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[Drama 2014/2015] Love&Secret 달콤한 비밀 Sweet Secret Thank you For Watching..

Ldy Gmerm

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:-B @AlanR totally agree with you...I can grin and bare conniving characters in dramas it's the crazy, evil, ridiculous characters that has me switch off....would you recommend TGM? Never gave that drama a second thought. As for SS, with all the secrets there is a light heartedness to this daily and comical moments that keep me coming back. Haven't watched today's eps.....

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AlanR said: I'm 8 episodes behind everyone who understands Korean and also a guy, so please bear with me as my reactions are a bit different from the consensus on some issues.

First, I really like the guitar girl.  She is a rare kdrama female character with spunk.  I prefer characters like her rather than the spineless, teary-eyed candy roles that seem to be what is mostly written for female characters.   In many ways she is a younger version of HAR's aunt, a woman who understands life by living though real hardships.

I'm also enjoying the fact that the writer has set up enough secrets and side stories to sustain this daily.  I'm now curious about
1)what happened to CSW's mom? I'm convinced having watched enough dramas that it will be something that CSW will eventually forgive once he matures much much later.
2) What is the relationship between KYY and CSW's dad and step mom..
3) Is CSW's stepmom so clueless about how her help for HAR and her mom could backfire?
4) What was going through Phillip's head when he got married? (and as posts noted above got divorced so ridiculously quickly?)
5)Was Phillip always so wealthy?  That was not clear from the initial breakup in episode 1. My hunch is that HAR was not of the appropriate status level for his family so he was forced into a wedding which is a standard kdrama plotline.
6) How will HAR's brother eventually reveal his music career and who will support him besides his sister? My hunch is his uncle will help him given his past musical career and will do so secretly just like HAR's aunt helped her secretly.
7) How will HAR's brother get over his shyness with performing in public and more interestingly how will he get past the standard kdrama aversion of young men/women to touch/look at anyone of the opposite sex that they will eventually match up with in the drama. (I should note that the guitar girl's spunk will likely be critical in giving him a backbone.)

So I will just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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@cattx,  Oh yes CsW already thinking of HaR in a seductive manner got her a button down blouse half button black tight skirt crawling around on all 4's.. As much as he play with his toys one would think his imagination would go there..  

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:-B just watched today's episode...Loved it.....CSW had me giggling like a school girl...such a goofball....and I mean that in a good way....CSW was totally adorable..... :x I think I'm in love :\"> I mean with this drama ;)) as much as I enjoyed CSW today.....I fell for Phillip :\"> he can be on my screen any day O:-) ~blush~....as attractive as Phillip is, the boy, has some explaining to do!?! I'm with the same thought as those that think that he had over a year or more, if he Really Loved Har, to go in search of her. I want to know WHY he didn't?......I mean Phillip was divorced even before the ink was dry, so why wait so long? Even if he was in China, as a CEO and his wealth, distance wasn't an issue. I would and could understand Har if she had chosen to forgive Phillip, IF Phillip, had gone back to Har on bended knee at any point during her pregnancy, asked for forgiveness and demonstrated by his actions that he really loved her. But at this point and time, it's hard to accept that Phillip has the nerve to think that he can just waltz back into Har's life. I actually enjoyed the aunt and her family and I'm sure I'll warm up to the Har's brother and the singer girl......My only complaint.....KBS subs are to far behind... :(( ....thanks to everyone on this sight for recaps, insights and detailed explanations that are not clear or evident without subs...your the best ^:)^

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So I am watching ep. 8 on KBSW with subs.

When CSW visits his mother's memorial (not sure what you call these, since they are not a grave) he said it has been 10 years since she died.

So it is barely possible that LSA was pregnant while his mother was still alive, as we don't know for sure the age of the little boy.

CSW also said "I lost father to her, but the best thing I can do for you, is I will not lose the company to her."

Also in the memorial service CSW asked LSA "What did you do to my mom that night?"  So LSA was with his mom when she died, and, he is of the opinion that LSA had something to do with his mom's death. And his dad slapped him and asked how long will you keep this up, and CSW answered "until the truth comes to light"

And when he left the house and KYY ran after him apologizing for not telling him she'd be there he answered: "I may have no expectations for this marriage, but I haven't completely signed off on it. Don't get too comfortable."

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irilight said: So I am watching ep. 8 on KBSW with subs.

