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[Drama 2015] Enchanting Neighbor황홀한 이웃 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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Guest ina111

Hi @viyra, I think my interpretation is the same as yours and @awsparkle's:
SBG finds out that SBH had used up the surgery fee money she received from PCW for a different purpose, and gets angry with her. PCW learns that a new donor has turned up, and encounters CYG at the hospital...
The preview doesn't say it explicitly, but CYG is probably the donor. I can't say I'm happy about the idea, but I've made peace with it at this point.

I might sound like a crazy person for saying this, but I really hope that nothing bad happens to CYG or SBG before the show is over. Not because I feel that they don't deserve it, but because I feel that their misfortune would weigh down on GSR and PCW. PCW is already on a revenge hangover and prone to feeling guilty for no good reason. (Seriously, if SBG of all people can send him on a guilt trip over GSR, then anything can.) Also, GSR will always feel indebted to SBG because of Yuna and because of that epic lie she told 13 years ago. That's just the kind of people they are. 

As you guys pointed out, CYG has done a lot to hurt other people, but she was unhappy most of the time, and she never had the upper hand. For all her bluster and posturing, I think she's a pretty pathetic creature. She has lost a child, a husband and her career, she just hasn't acknowledged it yet. She can't avoid facing reality forever though, and once she does, she has to live with the guilt and regret all of her life. 

Perhaps becoming a donor might help her let go of PCW. Part of the reason she's clinging onto him is a delusion that he's some kind of solace and redemption for her, a way back to the time before her life fell apart. Perhaps finding a different way to pay back for some of the wrongs she's done would make it easier for her to let go. Going into major surgery tends to get people thinking and reevaluating, and I'm hoping that she will be doing a lot of that too.

I really wanted SBH to get tested and come through for GSR at the last minute, but it looks like it's true that she's unable to donate. She had lied to NJB about the reason back when NJB first asked her. If I understood correctly what she told SBG in the last episode, the real reason she's not eligible is because she's been taking antidepressants for a very long time.

There are two more women's WC soccer games coming up for Korea, one on Saturday and one next Wednesday evening (Thursday morning Korea time). I wonder if that means that episode 118 will get canceled too.

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Thanks for the preview trans..

My take on it. . SBG finds out that SBH got money from PCW for GSR's medical expenses and that she spent that money never giving it to GSR. He gets angry at her for taking that money that did not belong to her to use for herself.. (really dude ?? how does this help and how are you talking to her about theft when he has done the same to GSR??)

On the other hand PCW is made aware that there is another possible donor and than he happens to see CYK at the hospital.

@ina111 Thanks for the translations and on the soccer schedule.

From what @awsparkle and I heard in the preview the doctor mentions a possible in-law as the donor.. of course that could mean we heard incorrectly or that the doctor mistakes CYK.. But I am not sure because CYK is seeing a completely different doctor which of course could be her way to stay anonymous. But either that doctor she is seeing is telling her the risk of doing the procedure or the chances of GSR or CYK could have medical issues of her own. 

I do agree with you that CYK sees PCW as her path to redemption and forgiveness and that is partially why she continues to try to hold on or latch on to the man. The sad thing is PCW is not really the one that needs to forgive her for what she has done.

Also like you said until CYK faces what she did to her own life and others she will never be happy she was always unhappy inside I think craving something that was missing.. She ruined her marriage and killed her daughter. She tanked her career and SBG's as well (not that he did not deserve it after not taking responsibility as well) with lies and untruths about what she did and she dragged in her father as well to this mess. (not that anyone cared about CIS) No one else but her father can even take a part in how she ruined her life and her unhappiness and that is because he only paid attention to the bad things and never things he should have to get her help. He created that monster and let her run wild. I have no sympathy for her either.. she was told many times to face up and shape up and she did not want to hear it wanting to pin blame on everyone else.

I also agree that if something happens to CYK or SBG in helping GSR then she and PCW will carry a bit of guilt for that.. But I hope if something happens to these two it is far away from GSR and PCW so that they can only be sad about the waste of life from these two not feel they are responsible.

On SBH I have no sympathy for her and her anti depressant problem. For one the only one who should ever be allowed to take anti depressants and get sympathy is GSR. She is the one who has had the hardest road to travel her life has been pitiful due to the hands of others (if PCW had not shown up in her life when he did for whatever reason no telling what would have happen to her.). Heck PCW is allowed to take them too and get sympathy whilst everyone else can just sit down and shut up. SBH made her life the way it was by her greed, selfishness, ego and arrogance.

No one told her to covet money and when she got it to look down on others. No one told her to force a young woman to take her child to raise as her own but then to want to constantly get in the way of the bond they have. No one told her to continuously get in the middle of this woman moving on after she used her to build up her business and then get into the business of the man who likes her sister in law now and she did business with after finding out that her own brother cheated with the mans wife and killed his kid. GSR told her to come out with the truth herself and she refused to listen and look at what happen with the Yuna issue.. the only good thing is Yuna already knew and GSR has helped her adjust.

Now to save herself she takes money given for another purpose and does not say anything and is caught out. She can't be a donor because she was scared to get tested and be found to be taking the anti depressants but also why should she help the woman that helped her many times? (selfish witch) So nope could care less about her problems when GSR is fighting for her life after all she did to hurt GSR and PCW.


So I looked at the translation for the scene with CDG and the President and it looks like the President told CDG to stay home during the disciplinary committee or elections and that he would show him how to get kicked out possibly (or CDG said it to the President because you know he thinks he will win if he pins that theft on GSR and the President says  something to him to make him angry, you never know CDG thinks he is so smart..) and CDG said what and the President calls in SJ to tell her to call the Marketing manager for something causing CDG to look very worried.. CDG is fuming at this point since his plan to try to clear himself and push it off on GSR do not seem to be working.

CDG goes to his office and gets a call from LJA and tells her what the President said.. LJA tells him that her father has collapse due to his blood pressure (sounds like a stroke) and has to have two emergency operations perhaps. CDG yells back at her over this and LJA is outside of the flats to talk to SBH.. ( I knew it, something happen to her father and she dares to come to SBH to try and get her to help them or to stop or throwing blame on SBH..) (what did I say about glass houses?)

LJA shows up at the flat banging on the door and SBH gets up to answer it. LJA storms in and SBH wants to know basically why is she there she reaches for her bowl of food and LJA snatches it away.

LJA tells SBH that it is her fault her father  has suffered a cerebral blood vessel burst after whatever she has said to the police maybe is having them investigated. (not sure why LJA thinks her parents should not be taken to task for their crimes either..LJA had no problem exposing Yuna an innocent child nor had no problems having her family fabricate embezzling chargers against SBH.  Yuna comes in and SBH tells her to go to her room. LJA may have said something about a little money and that her father is finished and SBH may have replies something about he is going to jail anyway..LJA tells her something about her father wanting to see the money. SBH told her to go that it will come out in the news perhaps and LJA got pissed off.

SBH tells LJA she is tired and hungry and to leave basically and LJA gets angry and takes the spoon throwing food and then the bowl at what SBH says next. LJA asks her if she is crazy and SBH says something about a mad dog and paying CDG back perhaps.


