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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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@Eileen531 I thought PMY had better chemistry with PYC in skks and I loved both of them but not to the point of insane shipping like now. Her scandal with the unnamed one caught me by surprise. Then it was over before I knew it. Hopefully she is older n wiser n whatever relationship she gets into will be long lasting. And of cos, Wookie is the better man, in my opinion, although the unnamed one is far more popular. Lolz.

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Hi Healerites! It's been quite a few pages since I was last here and I hope everyone is doing well. Is everyone adjusting well to the temp forums? I hope it hasn't been too difficult of a process!

Backtracked just a couple of pages and I'm happy to see we have some testosterone in here now?! Awesome!

I may not have much time to keep myself completely updated here, but I'm still ChangMin shipping as much as I can! (Especially when our couple updates their IG! Always so in sync, don't you think? Hehe.)

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@tehlimau let him take all the popularity he wants, and let Wookie be the better man, although I'm afraid wookie is on his way there, not that I don't want it to him, but the price that comes with fame is what worries me

P.S. I would definitely buy your book :x

@Ahpheng I don't mind him in yellow, but that Adidas is just hideous ¬¬

@Eileen531 you're welcome dear



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Guest treasure51

HOhh.. I miss u guy and ladies (we hv a fan boy now 9_9) welcome @keemanjy_stv to this thread. I know u re eñjoying pacman and mayweather now, dont forget to eNjoy this thread after tht okay..

That SJH mode in JCW. Jelly gaze.. But why i am so happy. Jelly means love right? 

the rumor with Ms exMK, CW looked so tired, coz of bad sleep, hd to explained evrything to his friends and even the company released statement in 4 languages. just to said 'No, they r not dating'. 

And after tht all we can see is CW smiley face.. MY won't easily believe with tht rumor, but cw must be want to explained evrything to her, never want to hurt her. MY posted her IG with all lovely, full of love pics and vids.

Now, i can't enjoy my kdrama, always end it before finish it, no chemistry between the otp, the hugs , kisses soo 'no feel'. 



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@ReemKanabta I've been busier than usual now that my brother is visiting from Taiwan for the first time. ^^ The admins are still hard at work with doing their best to make sure the forums are running smoothly. There will be some bumps in the road during the next couple of weeks, but when all of that is out of the way, I'm sure the updated forum will be a wonderful, new home!

I just love how PMY and JCW always seems to mimic each others' hand motions and general body language in their individual IG posts. Hehe.

Actually, I attended a wedding last weekend and Alicia Key's "If I Ain't Got You" came on. It was such a fitting song for the wedding, but... all I could think about was ChangMin and my fellow Healerites! lol. I even video recorded the chorus part and posted it to my own IG. No one on my IG knew the significance of it, but I still felt really happy about it. Haha.

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@amyR055 at least SIG didn't touch her back like this (he was just extending his arm behind her back but I thought he was trying hard not touch her, afraid of someone!!! )he knew his boundaries, lol,  though he doesn't know that his chivalry actions towards her all night is what's going to get him dead by the intense stare, hahahah , 


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@ReemKanabta awww I am touched. In the extremely unlikely event I have a book, I will sign one especially for you, dear. I am also worried about Wookie's astronomical rise and we have briefly discussed in our private chat w @OdankItha. We can only pray their new relationship (we all agree here it has sailed) will weather any storm! Fighting ChangMin!!

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@akinahana89 We really appreciate all your hard work (and all Mods and Admins) *thumps up*, I can't even listen to that song without remembering our Changmin, even when I only see or hear the name "Alicia Keys', lol, 

BTW please tell me you saw Wookie's sohu IV, it's the first time since Healer ended, that I find him almost revealing in IV, or people are asking the right questions! (admitting to not being tired of shooting intimate scenes aka enjoyed them / the part about not denying the possibility of dating MY), usually it's MY who gave us all the juicy details (kakao talk, how close they were at the set, etc)

@tehlimau I have the feeling their relationship will be different and stronger from any other past relationship they had, I too believe it's already sailed, and let me pray with you that there won't be any major storms or hurricanes :x

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Guest yasyahiera

hi everyone..

this couple really make all of us felt excited with their recent development.indeed our ship sail smoothly.their gestures,their eyes,their smiles really like the biggest hint us.

people said.action speak louder than word rite

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Wookie's philosophy on popularity

“It’s a bit presumptuous for me to say, but if I have an acting philosophy, it’s that if you cling to popularity, your resolve falters and acting becomes difficult. Of course you can’t ignore it. Everyone wants to be liked. But I don’t want to be a weak person who reads and gets swayed by every single online criticism. If your resolve falters, it diminishes your sense of self, and even the character you’re playing disappears. You become an ambiguous person. What’s for certain is that each person has different tastes, so you can’t please everyone. I can’t cater to every individual out there. I have to go where the road takes me, but without discarding external influences—I need to be sensible.”

