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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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@UnniSarah,  That's because JMY sister is a gold-digging s-k-a-n-k.. The apple didn't fall far from the tree look how her mom just took money out of her grand-daughters bag that didn't belong to her.. She didn't care about how JI had to pay it back she may encourage her daughter to be with him.. Do the mother know that he's HB husband..       

Chingu, she doesn't know HB's husband. I have noticed in Kdrama , family members are not introduced their friend's family and vice versa.

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You know its hard to find pictures of hws that are just right! Glad you like the image of Santa HWS!

@triton823" Well I'm glad you found something for my yeobo HW in which he looks gorgeous in almost anything :P but would've fell the hell out of my chair if you showed us him looking like that Woody wood pecker YM :-j

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ep 40

ji is out of a bus, hw watches her and he calls hs and says he will do what he wants him to do and the condition is hw must save ji.

hs says hw must go back abroad to finish his course in law school, hw says he has to leave ji to hs, hs says hw can trust him since he had promised to help her, later hs calls zhu and says ji must be put in jail and there won't be probation or fine money only for her.

ji asks zhu to call hw since she had given the video to him, zhu says he called hw already but hw said no such thing and ji must confess her crime otherwise she will get more jail time.

hb says hw trusts hs so he will leave korea and what hw will do when hw returns and finds out the truth after a few years, hs says hw's feelings for ji aren't love and he only pities her, hb says what if hw still loves her when he is back, hs says he knows hw well and he won't, hb says so she hopes hs is right and she leaves, he says he is always right.

in jail ji recalls things:
hw said he would give the video to zhu, hb says hw wanted to exchange the video for  money because he wanted to go abroad with the big money.
ji wonders if hw really gave the video to zhu and where it is now.
she cries out she was wronged and she must get out to kid, she fainted and she is sent to hospital that jt mom stays.

jt asks the doctor to do anything to cure mom, doctor says he can only use drugs to slow down the disease, jt says he can't stand seeing mom getting worse mentally, mom wonders around, ji wakes up and ask for a call to kid, she tells kid she is fine and she loves her, jt finds mom disappear and he asks him man to find her, ji cries over phone how much she loves kid, mom sees ji and jt arrives and she says he must help meng sheng (ji) but ji has gone.

hb mom says the maid ignored her and didn't open the door for her sooner, maid says it's jt's order, mom says jt mom fainted and she is the master of the house now, she goes to jt mom's room and says soon she will have the room and jewelry, jt mom comes and gives her a string of pearl, she asks if jt mom is right mentally, she is out and jt's man tells her jt mom will stay at home because home is good for her than hospital, he tells her jt will be home soon and she runs out and says her life has reduced 10 years, jt mom wants to give her pearl, jt arrives and says she dares to have his mom's pearls, she says she won't and leaves.

jt asks his man to tell outsiders that mom is abroad to plan her paintings, maid tells the peter guy mom is abroad and he wonders why he can't contact her and he has to talk to her about an exhibition, mom arrives at the workshop and she can't recognize him, jt asks him to cover up her disease, he wonders what to do with the exhibition.

hb mom wonders if jt mom pretended she was sick, jmy's mom comes and asks for help for ji and says ji can't be in jail and hb mom tells her jand testified against ji.

hb tells jang she forgives her this time but she will be watching her act, jang thinks hb only has a fake hubby so not big deal, she goes to see hs and says hb mom sent her to give him a file and she gives him a tie and she wants to tie him up, he allows her and she says she wants to eat with him at night, he says hw will go abroad and he will go to see him.

hw recalls thing: hw said to save ji hw must promise he won't see ji or people around her, he asks his friend to tell ji's friend he has been abroad, ji friend wonders if hw really betrayed ji.

mom asks if jang really told lies against ji and curator told her, jang asys curator shouldn't have told mom, mom says jang can't do that and if she can't help ji she shouldn't make it worse by pushing ji down a cliff, jang says to save ji she will die too and she must be alive and after mom told ji about the video hb wanted her to die with ji, mom says so it's because of hb, jang says mom should leave the matter alone if she won't want her to go to jail like ji.

friend says hb was right and hw betrayed ji for money and he is abroad now, ji says she thought it wasn't true, friend says ji must talk to her lawyer, ji says the lawyer said to get less sentence she must confess and she doesn't know whom to trust and everyone seems to push her into a swamp, she cries for kid she can't stay in jail and how she can do.