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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 114


Opening Scene PCW is hugging GSR after the issue with her father in the bedroom sitting on the bed and GSR gets a call and PCW releases her and she looks at her phone and sees the number and PCW says something and takes the phone and answers it from the Prosecutor perhaps to report to talk to her and PCW looks at her and GSR asks him something and PCW replies back taking her hand and GSR say something to him and PCW replies back telling her something and saying something about her and Yuna and GSR just looks.

NJB, SBG and GMJ come back and SBG is holding GMJ up and NJB puts the code in the door and turns to say something about his not bring GMJ in perhaps and SBG says something about GMJ being in shock and about Yuna maybe and NBJ fusses about GMJ and goes inside leaving GMJ with SBG and SBG takes him into his flat.

SBG comes in holding GMJ up and IYO comes out of the kitchen and says something to him about GMJ and SBG replies back and catches himself and IYO say something turning to pull out bedding for GMJ in the room.

SBG brings in GMJ and he lays down and SBG says something and IYO leans over him fretting and SBG says something and SBG replies and IYO says something else as they watch GMJ who is out of it like a baby and they both pull up the blanket on him.

SBG and IYO come out of the room and IYO stops SBG and asks him something and SBG replies back and IYO says something back and IYO replies and SBG says something else.

SBH is in Yuna’s room and SBG sticks his head in and says something and SBH replies and SBG say something else and SBH replies as we see Yuna at her desk doing her homework and SBG coming in to sit and says something to SBH and SBH replies back and SBG says something else to her and SBH replies back to him and SBG says something about PCW and SBH says something out her mouth letting SBG know that PCW may have done something for GSR and SBG asks her about it and SBH looks caught and SBG asks what is she talking about and SBH tells him that PCW gave her money for GSR’s care and SBG says something and SBH replies back and SBG asks her about the money and SBH tells him that she used it for herself and SBG yells at her calling her name at her using that money for herself and Yuna takes out her headphones and SBH tells her to leave the room for a moment and Yuna gets up to go and SBG is mad.

PCW tucks GSR into bed and comes out of the room and sees GSG and NJB sitting in the living room and GSG asks if she is alright or resting and PCW nods and NJB says something and PCW replies back and NJB says something else and GSG replies back and PCW says something and NJB says something to him and PCW looks down and NJB says something sighing.

SBG is yelling at SBH for taking that money and SBH is giving excuses on why she used it and SBG fusses at her frustrated and SBH says something else and SBG fires back at her again and SBH says something else to him like she is right in what she did and SBG fires back at her about GSR taking care of Yuna maybe and doing things and how her chances are slim with the money gone perhaps and no donor she should have done that and SBG fusses again about Yuna and Yuna bust in and says something having heard the truth now (not the sugar coated one GSR told her ) to SBG about his not doing anything either as a father and SBG looks away and SBH calls her name.

CYK is sitting in bed looking at her family picture of her and PCW with SB on her phone an she says something to the phone about PCW to the picture still looking crazy (to me at least) as she flashes to what the doctor told her and what she asks about her having been drinking a lot recently and then she goes to sign the papers and she hears LJA yelling at CDG out in the hall and she hears her call him Yoebo and say something else and she gets up and goes out to see.

LJA is trying to stop CDG from leaving with his suitcase running to save himself and CDG says something back to her drunk and LJA say something about her father to him and CDG replies and LJA say something and goes to her room.

CDG goes to leave with his suitcase and CYK grabs his suitcase and says something about him not going and about her father and CDG fires back at her about what she did and how his life is ruined now due to her and her father perhaps and how he has been over looked and mistreated and CYK says something and CDG continues to go on and on about her father and other things as we see CIS standing at the foot of the stairs hearing it all as MJ looks at him from the dining room door as CIS continues to listen to CIS rant.

SBH says something to Yuna in the bed room and Yuna replies and SBH says something about SBG maybe and then hugs her telling her she is sorry and Yuna replies back and SBH replies and Yuna asks her if she is sorry something could she do something related to helping her mother or the translplant and SBH nods and replies and Yuna says something about her mother GSR and SBH says what and Yuna says something else and SBH looks down and Yuna tells her something else and SBH starts to cry and Yuna is crying as she talks about her mother and SBH hugs her again and Yuna is crying about GSR asking her something and SBH replies back and Yuna starts crying harder as SBH holds her.

GSR is in bed sleep and Yuna comes in and stands looking at her crying and GSR wakes up and calls her name and sits up asking what is wrong and asks her why and says something and Yuna is just looking at her crying and GSR says something else and Yuna replies back and GSR replies and Yuna tells her something else and GSR looks at her and Yuna says something about missing her and Yuna sits on the bed next to her and GSR puts her arm around her saying something and GSR holds Yuna as she talks to her and Yuna holds on and GSR hugs her patting her hair and wiping her tears and puts the covers around her.

The next day PCW walks GSR to a building (is it the prosecutor on the design theft and leak?)and turns to say something to her and GSR asks him about SBG and what he did maybe and PCW replies and GSR says something else and PCW replies back about SBG and his not being caught for it and GSR says something and PCW fires back at her about SBG and lets her have it and GSR is wondering what is wrong and PCW tells her something about all that has happen and GSR ask what is it and PCW goes on about everything and he walks forward to touch her arms and say something to her and GSR turns to go and PCW watches her wanting to say something but stops himself.

GSR is meeting with a prosecutor who asks her questions and GSR replies yes and the prosecutors say something else and GSR says yes and the man looks at something and asks her something and GSR looks at him and the man says something and GSR just looks.

PCW is outside waiting for her and looks at his watch worried about the time.

The prosecutor yells out her name wanting her to answer and says something and GSR says something back to him and he asks her something and GSR replies back explaining something and the prosecutor says something and GSR says yes and the prosecutor sits forward asking her something and GSR look at him and he says something and GSR replies back to him and he says something else to her and GSR replies back and the man starts raising his voice at her and GSR replies back and the man is frustrated as GSR replies back.

GSR comes out and PCW comes over to asks something and GSR says something about PCW and PCW calls her name and GSR starts talking about it and PCW calls her name again and GSR says something else and PCW looks down as GSR says something and PCW walks up and hugs her and pulls back to say something and GSR hugs him back saying something and GSR yells out something and then says something as they hug.

GSR and PCW come to the flat and PCW goes to put the code into his flat and GSR says wait a moment and tells him something about SBG (maybe she needs to tell him what she said to the prosecutor) and PCW say something and GSR say something else and PCW replies back and GSR tells him something and PCW laughs at her and GSR says something being cute and PCW replies back being cute and GSR says something to him and he laughs.

