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[Drama 2015] Enchanting Neighbor황홀한 이웃 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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I am not sure if SBH outright says that GSR is very ill having a serious disease and is having surgery or she just says something that makes PCW start to wonder.

From the Preview it seems GSR goes to SBH to ask her to take Yuna away so that she does not be around in case her time runs out. She has pushed one person she loves and loves her way now it is time to get the other out the way. SBH prolly asks why knowing that GSR did not want to be away from Yuna so there has to be a serious reason for her to asks that. She finds out that GSR is ill and is suppose to have surgery.

PCW leaving for his trip to Shanghai runs into SBH in the hall (or she laid in wait for him) assumes perhaps that PCW has abandoned GSR due to her illness and says something to him about how is it he is leaving when she is about to have surgery or has that disease and PCW seems shocked asking her what is she talking about or who is she talking about. Whatever she says to him I have no doubt it will cause him to stop and think and realize that GSR's was way out of Character and pushed him away on purpose.

From the conversations we had in chat it is prolly a sure bet that SBH misunderstands and thinks that PCW abandoned GSR instead of realizing that she never told the man and broke up with him and pushed him away so he would not know and be hurt if she dies. (That family all think a like never thinking that GSR is sacrificing her love and happiness to not hurt the man.

The next step is either to get more information if SBH spills the beans or to get more information with the little bit of insight SBH gave him.  The weakest link we all think will be JES who has already told GSG as she should have. All he needs to do is go to her and she will tell all along with why GSR chose to lie about being back with SBG and hurt him that way.

I have no doubt he will be shocked and pissed off at what GSR did and her lies to him to protect him. He will be so angry that she wasted so much time when they could have been concentrating on her illness and trying to find a match. I will expect him to once he gets the full picture to go and be tested and hopefully be a match (or find one for her) and paying for that surgery if he can not letting her or anyone know who the donor is.

This story line has gone on too long and in my opinion should not have even been in the plot at this late date! But oh well.. with only 20 episodes (4weeks) left after today's episode they still have to many loose ends to clean up and get CDG who is going to get his hands on her designs perhaps due to stupid SBG to carry this on too much farther. I just hope their plan is not to kill this woman off.. no where in the synopsis did they say something like that turning this drama into Mahjang!


Thanks for the preview and translation.

MY take on the preview:

GSR seeks out SBH to tell her she has liver cancer and to take Yuna away. SBG having issues with getting the money for the surgery decides to take CDG's offer to steal GSR designs for the funds and goes to search her PC to get the designs off on to a USB drive.

Frankly I am done with feeling sorry for GSR. She made her bed now lie in it! She could have trusted the man who loved her to be beside her and find a way to help her. I don't care if she was trying to spare him and did not want him hurt. What she did has hurt him more and made him feel like she never loved him. To suddenly go back to SBG with the excuse of Yuna being the cause and push him away and trample on his feelings. Frankly she deserve him never talking to her again after this. She may have thought she was doing something good for him but it was really very selfish of her to keep him and her family in the dark not allowing them to support her and help her. She made her self sicker by the guilt of how she treated PCW! Stupid woman and she has had the two idiots JES and SBG helping her and now look at where she is. Time is running out.. with no possible donor in sight.

It is one of the reasons I think that PCW will prolly be a match and be the donor on the sly.. saving her life.. (at least I hope and others do to in the thread!)

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Guest ina111

@Ldy Gmerm From what I understood, your take on the SBH-PCW exchange is right. In the preview he tells her that he's been assigned to the Shanghai branch, she asks him if he is being dense or irresponsible, and he asks her what she means by that. Since this drama seems intent on torturing us lately, they'll probably leave that scene for the very end of the episode so we have to wait until Sunday to find out what happens next. 

Hopefully she will get a chance to tell him everything. I doubt SBH could care less about hurting GSR or PCW's feelings, and there's the money issue too. She herself is broke, and the rest of the family would be financially strained if they had to sell the restaurant to pay for GSR's surgery. She should be strongly motivated to dump the burden of GSR's care onto PCW. 

Speaking of SBH, in case anyone else was confused about what's happening between SBH and LJA like I was, there are some details here. From what I understood, SBH instigated a tax audit of her in-laws' finances, and it sounds like she's in posession of some incriminating documents that she can use for bargaining/blackmail. She's asking for a hefty alimony and her shop back in its original state. LJA said that they can give her a store outside of Seoul and an apartment where she can live with her kids, but SBH doesn't want to settle for that. She told LJA she'll only negotiate with her father-in-law from now on. 
(Apparently, on top of SBH getting kicked out so unceremoniously, her mother-in-law told SBH's children that their mother prostituted herself. Who would say that to their own grandchildren?! Or any child, for that matter.) 

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@ina111 thanks for that translation..

I can see it will be the last scene of the episode today with the cliff hanger being him asking what does she mean by that and her looking at him.. Let's all hope that SBH is able to tell him the truth before someone walks up to stop her. AS for that chicken shop SBG gave that money or put in that money to buy that shop for GSR as a way to get her to let him go.. he and NJB conspired to buy it.  Frankly IYO, SBG nor SBH should have a say in what happens with it and should not be working there. SBG gave up that 50,000Won quickly to NJB to get that shop when GSR would not take the money. I can understand his desperation but at the same time that shop should not be a way for him to pay for a surgery that he has no donor for.  His motives are all wrong for helping her even in his desperation to make sure she does not die.

