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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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Guest Keemanjy

@Reemkanabta  when JCW left for China he was all smiles,  somebody has spent some quality time with some one special.  When he arrived in China his iG is telling someone hi honey! I arrive safely! And I miss you THUS waving his hands. These two must have mastered the art of waving as a secret sign for each other.  In all of the picture that I have seen him In his recent trip he is very relaxed.. At peace I would say. And at that interview where he was asked if he got tired of the intimate scene it's like he  wanted to say are you kidding me? What guy would be tired of kissing someone gorgeous, he collected himself for a second and answers the questions with all honesty? Happy there now Ms. Interviewer? Hahaha! 

And i notice that he keeps repeating the word they are very close. To what extent? Don't we all wanna know? Don't we? But we can read between the lines that no ifs and or buts they are more than close friends. Let's just let them enjoy their new found happiness with each other.

In all honesty I really think these two are an item already. My testosterone tells me. xD


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@amyR055 you definitely live in my mind, I share the same thoughts with you and with @cmoirae2

 her face was swollen, and the idea of her crying crossed my mind for a second there, and there was something in his eyes I couldn't explain, there was a different look. Needless to say the last two scenes I saw JCW/PMY not their characters,  and yes yes yes to wookie going to the wedding, he went MIA everybody was wondering what's he up to, and appearing at the musical tired regardless of the supposedly rest he was having!! 

In the DVD teaser how manly was he next to the shy timid MY, they were both acting like how you act around your crush, or as How animals behave in a mating retual, lol

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@Reemkanabta  when JCW left for China he was all smiles,  somebody has spent some quality time with some one special.  When he arrived in China his iG is telling someone hi honey! I arrive safely! And I miss you THUS waving his hands. These two must have mastered the art of waving as a secret sign for each other.  In all of the picture that I have seen him In his recent trip he is very relaxed.. At peace I would say. And at that interview where he was asked if he got tired of the intimate scene it's like he  wanted to say are you kidding me? What guy would be tired of kissing someone gorgeous, he collected himself for a second and answers the questions with all honesty? Happy there now Ms. Interviewer? Hahaha! 


In all honesty I really think these two are an item already. My testosterone tells me. xD


Thank you, that was really awesome I like every thing you wrote, specially the "are you kidding me part" hahahha, I felt when he suddenly giggled he was thinking that way

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Guest Eileen531

@ keemanjy_stv, a hundred thousand welcomes.....

So do you look like Ji Chang Wook.........?   Sorry, so sorry just had to get that out, only kidding.  I know it was corny.  

I like your perspective here how he builds on his feelings. I'd like to add to your list of.....mesmerized and admiration with (sincere and genuine)

I think JCW is mesmerized by her beauty first and foremost and then it turns deeper to admiration because he gets to know the real her which I think is a very down to earth person with no ounce of diva.


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Guest Keemanjy

@Eileen531 thanks for the warm welcome.  

Not or as handsome as he is but... Good enough LOL!


i will be in and out ladies cause my buddies are coming over for a big boxing fight tonight,  Pacman and Mayweather you know. So whe I get the chance to get in my iPad I will.

so bye for now!  Nice meetings you all!

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Wonderful Beautiful ChangMiners shippers Family! Our Perfect Beautiful ChangMin Couple
All beautiful happy Sunday! Let morning touching your warm rays of the sun, will become a good, will need luck
And people meet you a friendly smile!
And the day let it be the most wonderful! I love you all! Big hug to everyone! Thank you all for your posts stunning beautiful every day here!


Oh God how gently, a special look JCW looking at PMY, can see, it the realities of his fascinated and captivated by our beautiful bright goddess PMY, is not surprising since our PMY special woman forever etched in memory, and remains in the heart!
In JCW eyes shine and filled with love and happiness with every glance at MinYoung.
Our ChangWook+MinYoung really seem all photos BTS, their real chemistry in the screen and off screen
, and the Healer most special feelings for each other, their smiles are so beautiful, from the heart, so I feel so happy just to see them happy the BTS, every out He deserves all the beautiful words of poetry
One day, we will see how our sweet ChangMin will shine together will be open to love each other and be yourself happy and it's sure to be one day, one day, I sincerely believe that
Love never will draw on the face, it is reflected in the eyes when lives in the heart and the beauty and purity of love always feel with all heart!

ChangMin Couple can be described with a phrase always feel heart, these are real!
This particular love without words, this love is reflected in the right actions!
All the feelings of our handsome JCW for our Beautiful PMY may be described in words Look into my eyes and see what I'm not saying.
My eyes speak louder than my voice ever!





