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[Drama 2015] Falling For Innocence 순정에 반하다


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@selenette: I am glad that I am not the only one that I came to accept the writer`s wish. Let see how she will unfold her story.

I especially like the last part.
selenette said:To those who worry that Min-ho will become a big softie, don't worry. Dong-wook might be a humorous guy, but he was also physically tough (very) and a persistent detective to boot. Dong-wook will lend his strengths to Min-ho. Add these to Min-ho's own strengths, and the uncle will meet a really formidable enemy this time. Just watch.

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class="post-title entry-title"Falling For Innocence Episode 1-2 Summary & First Impression 4:58 PM Posted by ninja Falling for Innocence Recap, K-Drama Recap No comments

First Impression

I was super excited to watch this show since it has Jung Kyung Ho and Kim So Yeon in it. The first two episodes didn't disappoint even though it was fairly predictable as set up episodes go. 

My personal guess is that Joon Hee (Dong Wook's friend) probably wasn't the one that killed him. (Besides, Joon Hee has a crush on Soon Jung so he probably would think of how hurt she would be if Dong Wook died.) There was a brief shot of a shadow standing outside of the window while Dong Wook was talking to Joon Hee so I am taking a wild guess that it was probably Dong Wook's dad who was willing to kill in order to protect his son. 

I was glad to see that there was some fairly obvious chemistry between our two leads. Especially the fact that Min Ho obviously treats Soon Jung differently even before he had Dong Wook's heart. The question that always hangs over these kinda of cell memory story plot is "Is the hero/heroine only feels the way he/she does due to the cell memory?" While Min Ho and Soon Jung didn't have any hint of romance going at all before the heart transplant but Soon Jung was already someone that seems special to him.

Read more: Ninja Reflaction blog

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hello @nazzy1109 my dear and welcome over here >:D< >:D< >:D< so nice to see you here after a long time. Some of our KMHM chingus are already camped over here and like you we are liking it so far :D How's life with new term at University wasnt it? I hope you get to spazz with us whenever you get time :D

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@selenette thanks for the article :) it is indeed eerie. Just goes to show that even if medical science is skeptical about accepting cellular there are unexplainable cases that merit more research and new findings in the subject. With regards to this drama it helps reading about such cases so that I might better appreciate whatever the writer has planned with MH's journey.....dramatic or gradual. @larus and your insights got me thinking-

Almost everyone undergoes changes in their lives over a period of years- in taste, perception, emotion etc- but it is so gradual that we do not actively realize it. In case of MH its probably just going to be the fact that he actively realizes the changes happening with him because its in a relatively short period of time and sort of induced. Had we all been aware of how we change over the years I am sure we would freak out as well :)) so MH freaking out at first is understandable at his own difference and it should be pretty interesting to see :D along with its effect on all others involved......starting with his own secretary :))

@valsava unni 'SMEXY' is THE word for JKH :x :x :x

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Interesting read.

I don`t think Joon hee was the man who hit Dong Wook with the car but he was the one who took the phone, so in that moment he chose to save himself and not his childhood friend. Only that can make can haunt somebody with a conscience but i imagine how it will be for Joon Hee to see his rival adopting the same mannerism as his friend. 

As from Min hos`s perspective as you said, I think the third option is what we`ll get. At this point I believe that he will reinvent himself eventually and he will embrace Dong-wook's traits as his. He will be a new man. But it will not be easy for Min Ho, because both men were so different. Changes are difficult but strong people might adapt better than others.

For Soon Jung will be difficult as well.

I knew about the article and it is spooky.


  So it is not a surprise that some writers might find this subject inspiring. Sometimes the real life beats fiction.

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In the midst of those crazy events that overwhelmed her, Soon-Jung 
remembers Dong Wook's words 


as a last farewell their images overlapping ..

and a passerby in a hurry and carelesss stepping over them
I believe Soon-Jung was the one who agreed that Dong-Wook's heart to go on in  Min-Ho's chest,


