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[Drama 2015] Enchanting Neighbor황홀한 이웃 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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@Ldy Gmerm, @valsava, @tinatrix236,

What I'm getting from the written preview and I hope I'm wrong here. 

 PCW has learned the fact of GSR's liver cancer and wants to go to her but GMJ ask PCW to respect GSR's wishes and keep his intentions to being by her side a secret. or This might be in reverse. 

@ina111 Hoepufully you can clear this up if I'm not reading the written preview correctly

I can see GMJ and his useless, worthless self wanting PCW to do this. This man needs to take his head out of the sand and take a really good look at his daughter. Her health is not failing because of her illness but from missing and longing for PCW. Plus the fact of the stress SBG has put her under with what's he's done. JES and SBG should be ashamed of themselves because they know what GSR is going through. You can understand SBG going along because of his arrogance to one up on PCW, but if JES sits by and doesn't say anything to PCW she's just as selfish as the rest. She is only thinking about her place of getting in that family by being on the good side and going along with GMJ. NBJ does not like this woman for her son and her instincts are correct. 

GSR an SBG are divorced and should have been cut ties with SBG's family. These people continue to use her for their own selfish purposes. SBH out of greed and SBG to boost his ego. SBG will surely go along because now he has realized what he lost and wants to keep GSR by his side. What ticks him off the most is GSR does not see him and his efforts as something great he has done. All that he thinks he's done so get GSR still only longs for PCW. 

@Ldy Gmerm, I hope they do show us a flash back of what happen when CYK suddenly popped up in front of PCW.

CYK was so sure and confident she could win PCW back. CIS sitting there crying with his daughter is him knowing his daughter is not so great. She does not get what she wants because he and she deemed it so. CIS's suffering is just getting started. He raised two spoiled self centered monsters. What he created in these two is what's going to destroy him. 

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GMJ has no right to request anything of the above from PCW. He needs to sit his useless self down. He has done nothing to help his daughter even before he found out about her illness. The only thing he tried to do was get PCW and GSR to go away together and he did not enforce that divorce and broken ties from that family living in PCW's flat without paying a red cent then the man gives them that flat and he has a nerve to request that possibly. Hopefully NJB if she is the one that called for him stands up and tells her husband to shut the heck up. AS you stated GSR is not failing because of this illness so fast she is failing because she is pinning for PCW and misses him so much not to mention the stress of work and all the stupid and dumb crap SBG has done to make her life more miserable recently. She is worried about all the wrong people her parents, her brother, her useless friend when the only three people she should worry about are Yuna, PCW and herself. I am hoping that it is PCW who says that he will stick to what she wanted and not say anything about knowing going about finding out if he is a match and trying to save her. IF he is told how much she cared about him and did not want him to be hurt if she dies then perhaps he will make the decision to continue to go along with pretending not to know and helping her. He knows that if she finds out that he knows she will be even more sorry and upset. Mostly she would not accept that donor if she knew it was him putting himself on the table to save her. I think he is going to get tested to see if he is a match and hopefully turns out to be and he donates telling everyone to keep it quiet who the donor was.

JES needs to be punched in the mouth she is not a good friend and I really hope that she does not end up with GSG at the end.

As for SBH well she will get hers for taking that money and not telling GSR or the truth.. She will also get it for trying to blackmail CDG into getting her store back and stock too.. She has not paid yet for her snobbish attitude and the way she treated GSR and has lied about being tested. Selfishness and greed are going to bring a lot of people down I hope.

CYK and CIS will get theirs as well.. they tried to hold on to that man anyway they could. But he has gotten away from them and will never be drawn back in now that he has seen their true face.Crying over his running away from her and perhaps telling her point blank he does not want her crushing her delusions and heart are just want she needs after all she has done. CIS deserves to be destroyed by CYK and CDG he has vipers in his nest and there is nothing he can do about. It.

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Guest ina111

@awsparkle I'm afraid you're right about the preview. I also understand it to mean that GMJ tells PCW that they should respect GSR's intentions and asks him to keep the fact that he knows a secret from GSR.