Source: http://www.dramabeans.com/2014/08/ji-chang-wooks-slow-and-steady-philosophy/

@yasyahiera welcome dear, you don't have to be sorry, rant on delulu as much as you want :x


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Guest amyR055

@Eileen531 Ohh no one else has seen this picture before because this is the first time I uploaded here.

I just love his micro-expression signs on his face. This emotion only last for few seconds but once it's caught on video we can detect it.

It just happened I saw fancams of SIG and JCW on youtube showing the award at the same time but from different angles. PMY and SIG were on their way back to their MC seats and JCW was standing on the right (backstage entrance) waiting for his cue from the floor staff to go back to his seat. From the videos you could see the actress in the white gown - can't remember her name - leaving the stage behind PMY and soon after that you can see her behind JCW.  So it was one continuous situation.

There was one more time when he was seated his face was clouded while watching SIG and PMY, you could see his eyes moved from SIG  to PMY then to SIG again.But till now I can't find any fancam showing what happened on the stage.

@euk_z Intense right.LOL. Poor SIG

@ReemKanabta SIG is a real gentleman. I believe he respected our MY too much to treat her casually. He surely like her but he still know his limit.

In contrast, that someone particular  didn't think twice about touching her back or arms even for only few seconds liked it's his right to do so. hahaha


Testing putting GIF - hopefully it works -

It works - happy dance

See how he pushed his chair to the left to be nearer to MY because MY pushed her chair back and she is no longer in his field view radius. Hahaha


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Beautiful Amazing Chingus hope you are happy to spend the weekend in good company, so let's continue to select excellent quotes for Our Beautiful, Adorable CHANGMIN Healing Couple.
I remember in our official thread ChangMin that was before all these changes soompi one of our wonderful wise ChangMiners have written this phrase but I think under those pictures that I'll post here this quote very fit so I'll write it again as it is one of the my favorite quotes from the movie that I'm always a thousand times can revise Pride and Prejudice (2005) and now I particularly feel that this quote is just about the history between our senses ChangWook + MinYoung concluding all the special tender look charming handsome JCW ,on his beautiful goddess PMY!


For Cancer and Pisces, compatibility with one another is practically inborn. These two recognise a kindred spirit in each other, and there is likely to be instant attraction. Two of the most sensitive signs in the zodiac together form a beautiful, ethereal relationship in which they will each take great care not to hurt the other.


What marks Cancer and Pisces compatibility out most is a shared emotional base. 

Both water signs,this Couple are used to following their intuition, and it’s this intuition which draws them together. No matter how difficult their circumstances or how unlikely society deems their match, true love will out. For Pisces and Cancer, compatibility is strong enough to see them through financial difficulties, family disapproval, different races, religions, long distance relationships or any number of  other potential obstacles. If they want to be together, they’ll be together.


Being highly sensitive, both partners in this relationship are quite fragile at heart, and easily devastated. Fortunately, this means that they both understand the pain of thoughtless words or deeds, and are certain not to treat anyone else the way they wouldn’t want to be treated. Cancer and Pisces compatibility is a very honest and open love match, with each partner wearing their heart on their sleeve. There’s nothing hidden here, so there are no dark secrets for either partner to stumble upon.

This is likely to be a deeply romantic relationship, with love notes, poems, flowers and the full range of sweet and tender surprises along the way. Of course, for two such emotional people, there will also be some tears during the journey, but it’s a surprisingly serene relationship for two water signs, with none of the darkness or angst. Cancer and Pisces compatibility brings this couple a soft and gentle almost magical aura; it’s as though they have a divine or spiritual connection which nobody else can break. Neither Pisces nor Cancer is usually unfaithful once committed to a relationship, although gentle Pisces can be easily led by a stronger character. Cultivating honesty is the key here – so long as Pisces feels they can trust Cancer, they are unlikely to stray.