When CSW visits his mother's memorial (not sure what you call these, since they are not a grave) he said it has been 10 years since she died.

So it is barely possible that LSA was pregnant while his mother was still alive, as we don't know for sure the age of the little boy.

CSW also said "I lost father to her, but the best thing I can do for you, is I will not lose the company to her."

Also in the memorial service CSW asked LSA "What did you do to my mom that night?"  So LSA was with his mom when she died, and, he is of the opinion that LSA had something to do with his mom's death. And his dad slapped him and asked how long will you keep this up, and CSW answered "until the truth comes to light"

And when he left the house and KYY ran after him apologizing for not telling him she'd be there he answered: "I may have no expectations for this marriage, but I haven't completely signed off on it. Don't get too comfortable."

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@thunderman1 I believe in Korea they are called "Charnel Houses" or houses of the dead. I remember in one kdrama a long time ago the character was saying she was going to visit her friends house, what she meant was she was going to pay her respect to their ashes or remains. She referred to it like that a couple of times. I thought it was odd until recently while watching Two Mother a character on there also said she was going to visit a friends house. So Charnel House.
I agree with you about LSA, her face got gold-digging, ladder climber written all over it! She was his secretary so she probably made herself VERY useful as soon as the wife got sick.
@irilight  CSW also said "I lost father to her, but the best thing I can do for you, is I will not lose the company to her."I wonder if the company could have once belonged to SW mom, which is why he is hellbent on making sure the stepmom or her son doesn't get the company too. I mean its odd for him to say that otherwise.

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@thunderman1, @kdramafan469... thank you for info, and answering my question re Charnel Houses

@kdramafan469, I had the same thought...

But if that is the case, I wonder why she left no provisions that he would be the heir?

Maybe we will learn more...

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Well it looked liked the father was going to have a stroke when he found out about the baby, but in the previews he was strong enough to go home and start slapping AR around so he is healthier than we think. 
All AR mom did in this ep was lie. Kind of makes you wonder how she was able to marry AR dad. I mean her and her sister don't seem to be from a good background or is it that the family just let the sister marry whoever she wanted? 
Anyway pretty mild episode...SW was told at lunch that AR and Philip knew one another in the states. Something about thy worked on a project there together. Yeah and that project bore fruit and the fruit of that labor is named Tiffany   lol.

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@ thunderman1

A columbarium is a place for the respectful and usually public storage of cinerary urns (i.e. urns holding a deceased’s cremated remains).

This is because burial ground are expensive and difficult to find as land is scarce. A Chinese saying that "the dead should not reside in a land meant for the living".

Affectionately, we referred to it as the "the dead's condominium".

@ kdramafan469

A charnel house is a vault or building where human skeletal remains are stored. They are often built near churches for depositing bones that are unearthed while digging graves.

Hope the information is helpful

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@Jackie1048,  So yo will joining us here welcome are you looking at the other drama shown on kbs1..?

@kdramafan469,  I'm glad her father did find out.. Looks like the uncle was going to try and use Har incident to try and get money out of her dad..  He wants to be in the same league as Har's father but that's not going to happen if he don;t have the education for it.. Only thing him and wife is good for is begging she has to work for a paycheck while he's looking for the next get rich overnight scheme..

I don;t think is what right for Har's dad to slap her brother it wasn't his fault they precious daughter got pregnant he wasn't the one to do it nor was he in the same country as her when it happened.. I think he should have slap his wife for not telling him,,    

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@valsaa Did you see how her uncle just come into his office trying push past the secretary?   All begging for money or a job, then has the nerve to say well we're the ones taking care of Tiffany and she's AR daughter lol. They just got 30k off AR mom now want more. It's not AR parents job to support them. Let them get jobs like everyone else.
Speaking of jobs...just how in the world was AR mom planning on paying LSH that money back? She doesn't work, not planning on working at her age so where ws she going to get it?  Did she always intend on asking AR for her money?

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kdramafan469 said: @valsaa Did you see how her uncle just come into his office trying push past the secretary?   All begging for money or a job, then has the nerve to say well we're the ones taking care of Tiffany and she's AR daughter lol. They just got 30k off AR mom now want more. It's not AR parents job to support them. Let them get jobs like everyone else.
Speaking of jobs...just how in the world was AR mom planning on paying LSH that money back? She doesn't work, not planning on working at her age so where ws she going to get it?  Did she always intend on asking AR for her money?

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