hw friend says it seems both ji and her friend misunderstood hw so hw must go to them to explain, hw says he had promised to hs he won't see them and for ji to be saved he won't care about the misunderstanding, he goes to see kid and says he won't come to see her for a while and he hasn't finished reading her the prince story, jmy sees him leaving and wonders why hw came again, he says ji friend left kid alone so hw came to see her, friend says he lied because hw is abroad, he says but he just saw hw.

hb asks why ji asked her to see her, ji begs bh to save her and for kid she can't be jailed and she will do anything hb asks her to do, hb says "anything?", ji says yes and for kid she will, hb says so she will help ji and it's "the most thing I want you to do is to be in jail and vanish before me!", ji cries.

ji is in court, hb and her mom drink wine to celebrate, hw leaves korea, ji is sentenced for 2 years in jail, she cries over kid in jail.

already did. ;)

next ep: 2 years later. ;)

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I have said it once beore that everyone has underestimated hw and especially when he returns the poor dude was put in a position that he basically has to move heaven and earth to convince ji to trust him again. I hope the writer makes hw pay for his blond trust in his brother.

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I have said it once beore that everyone has underestimated hw and especially when he returns the poor dude was put in a position that he basically has to move heaven and earth to convince ji to trust him again. I hope the writer makes hw pay for his blond trust in his brother.

@triton823" Believe me when I tell you that azz wipe HS is going to pay dearly when my yeobo finish with him, because all of them devilish people's had really messed with the wrong guy.. They'll be begging for mercy [-O< when HW returns in which I'm also glad it's a 2 year time jump, So let the drama begins.

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Triton823 said: I have said it once beore that everyone has underestimated hw and especially when he returns the poor dude was put in a position that he basically has to move heaven and earth to convince ji to trust him again. I hope the writer makes hw pay for his blond trust in his brother.

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Triton823 said: valsava said: Triton823 said: I have said it once beore that everyone has underestimated hw and especially when he returns the poor dude was put in a position that he basically has to move heaven and earth to convince ji to trust him again. I hope the writer makes hw pay for his blond trust in his brother.

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That is exactly what will happen. HW will return after finishing his law degree and may settle in to work for the company doing what HS says for a time. Thinking all is well but, some how he will get wind of information or inquire about JI from someone and find out that she did the two years. ( It could be he sees her or runs into her on the street or one of her friends and he is snubbed by them and when he tries to ask what is going on they hit him with his not helping JI.)He will be in shock.  Whether he confronts HS about it or looks into it himself he will find out that HS betrayed and lied to him and left her in jail for a crime she did not commit. I can see HB gloating to him about the fact his brother set this whole thing up and made sure JI went to prison to keep her away from him.  JI will not want to deal with him at all if he tries to find and talk to her.  From the lie that HB told her about HW leaving her and going abroad not helping her making the misunderstanding wider as he did not know they did not use the video. The sad thing is they both should have thought that someone would try this and they should have both made sure it got to a totally different prosecutor but did not so this is how the 1st half of the drama ends. HS made a bad mistake in doing this to JI to keep HW away from her. This was what it was about. He got HW to do what he wanted but he wanted to make sure JI was away from HW so they could not be together and what better way then to keep her in jail for a crime she did not commit. She now has the stigma of being in prison on top of a single divorced mother. I wanna bet HW still has that video somewhere. It will show up later to clear JI of all those charges and Jail time on her record.

These actions will help his brother to turn on him as he realizes this is what HS planned from the beginning. It is a shame that JI had to be the victim to so many selfish people and she has done nothing wrong.  But again she needed to wake the hell up and stop trusting the very people that stabbed her in the back in the first place. Why continue talking to or dealing with the woman that stole your husband and forced your divorce!? WHY talk to the husband that cheated and showed you time and time again he sides with his mistress over you even coming to the Police station for her not YOU?! Why talk to the former MIL and SIL who knew he was cheating but did not tell you and blamed you for his having to cheat?! Why deal with so many greedy selfish people in the first place!!!! JI made her own mistakes in not protecting herself better against these people. You do not have to be a nasty person to know that some people do not mean you any good and look out for yourself and your kid better. Now for 2 years she has been away from her daughter in jail for something she did not do.

 In my opinion there were other ways for HS to get that company back but doing this was a way to get HB and her mother under his thumb but after all that has been done to JI all he did was build her up along with HB.  The crimes of these people are many... and they are getting this woman ready to come back after two years and show them. Let's hope this writer has JI being a smarter good girl this time around and not like most K-drama leads still too trusting or stupid until something else is done to them and then they start to fight back smarter and realize that none of those people mean her any good!.