Who are you looking at?
What are you thinking about?
Sometimes, I stare at the side of your face
You probably don’t know
Seeing your back makes me sad
When you turn around
I want to spread my arms and hug your back
I want to hold onto you so you can’t go

Don’t know why
Why my eyes only look for you
Why it looks at you and hurts
I don’t know why my heart keeps crazily beating

When my eyes meet yours
I try to turn away
In case my eyes say the words
That my lips don’t dare say, the words I love you

Don’t know why
Why my eyes only look for you
Why it looks at you and hurts
I don’t know why my heart keeps crazily beating
I don’t want to let you go

As if I’m dreaming with my eyes open
You’re close but you’re so far
Stay by my side
I’m afraid you’ll leave if I say that to you

Do me right, I don’t want many things
If only I can be in your heart
If I can see you, that’s all I need
I don’t want to let you go
I don’t want to let you go








Cr gif:Chinese ChangMiners baidu/Brownie




But here as our beautiful dazzling PMY though surrounded by other charismatic man but still heart says: Say hello to the best man in my life, my only unique  man JCW I watched while Ceremony for Best Couple Award December 31, 2014 and my heart fluttered from every ChangMin a beautiful moment, but especially surprised me in a special gentle way as  our goddess PMY eyes constantly looking only for JCW and his special way only looked at her, so sure a special feeling for our sweet love birds were still ChangMin even already and it's just not possible to miss and not feel All in the eyes of our ChangMin clearly written! In their eyes, in their hearts wherever they go, I just see a reflection of each other!

Our Beautiful ChangMin have the most important ability to communicate with each other and silently say, all of the most important through the eyes
This happens only when two people are very suited to each other in the spirit, and in general the whole these people are soul mates and true destiny for each other!
Amazing ChangMiners continue our happy Travelling the Magical Road of Love and Togetherness ChangMin Beautiful Special World Feeling!






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Guest amyR055

Before I hit the sack, JCW or SJH?

Who should I give credit  - can't remember from whose video I took the images.

 After the couple award, when he was waiting for his turn to go back to his seat,

who do you see here - the jealous  SJH or JCW here.LOL

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Guest Eileen531

Woah, @amyR055, 

I don't believe I ever saw that picture before, I remember you ladies talking about it but I never saw it until now. Watching them walk off the stage and from what angle was he that he could see the both of them? Very interesting.  I think a little of both. He only just said yesterday there are some parts of characters that he has and some that he doesn't.  He has that one for sure..........jealousy.

Enjoy the Pacman and Mayweather fight tonight @ keemanjy, my husband is talking about it too.  Look forward to your post. I don't think the thread was quiet from your Hot night in Busan more like people were watching the Kentucky Derby. Well that's where I went. lol  So Minyoung knows he can't keep his eyes off of her.....interesting and she is excited and behaves like a school girl when you know a crush is interested. Aww. I like it. lol

@ reem, thanks for the links.

@ mellinadear and @ aileen (friend of @AnsOlga) welcome to this crazy thread and share all your goodies as much as possible.


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Guest Eileen531

@ keemanjy said,

No ifs and or buts they are more than close friends.  In all honesty I really think these two are an item already. My testosterone tells me. xD

That's what I say too! LoL

May I ask your opinion on the date scene in Healer when they had their famous hand holding porn scene?  Did you approve, lol?

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Guest euk_z

@keemanjy_stv welcome chingu!! It's great to have a male lurker in this thread. Never thought that it would also be possible (hahaha just kidding)

@amyR055 omo..look at his eyes! He really can't hide what he feels..If it can kill, SIG would have been dead..jealousy written all over his face..

@fceahjcw dear can i get the link of your mv with the song "keep me watching". It was just so perfect and i want to download it.thanks

@tehlimau i really enjoyed reading your FF..they are all awesome..

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Guest euk_z

@Ahpheng hahaha..nice one!!

Seems everybody is silent...probably anticipating PACQUIAO-MAYWEATHER fight.. :P

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Well said @Ahpheng - welcome to the Thorn among the Roses @keemanjy_stv: although if you do look anything like JCW, the girls will gladly become "thorns" to your rose.

welcome also to @mellinadear to join us in our crazy spazzing.

to @ReemKanabta so many expressions while reading?! Lol. Any human would pee in the pants going on the hellish roller coaster in Taiwan, and poor boy went twice. I would have died of a heart attack.

to @cmoirae2 I am also analogue in that I prefer reading physical books. My intention IS to write an incident between ChangMin for every Healer episode, and it would be great if I can publish it as a book. But I doubt people would buy a shipper fic novel. Lol. But I don't like writing something that I don't know or have strong feelings about, and at this point there are not too much info regarding the early shooting days so the DVD will be an important research resource. Ha. I wrote "Woman in Red" very quickly because I felt very strongly about it, so it was literally vomiting words out to the page. :)

to @euk_z and @crushonhealer thanks for liking my fic. 

Re: CH - I liked the show except the horrid ending, but the OTP felt flat compared to ours on screen. But I have watched some bts and PMY was very young and girly and giggly around you know who, and it was pretty obvious what was happening. Girl has grown up a lot, and her reactions are better controlled in Healer bts. Once bitten twice shy. But in the DVD promo, I saw her giggly self again. which means......???

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Guest Eileen531

@ tehlimau, 

The other side of that during CH followed SKKS right but before that she had gone through a slump and wondered if she would be offered roles again. She was young when she had success and then there were times she wasn't offered anything.......he who won't be named was a minor character in I am Sam..........coming off of SKKS and costarring in a drama with a person who she acted with when younger always gave me the impression she remembered the happy times from that successful drama and could share that or idk.....just gave them a starting point I suppose and wow by then he who won't be named looked a lot better.......lololol 

Off to read your FF........

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