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Guest ilchul

I watched the 2 episodes and I can say that it's a good and interesting start for the drama and I'll be waiting for the upcoming episodes with a big hope that it'll suck me in with it's story writing and acting :)
I must say that the drama is different from what I thought it would be from the funny teasers (didn't watch the long preview, my bad!! ) but in a good way (I thought it's all about the cellular memory syndrome influence on Kang Min Ho and people around him ) and I'm glad that I gave it a try and it didn't disappoint. The thing I enjoyed the most (not the only but the most) is Kang Min Ho and Ma Dong Wook though they have the earth and sky difference watching them was the plesure I didn't wanted to end.
I have a lot to say about Kang Min Ho so I'll leave him to the end. Let me start with the female lead Kim Soon Jung, the secretary who her reputation is preceding her, she's strong and knows how to talk back when it's need it but at the same time she's a caring and loving person who won't turn her back on those who threaten her and treat her badly (yes Kang Min Ho ssi I'm talking about you!!) which is something I loved and I would love to see more of her especially with everything going wrong in multiple ways: her president using her to play Kang Min Ho the same play Kang Min Ho played on him, Kang Min Ho believing he's the one who leaked his condition and the worst thing losing her love and the one who always gave her strength and hope and to top it all his heart is beating now on her enemy's chest. There is a scene that I want to talk about and that's the moment she was shocked to the realisation of how disposable she is for her president that she served sincerely and earnestly, for me the shocking part is her being shocked or even working for someone like him to begin with, that man is the same exact person who stole his deceased brother, made him look like a thief when he's the real thief and kicked out his nephew from his own company so how did she think for a second that someone like him would acknowledge her hard work and that she's any different than his own nephew? well I don't know what she was thinking!! But it's good that she now, especially after being used to play Kang Min ho, knows how low he can get and how she can be used in these dirty tricks and I'll be waiting to see what she will do about it.
Ma Dong Wook, the man who was too good to last :(( , it was really painful to watch such character knowing that he's going to die and worst killed with cold blood :(( well good people who fights the wrongs dies often in consequence and here he was the good man who needed to be silenced. This man won my heart with his loving and caring side with Kim Soon Jung, his father and friends, his devotion for his work and believe in right and wrong even if it's against powerful people or friend and don't forget his accent :D Losing this man is just a big loss for every one who knew him and I can't wait to see the one who killed him getting caught and punished for his doing and I think the cellular memory syndrome would be helpful to reveal the one behind it not only useful in the romantic field and that would be awesome and a good slap for the killer who believed that he buried the truth by killing Ma Dong Wook.
Lee Joon Hee, the craziest 2nd or is he 3rd male lead I ever came across, he's a material of a good person who lost himself while trying to get hold of his ambitions and his logic of ruining the people he knew since childhood and considered as family to reach his dreams of becoming the chairman and prevent the unfairness from existing in the future gave me the "did he lost it?" moment but still I don't see him as the murderer because 1st if he would do such thing he would do it in a black out moment when he's overwhelmed by the fear of losing everything and the moment he hits Dong Wook he would realise his deadly mistake and that would hunt him and for sure he won't step out of the car to watch coldly his friend bleeding to death and sure thing won't pick up the ringing phone with the song he sang in his engagement event and with Soon Jung in the other end, 2nd he's the 2nd/3rd male lead and making him a murderer of his friend and the fiance of his other friend and then trying to win her for himself is the worst thing I can imagine .His father can be an option or even the one who told Dong Wook the truth in the 1st place but still these two, though they may have a good reason to do that to protect themselves or their precious people, wouldn't be able to stand coldly in front of him watching him bleeding to death. What I'm interested about is watching Lee Joon Hee's reaction toward the fact that his friend who was a threat for his dreams getting out of the way (I won't handle it if he have even a slight relief for that fact) and dealing with his deceased friend's image in some of Kang Min Ho's actions, that would be fun especially when he realise (if he does) that Kang Min Ho is having a cellular memory syndrome because Dong Wook's Heart is still beating in Min Ho's chest, I really can't wait!!!
Though we're used by now with the chaebols fights, cunning and scheming and the male lead being a rude, cold, mannerless man it's always a pleasure to see it portrait in a good way and in here it's just awesome for me. Our main lead Kang Min Ho, the man who lived calculating for the day his heart would stop, is a bitter person who has lost his moral compass since a long time but still he made me have a soft heart for him from the start. I love how they made us see the reason behind his reasoning (though it's wrong it's understandable). He's someone who lost his most precious people (his family) who were a really good people but got wronged and framed falsely for his uncle's betrayal and greed (so his believe that everyone can switch sides the moment it fits them more and that being good and trusty brings no good is understandable) and now he has nothing to lose but time to get his revenge and that's really sad. From What I watched Min Ho was never considered as a living person or considered life as we do, more he saw himself a dead person who's only waiting for the moment his time ends and that was the most obvious when his secretary asked him if he wants to live that way for the last month he has left and he responded that he wants to die that way as if the word life doesn't exist in his dictionary (that killed me) but now with the second chance of life he got he'll have a lot to face with his revenge centered mind that always calculated as hours and even seconds to reach his goal to find himself with more time than he used to/needs/dreamed of!!! yes he have more time to get his revenge but then what? now he have more time and that means he'll have the luxury of (even if unintentionally) thinking about a life he didn't use to think about and the the cellular memory syndrome influence on him will make things harder for him (better for us :D )now he will face himself, emotions he wasn't used to (I think the only emotion he used to have is the raging emotions) and memories of the heart donor who is non other than the one who beated him up :)) and his enemy's fiance :)) nothing can be better than this =)) About Min Ho's changing behaviour, I would love to see him still around not only with his remaining determination for revenge (I just love this man and his mannerless behaviour with his uncle and the other shareholders) but also in accepting his new self and Dong Wook's sides in him and I believe it would be quiet a fun/interesting ride. I believe that Min Ho isn't just a bad person because we saw how has a slight sincerity in some occasions though it may not have credit for it since it comes in the worst scenarios (the girl in the hotel and his intention to show Soon Jung the true face of his uncle and trying to give her a ride since it far away to just walk) but still he had it in him :)) And about Min Ho's smile to the little girl, though it's what Dong Wook used to do with Soon Jung, I'll be always happy to see more smiles from him, he has a really beautiful smile that it's a shame not to show it often. this is the 1st time watching Jung Kyung Ho drama (I saw glimpses before a long time) and I must say it's a pleasure. :)
Looks like we have some chingus from KMHM thread in here :D that would be fun :) Hi @littleloony @nazzy1109 hi chingus :) unfortunately I have to go now so good night and hopefully will meet tomorrow :D Goodnight @everyone and forgive me for my long 1st post in this thread I hope we will have a good/great time in here with this drama :x :-h