What comforts me in all this mess is that these inept idiots are bad at keeping secrets. I am hoping that Yuna will find out soon too, because she would insist that she wants to stay with her mother and help her fight for her life. I don't want SBH to take Yuna away like GSR wants her to. GSR needs Yuna (and PCW) around to remind her why it's important for her to fight, because it seems like she's given up before she even started. 

The second part of the preview, as I understood it: "CYG who followed PCW back grieves in front of CIS about the relationship that cannot be repaired, saying that she is not discarding her greed for PCW."  LOL! :D

SBH has missed another opportunity to tell SBG about PCW's money. After SBG asked her to lie to GSR that she was the one who gave him the money for surgery, he asked if he could actually get some money from her in case the surgery costs run over. SBH told him that they'd talk about it if it happens.

I don't understand what her plans are. On the one hand she's blackmailing CDG to get her store and debts cleared, and on the other she's talking to Yuna about leaving together after she's done settling matters here. (Yuna wants to stay there and go to an alternative school PCW found for her.) It seems odd to me that SBH would want to leave after getting her business in order, but perhaps I'm not understanding what's going on correctly. CDG is in panic mode, and has asked LJA to find some way to throw SBH in jail before she talks.

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Thank you for the written preview. I think that's what I got from reading it too. PCW is asked to keep it a secret and agrees. You are right...these people see she is pining for PCW but refuse to acknowledge that fact. She is depressed and the stress is killing her faster smh. Then again..have these people ever acted as if they have brains?


Once again, GSR is to blame for this mess. What was she thinking placing her trust in SBG after everything that has transpired between them? Let's see... what has she gained from it? SBG has lied and helped GSR push PCW away knowing fully well it wasn't in her best interest to do so. He also sold her designs...her blood, sweat and legacy just because he wants to be her knight in shining armor. In addition, his awful sister is willing to let GSR die. Let's not even discuss the stupid twit who believed she had a chance smh.Unbelievable! 

If she had simply told her parents and PCW the truth, she would probably be on the road to recovery because we know PCW would do anything to save her. Instead, so much time has been wasted all because she associated herself with that selfish family smh.

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@ina111 thanks for the translation.

It would serve SBH right if she ended up in jail behind her blackmail and is exposed as taking that money. It would exactly where she should end up after her nasty attitude. It would serve her well if SBG ended up with her for stealing those designs too.. both of IYO's children are jail birds and she is in disgrace.

AS for SBH trying to take Yuna, I am hoping that GSR is going to survive and that plot will be foiled before SBH can get it going. I see her wanting the debts cleared so that she can maybe either skip out or sell her shop and take that money and run. You know she never wants to be poor. She thinks she can do this and that is prolly why she is not being tested either because if she is a match she would need recovery time and she does not have that time to spare before she runs.

Whatever it is she needs to be caught and put away and I don't care how. I hope at the end she is in jail with CDG and LJA and MJ too if they can get her with SBG bringing up the rear.

GMJ is a weak idiot and he has not changed once the entire drama.. I am not surprised he would say something to that effect to PCW. Poor PCW he wants to be by her side but he is trying to do things right and you have not one person encouraging him to do it in the open.. to give this woman the boost she needs in morale.. smdh..

I hope in the end all of these people that plotted to keep those two (GSR and PCW) away from one another end up in jail, dead or crazy with a magic drip tied to their arm. While these two and Yuna are living happily together in another country!

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Wouldn't it be more awesome if the truth about GSR's feelings toward PCW would come from SBG himself?  SBG knew the extent of these two's feelings for each other and seeing an almost 360 degrees turn around from SBG, it might happen.  I can tell how panicky  SBG has become with each passing day.

Now, another noble idiocy shot - not telling GSR PCW is there to help her.  I can understand people not letting her know while in the process of saving her but hopefully (please, of please), if and when PCW is able help her (either being the donor or financially), GSR should know.  I would rather PCW be the donor - just so him and GSR would have real connection.

Seeing how CYK is dressed, it is clear she made it to Shanghai and like some of us have been speculating, she must have gotten drunk and started running the motor on PCW - then PCW getting a call from Korea about GSR's condition. 