GSR comes into SBG’s bedroom asking if she is back and asking her questions about what happen and GSR sits and responds back and SBG say something else and GSR replies and SBG has the nerve to raise his voice at her fussing at what she may have said to the prosecutor and not try to protect or clear him (grow the heck up SBG and take it like a man!) and GSR just looks at him and SBG continues to run his mouth frustrated as he runs his hands through his hair and GSR says something else to him and SBG asks something and GSR nods and then tells him sorry for something and SBG replies and GSR says something else to him as she starts crying and SBG replies and GSR wipes her tears and says something else to him and SBG replies back and GSR says what and SBG says something to her (perhaps he is finally grown up!) and GSR looks at him and SBG wipes his face wondering if something is on it and GSR tells him something and SBG starts fussing again and GSR looks away and SBG continues to run his mouth and GSR is crying and SBG says something else and GSR tells him something and SBG yells out and GSR say something and SBG say something about PCW and GSR replies back to him and SBG tells her to go and GSR says something else (being nice to this idiot ) and SBG does not want to hear it and puts his arms over his head and GSR say something about being sorry to him and SBG is crying too as GSR looks at him.

OHD is working the frying in the chicken kitchen (yeah I wanted to put those two words together lol..) and JES comes in and says something calling him Oppa and OHD replies and JES say something else to him and JES replies and OHD says really and JES says something about him and OHD is telling her something smiling and JES replies back and OHD is smiling like a fool and JES asks something and OHD nods replying and JES says something else to him.

CIS is meeting with SJ and he asks her something and SJ replies back and CIS says something else and SJ replies back and CIS is thinking and asks her something and CIS replies back and SJ says something and CIS is looking worried.

PCW is meeting with the doctor and he is looking at the information and PCW asks him something and the doctor replies back and PCW says something and the doctor tells him that there is another possible donor an in law maybe and PCW says there is and seems surprised.

CYK is coming out from getting her blood work done and the nurse follows her out and CYK turns to asks the nurse something and the nurse replies back looking at the chart and CYK says no to something replying and the nurse say something else to her and CYK replies and the nurse goes in and when she turns back around she sees PCW standing there and they stare at each other.

The End


PCW and SBG are outside the prosecutor’s office when the team leader an CDG walk up and SBG says something to him from behind PCW and PCW has to hold him back from wanting to hit CDG. The Team leader looks are scared and guilty as she goes walking into the building while SBG and PCW are looking at CDG. PCW, SBG and CDG are sitting in the waiting room. The Prosecutor is asking the Team Leader questions and she is looking away and he slaps down on the table asking her something and the team leader looks caught not really knowing how to answer. CDG comes home and loosen his tie as LJA say something to him and he sprawls in a chair saying something to CIS. CDG is in his office and looks drunk as the Team leader is standing there and he holds up a USB with the designs or something maybe he got from SBG and he tell her to do something prolly (to lie on GSR) as she smiles at her creepily and the Team Leader says something to him. CDG runs his mouth in that waiting room and PCW grabs him and hits him and CDG turns to look at him in shock as he holds his jaw with SBG looking shocked by PCW losing his temper as PCW tells CDG something fuming.


**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

My Thoughts:

What an interesting episode. I really hope that PCW told GSR outside the prosecutors office to stop trying to protect others and look after herself he was very angry and he should have been. This woman is bringing her health down trying to protect the losers and people around her that have done nothing but hurt her. Besides that he is the man that loves her.Yuna or not she should not be trying to help this man get out of what he did after she told him not to mess with her work and deal with CDG! He should have got his butt up and went down and told the truth and took the hit for what he did.. Wanting someone else to take the blame over what he did or try to sugar coat it because he was trying to get money for her surgery.. NO ONE TOLD Him to do that nor go that route!!! The nerve if SBH to even have an argument over what she did with that money that she took from PCW!  Those two allowed Yuna to find out the real truth about GSR. smh.

I have to wonder what crazy CYK said to SB's picture on her phone.. I have to think she wants to use this as a means to get forgiveness.. her telling the doctor that she has been drinking a bit and asking if it will cause a problem..Lets all hope that Yuna's request about the transplant is either to have SBH get tested anyway or to be able to go on that day.. I am not sure which.

I loved the punch that PCW gave CDG in the preview he should have hit him again. CDG's expression was shock and fear never has he seen PCW that mad but I can only think that CDG kept making remarks about GSR that finally set him off. SBG was shocked as well.. it is time for him too to see a different side of PCW.. Both these men have thought because he has not come out swinging before that he can't.. I hope he shows them exactly..

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Written Preview Ep 115

대경은 고 팀장이 여태껏 대경을 도왔던 증거가 담긴 usb를 보이며 고팀장 에게 위증을 하라고 협박한다. 한편, 찬우는 검찰 대기실에서 계속 비아냥 거리는 대경에게 분노를 참지 못한 나머지 주먹을 휘두르는데...


Daqing is the usb containing the evidence seems to Daqing ever helped me to perjury and team leader threatens to gotimjang. On the other hand, chanwoo is to wield the remaining Fists who continue to endure the wrath biahnyang distance from prosecution Daqing waiting ...


Taching the team leader till now to show usb where the evidence which helped Taching was put in and send the false testimony to the team leader, threatens. To Taching where on the other hand, Chan-wu is cynical continuously at the prosecution waiting room cannot endure an anger shakes the remaining fist…


@Ldy Gmerm.

It's about time PCW didn't sit back and say nothing and let GSR hang herself because of SBG. She did nothing wrong so why should she take responsibility for a crime SBG committed. SBG made the decision to sell her designs of his own free will. Yes it was for her surgery charges but why should she be held responsible for the illegal actions of SBG  PCW's words got through to her and she let the prosecutor know it was her ex-husband who made the deal with CDG not her. 

SBG was so sure GSR would protect him because what he did was for her, Then he had the nerve to get ticked off because she didn't. Again he wanted to place blame else where onto PCW for GSR telling the truth of what he did. SBG really needs to grow up and take responsibility for his actions. GSR should have never been called into the prosecutors office in the first place . SBG should have stood up like a man and admitted what he did. It's out of GSR's hands now and he has to face the consequences of his actions. 


If you get a chance can you shed some light on what that twit was saying talking to that family picture. 

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Thanks for the preview translation..

SBG is a coward and not a man to want GSR to try and help him get out of the mess he created by going against what she told him not to do. His hanging around trying to help her does not make up for that and it is not a barter system where because he is trying to help her live she should help him avoid jail time. He like we have all said many times should have gone in and told his side of the story and took his punishment. He should have never had GSR dragged in for his crime. It is selfish and he is not a child!

CDG has used PCW's loss of SB and his grief time and time again to try and hurt this man. He has tried to blame him for things that he knew PCW had no hand in or was a part of. He wanted to push CYK's crap on him about why she is the way she is and PCW is not responsible for that. CDG has continued to run his mouth to PCW in his jealousy and still does not get that PCW was not the problem and the things he did to that man were uncalled for.

I am not surprised that he sat in that waiting room and said something that finally snapped PCW's control and calm. PCW is still a mass of anger over the things that have happened and what CDG has done. He is like a short fuse that could blow and any min and these people do not seem to realize it. And now he dares to drag GSR in and sits there being smug and cocky hoping that the Team Leader hangs GSR out to dry running his mouth. He was a fool to bait PCW. PCW is done with dealing with CDG after what he said to him at CIS's place when he came to ask for help to clear GSR. That family has shown PCW that the are not a family to him and never was.