In my opinion HS actions are now worse then whatever JT's father did in getting that house and company. I see him getting some hard lessons hopefully in the end. As for JMY's sister. I hope she is HS's mistress.. it serves her right to be used in that fashion. HS would never marry her. If he looked down on JI then he is surely looking down on a materialistic, easily bought twit who fashions herself in love with the man of the woman who stole her SIL's husband and would lie and put her innocent SIL in prison leaving her sick niece alone.  That shows the type of character she has and no man would want someone with such low morals or loyalty.

HS will realize too late that he lost something more important then that company and his revenge.. It will be the loss of his brother's trust and respect when HW finds out the truth of what he did. I am sure the writer put the story this way for HW to grow up more and remove his illusion of his brother as a helper to him and to harden a bit to life. This betrayal will hurt badly as I see HW realizing he thought his brother would do right by him and did not and by the horror that JI had to deal with prison for two years due to his brother, HB and her mother.

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Ultimately hs is going to see the fruits of his labor as momma would say....boy he won't like it one bit. Hw will have the tools at his disposal to do the right thing.
Ultimately i see hs if not dead i see him in prison. Hb yes shes going to die the typical kdrama death where everything is forgiven...jym well thats a defintely a deadman walking. Hb daughter is going to wind up in a special place with padded rooms you already see that one crack.
As for ji im not sure if she learned her lesson. I would have preferred her to learn who killed her mother and hb daughter attacked her daughter because she hasn't learned anything....now the girl from yellow boots...goodness ji could take lessons from that!

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Ultimately hs is going to see the fruits of his labor as momma would say....boy he won't like it one bit. Hw will have the tools at his disposal to do the right thing.

Ultimately i see hs if not dead i see him in prison. Hb yes shes going to die the typical kdrama death where everything is forgiven...jym well thats a defintely a deadman walking. Hb daughter is going to wind up in a special place with padded rooms you already see that one crack.

As for ji im not sure if she learned her lesson. I would have preferred her to learn who killed her mother and hb daughter attacked her daughter because she hasn't learned anything....now the girl from yellow boots...goodness ji could take lessons from that!

@triton823" I certainly agree about the girl from yellow boots did learn her lesson after doing time in prison, but came out to bring those who was vicious to their knees. and would like for JI to do the same by watching that drama and take all of their azz's down one by one.

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Ldy Gmerm said: But again she needed to wake the hell up and stop trusting the very people that stabbed her in the back in the first place. Why continue talking to or dealing with the woman that stole your husband and forced your divorce!? WHY talk to the husband that cheated and showed you time and time again he sides with his mistress over you even coming to the Police station for her not YOU?! Why talk to the former MIL and SIL who knew he was cheating but did not tell you and blamed you for his having to cheat?! Why deal with so many greedy selfish people in the first place!!!!

No truer words were spoken! I sure hope she has learned! That will only make the drama enjoyable if she did!!!

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The writer make HW character a brainless one,first before going to his brother like that he could at least see JI explain things to her,because the woman trusted things to him,he owns JI explanation to what happen to the video,he didn't do that,he didn't even try to see what he can do first to get JI release,this is man who claim to love this woman,his actions prove order wise,sorry to say,he is not born today, this is also why his brother said he only pity JI not love,he know that the dirty prosecutor denying   never receiving the video something has gone wrong,forgiveness is something I don't see happening  anytime soon,I put myself in JI shoes I am never going to trust a man like him again,or else I have no way to take my revenge but to use him by marry him and get back at his brother.Even now JI still can't take a revenge with empty hand's she need something,a partner who has money,is neither HW or JT,if it goes with JT you know, the writer never plan JI/HW  love story that is why the writer destroyed their relationship,if it goes with HW you know the writer really mean business for JI to be the stormy woman.and make the drama a good one not senseless one that will go dark with JT.

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To me Yellow Boot is not a good story,in that drama HW there totally betrayed the female lead,the worse crime was when he  married the stepsister to save the company,at the end he still did not  control of the company,it will be a very bad dream for this writer to take this drama that way,the revenge in yellow boot dose not make sense  neither and it ends in a senseless way,no romance,all story is about is fighting all the time,in the end the person who help her she did not return the thanks to him,but give it to the one that did nothing to save her.