Yes!  That short clip is something that makes ones heart start pumping!!

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I guess none of these people (GSR and SBG families) knew how much PCW and GSR care about each other; like what I said, probably SBG is the only one who knows - because he was right in between these two and in recent situations, it is more evident on GSR that she needed that somebody and really wanted to survive.  SBG is someone who has a big ego - he never wanted to show his soft side on GSR - although sometimes it shows how worried he is about her condition.

SBH would  be getting it soon from PCW - now  that the truth is out who is really sick and has cancer.  CDG would hit the curb too - I am guessing the team leader is going to expose something to CIS.  I am hoping that CIS heart attack would wake him up - fully - by looking the other way - on what is right.

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@viyra that is my guess as well the Team Leader is about to tell CIS what she has been told to do by CDG, what she has figured out about the design leak and what she has been told by GSR.  Not to mention who prolly stole those designs on CDG's orders and that they are GSR's designs. Remember she has her portfolio so there is evidence of who's designs they really are.  Also if she is hurriedly working on a fall or summer line then you can tell whose work it is.

CDG will have thought that he got away with whatever he is doing and if he puts SBH in jail on whatever chumped up charges he really will go back to being smug in think he has gotten away with again with hurting that company and trying to hurt CIS. I expect he will be caught and exposed by it all and LJA will be in disgrace as well for having a hubby like him when she thought she was so much better than any one and felt they needed to take over.

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@ina111 -  I was wondering - where in the world is Yuna?  Where has she been the entire time when everyone were busy running around discussing the situation with GSR?  I guess I mentioned it in an earlier post - Yuna would be link between GSR and PCW.  Once Yuna finds out, she, unlike the idiots in her family, would be able to find ways to reunite her future family - GSR and PCW.

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Guest ina111

Another thing that really bugs me about SBG's theft is the fact that he could have gotten that money from CYG without any risk or harm to GSR. The Chois were offering to send him to Broadway, so they would have readily given him cash if he'd just asked. Also, if he had told CYG about GSR's illness, she would have paid him 20 times as much just to keep it a secret from PCW, which he was doing anyway.

 I am hoping that it is PCW who says that he will stick to what she wanted and not say anything about knowing going about finding out if he is a match and trying to save her. IF he is told how much she cared about him and did not want him to be hurt if she dies then perhaps he will make the decision to continue to go along with pretending not to know and helping her. He knows that if she finds out that he knows she will be even more sorry and upset. Mostly she would not accept that donor if she knew it was him putting himself on the table to save her. I think he is going to get tested to see if he is a match and hopefully turns out to be and he donates telling everyone to keep it quiet who the donor was.

@Ldy Gmerm  I think this is exactly it - PCW ends up going along with NJB's wishes because he agrees that it would be better to keep GSR in the dark for now. I might be wrong about this, but I don't think PCW needs anyone to tell him how GSR feels about him. I think he knew she loved him in spite of breaking up with him even without knowing the real reasons behind her actions. After all, it's not the first time she tried to break up with him for his sake. The reason he left her was because she had asked him to, and he didn't want to make things harder for her. Now that he knows about her illness, I think there's no doubt in his mind about her true feelings and motives.

@viyra - I wondered the same thing. It is really surprising to me that Yuna has not learned the truth already by overhearing something. From what I can understand, she's not even attending school at the moment because of SBG's scandal, so she's spending a lot more time around the house. 
I agree, she will definitely be on PCW and GSR's side. At this point I think everyone else can also see that those two are supposed to be together. IYO is an exception, of course, but who cares what that witch thinks anyway. :)

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Thank you for the translation

More secrets and lies coming up. 

What is needed here is for NBJ as GSR's mother to take charge and stop all these useless people from doing more damage. GSR's choice to let PCW go was a wrong choice and she' regrets it now but too prideful to admit it. She would rather suffer in silence and misery then to admit she was wrong. GSR didn't know herself just how much she loved PCW and now that he's not there it has hit her like a ton of bricks. She's thinking of and seeing this man at every turn and it's sucking the life out of her. 