CDG has been very lucky that PCW has not hit him numerous times before now and frankly CDG needs a good A** whipping for all the things he has said and did to PCW. His dragging GSR in when he knows she is sick and fighting for her life was stupid and foolish he honestly thought to use her fight for her life as a way to say she did this crime what a idiot. (all because he is trying to still take over.. )  Asking for an investigation by the prosecutors office was beyond stupid and he has only hurt himself with this. He needs to end up in a jail cell at the end of this all because of his refusal to stop being so jealous and greedy.

Lets all hope that the team leader regardless of what may happen to herself stands up and does the right thing by GSR.

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Guest ina111

@awsparkle - Thank you for the preview and translations. Are you asking about the scene with CYG sitting on the bed? I went back and listened to it, and it sounded like "새봄아, 엄마가 아빠 꼭 지켜줄 거야. 그러니까 너도 도와줘. which I'd translate as "Mom will surely protect dad. So you help out too." 

@Ldy Gmerm- thank you for the recap. I agree, this was an interesting episode. I feel like I missed a lot of the conversation. I need to go back and read through some articles to figure out what was said. For example, in that SBG-GSR conversation towards the end, I got the feeling that SBG was upset with GSR because he thought that she took the blame for the leak, but was then relieved when he found out that she told the truth. I might be very wrong about this. 

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Thanks for the translation.

I can't believe this woman. Here she goes again asking SB for her help with PCW. The one PCW has always needed to be protected from is her. Has that even entered her crazy mind as yet. CYK is truly a nut case. She hates GSR and was going to sit by and wait for her to die. Now she wants to save her for the sake of PCW. Does she still want PCW or does she want his forgiveness. Either way it's still all about herself and what she wants. 

As for SBG it doesn't matter if he was mad about GSR telling the truth or if she protected him. She should have never had to be called in for questioning. When this first came about SBG should have been a man and confessed to what he did. Getting rid of that money and keeping quiet was all about protecting himself. 

@Ldy Gmerm

PCW has had enough of CDG and his nasty disrespectful smugness. The sad part about this is it's not even about GSR but him trying to stick it too PCW. He has never been able to win at anything when it comes to PCW. Using GSR as a way to get PCW is him being a coward and not being able to match up to PCW  toe to toe. 

CIS's whole house is falling apart and he's the root cause. It pains him to have to watch their lives fall apart but these are the monsters he raised. They are out of control and at a point where he alone cannot stop them.  

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CYK is truly a nut case. There has been no doubt in my mind since she woke up from her coma many, many episodes ago.  She fails to see that she is the one PCW would need to be protected from and that asking the daughter she cheated in front of and killed to help her protect PCW is completely wrong. He is the beloved father that she loved. The question is who or what is she protecting him from? The new woman in his life and having a new love and moving on? From creating a lasting connection that will definitely surpass the marriage he thought he had with CYK? Or is it about his proceeding to do the donation when he knows there is a risk to his health? PCW does not need or want her protection. She is the wrong person to even provide protection for him in the first place. What gives her the right to make that type of promise or decision for this man to his dead child?

This is still about PCW being around in order for her to get forgiveness from him for what she did. The issue is a. PCW does not owe her forgiveness. b. she has not earned it. c. she has yet to take responsibility for her actions in all things. d. until she faces the fact that she killed that girl and ruined her own life no one will ever give her forgiveness least of all her self.

Getting tested and being a possible donor for GSR will not make that man forgive her. She has actually been very lucky that all he did was force the divorce from her and did not bring up charges on her for her part in that girls death and anything else she did to hold on to him and hurt GSR.  Anyone that continues to talk to you after all you have done is no long worried about anything related to you anymore. PCW has moved on from that and her wanting to get forgiveness from him thinking once he does he may perhaps want her back well she is just setting herself up again to be hit with the realization that the man has moved on and is in love with another woman.

I say let her go to the end with her crazy obsession..something will wake her up if it does not kill her.


SBG may have been doing what you thought you heard but I agree with @awsparkle on this one even if he was concerned about GSR the best thing would have been to instead of fussing at her for taking on that responsibility would have been to go down there on his own or with her and tell the truth. Yet he sits in his room like a big baby with his knees up. It is time to back up what he said to his sister. Stand up and be a man about what he has done and face it. But what did he do he tried to give that money away he got to not have a trail and the karma for that was to have it scammed. Not even looking after stupid GMJ makes up for that because he pulled that fool into handling dirty money. All to hide it and keep PCW and GSR from knowing that there is some truth to what CDG said.

For SBG to truly show he cares for GSR and her well being he needs to stop being jealous of PCW and wish that woman well with that man and Yuna. Also he needs to face up to his crime even though it was to get money he did it the wrong way and hurt GSR in the process. He needs to stop meeting with and talking to crazy. I will say it again as much time as SBG and CYK meet they could have put their energy into meeting others and falling in love (of course that is kind of hard when people know your face and name and would not want you.) or just being with each other. They can feed of their need to be adored and loved from each other and NEVER have children again!

SBG is very fortunate to have PCW helping him even after all he has said and did to this man. IF it was not for GSR he and SBH would be completely up the creek and never have a way to get out of the mess they have made of their lives. He could have walked away and let him and SBH swing in the wind knowing they did the things they are accused of or had a hand in but because of his love and respect for GSR he continues to help these losers she has around her.. all to protect her a bit from these people.


I am curious about what was the favor that Yuna asked SBH for in the bedroom concerning the transplant. I would love for her to get to that hospital and take the test and end up as the donor instead of CYK..

ON CIS he can see that CYK and CDG are on paths of destruction. He knows that there is nothing he can do to stop it now. He lost his chances and the only way to salvage anything is either to take them down with help or let them crash an burn on their own. Either way these two are about to hit rock bottom. Perhaps CIS will go with them as his penalty for not stopping them and teaching them wrongly. He created these monsters and tried to push off CYK on PCW and make him responsible for her behavior when that woman was spoiled, bratty, and loose before she met and married PCW. IF CIS perhaps dies then both of them will be hit hard for the loss.

CDG feeling like he has been treated unfairly is he reason why he is where he is now. Instead of looking at the true reason his uncle did what he did he continues to blame PCW and make it seem like it is all his fault. Because he and CYK have to put blame on others instead of facing their flaws he will end up without anything.


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@ina111 - thank you for the translation of what CYK was saying to the pic of SB.  I would like to interpret it differently tho' from the way @awsparkle and @Ldy Gmerm did - could it be that this time, she is thinking of redeeming herself from what she has done to PCW - and the only way to do that is to protect the love PCW is giving to GSR?  It was the love from GSR to PCW that she witnessed herself several times that would have probably knocked some sense out of her.  I also think she would be the donor that is why she has expressed her concern to the doctor about her consumption of alcohol.  I guess I am just thinking too positive since we have a few episodes to deal with.  I don't think they will kill the CYK character; she would probably change a little and might end up caring for her ailing father.  

As for SBG - both him and CDG should share a bed together in jail.