As for LJA and SBH I knew SBH has did something to cause that family problems and frankly as much as I dislike SBH and her snobbish personality and coveting and daughter she free gave to another to raise and love I think that family deserves to get hit with something. LJA and the elders seemed to never like SBH and for her MIL to tell that woman's children that she prostituted her self was awful. I hope she squeezes them for everything that she is do after they kicked her out ruined her reputation and her business. Not saying she did not deserve to be brought down a peg or two or hit rock bottom but the way LJA went about it after pulling that woman into her shyt well there was no reason for her to even care about a child this woman may have had before marrying her brother that only sees one person as her mother and that is GSR. She meddled in something not of her concern and if Yuna did not already know could have been servilely scared by finding this out. SBH should be seeing the other side of the coin at how GSR was treated lets' hope this is a lesson she learns well.

LJA and CDG care not for the innocent people they pull in , in their quest to hurt people they feel have betrayed them or taken from them. Her dislike of SBH  and getting in the middle of something has set this woman to ruin that family since SBH has nothing to loose and is holding all the cards. Good for her I would not talk to LJA anymore either.. she is stupid and vindictive and think she can outsmart anyone. Well she has met her match in her SIL. LJA has a lot of dirt herself she needs to be careful that it is not found and exposed like her parents.

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@Ldy Gmerm,

I don't think SBH has been completely knocked off her high horse yet  Even though LJA and family deserve what SBH has done to them SBH still has not realized the wrongs she's committed. She didn't loan Yuna to GSR she gave her to GSR.. She and her family have treated GSR like she was trash under their feet all because of her.  It is only fitting that she be the one to spill the beans. Her being so nasty ends up being what saves GSR's life. 

CIS is the maker of every single thing that the people in his family have done. He made these monster and still patching up and letting them continue to do things that will hurt other people. CDG should have been fired and brought up on charges but no he gets to keep his job and title. Then SJ is still reporting to CIS so this new guy is just a smoke screen. It's why the new guy told CDG to just wait a little until PCW left. CIS is still running that company from behind the scenes. He is up to something and has some plans he's working on but as always this family always cancels out each other's plans. 


Which brings me to this. Can you shed some light on the conversation with CIS and CYK. I couldn't make heads or tails of the article. Was CIS discouraging CYK of pursuing  PCW right now and to just wait awhile or was he telling her to just give up. If he was telling her to wait awhile holding on to PCW for his daughter is also part of his plan. 

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Guest ina111

@awsparkle Neither, from what I could understand. He was actually encouraging her to go try with PCW again. I agree with you, that man is the source of his family's troubles. SMH. 

You may have a link to a better article, but I looked through this one and paraphrased my understanding of it below. (It doesn't quite match what I picked up from the conversation, but I trust it more.)

CIS tells CYG that PCW is going to Shanghai to take over a branch of his old law firm and that he had moved his departure date forward as soon as possible. He told CYG to try going, that she still hasn't resolved her feelings for him, that she should try til the end.
CYG told him that she knows PCW has no lingering feelings for her and explained to him how cold PCW was with her. If he had been mad at her, she would believe that there was still love, but PCW's cold and calm appearance was showing CYG that he had no feelings left for her. 
However, CIS told her that married couples are not like that. There is a difference between dating for 10, 20 years, and marrying and having a child. That quarrels between spouses are soon mended. (He used a proverb that says that it's like cutting water with a knife.) He told her to try with PCW once again. 
However, when CYG went to visit PCW she only confirmed one more time that PCW does not have lingering feelings for her. 

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Thank you for the translation

CIS is just as crazy and delusional as his daughter. SB is dead because of CYK and he only sees things as a quarrel between a couple. So to him the child's death and how she died means nothing. There is something wrong in CIS's thinking process to even have thoughts that she should try to get PCW back. 

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 100

Opening Scene GSR is talking to the doctor about wanting to live and finding a way. The doctor tells her that perhaps there  is a way but the cost maybe great and GSR cries looking down.

GSR is walking thinking about what the doctor said to her.

NJB and the rest are waiting at the shop and NJB wonders where SBG is and OHD gets his phone out to call him but he comes in and NJB says something then IYO does and SBG replies and JES gets nervous thinking he is about to tell and she drops the change and says something and NJB says something and SBG replies back. SBG calls GSR to ask her where she is and GSR says something and SBG says something and GSR says sorry to him for something and SBG tells her to hurry and get there or something and GSR says something else to him and SBG fusses.  NJB says something and SBG replies and IYO says something else and SBG looks away and JES says something and NJB replies back and says something to SBG and SBG replies and NJB says something and they all go back to work and JES goes over to say something to him and SBG replies back and JES says something else and SBG replies and OHD breaks in saying something and SBG jerks away from him and GSG comes in all sad and NJB says something to him and GSG replies back and NJB asks something and JES hustles him out of the shop to stop him from talking and NJB calls out and OHD tells her something  about them seeing one another thinking he is doing something and SBG just looks.