I agree PCW doesn't need to be the hero for GSR. He already knows to what extend she would go to protect him. SBG cares for GSR and that she lives but he wants her to bend to his will. He doesn't love her but he doesn't want to let her go either. CYK and SBG they are going to have to learn the hard painful way they have to let go. 

So the twit still won't let go.and move on. This witch probably thinks GSR is going to die which will give her another opportunity to get this man back. She fails to face what she did to this man and it's not GSR that's in her way. Where was her greed when she cheated on the man not once but twice. CIS being her father needs to take a stand for once and advise and stress to this twit to move on with her life. Her still trying to hold on to this man is only going to destroy her and him. 

@Ldy Gmerm

I really hope PCW is the match and he gives GSR his liver without her even knowing it. This will only seal their connection even more. 

PCW agreeing to sit on the side lines and letting SBG continue to play like he's the hero is only going to make CYK and SBG see just what unselfish true love is. Neither of their wants and so called love can come close to the love GSR and PCW have for each other. Both of them are and were willing and made choices for the good of the other one.  This will be something that SBG and CYK know nothing about but will learn by witnessing it unfold before their very eyes. 


That's the problem GSR was not thinking. The only thought she had is she's going to die and didn't want to hurt PCW and Yuna. She has no clue her pushing them away and her actually dying would hurt them even more. SBG is just proving himself a screw up on every level. 



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SBG's  way of convincing GSR to fight is just making her more annoyed - raising his voice on her is the only way of communication he knows how to do.

I guess PCW's trust on GSR will never change.  No one needs to tell him  how much GSR cares about him - or how much she loves him.  The fact that she tried to hide it from him, not wanting to burden him of her condition is proof enough that she cares about him.  And him knowing that, he would do everything to save her.

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@Ldy Gmerm,

Thank you for uploading the clip. I've also have this on repeated and watched it about 5 times. CYK might have followed PCW back but he gave her the ditch of a life time. The only time PCW stopped running is when he got outside away from her azz. 

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@Ldy Gmerm,

Thank you for uploading the clip. I've also have this on repeated and watched it about 5 times. CYK might have followed PCW back but he gave her the ditch of a life time. The only time PCW stopped running is when he got outside away from her azz. 


It is the best clip ever!!!! When you see him come out of the arrivals door and blow past her it is awesome. He never saw her when he ran past. She came out before him it seems and he ran out when he was finally able to de-plane and ran all the way to the doors to leave. He never heard her call his name those two times, he never stopped to look around. He looked ahead and his feet kept moving she was invisible to him and it was freaking DaBaek!!! He got outside and paused for only a moment impatient to find transportation to get where he needed to be. No bags and he decided to run to get to the people who should have told him about GSR.

@ina111 , @awsparkle , and @viyra you guys are all right PCW knows the true depth of GSR's feelings for him. He just could not understand what happen but hearing she is the one ill will put it all into perspective for him and make him realize how much she was willing to sacrifice to not hurt him and how much she loved him. I hope he does stalk her a bit to watch her and see how emotional she is. I don't even care if he comes in at night and watches her sleep in his bed. I am sure if she wakes up or sees him around she will think she is hallucinating his being there it will be the perfect time for him to say the things he need to her and her thinking it is only in her head as she misses him so much.

What I want to hope is if he is a match for her and donates part of his liver.. once he is back up he starts taking care of the people CDG and SBH who knew and did not tell him or took things from him and GSR thinking she was going to die. No way will he allow GSR to die and have Yuna loose her mother he knows what that child means to her and how much GSR means to him as well if he can help her.

Yuna not finding out yet is because all the adults around her are talking low or outside and then having her leave the room if they need to talk about something serious. But like you guys those flats are small no way that kid should not be picking up on something by now..all of the adults have been acting strangely (well more strange then usual) so something should have alerted her that something was wrong especially since SBH wants to take her away too .. I guess we will see if she finds out before or after the surgery..

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 104

Opening Scene CIS asks the Team Leader something and the Team Leader tells her about CDG and what he has done and CIS asks SJ something about PCW and SJ replies and CIS says something else to the Team Leader and the Team leader tells him yes and CIS looks mad.