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Guest ina111

@Ldy Gmerm, I agree with you and @awsparkle that SBG shouldn't have put GSR in that situation in the first place. There is no excuse for what he did. If he was that desperate, he should have asked his girlfriend for money. Or robbed a bank. :) I will give him points though for being ready to take responsibility for his mistake, and not blaming GSR for telling the truth to the investigator. (I also have a feeling that he didn't have bad intentions when he got rid of that money, but I could be wrong about that.) As PCW told GSR, this is an opportunity for SBG to come to his senses and I'm glad he's taking it. (Can you imagine how much IYO will whine if he ends up in jail? GSR won't hear the end of it.)


@viyra I think CYG may be headed that way, but I don't think she's there yet. At this point it seems to me like she is mainly motivated by the fear that something will happen to PCW. She is worried that PCW will go through with the surgery regardless of the risks because they are unable to find another donor for GSR. (Forgetting the fact that GSR would never agree to that.) In a way I think this mirrors how SBG feels about GSR, in that he is terrified that she will die because he feels all this guilt and debt towards her. 

CYG was also afraid that PCW will blame her if something happens to GSR, that it will be just like with his mother and SB. So maybe she does want to keep GSR alive for that reason, but I don't get the sense that she wants PCW and GSR to have a future together. Yet. Perhaps that will be the next step, her realizing that PCW's happiness requires GSR, which would mean she'd be finally letting go of her hopes of being with that man. She has been given plenty of opportunities to see what GSR means to him, but it's hard to know with her whether she got the message or not. Each time I think she gets it, she does something nutty again and proves me wrong. :) 

This is kinda random, but I must have watched the GSR-PCW scenes in front of the prosecutor's office 10 times this morning. Partly to figure out what the heck they were saying, and partly to enjoy those two behaving so differently from their usual selves. I loved that PCW got some of his frustration out, and that GSR finally admitted that she's having a hard time and asked him to stay beside her and take care of her. It almost felt like some kind of a watershed moment for the two. (GSR better not make me eat my words by saying she'll give up PCW to CYG after she finds out that CYG is her donor.)
I also watched the preview again, and @Ldy Gmerm you were right - at 0:12 CDG says in voiceover that GSR probably won't live long anyway, which is probably what pushed PCW over the edge. I am looking forward to that scene. 

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@ina111 thanks for the translation.

I have to agree CYK has not hit the point yet where she has given up all hope that she can't turn PCW back to her yet. She has yet to realize that PCW needs GSR to be happy again and have faith in people and love. Like you pointed out she and SBG are driven by fear that if something happens to either GSR or PCW or both their chances to try and get rid of some of the guilt from what they have done will be gone. It is still all about them and not about GSR and PCW's wishes or their happiness.

Up until now CYK has seen how much PCW cares for GSR. She also knows that GSR is a nice, sweet and generous woman who is way too trusting and naive on some things (she saw that when GSR brought food to the theater for SBG and talked about him nonstop) she knows the type of wife and mother GSR would be to PCW. Its one of the things that made her hesitate and try to stop with SBG but their attraction was too much and it ended her up where she is now.  Those things about GSR"s character she can see why PCW fell for her it is what burns her up the most because she can never be that and was never that for PCW. GSR would have done everything and anything  to make sure that SBG succeeded on the stage and she did remember taking all that money out to buy tickets and she got repayment in SBG being angry with her and finding out he was with CYK having and affair the night she ran to him to nurse him.  So she knows that if PCW and GSR tie the knot that is the type of wife he would get a woman that would do anything and everything for him taking care and loving him.. But then again she has seen this from both sides, PCW willing to give up GSR to protect her and GSR doing the same for PCW. It is very foreign for her because she is way to selfish and self serving to have done it.

But I think this last go round is the one where she sees truly that she will never have PCW back for her own. That she lost a good man by doing wrong. Perhaps they will talk in the next episode and something PCW says to her will make her finally realize that no matter what PCW is beyond her now. IT is time to let go that last shred of hope she had to separate him form GSR.

It was finally time for GSR to tell that man not to leave her side and to look after her. He has been doing it from the beginning at least now he has the words and she is not pushing him away. Thank goodness his words got through to her because I would have been very angry if she tried to help and protect SBG. He needs to learn to stand up and do the right thing on his own without someone trying to help him.

As for CDG, I knew he would have had to say something like that to set PCW off. I think in his mind when he found out GSR was sick that is when the plan hatched for him thinking if she dies then she is not there to defend herself and with his using SBG to steal them SBG would not be able to get anyone to help or believe him since he has had so much trouble before. What he never anticipated is PCW coming back after finding out about GSR and that is what has thrown him off. He still thought he had it in the bag but the TL and GSR managed to get a new collection out. So now that he knows all of his plans to frame SBH were thwarted by PCW and CIS he is going for the kill and that is trying to blackmail the TL to betray GSR and lie.. He thought again he would be able to say anything to PCW like he did days ago and PCW would not do anything. But what he failed to see it was respect for an elder in his home that had PCW not getting up to punch him in the mouth when he talked about SB and GSR then.

Nothing stands in PCW's way now to punch CDG dead in the mouth for making that comment about GSR not living long anyway it was very crass and mean and just plain heartless. That woman has a family and friends who care about her and he is aware that PCW cares about her to say that about her a person that did nothing to him well PCW should have hit him harder and then pulled him up and hit him again! The look of surprise shock on CDG's face is priceless he was not expecting PCW to snap to that extent and he looked like has never been hit before (but with his nasty personality I am surprised he is not getting his A** whipped all the time the same for SBG)  and that PCW was the one that let one loose on him. When you push people too far things have a tendency to happen. After creating a situation where GSR who should be concentrating on trying to stay alive instead is made to defend herself and take time from her being in the hospital or spending time with her family it was just too much for PCW to deal with anymore. Especially when he knows that CDG stole those designs and leaked them and is trying to pin the blame on others.


I would love it if crazy nutty CYK finally did something selfless in donating to GSR because it is the right thing to do and she owes that woman a debt. But like @ina111 and @awsparkle I do not think she has had her "AH HA" moment yet. Its when it finally gets into her cloudy murky mind that PCW is gone and she lost her chance to treat that man right and love him. That someone else now has the right to be close and love him like he deserves and to have a future with him (we hope GSR does).. Since the last week is coming up (I wonder if we will end with 118 episodes instead of 119 if soccer come on?) somewhere we may hopefully see that woman realize all she lost by her actions and truly feel the guilt and shame for it and be sorry to PCW and GSR. Not too mention SB and PCW's mother.

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CYK is no where near on the road to redemption. Her having that family picture of the three of them is an indication she still thinks she can turn PCW back to her. She is still deluding herself to what once was can still be. CYK will never admit or take responsibility for what she did to destroy her family. She will have to be made to face it and have no other choice but to face it. CYK and SBG both are trying to become the hero to their ex's in hopes they will see them in a good way and turn back to them. 

@Ldy Gmerm,

CYK sees what's between PCW and GSR but she's still in the frame of mind of what she and PCW had was greater and better. SBG has tried to tell this twit what he has realized and sees that's between PCW and GSR. Even her own father tried to tell her but CYK is not listening. In her crazy mind once again SB is the key to turning PCW back around.

