. lol

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@amyR055 that what I tho too.. When i saw her ig update.. Someone naged her about cant see her beautiful face. Give him one ofc not enough for uri love sick puppy. 

@Eileen531 hahaha.. Its me who bought this topic. And I have no regret eventh I could go to jail because of this topic.. Look at how hard she threw her body to him. And the way they look each other after that. I tho they gonna kiss again. And I bet he want to kiss her. Their face already that closed.. @tehlimau okay I change my request, can u read his mind when they look each other after that frontal hug??

@ReemKanabta okay.. I understand what flying arround on your mind when look at the frontal hug gifs. 

And welcome abroad to new comers.. Sorry cant tag u one by one. Affraid to back read cause soompi still not stable I think. Lets have a happy sailing... 

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Guest Voilla_amore

His Ideal : When their Code match.....

Their Code : Star.....recently......


imageshe wore star .......

after Healer Date...


tumblr_nnmfarErKE1tuj76io1_500.jpghoney...I miss you..

Embedded image permalinkher Star....


all pics cr to owner....

Aah....look what both of you have done to us......makes us into a CSI team....but...but...Our code are synergy right ?....Spot on......

(thank you @Ansolga to remind us.....)

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Guest Voilla_amore

All...mianhe...I still can't use the Like button...it always crash........aaarrrgh...I love the old threads.....


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Hi all happy changminers,

@AnsOlga ..... yeyyyy tagging works for me(  i almost give up because of how many times my posts were swallowed by soompi :crazy::crazy::tears: ) .

Luv those dancing gifs. Look how happy he's dancing while singing whilst pmy is a cutie pie, she's so cheecky too.


@Voilla_amore before and after Healer effect on both of them definately spot on. You know what people always said, people in love influence each other aeyy :D :D. I am sure those die hard fan of pmy can verify her change in persona..


soompi problem again ? can't attached any image here :(

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All...mianhe...I still can't use the Like button...it always crash........aaarrrgh...I love the old threads.....


​ME also, unfortunately,

Sometimes applaud my hands and move my head behind the screen for each wonderful posts:wub:

Do you see me ??:lol:


Let's be patient a little Soompi will repair all the mistakes certainly soon

Edited by nourelqamar25
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@OdankItha on this gif,  do you see how much time he took before wrapping his arms around her, he was praising the Lord for this gift, Lol, I know, I know he was thankful for her safety, he sure felt every ounce of her body attaching itself to his, even by the hips :rolleyes: (their bodies are like puzzle pieces that fits perfectly together)


yes, beautiful embrace with so much feel. definately one of a kind in kdrama.

i'd like to think this is how he welcomed her home last night ..kkkkkkk. and this morning still in each other arm under the white sheet :phew: 

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Good morning, yeorobun! I am finally somewhat recovered after yesterday's work plus class plus finishing up Prologue 4 a and I crashed like there's no tomorrow. Since soompi was sooooooo super unstable yesterday, I m finally catching up on your posts. Let's see if tagging works. Shout out to @ReemKanabta my number fan who gave me inspiration for the title for Prologue 4 (I hesitated to use the never ending story because it means I cannot stop writing - lol), and then to @saeedeh @OdankItha @charliew @amyR055 for your pervy discussion thread. Like what @Eileen531 said we will bail you all out of jail if need be. But the fact I m still alive and free after writing White Sheets - I guess you guys will be fine.

Odank, to write ff for Epi 19? By that time their emotions should be more than boiling over - and no longer just physical attraction by that point, that's my view. Probably already totally in love and lust with each other. Aish, I have been corrupted too. I also want to bury my face into wookie's massive chest!

My next inspiration:

IMG_2338 Ugh I cannot insert an image - ok you guys got to keep guessing for now....

Edited by tehlimau
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Guest amyR055

@OdankItha the sequence looked like that, right. Answer to a request by somebody who was missing her terribly.

How could I forget you're the one who started the fire. ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ:D

@Eileen531 I stopped at K drama omitting in K drama history because I don't want to make other vomit blood reading our delulu description. Hehehe

But that hug was so realistic,intimate, emotional and spot on (normally in drama the most realistic hug they show  was upper body touching but this one the most intimate part the one that didn't even separate when they continued talking - this spelled no boundary is too intimate to share between them). I do think like @tehlimau said by episode 19 most probably they were too immersed in their characters they no longer can differentiate reel and real. Their emotions were too raw to be treated casually as just acting. Delulu speaking took place again as usual.ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ

Talking about her asset - YJT said it best. The proportion is really admirable. You really can trust his words since he and his wife are models. 


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@OdankItha the sequence looked like that, right. Answer to a request by somebody who was missing her terribly.

How could I forget you're the one who started the fire. ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ:D

@Eileen531 I stopped at K drama omitting in K drama history because I don't want to make other vomit blood reading our delulu description. Hehehe

But that hug was so realistic,intimate, emotional and spot on (normally in drama the most realistic hug they show  was upper body touching but this one the most intimate part the one that didn't even separate when they continued talking - this spelled no boundary is too intimate to share between them). I do think like @tehlimau said by episode 19 most probably they were too immersed in their characters they no longer can differentiate reel and real. Their emotions were too raw to be treated casually as just acting. Delulu speaking took place again as usual.ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ

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minyoung did look taken aback or rather surprised by his remark ​when YJT commented about her perfect propotion. Man's POV and he compliment her during the prescon is definately something. Man, look at jcw's expression .. i do like to know what's on his mind when he heard that compliment :P 

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Guest amyR055

@avi1003 I am sure she was taken aback at first. If somebody else made a comment like that for sure people will think  of that person as a pervert but YJT made a point that he commented on her proportions based from a professional model point of view. Making it a valid and appropriate compliment. But look at the way JCW laughed he must be thinking - Oh man did Sunbae just said that. I was ogling at her quietly but Sunbae just said it aloud on National TV. kekekekeke. Actually you can see that YJT is really fond of MY, and JCW too.


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