CDG is talking to the dirty director about PCW again and the dirty director says something and CDG says something again about PCW looking smug.

IYO says something in the chicken store and OHD says something back to her and IYO gets pissed and runs her mouth and GMJ say something and IYO fusses some more and JES says something and NJB says something and IYO asks something and JES thinks and says something and ask OHD to perhaps go get tested and OHD does not look like he wants to and NJB says something and JES asks something and IYO says something and NJB flashes to when she talked to PCW’s friend and he is about to go and she pretends to cry and the man stops as he hears what she is saying and he asks her something and NJB pretends to cry as the man finds out.

JES says something to NJB and GMJ does as well and OHD runs her mouth and IYO says something and they all yell at OHD and IYO says something else and JES replies and IYO fusses and they all sigh.

CYK comes walking in dejected with her suit case and LJA calls out to her about her being there and CIS tells her to sit down and CYK says something  and MJ comes out with drinks and says something and CIS gives her a look and she goes back into the kitchen and LJA sits down and LJA wants to know why she is back and CYK tells them something about PCW  met her for lunch to talk and when she does meet with him all excited and trembling perhaps he opens his mouth and opens up on her telling her to go back.. and LJA asks something and CYK replies and LJA asks something else and CIS gives her a look and LJA swallows and asks something and CYK says something else and LJA asks something and CIS asks her about didn't GSR break up with him or put it into perspective and CYK tells him that GSR's family called about her status and he rushed out to get the first flight back and CYK tells them that PCW does not want her and that he came back for GSR who has liver cancer and  LJA says something putting her hand over her mouth shocked and CIS asks her something  and she nods and CIS thinks.

GSR is working and her phone rings and she does not answer.

JES is working in the store and PCW busts in saying something and PCW asks something else and JES pretends not to know what he is talking about (I wished he would have hit this fool) and NJB comes out saying something telling him to go and PCW is about to leave to go see GSR and GMJ comes out saying something and PCW looks at him.

GMJ says something to PCW and NJB says something to GMJ and GMJ replies and NJB says something to PCW and he asks something and NJB explains something to him and GMJ says something and PCW thinks.

SBG comes in and JES calls his name and looks surprised and SBG walks past her and grabs OHD pushing him out of the kitchen and saying something and OHD makes excuses about not being tested perhaps and OHD sees PCW walk up behind him and is surprised and SBG says something and then turns around to see PCW and he says something to him as PCW looks at him.


SBG waits outside as PCW comes out from being tested and he then walks off and PCW and SBG are out in the lobby waiting and SBG claps his hands saying something about PCW running back to save GSR perhaps still trying to pretend they are together and runs his mouth and is about to go and PCW calls his name saying something and then PCW says something and the nurse calls PCW to come in to the doctor.

PCW and SBG are at a café and SBG runs his mouth and PCW says something and SBG says something else to him and PCW replies back and SBG continues to run his mouth and PCW says something else to him and SBG frustrated puts his hands over his hair saying something and PCW replies back and SBG says something (he should not be able to say anything to this man) and takes a drink and wipes his mouth and says something else to him and PCW looks down.

GSR is at work and she goes to asks the other girls if they want coffee and the longer haired girl says something and then the Team Leader says something and the longer haired girl says something back and the Team Leader replies back and the girl gives her to two finger pose smiling and the GSR walks over to hand in her work telling her something and the team leader says ok to her and GSR goes to leave and almost falls and they asks if she is ok and she plays it off leaving the office.


GSR goes to sit outside and we see PCW watching her and she gets a call from JES feeling her out asking if she is ok and GSR saying she is fine as JES is trying to see if PCW has been there but GSR talks normally like she has not see him and JES continues to talk to her and then she hangs up and NJB asks if she has seen PCW and JES says no it seems not and GMJ goes and gets up with NJB saying something and IYO saying something.

GSR is talking to her post its and puts one on the bench and PCW watches almost walking over but he pauses and GSR gets up and walks away and PCW comes to sit down and touches the post it and looks to where she went and he thinks running his finger over the post it note on the bench knowing how much she misses him as well.