This woman has no idea SB has been with her father from the start. The doll she loved so much is what stopped him from taking his life It's what led him straight to GSR's doorstep who made him want to live again.  That same doll CYK tossed aside twice. The night SB was killed and then when she had LJA toss that doll. It was then that  she completely threw that child away. Crazy has no idea she can't just go back and pull out the mom card because she gave birth to this child. 


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CYK is no where near on the road to redemption. Her having that family picture of the three of them is an indication she still thinks she can turn PCW back to her. She is still deluding herself to what once was can still be. CYK will never admit or take responsibility for what she did to destroy her family. She will have to be made to face it and have no other choice but to face it. CYK and SBG both are trying to become the hero to their ex's in hopes they will see them in a good way and turn back to them. 

@Ldy Gmerm,

CYK sees what's between PCW and GSR but she's still in the frame of mind of what she and PCW had was greater and better. SBG has tried to tell this twit what he has realized and sees that's between PCW and GSR. Even her own father tried to tell her but CYK is not listening. In her crazy mind once again SB is the key to turning PCW back around.

This woman has no idea SB has been with her father from the start. The doll she loved so much is what stopped him from taking his life It's what led him straight to GSR's doorstep who made him want to live again.  That same doll CYK tossed aside twice. The night SB was killed and then when she had LJA toss that doll. It was then that  she completely threw that child away. Crazy has no idea she can't just go back and pull out the mom card because she gave birth to this child. 


​Now this reminds me that after finding out that her daughter died in a car accident while being with her and SBG, instead of feeling sorry for what happened and for losing her own daughter, she  turned around and accused SBG of forcing himself on her, thus  causing the car accident. 

I  guess, in spite of SBG continuously reminding her to give up on PCW, the more  she tries to find ways to get him back; she is just too blind to see the truth.

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You bring up a very good point. When PCW found out his daughter had died he was devastated. He held it together because he had to be there for CYK who was in a coma perhaps. That is until CDG and LJA made sure he saw the video and heard the audio of that car accident. At that point he lost it. He threw the laptop in his office remember and went home and grabbed that doll that his little girl loved and put it in the car with him as he intended to go be with SB but at the last moment the doll or SB or something stopped him from crashing that car and he wanted revenge for the senseless death of his child by SBG and CYK who were sneaking and cheating. (it made it worse when he went to the hospital and found SBG had sneaked into her new room and was laying his head on the bed next to her) . He kept replaying the last moment he saw her before his business trip (to go get funding for that cheating twit) and how she cried and did not want him to go. He was loosing his mind.

And then later he saw the little doll on GSR's bag in the park and asked her where did she get it from or who made it and GSR very confused by his question told him she was the one that made it. He takes her to the car (because he was driving that doll around with him at the time (poor man) and shows it to her and she asks what is he doing with it that she gave it to a little girl and he asks if it was at SBH's shop perhaps and she says yes confused by the turn of events and he flashes to when SB got the doll and her saying the Ahjumma gave it to her. He then realizes that GSR was that Ahjumma. He tells her that it was his daughter she gave the doll to and that she died in a car accident recently and GSR being the soft soul she is and his friend offers comfort and cries at the loss of that little girl. (She is unaware at that time the full events and who was involved.)

IN that moment GSR gave that man more sympathy and comfort then that entire family did over the loss of a daughter, grand daughter and cousin. CIS continue to worry only about his daughter and CDG and LJA continued to use that tragedy to push PCW out and make him get angry to hurt CYK and SBG. No one understood why this man was hurt, angry, devastated and furious not too mention out of his mind with grief. CIS wanted him to stay away from CYK if he could not think of HER as she lay in that bed (WTF think of a cheating killer?) he wanted PCW to ignore the fact he lost his child over cheating the one thing he hated given how his family was ruined  and cater to that lying cheating wench in the bed and after she got out by playing on her delusion that it was 5 years earlier and she has done nothing wrong. (PCW had the patience of  a Saint and nerves of steel because anyone else would have got her alone and choked her to death.)

There have been moments when I wanted PCW to drag CYK to that memorial and throw her down in front of it and tell her to explain it to SB what she did!

Her be outed that last time and running off to the memorial with bloody feet where PCW finds her at after SBG's frantic call (always about her never about Yuna or GSR and the fall out) she should ashamed caught in another lie about boy toy and she dares to run to the child she killed?? PCW should have had her bared from coming there in my opinion.

She should never be able to look at any picture of SB to make promises or asks things after what she did and has not owned up too.  She should only be carrying a picture of SB not a family picture of the three of them remembering them as a family because that is gone!


That is the huge difference in CYK and GSR. When PCW finally told GSR the entire truth of what happen and what CYK and SBG did after SBG started rambling at PCW and GSR about PCW wanting revenge on him and GSR put things together remembering the night she found SBG hiding in the cabinet in CYK's room and how he was hurt from that accident as hurt as she was about what SBG did she was even more hurt for PCW who lost his daughter and found out his wife was cheating with her husband. She quietly gave him comfort and then told him she would help him in his revenge for his daughters death.

CYK when told by SBG because she was having flashes of that accident and lying that she did not remember him or their feelings does not want to believe what he is saying and goes running to the memorial when she remembers PCW being there when she followed him and sees SB and she drops to the floor does her 5 mins of hard crying and says no it is not true over and over not wanting to take the responsibility for what she had a hand in and then says no, it is SBG's fault he did this he killed SB.

Only later does she say SBG molested her in the car and that is what caused the accident that killed her daughter but only after PCW has leaked out the truth on what they did that night that killed his child. She pulls out the video and leaves out the audio to substantiate that lie because even with her smiling at him without the audio to hear her giggle and SB's voice calling Eomma you would think that SBG was all over her with out permission.

CYK should have been on her knees the moment she found out. Better yet her father should have told her the truth of why PCW was not there and not answering her many text and calls and what she did instead of hiding it. Making her face what she did even if she needed to be hospitalized for it. (doing it when she woke up would have been better because they could have sedated her.) BUT CIS did not choosing to let her think she was in the past and all was well.

HOW DO YOU FORGET YOUR CHILD THAT YOU KILLED?  is it GUILT! Her mind shut it out for a moment because it was just too horrible a thought to endure but then it started to remember and SBG in his frustration at her not remembering their love told it.. Someone should have because they would not let PCW do it and he wanted to.


Perhaps CYK will get her break down "Ah Ha" moment when she talks to PCW after he sees her in the hall. Maybe she will say she is doing it to save him and it is a promise she made to SB and he finally unloads and makes her see that the life they had together with SB is over and gone and will never return due to her actions and inability to face the truth of what she did and take ownership. I would love for her to see that before the 2nd to last episode (I would have loved her to get it 60 episodes ago but you can't have everything can you?) That doing this is not going to make him come back to her and/or forgive her right now.. It would take a long time for this man to forgive her in what she did and that forgiveness does not mean they will ever have a life together again. She lost that right the moment she cheated on him and killed his child.