Even in their horoscopes (Cancer+Pisces) Our Beautiful Perfect CHANGWOOK+MINYOUNG itself destiny brought obvious,and always give them the greatest happiness of true love with each other!

first ChangMin BTS(in my today's post) I would described as both captured the charm each other our JCW and PMY, even horoscopes Cancer+Pisces say that these people (with the signs of the zodiac) like a magnet drawn to each other because they feel in each other the native and the only thing they have always sought and waited in theirs partner for real life and the match between the water signs of the zodiac (Cancer+Pisces) is called a marriage made in heaven!

"You have bewitched me,body and soul" - a line from the popular film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice(2005)




5hpacxnbhf4h.pngChinese PS by Tracy

rwv8gmhrh85z.pngChinese PS by Tracy





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Guest euk_z

@ReemKanabta that's what i admired most about JCW. His philosophies and virtues in life, i must say, is a rare one. Specially in their industry wherein some get drowned in their popularity that they tend to forget their values.

About uri couple, i believe that they have become matured enough to learn from their past relationships.as long as both of them will protect and trust each other, no storm can break them apart. 

I have to tell you this. I used to ship PMY with Mr. X before. but not to the point of joining the thread like this. my disappointment came after the Dispatch photos and PMY was extremely bashed. I felt that Mr. X left her alone amidst all the issues and hatreds. and i don't really remember if Mr. X ever attempted to protect PMY at that very moment. Probably, Mr. X was so engrossed with the attention he receives that time.

This time i'm just so happy that JCW and PMY met at the right time.i really hope that their happy ending is with each other.because both of them deserves it.



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Hahahha @amyR055 you strike again, he sure feels entitled to touch her like that, even when they only had one kiss, imagine if it was after ep 15 (lol) I don't think he will let her be seated there at all, OMO his jealous face is so adorable, I did watch both videos, and saw wookie's expression pass briefly, and thought is he jealous here, woooow, but I'm not that good with cutting and editing, good job Amy, 

I also watched different fan videos of wookie, his expressions varied from amused to not interested to briefly irritated (lol) to smitten (looking at PMY) I was wishing that I was with them there to see clearly what's happening

I posted this before, it's one of SIG fan vid, at @2:10 PMY is returning to her seat and she's lifting up her dress skirt, she was smiling flirtingly while looking at wookie, looked away, and looked back at him, watch it at normal speed then at .25 you'll catch that look

At 2:19 she was touching both her MC arms like comparing the fabric then I think she was smiling and said something to wookie while pointing at the men, but I'm not sure, though the nearer table was far away, so ya I believe she kneeled forward and talked to him, but I think to answer him, maybe he was telling her stop touching them, come see my suit fabric is much better than these two :D

and at 10:57 LGJ was moving from talking with JG to wookie, see how MY gaze transformed into a loving gaze :x she was laughing at LGJ flirting with him (when she was talking about his flowing charms) she moved both her hands up at her chest (heart!) and then she was fidgeting with the back of her dress, I don't know why!, (too bad it was cut also there, the IV was more than 2 min long),she tried to avert her gaze occasionally but it kept drifting back with the same look, and at 11:31 I think here LGJ was saying JCW will cry if she stayed longer, MY just burst laughing while still looking lovingly at him, and had a poor baby look in her eyes too, you all remember also how wookie kept looking at her the whole time!! :x

P.S I compared this video with LGJ interviewing wookie video cut from KBS


In short, thank God for the awards, where we get to see alot ot their off drama interaction

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Guest euk_z

@tehlimau pls don't forget me chingu when you publish your book..i also want an autographed one...

@Ahpheng if ever you also publish a c-strip book..can i also have an autographed one?

Hahaha..to both of you, i'm your no. 1 fan 

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Hello chingus, I hope you're all having an amazing Sunday!! :P

@ReemKanabta xD so funny!! When I saw you people talking about the BTS of Kdramas I decided to make the gifs,(talking about synergy, it feels like there is a strong synergy between us changminers also xD ) there were so many stares from Min Young towards him :x


Rest under the spoiler ^^

eheh flirty Min Young in front of (a jealous ? :P ) Wookie? kekeke...


It amazed me the amount of time she spent on her phone xD eheh Kakaoing a special someone Min Young? :wub:


This was when the lady interviewed Wookie :


Bonus: that amazing Changmin moment we all love SOOOO much :x

Spoiler n°2.... :P  

Hi to all the newcomers in this thread!! Glad to see a boy among us!! 


eheh don't be jealous Wookie, you know you're the n°1 in our hearts :wub:

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