SBG is meeting with CYK and says something about PCW and if she told him  and CYK says something and SBG says something else about PCW having maybe got the call from his friend about GSR and that he ran out as soon as he hung up to get a flight to come back to GSR to help her and try to save her life and see her and CYK replies back and SBG says something else and CYK replies that his friend called and told him and SBG says something else to her and CYK replies and SBG say something else as he pointed out that PCW cares about GSR and GSR about PCW and CYK needs to face reality and CYK looks upset to hear it from yet another person.

JES comes into the flat and JES sees GSG and Yuna eating Mickey D’s perhaps and she says something to him and GSG is looking sad and JES says something trying to censor him in what he says and GSG almost puts it out and JES yells at him and Yuna asks something and GSG tries to cover and JES makes up some lie.

SBH calls CDG on the phone thinking he has helped her keep her store and CDG says something and SBH replies getting off the phone smiling.  CDG gets a call from someone and says something about SBH (prolly setting her up to go to jail. ) SBH is taking the red tags of her couch and thinks smiling.

GSR is leaving work and CDG calls out to her saying something to her and GSR replies and CDG say something elese to her and GSR replies not really looking at him (knowing he stole her designs and leaked them prolly) and CDG say something else.

CIS and CYK are sitting in the living room and CIS asks her something and CYK starts crying as she talks about all the mistakes she made with SB and PCW and she cries as her father listens and she says that she is going to maybe let go of PCW now and that she prolly either hates GSR or that she hates that she lost him to someone like GSR and CIS is crying with her.

SBG, IYO and SBH are talking and IYO asks her something about Yuna and SBH tells them something and IYO asks something and SBG asks something and SBH say something and SBG tells her that PCW came back to get tested and SBH looks nervous and scared and she asks about PCW and SBG says he is back because he cares about GSR and wants to get tested and SBH can’t look him in the face as she is scared about PCW knowing SBG was not sick and she has that money and IYO says something and SBG replies thinking.


NJB has cooked and wants GSR to eat as she hands her the food and GSR says something and goes to PCW’s room and NJB says something and GMJ does and NJB replies and GSR comes out and GSG calls out noon and GSR says she is fine and that she is going out and GMJ fusses at NjB and tells GSG to go out with her but GSR says she is ok she will be find putting on her shoes and going out and GMJ cries as well as NJB and GSG.

GSR Is in the park and hears PCW’s voice as he says something and she turns her head and thinks she is dreaming and then she turns back again as he sits next to her and smiles and chuckles at her and she looks at him calling him Ahjussi shocked to realize he is real not in her mind.

The End



SBH is sitting down in her office when the prosecutors bust in and start bringing in the blue boxes to confiscate files and documents and SBH asks what are they there for or want and one shows her the warrant for the charges and SBH falls to the floor in shock realizing what CDG has done to her and IYO tries to help her up shocked at what the man said.  IYO is crying as she tries to hold SBH before they cart her off to jail with her voice in the back ground upset. CDG is laughing like a crazy loon at how he set up SBH. PCW is visiting with GSR’s doctor and he is showing him the cat scan and ultrasound results from him telling him that the first test show him as a possibly match it looks like perhaps and PCS looks like he says something or chuckles or has a sigh of relief as we hear the doctors voice in the background telling him something else PCW and GSR are at their favorite café. PCW is saying something to SBG about NJB maybe having contacted him or something and SBG seems surprised. CYK is saying something about waiting in the background to see what will happen with PCW (before she tries again)  and then we see her talking to her father and her father asks something in the background and she asks him if it is a sin for wanting to wait (to see if GSR will die and she will have that man)  something saying Appa.. ( please let’s hope this woman is letting this man go and is not going to try again after him! CIS please stop.. Better Yet I need this writer to stop with this BS if she is still on this line of her trying to get back with PCW!).

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Thanks again for the  recap for the last episode @Ldy Gmerm - I got teary-eyed at the description of the last scene - GSR sitting at the bench - PCW surprising her - and them meeting again  My heart aches for these two.  Seems like PCW cannot hold off not seeing her face-to-face.  He knows she misses him - and he does too. 