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@carmens,   :-h   How have you been,  No matter what they do to JKH that can't mess those features up he's just got it all.. He's one piece of eye candy I can admire for days and never get tired of looking at it.. 
I loved ep 1 I always like his good/bad roles they fit him so well    

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I've just realized that I haven't said hi to @valsava (we seem to always meet everywhere). Yes, that article is so spooky. It shows us how real life is stranger than fiction. At the same time, the article also helped me to come to terms with this show's trajectory. 

@littleloony Glad the article seems to help you to understand the writer's intention. When such terrible changes happen among real-life transplant recipients, it can't be helped that dramas are written concerning these things, right?

Also, hi @carmens! I still remember you back from our Healer days. I'm also intrigued by whoever took Dong-wook's phone. It's surely is the cruel thing to kill somebody, but to just stand by and watch someone dies a violent death could be just as cruel. I know Dong-wook was too far gone to be saved, but he could've comforted Dong-wook or something.

And @Iarus, yeah I've been thinking and thinking how I could accept any sudden changes in Min-ho but then I realized, wouldn't such changes be more interesting? At first I thought the changes would erase any character development, but it seems they wouldn't, because more conflicts would take place and the characters would grow through these.

I don't mind flashbacks too much, hopefully they're relevant to the story.

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I will stop with this analysis for now because this is getting out of hands slowly… but the point I am trying to make is; I do LOVE this story, script and endless possibility it provides for with very good ground brake they laid with this first two ep… very good indeed… possibilities are endless for this characters so.. me likes.. me likes very very much so.

Then again the script writer is the women responsible for works like; A love to kill, I am sorry I love you, Thank you, The Innocent man and so on, so I feel pretty confident about her part…Director? I do not know what to make of him…but so far so good… keep our fingers crossed we get lucky all the way with this one.  

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@ilchul: , @miriamdream2  Welcome to this thread. I loved reading your insights and I agree with both of you.

I love to read character analyzes. If a drama managed to make me talk about its characters, it is a good sign.

With your complete observations what can I say more? :D 
ilchul said: Lee Joon Hee, the craziest 2nd or is he 3rd male lead I ever came across, he's a material of a good person who lost himself while trying to get hold of his ambitions and his logic of ruining the people he knew since childhood and considered as family to reach his dreams of becoming the chairman and prevent the unfairness from existing in the future gave me the "did he lost it?" moment but still I don't see him as the murderer because 1st if he would do such thing he would do it in a black out moment when he's overwhelmed by the fear of losing everything and the moment he hits Dong Wook he would realise his deadly mistake and that would hunt him and for sure he won't step out of the car to watch coldly his friend bleeding to death and sure thing won't pick up the ringing phone with the song he sang in his engagement event and with Soon Jung in the other end, 2nd he's the 2nd/3rd male lead and making him a murderer of his friend and the fiance of his other friend and then trying to win her for himself is the worst thing I can imagine .His father can be an option or even the one who told Dong Wook the truth in the 1st place but still these two, though they may have a good reason to do that to protect themselves or their precious people, wouldn't be able to stand coldly in front of him watching him bleeding to death. What I'm interested about is watching Lee Joon Hee's reaction toward the fact that his friend who was a threat for his dreams getting out of the way (I won't handle it if he have even a slight relief for that fact) and dealing with his deceased friend's image in some of Kang Min Ho's actions, that would be fun especially when he realise (if he does) that Kang Min Ho is having a cellular memory syndrome because Dong Wook's Heart is still beating in Min Ho's chest, I really can't wait!!!

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Hi!! I just entered the thread, I watched the first 2 episodes yesterday and I loved the drama.

I want to see how KMH handles the new feelings inside of him, however I liked him as a cold hearted and revengeful person hehehe, he actually has a good reason to take revenge! Hope he doesn't get too soft hahaha

Can't wait for tomorrow!

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Some fashion from Falling for Innocence



Yes, the characters are very well dressed. Soon Jung is proper and simple, a little plain like Min Ho mentioned, Min Ho is elegant and over the top sometimes, we could see his personality through clothes.  I love the colorful and elegant clothes of Ji Hyun( Gong Hyun Joo`s character). Joo Hee is in classic suits all the time (his fashion is a little stiff) but we did not see him outside work much.

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