I have like  HW character since he appeared in  you are so pretty I have always follow his drama,a counple of them,but when this writer portrays him in a bad way I just can't help myself but to say it.

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all i want is JI to come to her senses  i don't mind her being paired with JT at this point. HW has to work hard to prove his innocence which is not that easy  as JI is concered she is like a sink with an open drain what ever HW says runs straight out unless other wise he did the grand gesture  to prove it. i don't want  HB to die i want her in jail i don't know why people think death is punishment  in my opinion it is not it is a rest  she have to pay for what she did, that means suffering for a long time losing everything she holds dearly she have to be in tremendous pain to the point where she want to kill herself and can't do it  that is what i call it punishment  
as her HB daughter her life will be screwed up the way she did  it JI daughter and i can see her in mental institution 

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I agree JI will need a person of power and money to back her and It could be this is where JT's mother comes back into play. Perhaps like some of you have stated that she recovered but did not let on she did. When or if JI meets her the woman could tell her that she knows JI did not do the crime she went to jail for and that she is aware that JI was framed and sent to prison for two years for something she did not do. She could then work with JI to give her that money and backing she needs to build herself up to take on HB  and her mother who has visions of moving into that house if that woman dies.. LMAO.. it would be fitting for her to have been standing over that woman saying how it will only be a matter of time before she is living there in her place and the woman is fully cognitive and understood it all.

The very shameful thing is the woman put the little B*** under her registry instead of letting her be known as a child out of wedlock. Treated her better then she should have, and gave her slutty mother a position in the gallery when they did not have too. Instead they always want more then they should be grateful for. HB is resentful that JT's mother never accepted her fully as her daughter and in her mind treated her as such when she was lucky to have that woman be as nice to her and her mother as she was. She hated that JT never treated her as a real sister. Well again she should be happy he acknowledge her as such. Her mother has no shame that she slept with that woman's husband and had a child by him fully believing that she was suppose to move in and the 1st wife kicked out long ago if he had not died.. and that she rightfully belongs where that woman is now. Both of them want to FEEL legitimate in that rich world. Both are thieves , liars and cheats and they raised a daughter/granddaughter the same way. All very selfish and grasping.

I look forward to the little twit to start loosing her mind as she imagines that girl waking up and telling what she did to her. A nice padded room is in her future after charges are brought up and her life is in shambles no dance or music career for her! Lets just hope someone does not do anything to JI daughter before she fully recovers.

I have a question is JMY aware that JI did nothing wrong as well? Or did his sister keep that fact from him and he believed his ex wife could do such a thing? Because if he knew and did nothing as well while these people did this to her after his killing of her mother his price will be a steep one. So we have him cheating on her, divorcing her, killing her mother, keeping quiet about her frame up if he knows and being with the mother of the person who hurt his daughter.  His mind is going to be blown when all those truths come out.

I doubt that JI will find out about her mother or who hurt her child for another 20 episodes.. at least I hope she does then. She will need that motivation to make her stop trying to do things on her own and realize she will need help to pay those people back for what they have done to her and her kid.

MBC K-drama's have a tendency to have the person endure something like a frame and jail only to come out and still not get that the person that hates them the most and messed up their life is the one person they are still talking to and dealing with. Only when someone or something gives them a hint that that person is the cause of all their misery will they finally get smart and start collecting the evidence to try and catch the person and then they will have to have help from someone (with money and power) who no one suspects to get them up over that first hump. Secretly working with them to help them pay back the people that ruined her life.  But again we have to get to the point that JI is so mad that she realizes how stupid she has been.

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I'm hoping JI finds out what exactly happened slowly to add fuel to the fire of revenge. I agree, death is never an acceptable revenge. I'm never happy when they die!! Great points everyone!! JMY knowing? Not sure but HB has never minced words before and as long as JMY's mother knows; he knows.

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NewKDramaAddict said:

Ldy Gmerm

said: But again she needed to wake the hell up and stop trusting the very people that stabbed her in the back in the first place. Why continue talking to or dealing with the woman that stole your husband and forced your divorce!? WHY talk to the husband that cheated and showed you time and time again he sides with his mistress over you even coming to the Police station for her not YOU?! Why talk to the former MIL and SIL who knew he was cheating but did not tell you and blamed you for his having to cheat?! Why deal with so many greedy selfish people in the first place!!!!

No truer words were spoken! I sure hope she has learned! That will only make the drama enjoyable if she did!!!

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