NJB is in the room with GSG fussing at him and GSG replies and NJB is fussing back and GSG says something and NJB say something else asking if he understood and GSG fires back and leaves the room and NJB is talking to himself.


CDG is working and GSR comes in and CDG tells her to sit and he comes over to see her and he asks her something and GSR replies and CDG says something about PCW and GSR denies something and CDG says something else and GSR asks him something and CDG says something to her and GSR looks at him as he tells her something and GSR replies and CDG says something else and GSR gets up and leaves and CDG looks worried. CDG calls SBG to find out about him giving him these designs and SBG says something and CDG replies back and SBG says something else and CDG says something else to him saying understood and SBG says something else to him and CDG replies back and SBG asks something and hangs up and says something to himself.

JES is home making her bed and SBG knocks and she calls out and SBG comes in and JES says something and SBG ask if that is GSR’s laptop and JES says yes and wonders why and SBG makes up something and JES replies and leaves and SBG opens it and starts looking around for the woman’s designs.

GSR is with SBH and talking to her about Yuna and SBH says something about Yuna and GSR says something else about her taking Yuna away and SBH replies and GSR looks at her and says something and SBH replies back and GSR says something else about Yuna and SBH replies back and GSR says something and SBH replies and GSR says something else and SBH asks her something and GSR says something about Yuna and SBH replies back and GSR says something else about Yuna and SBH is looking at her not knowing what to say and asks something and GSR tells her that she has liver cancer and SBH asks her something and GSR tells her something else and SBH asks something and GSR says something about SBG and IYO and SBH asks something and GSR says something and SBH asks her something and GSR nods and SBH asks her something else and GSR says something and SBH asks her something asking her why and GSR says something about PCW maybe and Yuna and SBH asks her something and GSR nods and SBH looks at her.

PCW is finalizing maybe selling his flat or something with his friend and the guy says something and PCW replies and the man says something else and PCW replies back and the guy asks something and PCW drinks his coffee.

GMJ gets a call from PCW or someone maybe about receiving the flat and seems to be happy and NJB asks and GMJ tells them something and NJB say something and JES makes a comment and GMJ says something else to them and JES says Daebak and NJB asks something and GMJ says something and NJB says something.


CYK is with the new president and he says something and CYK replies and the man says something else and CYK replies about her father and the man say something and CYK Says something about hurrying.

CYK comes out and walks over to say something to SJ and SJ replies and CYK says something about her father and SJ says yes.

CYK and GSR are talking outside and CYK says something and GSR replies and CYK says something else and GSR looks at her as she continues to talk and GSR says something to her and CYK replies and GSR looks at her as CYK tells her something and GSR asks something and CYK says something else to her and GSR replies back and CYK says something and GSR looks away.

SBG has come to CDG’s office and he pauses before knocking to say something to himself and he gets his phone out and calls GSR who is standing outside thinking and she says hello and GSR says what and she asks something and SBG is telling her something about CDG wanting her designs maybe and GSR fires back about being a designer and for him to stop and SBG replies hangs up say so and goes to knock again and pauses.

GSR calls about SBG and JES tells her that he was at her place and touched her laptop perhaps and GSR fires back and looks upset.

GSR goes to CDG’s office and asks about SBG being there or having divorced him and CDG has no right to deal with him but CDG lies to her and GSR says something and goes out with CDG smirking holding up the USB drive and he thinks he is in the clear.

LJA is drinking in the dining room and MJ comes in saying something and LJA replies and MJ calls out to the HK and LJA say something and MJ replies back.

MJ puts a smoothie in front of him and CIS say something and MJ replies back and CIS says something else and MJ replies back giving him a look.


SBG is with CYK in his room and GSR is saying something to him and SBG is fired up and GSR is trying to shush him and GSR says something else and SBG says something else upset and GSR replies back about that is not the way to get the money to help her and SBG says something about her leaving Yuna possibly and GSR fires back and SBG says something else and GSR says look here and something else to him.

IYO is straightening up the bedding and pushes NJB’s out of the way and fusses and NJB comes in saying something kicking the bedding and IYO say something to her and NJB replies back and IYO says something else and NJM replies back and IYO says something and NJB replies back to her and IYO looks at her and NJB says something else and IYO replies and NJB laughs saying something and IYO replies back.

Yuna and SBH are clearing their bedding and SBH say something to Yuna and Yuna replies about her mother and SBH says something to her and Yuna asks her something and SBH say something about her mother and Yuna looks away and SBH say something else and Yuna takes her bedding to start folding it.

PCW comes out with his suitcase to leave and SBH comes out noticing it and say something and PCW tells her that he is going to be assigned to Shanghai and SBH calls his name and says something about his leaving while GSR is sick or having surgery and PCW turns to asks what is she talking about? PCW gives SBG a look.