SBG is so insecure  with PCW's presence - all the time.  He is thankful he is  back but his big ego won't allow that appreciation in front of PCW.  Letting CYK know how these two feel for each other, is admitting his and CYK's defeat. 

SBH finally got it - she'll get more once SBG finds out she took money from PCW - and another from PCW for fooling him on who is really sick.

So we were right all along - NJB called the attorney friend who passed the news along to PCW.  SBG was surprised to know that; he tried to get information from the  evil  CDG -  because he knows nothing about PCW giving the flat  to NJB.


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Written Preview Ep 105

찬우의 1차 검사 결과 이식 가능 판정이 나오고, 찬우는 수래가 본인이 아닌 정분이 검사 진행 중에 있는 것으로 알면 좋겠다고 봉국에게 부탁한다. 한편, 봉희는 대경의 계략으로 구인영장이 발부되고 경찰에 연행되고 마는데.


Chanwoo of the first portable test results judgment is coming, knowing that surae is the jeongbun chanwoo is not the person who conducted the inspection shall ask bongguk wish. On the other hand, it is this ruse to bonghui job and I issued a warrant of arrest to the police and Daqing village.


The first testing result implantation possible decision of Chan-wu comes out, and Chan-wu several lay will know that has the cordial friendship where person oneself was not in while prosecutor processing that, requests to Bong-guk. Does not stop to be taken to the police on the other hand, Bong-hui job offer warrant to issue with strategy of Taching.


Chan-woo's first test decides the portable, Chan-woo, the future was not his own, and the tests in the "Bong asks to heaven. On the other hand, Bong-hee is honored to maneuver, and the police arrest warrant, and arrested.

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Guest ina111

@Ldy Gmerm - thank you for the recap. I'm also hoping that CYG will stop, but it looks like she will not be giving up soon. I think in the video preview CIS asks her what she's thinking, and she tells him she will just quietly wait, and asks if that's also a sin/crime. Patience is not this woman's strong suit, so I doubt she'll resist the urge to interfere.

@awsparkle - thank you for the preview. I'm having a hard time with this one, but here's my guess at the translation:
The results of the first round of tests for PCW come out ruling the transplant possible, and PCW asks SBG to let GSR think that it's NJB's tests that are advancing, not his. As a result of CDG's scheming, an arrest warrant is issued for SBH, and she ends up being brought to the police station...
I hope that I didn't misinterpret that, and that the next round of tests for PCW is also a success. Fingers crossed! :D

I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I keep worrying that CYG will end up being the donor. I guess it's hard for me to believe that the writer would end the show without having her do something to redeem herself, and there's not that much else she could do. She could have been the one to tell PCW about GSR's illness, but she didn't, so I think that she might end up being the donor. She'd probably agree to do it for some self-serving purpose, perhaps she'd even make a deal with PCW to be the donor if he promises to come back to her. Then at some point she'd realize that trying to hold on to PCW is futile, and finally let go. 
I would much rather have PCW be the donor, but I think I could live with this scenario so long as the writer doesn't try to make it seem like CYG turned into a generous person in the end. That would be too much. If this character hadn't changed after realizing that she's responsible for two deaths, a broken marriage and her father's collapse, I don't see her ever changing. It seems more realistic to me that CYG would simply give up because she realizes that she has no chance. As some of you pointed out, her ego demands that she be her man's top priority, and she would never have anything close to that with PCW again.

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@‌ina111 - if CYK ends up being the donor, then there's no way for GSR and PCW would be together.  If and when that would be the case and GSR finds out, knowing what kind of person GRS is, the more she would refuse getting involved with PCW.  If PCW's tests came out positive, then it is going to be him.  Although this is typical of every drama, I still find it endearing and at the same time heartbreaking for GSR and PCW.

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@ina111,  I think PCW will end up being the donor but she will use some kind of trick with the DR to control rather it's done or not with the hope and promise from GSR that she will never see him again.. But I do think another donor would be found.. CYK will tell GSR that PCW is the donor knowing that GSR wouldn't want him sacraficing his life for her she will get involved some kinds of way with GSR donor. 

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