My hope and thought is that GSR survives enough to continue living a healthy happy life and that she and PCW marry and are able to have a child or children together. They are truly the only two people in this drama that should be allowed to have children of their own as they raise Yuna a child of their heart.  If the writer lets this drama end without showing us this happy ending for them it will have ruined the entire drama for me. Open endings after all GSR and PCW endured would not cut it for me.

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 115



Opening Scene CYK and PCW are sitting in the café talking and PCW says something and CYK fires back trying to justify why she is still in his business and PCW asks her something and CYK says something and PCW says something back and CYK replies back to him and PCW fires back yet again at her and CYK says something asking him why about something and PCW just gives her a look and CYK says something else to him about SBG and PCW asks something and CYK continues to run her mouth and PCW says something and CYK says what and PCW says something and CYK says something else and PCW replies back and CYK says ahh and something and PCW replies and CYK says something else still having the nerve to get in his business and try to tell him something and PCW replies back and CYK fires back and PCW raises his voice at her and she says something else raising her voice and PCW just looking at her and she sighs and says something and PCW replies back to her and CYK says something else and PCW looks away from her and CYK looks at him. (Like talking to a brick wall I tell you! He really wasted 2:30 seconds of his life talking to this woman who does not listen or even care about his wants.)

GSR has been looking at wedding dress magazines and has fallen asleep working on her design and PCW comes in and sees her and removes her sketch pad and then he lifts her and goes to the bedroom.

PCW carries GSR into the bedroom and puts GSR on the bed and she wakes and smiles at him saying something and PCW replies and GSR says something else and PCW replies back and GSR nods saying something and PCW says something back pulling up the covers on her and GSR says something and PCW asks her something and GSR replies back and PCW says something and GSR replies back to him and PCW tells her something else and GSR replies and PCW says something and GSR closes her eyes like he says and PCW takes out his phone and goes to read something for her and GSR says something and PCW leans forward and covers her eyes reading something to her and he removes his hand and she slowly opens her eyes and PCW continues to read something to her and GSR asks something and PCW says something else to her and GSR smiles at him. (When can we get a real marriage scene from these two going to bed at night and waking (with clothing on) the next morning smiling to one another with very satisfied and in love smiles?

GMJ is still trying to call that man perhaps and the phone is off and he tries to call again and NJB says something and GMJ pulls the phone down shushing her and goes to leave a message and NJB says something and GMJ continues and NJB takes the phone and leaves a message for that man to hurry and return that money perhaps and GMJ tries to talk nice in the background and NJB is just frustrated and hangs up the phone and GMJ is going to do something and NJB fusses.

GSG comes in from a delivery and IYO and JES are waiting and tell him to go in to do something about his parents and GSG is frustrated putting the helmet down to go into the kitchen.

NJB is forcing GMJ to drink something by holding the glass to his face and GSG comes in saying something and NJB replies back to him and points out something in the lobby but tells GMJ to drink it and he does.

Yuna is waiting at the swings with her school bag and PCW walks up and says something to her and sit saying something and Yuna asks him about her mother or something and PCW looks down and replies nodding and Yuna says something else to him about her mother and PCW replies back and Yuna asks him something else and PCW explains something else to her about GSR and Yuna says something else about her mother looking down and PCW replies back about GSR again to her and Yuna looks down and PCW asks her something calling her name and Yuna looks at him.

SBG is home and gets the call that he needs to come in perhaps to talk to the prosecutor and he is a bit surprised and gets off the phone mumbling to himself and puts his phone down and goes to grab a bottle of water and it is empty and he crumples it up frustrated.

SBG comes out of his room and sees SBH coming in and SBG looks at her and goes to walk off and SBH say something to him about Yuna knowing the full truth maybe or not in school and SBG asks something and SBH say something else to him and SBG looks down frustrated and SBH says something and SBG fires back at her and she replies and goes to Yuna’s room leaving him to try to call IYO to find out if she has seen Yuna.

IYO answers the phone at the shop and she tells him she does not know as JES looks up from wiping the table and SBG is fussing and hangs up on her and IYO says hello and JES asks her something and IYO replies and JES is thinking.

SBG comes out to look for Yuna and sees Yuna and PCW walk up together and he wonders about it and Yuna tells him that they went to get something for GSR and SBG asks if she is ok and Yuna replies and SBG says something else and Yuna asks for the bag with the groceries and PCW says something and Yuna replies and goes in to the bag in to her mother maybe and SBG asks PCW about Yuna and her knowing maybe and PCW looks down and SBG says something else and PCW confirms something and SBG looks down and PCW tells him something and SBG says something else and PCW replies and SBG says something and PCW says something else and SBG replies and goes to leave and then turns back having to ask him to go with him to the prosecutor and PCW says something and SBG says something back and PCW asks something and SBG runs his mouth and walks off with PCW turning to look at him.

CDG comes in and does not really bother to speak and CIS says something to him and CDG goes to walk upstairs and MJ says something and CDG turns to run his mouth drunkenly and CIS raises his voice at him and CDG goes to sit down.  CIS says something and CDG runs his mouth to CIS and CIS says something and CDG smirks saying something and CIS says something else and CDG seems to be bringing up his covering up things for him maybe and CIS just looks at him and LJA comes down to try to get him and CDG jerks away from her saying something else and LJA says sorry and she ask MJ to help her and they get him upstairs.

Yuna and GSR are waiting and say something as PCW comes out of the kitchen and PCW replies wiping his hands on a kitchen towel and Yuna says something to GSR and GSR replies and PCW whispers something to GSR and Yuna says something to PCW and PCW replies and GSR says something and PCW show his finger nails and says something and GSR laughs saying something and Yuna looks sad and GSR calls her name and Yuna replies and looks like she is about to cry and GSR calls her name and Yuna has tears in her eyes and GSR asks her something and Yuna nods and GSR hugs her and asks something and Yuna replies back and now GSR is crying and Yuna says something to her as PCW looks on and GSR tells her something else about her and PCW and PCW says something and Yuna nods saying something and says Eomma and GSR replies and asks GSR something and PCW replies and Yuna says something and GSR hugs her and Yuna is crying and GSR says something else and Yuna replies holding on to GSR crying and GSR is crying too as she holds her as PCW looks sad sitting there looking away.

IYO is fretting at the shop as OHD and JES are there and she fusses about SBG maybe being at the prosecutor and OHD replies and IYO runs her mouth about GSR again possibly and she does not see NJB standing behind JES in the kitchen and NJB comes out and says something and IYO steps back and JES says something as NJB is watching her and IYO runs her mouth some more as NJB is looking at her and NJB says something fired up and spits on her hands and IYO covers her head scared.

SJ and CIS are meeting and CYK is sitting there and CIS says something and SJ replies and CYK asks something about SBG and SJ replies and CYK says something and CIS replies back and CYK says something else and CIS replies as CYK looks worried.

CDG is in his office and the team leader comes in and CDG says something and the team leader says something and CDG replies smirking and the team leader replies and CDG says something else holding up a tag or something and the team leader is shocked and says something and CDG says something else trying to black mail her and the team leader calls out his name and CDG says something and the team leader says something else to him and CDG twist the screws at her and the team leader says something and CDG tells her something and she is standing there.