The End



GSG and SBG are standing outside the room and GSG say something and SBG replies putting his arm around his shoulders as NJB or someone comes out asking something. SBG is with GSG and GMJ and NJB saying something and GSG looks frustrated as he runs his hands through his hair. PCW is outside the flats talking to NJB asking something and NJB replies back. GSR is having a drink with GMJ and NJB and NJB say something and GSR tells them something making him drop his drink and shot glass (did she tell them she was dying or had cancer or just needed surgery?) and both look at her in shock.

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Written Preview Ep 101

봉국이 간암이라고 오해하고 있는 정분은 상해로 출국하는 찬우에게 수래와 봉국이 재결합 한 이유가 봉국의 간암 때문이라고 말한다. 한편, 수래는 마중과 정분의 오해를 풀기 위해 봉국이 아닌 자신이 간암이라는 사실을 말하고, 마중과 정분은 큰 충격에 빠지는데...


Bongguk This is why a misunderstanding and that this chanwoo jeongbun to surae and bongguk is to leave Shanghai by recombination of liver cancer called hepatocellular carcinoma say because bongguk. On the other hand, surae telling the truth is that their non-bongguk to solve the misunderstanding meet with jeongbun liver, pick-up and jeongbun is ppajineunde big impact on the ...


The usual translator I use is not working right now but here's another translation from another translation site. I'll post the other one when the site is available 

liver cancer is the kingdom of heaven-misunderstanding, Chung said in Shanghai, to leave Korea and Chan-woo, and bong bong is the kingdom of heaven is reuniting with say the liver cancer. On the other hand, it can be a pickup and can settle the Bong is the kingdom of heaven is not the fact that liver cancer, pickup, and it's a big shock to the minute.




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Guest ina111

@Ldy Gmerm, thank you for the recap. 

@awsparkle, thank you for the preview. My guess at the translation:
Misunderstanding that SBG has liver cancer, NJB tells PCW who was departing for Shanghai that the reason why GSR and SBG reconciled was SBG's liver cancer. In order to resolve GMJ and NJB's misunderstanding, GSR tells them the truth that the one with liver cancer is not SBG but her. GMJ and NJB are greatly shocked.
(In the preview GSR tells them that she has received a death sentence, I think.)

Well, it was about time the parents found out, hopefully they'll start putting pressure on GSR to fight this thing regardless of cost and survival probabilities. If I had to guess from the previews, SBH will not end up telling PCW anything significant. I am curious to see why she won't tell him the truth though. Will she keep quiet out of consideration for GSR, or simply get interrupted by someone. I'm also curious if she'll have enough conscience to get herself tested as a donor at some point.

CYG got my blood pressure up in this episode. I guess those words from CIS made enough impact on her to decide to follow PCW to China. Life is still so easy for daddy's girl - she can just waltz in and take a job at the company's Shanghai branch. Ugh. I'm so over that whole family.

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@ina111 and @awsparkle thanks for the preview translations..

If PCW gets the run around and does not dig further to find out the truth I will not be watching next week. It is too stupid that this writer will let this carry on but continue to let CYK think she has a chance with this man if they are in a another country. Her delusion fueled by her father who does not see also that the man will never be back with her and she can't get him in his time of rebound either. I thought she was an actress why would she even have the ability to work in that company? Holding stock does not make a person qualified to do the work!  This is the type of crap that is truly messing up the story and I do not want to see it. I am tired of this.. so what he may find out at the last min and run back to SK to do something? Why is this writer taking it so close to her possibly dying? What is the lesson here? It is ridiculous. and I am mad!

I have tried to not let this cancer plot sour me on this drama but it has really been hard to try to continue to watch this. GSR and PCW finally get together only to have to part over her noble idiot tendency and her surprise Liver cancer diagnoses. Then we have frick and frack trying to help and being useless, one keeping the truth and the other stealing her work in the name of money to help her (with no donor). We have a brother who finds out and just runs around crying like an idiot.  We have a SIL who finds out and wants to ask the man that cares for her ex SIL where he is going when she is sick. We have parents who are so dumb as to believe that the ex hubby has the liver cancer never thinking their daughter is the one and has been hiding it.  We have our OTP who is not asking the right questions or talking to the right people and is about to leave the country and and ex wife who really thinks after all she has done she will have another chance with the man after he has shown her and told her never again! This after finally being free of her crazy.

We have speculated in the chat that PCW will eventually find out and will do what he needs to hopefully being the donor but he may not tell GSR. CYK will find out and try to either talk him out of it at which time he will let her have it and again she will be confronted with the fact the man does not love or want her anymore and never will but is willing to give up a organ to the woman he does love to save her life. She will go nuts all over again drinking with the failure and the embarrassment of running after a man that does not want her. We suspect if PCW is able to be a match and donates and pays for that surgery he will not tell her and if she finds out it will be because CYK accuses her of something and spills it possibly if CYK finds out that is what he has done.

Either way once confronted with the truth the twit will end up drinking her pain away and possibly end up killing or hurting herself and another and that could be SBG.. OF course she could get that BIG reality check early about PCW and his NEVER WANTING HER AGAIN (her father is setting her up for a hard fall here!!) and ends up doing the above and she could end up as the donor being a match..

