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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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actually on the thing about JI still being in love with her ex...I think that boat has already gone. For JI it's not about getting him back...the cheating and the other stuff pretty much took care of that...generally it's a few episodes after the divorce that she wakes up, but in this drama JI hasn't been hung up on that jerk but focused more on her daughter and now with her mother's death...she's not worried nor care about the husband.

For JYM his suffering has begun...he killed his wife's mother....he's protecting the person who seriously injuried his own blood...right now JYM is doing the typical "You can't have my ex wife because she's a mother" BS. HW is making progress and JI is simply doing her role of the beanbag and taking the crap until a certain point.

Chingu , you are correct JI will fight her feelings for a long time. But at this point in her life she is not looking for someone. Her child is in the hospital and she need to make life for herself In case her daughter wakes up and she will have a home to go to. I think when her daughter dies

that will be another turning point for her and then JI's daughter's friend will tell her the secret that is when she seek revenge.

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Sarah Maurice-Laplanche said:

actually on the thing about JI still being in love with her ex...I think that boat has already gone. For JI it's not about getting him back...the cheating and the other stuff pretty much took care of that...generally it's a few episodes after the divorce that she wakes up, but in this drama JI hasn't been hung up on that jerk but focused more on her daughter and now with her mother's death...she's not worried nor care about the husband.

For JYM his suffering has begun...he killed his wife's mother....he's protecting the person who seriously injuried his own blood...right now JYM is doing the typical "You can't have my ex wife because she's a mother" BS. HW is making progress and JI is simply doing her role of the beanbag and taking the crap until a certain point.
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@Triton823 said***The storm that this is referring is to what both JYM and HB have both done...HB destroyed her happiness...JYM destroyed both JI Mother and his own daughter. JYM is going around JI again only out of the guilt that he himself have done and this will never ever leave him until the day he begs for forgiveness from JI.***

I WAS hoping for a JI who gets so pissed off she becomes brazen, throws all care to the wind, falls madly in love with HW, bravely moves into that house to terrorise her tormentor while laughing her head off!!! But I suppose That would be a completely differently character and another story. Gah, it's painful watching this JI for now anyway

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My thought on this is JI is just too sweet a lady. She knows JMY is scum but he is the father of her child. Right now that child is in the hospital barely able to move. For her it is all about that child and living her life in order to take care of herself and her kid.

I think on some level she has feelings for HW but it is so soon after everything that has happen to her, the affair, the divorce, her kid being hurt and her mother dying that she is in no place mentally to even see that on some level her feelings for HW have changed as well.  Then with the day to day drama from HB it is a wonder the woman is not in a corner somewhere strumming her lips babbling. She has much more to endure until she fights back sad to say.

She will try to keep a distance for the time being until she will not be able to resist and will have to admit she cares for him too. (Let's hope they tell one another as well when the time comes. ) 

As for JMY, well he will do what he does and that is being a butt hole to her and thinking he can still say who she can and can not see and reminding her about their daughter and her being his wife (they always do forgetting the divorce and that they cheated!) and he has the right to be possessive and dictate about her life. He will continue to protect HB letting her do things to JI not saying anything to help the woman looking mournful with guilt but really useless. Letting JI hate him more and more and just be glad she got away from him.  BUT the moment she finds out that he had an argument with their daughter after she found out about that affair right before she was hurt. HE can hang it up. Then about her mother (it will be almost at the end she finds out about her mother I bet) there is no way he can ever go back to her that bridge is burned she is only being respectful due to his being the kids father and he does not even come to see the child because he can't look her in the face either. The min he took a life he went on borrowed time and he will die (I hope at the end).

As for HS I am with some of you that he will see the situation with HW liking JI as a means to get HW into that company. He will use it as a way to sway his brother to help him all in the pretense of helping JI. I also think he will help her again over HB just to p i s s her off.

Lets just hit replay on the hug shall we!!! :)

Anyone know what HS saw or heard HB say in her bedroom below at the end of the preview?

Also why is HB so darn jealous of even JI speaking to her TJ's mother in the preview or anytime. Is it because she knows how much TJ's mother likes her and HB can't get that affection from her (some people are just a good judge of character!) and has been trying for years with no results? She is having a fit in the parking lot at seeing JI being cordial to the woman and talking to her.