GSG is with GSR who is fretting in the flat and GSG says something ad GSR replies back and GSG says something else to her about GSR and something about SBG and GSR says something and GSG says something else about SBG to her and GSR looks down.

PCW and SBG arrive outside the prosecutor’s office and PCW gives him some advice and SBG says he understood sarcastically and PCW tells him something else and SBG says something else smart and PCW replies and CDG walks up saying something and PCW turns around and CDG walks up with the team leader and CDG says something else and SBG goes to go at CDG and PCW holds him back and CDG says something else as the team leader looks caught and SBG says something to the team leader who looks down and PCW says something else and the team leader goes In and CDG replies and PCW says something right as CDG leaves to go in. SBG asks about the team leader and why she is there.


CDG, SBG and PCW are sitting in the lobby and CDG looks at them and turns his head.

The team leader is in with the prosecutor and he looks at his documents and the team leader says something and the prosecutor asks something and the team leader says something and the prosecutor yells at her and she is caught about not knowing how to answer.

CDG runs his mouth about GSR and SBG starts to say something and PCW stands up and CDG says that CDG does not have long to live anyway for something awful and PCW goes over grabs CDG and punches him in the mouth and SBG stands up shocked with his mouth open and CDG yells out PCW’s name as he looks at him in surprise shock and wipes blood off his mouth and PCW says something to him fuming as SBG looks weary closing his mouth. lol..(he should have grabbed him and hit him in the mouth again such a nasty man.)

The End


SBG is in with the Prosecutor saying something and gives the OK sign and the prosecutor looks frustrated slapping documents on the desk and looking at SBG. The prosecutor is again trying to lean on the Team Leader and she looks at him looking down. The prosecutor has CDG in and says something and CDG looks down as the prosecutor looks at him (not going well at all huh CDG?) CYK and CIS are home when CDG comes in and says something and goes to turn to go upstairs and LJA says something to them.IYO is yelling at SBG and SBH and he has his head in his hands and SBH looks away. IYO has come to GSR's flat and is saying something to her (wait is she trying to get GSR to help SBH and SBG OMG.. I bet she is trying to blame her or saying she needs to do something)  GSR has her head down at the flat (stop holding your head down GSR!). GSR is at CIS’s house coming from upstairs and CIS meets her (she looks like she is on her last leg) saying something to her. GSR is sitting down and says something to CIS looking at him and CIS leans up looking at her as she looks back at him.


Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

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Written Preview Ep 116

검찰 조사에 들어간 고팀장은 위증하면 죄를 따로 묻겠다는 검사의 말에도 불구하고 디자인 유출을 눈치채고 막은 사람이 본인이라며 위증을 한다. 한편, 연옥은 봉국이 걱정돼 수래를 찾아가 찬우를 통해 인섭을 설득해달라고 부탁하는데...


If gotimjang investigation into the perjury prosecution, despite the end of the separate mutgetda inspection noticed a man sin blocked the outflow design and perjury he said. On the other hand, purgatory is asking to persuade inseop bongguk chanwoo go through this ... I'm worried about surae


Got in to a criminal investigation, when the team leader gives false evidence, will ask a crime separately, despite language of prosecutor to become aware a design outflow the person whom closed to be person oneself and the false testimony sends. On the other hand, the purgatory can worry, Bong-guk seeks lay and through Chan-wu persuades In-seop, requests

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Written Preview Ep 116

검찰 조사에 들어간 고팀장은 위증하면 죄를 따로 묻겠다는 검사의 말에도 불구하고 디자인 유출을 눈치채고 막은 사람이 본인이라며 위증을 한다. 한편, 연옥은 봉국이 걱정돼 수래를 찾아가 찬우를 통해 인섭을 설득해달라고 부탁하는데...


If gotimjang investigation into the perjury prosecution, despite the end of the separate mutgetda inspection noticed a man sin blocked the outflow design and perjury he said. On the other hand, purgatory is asking to persuade inseop bongguk chanwoo go through this ... I'm worried about surae


Got in to a criminal investigation, when the team leader gives false evidence, will ask a crime separately, despite language of prosecutor to become aware a design outflow the person whom closed to be person oneself and the false testimony sends. On the other hand, the purgatory can worry, Bong-guk seeks lay and through Chan-wu persuades In-seop, requests

​@LdyGmerm,  and @awsparkle thanks for your hard work.. 


I think CDG blackmailed team leader into giving a false statement as he may have photos of her copying or taking pictures of GSR designs after all she was the only one GSR gave her book to..

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I am sure that CDG did find a way for the Team Leader to give a false statement but it does not look like it worked or if it did it does not last for long because CDG looks worried at what the prosecutor says to him.

IYO has one big nerve to go to GSR to either blame her or asks her to go to CIS to help SBH and SBG. They both stole from GSR and PCW and would have never said anything had SBH not gotten caught by her former in laws!  Why is it that IYO thinks she can go to this sick woman to help these two.

GSR should not be at CIS house for anything and nothing he can try to say or bargain with should be able to work.. We are too close to the end for this nonsense! SMDH... looks like we will be going to the end possibly before things are resolved and GSR either lives or dies.

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@ina111 - I hope what you said don't happen - GSR giving up PCW to CYK if she becomes the donor, her savior - that would be too much for my heartt bear.  I don't want either of them to feel any guilt towards CYK if and when what we are thinking gets real.

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@ina111 - I hope what you said don't happen - GSR giving up PCW to CYK if she becomes the donor, her savior - that would be too much for my heartt bear.  I don't want either of them to feel any guilt towards CYK if and when what we are thinking gets real.

@viyra,  I hate to say it but I do see it happening especially if it would help SBH and SBG because of Yuna.. CYK may even offer to send her away after she's well enough to leave without PCW knowing and never to contact him again with throwing Yuna education paid for until she finish school..  She will make GSR and offer she can't refuse..



I am sure that CDG did find a way for the Team Leader to give a false statement but it does not look like it worked or if it did it does not last for long because CDG looks worried at what the prosecutor says to him.

IYO has one big nerve to go to GSR to either blame her or asks her to go to CIS to help SBH and SBG. They both stole from GSR and PCW and would have never said anything had SBH not gotten caught by her former in laws!  Why is it that IYO thinks she can go to this sick woman to help these two.

GSR should not be at CIS house for anything and nothing he can try to say or bargain with should be able to work.. We are too close to the end for this nonsense! SMDH... looks like we will be going to the end possibly before things are resolved and GSR either lives or dies.

@ldy-gmerm,  I knew IYO will go to GSR who else could she turn to she throw away her pride and went and beg for SBH why not the same for her wonderful son.. I just hate the fact that GSR still tying herself to they BS do she even think about how much of her life they have rob from her.. Just what is it that makes her do the most stupidest things they may miss her if she dies but after a day or two they will be back to the same old ways trying to see what they could get off her being dead if she dies.. SMDH.. And IYO will be the ring leader look and SBH still hasn't gave up the money PCW gave to her under false pretenses..     

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