CIS has not learned his lesson and his telling this woman that she still has a chance like this marriage had issues over a small issue was wrong.. this was not a small issues the woman cheated , and cheated in front of her daughter and killed her. She has lied, manipulated and not taken responsibility for her actions hurting others. But he still thinks she can work on it. Shameful both of them need to get harsh lessons and perhaps the twit dying is the one that CIS needs. PCW will never want to be part of a family that treated him that way. He will never want to be with manipulative people like that and CIS can't hold on to him after what he has done to him.. He is also not responsible for making that woman grow up and she can not hide behind him to save her reputation. She is a cheater and a richard simmons along with a murderer.

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@Ldy Gmerm - thanks for the clarification.  

SBG continues his evil ways; even tho' he has a good reason in mind for his last attempt, it is still devilish of him to do that.  Is JES a friend or not??? And why is the writer going in circles with GSR's disease?  Do we have to wait 20 more episodes before PCW finds out about how sick GSR is?  Now that GSR is telling the doctor he wants to live, isn't it time to tell PCW the truth?

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Thank you for the translation. This one gave us a headache trying to figure it out. 

@Ldy Gmerm,

Well said and I'm in agreement this cancer issue has dragged on long enough and if PCW doesn't find out soon I'm also taking a break. To me the eps have been slow and dragging with really nothing happening. All that's happening right now is one person per ep is finding out about GSR's cancer walking around sighing and weeping. The way things are going now PCW will be the last one to find out when it's almost to late to save GSR. I did not sign on to watch a tragic love story of two people kept apart because one is a noble idiot. Then to have all the other people around them for their own selfish reasons sit by and let this woman just about die or die. I'm going to hang in for a few more eps just to see if this writer turns this mess around. If not I can't watch the ugly nasty dirty things that people have done gives them another chance and to redeem themselves due to the tragedy of a woman's life. 

CYK knows PCW no longer has any feelings for her but because she wants him she'll take him anyway she  can get him. She is trying to play on this man's lost of GSR to get him back. This woman has not changed one bit and is still as selfish and egotistical has as ever. CIS only helps build this twits ego which makes her believe if she wants it she'll have it. Never mind what she did to hurt PCW as long as she's not hurting. 

SBG's guilt and his ego is what drives him to want to save GSR. He does care that she lives but even with her being sick he still has not changed his mannerisms towards her. He's still ruff and gruff with her and treats CYK like a piece of delicate porcelain. He also knows the love GSR had for him is gone but his ego won't allow him do what he knows is right and that's telling PCW. Instead he does things that gives her more stress and hurt wanting it to be him and only him who saves her. 

I hope things continue to happen the same as before with CYK trying to get out of the country with PCW is stopped dead in it's tracks. CYK and SBG  need to see and learn lessons that they've  never learned. When you love someone sometimes there are sacrifices you have to make. A relationship is healthy satisfy and a loving one when both are willing to make sacrifices for each other. PCW and GSR did those things for them and they didn't embrace and appreciate the love and devotion that was given to them. Their selfish actions brought two people together willing to give and do for each other what their selfishness actions destroyed. Not only does SBG and CYK need to see and learn their parents also need to see the actions of two people who truly love each other. Everything they have done and taught their children cost them to lose someone really special. Nothing they can do or say to fix it because it's now to late.  PCW and GSR are just as precious to their parents as their children are to them. What they have done, allowed and helped their children to do to these two comes with consequences  they all have to face up to and pay for. 

Another thing is all I can see that will come from SBH and IYO is more nastiness hatefulness. They have used and abused GSR and now that she's sick and to them she was nothing but worthless and her illness proves it. 


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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 101

Opening Scene SBH and PCW are at a café and PCW asks something and SBH tells him something and PCW says something else and SBH replies about GSR getting back with SBG maybe for the reason something is wrong and PCW asks something and SBH replies looking at him.

GSG and SBG are hanging outside the bedroom door and GSG is fretting (another useless idiot) and SBG says something and NJB comes out to say something and GSG runs away into the room and NJB says something to SBG and he replies going to IYO’s room.

NJB listens outside the door and hear GSG says something and she runs in startling GSG saying something and GSG replies back and NJB says something else and SBG comes in and NJB says something else and SBG replies confused by her nonsense and NJB checks his eyes saying something and SBG is totally wondering where they go that from maybe and GMJ say something and SBG rubs his head in frustration and NJB continues to run her mouth at SBG and GSG and GSG fires back and NJB says something else and SBG runs his hair again and GSG says something and NJB runs her mouth and GSG says oh ma and NJB acts like she is about to hit him and then NJB says something and pushes SBG out the room and she says something and IYO comes running her mouth and NJB says something and then takes the garbage out.

PCW is walking up down and NJB calls him over to tell him that GSR got back with SBG because he is sick and PCW says something and NJB says something else to him and PCW looks at her while she talks about Yuna and something and PCW looks at her and NJB says something else and PCW looks down and NJB asks him something and he does not respond or look at her and she says something else and PCW replies back and NJB says something and PCW tells her maybe that he is leaving and she asks something and he replies.

GSR is at her desk working and she thinks as she smiles at a design and she remembers walking hand and hand with PCW and she smiles (useless scenes) and she gets a call from NJB to tell her maybe about PCW is leaving for good. NJB fusses about something else and GSR asks something and NJB says something about SBG and GSR tells her something about SBG and seeing her later to talk to her.


GSR is outside and PCW walks up behind her and says something and GSR turns around and asks what is he doing there and PCW asks her to come to look at the post it notes he left or to sit on the bench. GSR walks over seeing them and sits and PCW sits down beside her and says something and GSR replies back and PCW says something else to her and GSR does not look at him and she gets a call from SBG and calls him Yeobo and pretends all is well while SBG is fussing about her mother thinking he is sick and she needs to fix it.  She hangs up saying sorry and makes up some useless azz chatter and PCW just looks at her and GSR asks something and PCW replies back and she can’t look at him and PCW continues to tell her something and PCW says something else and GSR breaks in saying something and PCW looks around as other employees walk by and he looks at her and says something else to her and gets up to leave and walks off and he pauses to look back at her and then turns and walks off leaving her standing there and she looks at him as he leaves watching him go and she touches the post it’s crying. (no sympathy).

SBH gets a text message from PCW about SBG being sick or something and SBH is confused by what PCW said about SBG and repeats it.

CIS says something to LJA and LJA replies and CYK comes busting down the stairs saying something to CIS about PCW leaving to go to China and her father says something and LJA and CYK says something else and her father replies and CYK goes upstairs to plan away to follow.

GSR is in the kitchen making a table with snacks and Soju for her parents and she gets a call from JES and she asks about Yuna and IYO comes in to see the table and runs her mouth about her doing something for her parents and GSR replies and IYO continues and SBG comes in to stop his mother and tells GSR to go ahead.


GSR is giving them booze and snacks and they are happy and GMJ says something and NJB says something and GSR replies back and NJB Says something else and GSR tells her that SBG is not sick and NJB asks something and GSR looks at them and says something and their eyes go wide as she tells them maybe they are not really back together and that she is the one with liver cancer and GMJ drops her drink and NJB says hey it is not true and GMJ looks at her and GSR tells them something about how much time she has left without a liver and GMJ is upset and NJB does not know what to say and GMJ is yelling and hitting the table.

SBG and IYO are drinking and hear it and IYO wants to go see about it and SBG stops her telling her not to go Eomma and she asks why maybe and he looks away.

NJB is crying and so is GMJ and she ask GSR something and GSR replies and NJB says what to do and is crying. GSR is crying as well and NJB says something else to GSR who does not answer and GMJ stands up and NJB grabs his pants leg asking what to do and GMJ yells at her and NJB says what to do and GMJ falls to the floor and makes a gesture that he will give her his liver if he can and cries as GSR cries.

IYO is still trying to go in there and SBG stops her and she wants to know and SBG tells her that she has liver cancer and IYO is shocked and she asks him about it and SBG tells her an IYO does not know what to say saying no and something asking him something and SBG replies back and IYO asks him something else and IYO replies back saying something about Yuna and SBG says yes and IYO says Aigoo and goes to hold her head and keeps crying out.

NJB says something and IYO comes in and pushs her on the back as she sits down saying something and GSR replies and IYO says something else with her fake crying and NJB lets her have it for her treatment of her daughter and SBG and GSR says oh ma and NJB lets IYO have it for what they did to her daughter and she is yelling at IYO who is holding on to GSR crying and GSR says something to her mother accepting it like an idiot and SBG is listening outside the door as she says something nice.

GSG and JES have taken Yuna out to sing and this fool is crying over his sister as Yuna yawns and JES is crying too and Yuna asks what is going on and JES tells her to rest and Yuna lays her head on her shoulder as she cries.

The Team leader is in with CDG and he says something about GSR maybe and the team leader replies and CDG signs something and hands something to her and she agrees.

GSR is in with the other women having a meeting with the team leader and they say something and the Team leader replies and GSR looks up and the team leader says something else and GSR just looks.

SJ is with CIS showing him a document and he asks her something and she replies back.


GMJ, SBG and JES come into the shop and OHD says something and JES calls out Oppa and IYO asks SBG something and he replies and OHD wants to know what is going on and JES tells him that GSR has liver cancer and walks off and OHD is shocked saying something and IYO says something and SBG gets a call from GSR and she says something and SBG fusses back and GSR realizes he may have given him her designs because she asks something and he does not answer and she says something to him surprised.

The End



SBG comes out of CDG’s office looking like he has lost it as CDG has prolly double crossed him and the team leader seems him and looks thoughtful. SBG has gone to see SBH and says something to her and SBH looks away shifty eyed at what he says. SBH is in the room with NJB and NJB is carrying on upset at whatever news. GSR goes to a bank maybe for a loan or something and hands some papers to the clerk. GSR is walking out sadly down the street. GSR is on the phone telling SBG something and he is shocked and lowers the phone and goes running off with his voice in the background saying he needs to find PCW. CYK is at the airport with her ticket and passport to follow PCW when SBG runs up either wanting her help or to find where PCW is and CYK removes her shades to look at him as she says something to her.  

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Written Preview Ep 102

봉희는 봉국이 대경에게 디자인을 유출한 대가로 수래의 수술비를 받은 사실을 알게 된다. 한편, 봉국은 상해로 출국하려는 이경을 잡아 수래와 재결합 사실은 다 거짓이며, 찬우를 단념시키기 위한 쇼였다고 말하고 수래의 간암 사실을 찬우에게 말하라고 하는데...


Bonghui is learned that the surgery of the consideration received bongguk surae spilled into the design to Daqing. On the other hand, bongguk is false in fact reunited and hold the reducer to leave Shanghai surae is, the fact that the show was a surae of liver cancer speak for chanwoo to dissuade him tell chanwoo .


Bong-hui Bong-guk design the fact know which got several lay operation charges at the price which flowed out to Taching. On the other hand, Bong-guk to damage, with to leave Lee Kyung to catch and several lay and reunion fact to be a lie all, and abandoning Chan-wu, for was a show, say several lay liver cancer facts to tell to Chan-wu says…

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CYK is going to blow a fuse with SBG if he tells PCW about GSR she's going to hate him for messing up her plans but I still think she will try every way possible to hook up with him even if it means killing GSR off early then her time to come..   

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My little understanding of the preview - SBG is now  desperate to save GSR and since they don't have the financial  resources, and maybe his last desperate move to GSR, he is now looking for PCW - for all reasons, i.e., financially and I emotionally.  SBG knows how much PCW cares for GSR.  However, of all people to ask the whereabouts of PCW - CYK?  Doesn't anybody have PCW's phone number?

Why does SBG hate GSR so much?  Is it  because of Yuna?  Does he know Yuna is the child of his sister?  He feels GSR wronged him so much that no matter how much he wanted to help her now, he still wants her to feel his hate towards her.


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SBG knows Yuna is his sister's child. He felt that GSR trapped him into a marriage he didn't want even when he thought Yuna was his. His guilt and some jealousy of PCW has him trying to be the man who saves GSR's life. I can't even say it was desperation that made him even make a deal with CDG for her designs. He knows very well how underhanded this man is. It's like he's trying to do away with everything that PCW helped GSR to achieve.  Now that he's made a mess of things he wants PCW's help. He should have been told PCW what was going on, but his selfishness to be the only one to save her over ruled what was needed and necessary to save her life.   

SBG still has blinders on when it comes to CYK and doesn't see this woman for the selfish nasty woman she is. Him asking her to tell PCW the truth about GSR just might be an eye opener into this twits true character. 

So far CYK has not been able to get out of the country with PCW. This is her third attempt and hopefully this time no different and she get's strike three and out. 

The highlight of yesterday's ep for me was NBJ lighting into IYO with her fake tears and concern. After she made a slave of her daughter to that household she's concerned for her now. It didn't wash with NBJ and she let her have it. 

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 102


Opening Scene GSR is on the phone with SBG and asks him something and he can’t answer and she says something else trying to figured out if he gave her designs to CDG perhaps and SBG says something back to her. GSR says something else to him and SBG yells at her hanging up not telling the truth.  OHD and IYO where listening and OHD leaves upset. IYO walks over to say something to SBG about Yuna and something and JES comes out and here’s them and IYO says something else and SBG relies and IYO holds out something for him to drink and SBG fusses and laves and JES says something to IYO and IYO replies back and JES says something else about what to do and IYO says something about her being upset maybe to and about Yuna and JES says something else and turns her head and IYO says something and JES replies back to her and IYO says something else only concern about everyone else but GSR and looks at her glass and drinks what she made for SBG drinking it.

NJB says something to GMJ who is manning the frying and GMJ says something and NJB says something else and GMJ replies and GMJ gets a call and answers it from PCW’s buddy giving them that flat and he leaves to go sign the papers and NJB says something to herself and then runs out.

GMJ is with the friend handling the transfer and GMJ says something and goes to sign and stamp the papers and NJB comes running in and runs her mouth and the guy says something and GMJ replies and NJB looks up embarrassed and GMJ finishes signing and stamping and NJB asks the guy if he has talked to or has contact with PCW and the man says yes tenitively and he stands up and NJB asks for his card and he gives it to her and she looks at it surprised.

SBG has gone to see CDG and says something and CDG replies and SBG says something and CDG says something else and SBG looks down.

SBG comes out of CDG’s office down and does not notice the Team Leader who sees him walk away with his head down and she turns to watch wondering why he is there.

The team leader goes into the office and tells GSR that she saw SBG leave that office and GSR asks if she did and the team leader says he looked down maybe about something and one of the other girls say something and GSR thinks.

CYK is packing her bag and LJA comes in to say something and CYK replies back and LJA says something and rolls the bag out and CYK looks around her room one last time.

LJA comes to the living room to say something to CIS and he wakes as CYK comes in and he says something and CYK replies and he stands and CIS say something and CYK replies and leaves and CIS cries about her going.

CYK gets outside and realizes she left something when she looks in her bag and turns to come back calling out to her father who she sees crying and she looks at him as he tries to wipe his tears and the crazy twit says something about going away to live a happy life with PCW maybe and CIS says something and she says ahh appa and gets down to look at him.

SBH is on the phone and being turned away for funding and she is hung up on as SBG comes in saying something and sits down and SBH replies sitting down and SBG says something else and SBH replies.

SJ is at CIS’s place again and CIS says something and SJ replies yes and CIS says something says something and MJ comes out with drinks and puts them on the table and CIS yells at her and MJ says something and goes upstairs.

MJ comes up as LJA is pacing and she pulls MJ to sit and says something and MJ replies and LJA pulls out a money envelope and hands it to MJ asking her to spy and MJ says something and LJA replies and MJ says something about spying for them and goes to her room with LJA fretting.

SBG says something and SBH replies and SBG tells her that he did something with GSR’s designs and SBH asks something closing her eyes and SBG say something and SBH says something and SBG replies and SBG asks about PCW and SBH says something and SBG asks something and SBH says something to him and SBG says what and something about PCW and SBH says something and SBG replies and SBH thinks.

OHD is fixing the order and JES comes in to say something and OHD hands the order to her and JES asks what is wrong with him and OHD cries saying something about GSR and the situation perhaps and JES says something about to cry as well and OHD says something and JES goes into his arms and he holds her while they both cry and GSG comes in to see them and asks what is this and JES just holds out the take out bag to him.

SBG and CYK are meeting one last time and they talk as if they are friends. SBG says something and CYK replies and SBG say something and CYK says something about her father and SBG replies asking about her father and CYK says something else and SBG replies back and CYK says something and SBG says something else to her and CYK just looks.

GSR is at the registration office or something and makes a change perhaps for Yuna.

GSR comes out thinking and she calls SBG on the phone and says something and SBG starts fussing at her and GSR says something else and SBG continues to fuss and GSR says something else to him an SBG drops the phone from his hand as he realizes that GSR needs PCW to fight and thinks and GSR calls out hello and SBG hands up running to catch a taxi realizing that GSR needs PCW in order for her to fight to live and he gets in heading to the airport.

CYK is coming up the escalator at the airport with her boarding pass and passport and SBG comes running in after her looking around.

SBG runs to catch CYK telling her that he needs to her to contact PCW and CYK says something and turns away and SBG tells her that GSR is dying maybe and CYK turns away and is going to leave and SBG says something to her again about PCW being in love with and what GSR needs and CYK does not care and does not want to tell him and wants SBG to let it go and SBG lets her having it again about SBG and the fact he does not love her but loves GSR and CYK says something not listening and SBG looks at her and CYK says something else to him telling him she is not going to tell him (selfish woman)  or to go away and she walks to the gate and SBG watches her go.(hopefully he got a real good look at WHAT he was in love with.)

NJB is having a drink in the bed room and IYO says something to her and NJB pours another and IYO says something else to her and NJB puts the tray away and lays down and sits up saying something fussing at IYO.

SBH says something to Yuna in her room and Yuna says something back to her about her mother and SBH says something else to her and Yuna looks away. NJB comes in to say something to SBH and tells Yuna to go out for a min and Yuna says ok and goes and NJB says something to SBH and SBH tells her about GSR maybe wanting her to take Yuna and NJB says something to SBH and SBH says something else to her and NJB tells her something and SBH tells her what is going on maybe about either her not having no money or SBG and NJB fusses at her.

GSR is sitting in the park and cries and thinks about PCW and hears his voice and he walks over and says something telling her something to lay her head on his shoulder and then she calls ahgassi and he holds her hand and she takes a look again and PCW is not there and she calls out for him crying missing him so much as she looks around and SBG walks up and happens to sees her sitting there and realizes she is crying and he looks worried and upset. (What a heartbreaking scene here with GSR missing him so much.)

The End


SBH comes out of the flat and meets SBG in the hall after coming out of PCW’s flat and says something and she looks away. SBH is walking out of the flat and looks back a bit. SBH looks at her bank book and sees she is low on funds and sighs. SBH has gone to see CDG and says something (making a deal to do something related to those designs maybe) and CDG replies back (she has to be setting him up for something I hope). LJA is on the phone with CDG asking something and CDG tells her to hurry to do something upset. GSR is letting SBG have it in her office after finding out what he has done with her designs possibly  and SBG looks like he finally realizes how bad he has f***** up with what he did.  SBG hitting his head on the wall crying as he realizes everything is bad now. GSR is in PCW’s bedroom touching the wall missing and thinking of him. SBG is at the doctors and he asks him something and the doctor looks at him with the voice in the background saying something about PCW and SBG hits the desks saying something in the background.SBG comes out of the doctors office to the hall and takes his phone out and possibly tries to reach PCW maybe (I hope). PCW comes running from the arrivals at the airport having found out (we hope) about GSR as CYK comes up behind him trying to catch him and we hear SBG saying something in the background.


**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Thank you for the recap @Ldy Gmerm - are we finally going to see some light? 

I was able to watch ep 102 and I cried seeing SBG cry outside the door while GSR and family were crying inside.  I am hopeful that SBG is feeling all the guilt right now.  The only one who seem to be not changing at all is CYK.  If he (PCW) did find out, CYK must have told him or someone was able to get hold of him.  CYK telling him would be an indication of her trying to find out PCW's real feelings towards GSR.

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