**Video credit MBCdrama Channel on YouTube.
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The degree of obsession HB has with JI is off the charts. I wonder if the object is JI or if she would be equally As obsessed if JI was replaced with someone else? It is as if she is "the" woman scorned. The actress must be spending so much time being angry and irritable and doing all sorts of expressions with her face. Tough job. Anyway, back to the story. Watching HB is almost like watching a dog with its prey. The dog thinks he caught a rat, and keeps playing with the rat, all the while keeping a tight grip, just waiting for a moment of boredom to finish the kill. Only in HB's case, the rat is a sleeping tiger! @Ldy Gmerm I believe you, I just hope that our sweet Tiger finally wakes up. You won't be hearing me say poor dog, that's for sure

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most Korean daily drama has always been acting too kind,stupid,taking all abuse that is annoying,then finally wake up to take a revenge,playing too hard to get,at the end holding hands saying goodbye to the viewers.most western series I have watched the lead actress always accept love  even if they are seeking a revenge or struggling to make ends means,they recognize the right person,the right man in front of them and uses the love they receive to  help and better themselves,JI refuses love and support and waiting for the right time as usual per Korean drama story line is a waste of air time,still hope the writer will introduce early  love story  in this drama between JI /HW  and take it to the end.

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joyblack4 said: most Korean daily drama has always been acting too kind,stupid,taking all abuse that is annoying,then finally wake up to take a revenge,playing too hard to get,at the end holding hands saying goodbye to the viewers.most western series I have watched the lead actress always accept love  even if they are seeking a revenge or struggling to make ends means,they recognize the right person,the right man in front of them and uses the love they receive to  help and better themselves,JI refuses love and support and waiting for the right time as usual per Korean drama story line is a waste of air time,still hope the writer will introduce early  love story  in this drama between JI /HW  and take it to the end.

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I would really like to see this story take a different turn.. do no wait until episode 85 to show that JI and HW like one another and give us the romantic/sexual tension.  Do not wait until episode 95 for JI to wake up and realize HB is the cause of all her misery with her louse of an ex husband. Do not wait until episode 99 for JI to find out about who hurt her child and that her ex killed her mother.. also if there is a birth secret let JI or TJ's mother or even TJ find out about this early on..

Let's not do the same thing and let these two lead characters dance around one another for 50 episodes and then only hold hands in the end. Let's see a couple admit the attraction and the love/like and decide to stand together getting married to support one another while fighting the people that are causing them problems and misery.

I would rather see a female OTP get a brain and realize early on who is causing her so much misery and work to be smarter and fight smarter without having to endure 40 episodes of her being beaten down over and over before she gets a clue and starts to fight back and get a bit of revenge. There are plenty of episodes for HB to win some and JI as well.. normally we have 90% of the drama with the bad guys always winning, always knowing the secrets and the information they should not and the good guys totally clueless until episode 100. I know that we have to have the conflict to drive the story and make the heroine stronger but I just wished she got her lessons and her strength and drive early to be smarter and take on the baddy without being a complete idiot and being so trusting as the saying goes " fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!"

We know HW is heading to coming into that company because his hair is down now but it will be up and him in a suit as on the credits and poster. Hair and wardrobe changes mean time jump or situation changes. I see HB going too far with JI and HW going in to try and help and protect her.

Now, I would like to know what HS heard HB say at the end of that episode because even he seemed a bit stunned and she seemed worried when she turned around and saw he was standing there (did she say something about JMY killing JI's mom maybe or the kid hurting her daughter  or her trying to do something else to her kid to get JI out the way or her trying to ruin JI's budding career before it starts? and heard her. What did she say about either HW or JI that she is going to try and do now.

One of my thoughts is that the worst mistake that HB could ever make is for her to mess with HW. HS may be many things but he loves his brother and I do not see him letting anyone screw around with HW.  Let's hope this woman is not foolish to do anything to HW where HS could hear it because I feel HS will hang her out to dry  and make sure some of her plans fail.

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@Ldy Gmerm ... Thank you for your insight on HW and HS relationship. I have been noticing some facial expressions from HS to HW and it wasn't kind and then he was yelling at his wife for not telling him of his brother's imprisonment. HS is not to thrilled that his brother likes JI. Do you know why that is? He is not attracted to her but he is a bit puzzled by her?

joyblack4 said: most Korean daily drama has always been acting too kind,stupid,taking all abuse that is annoying,then finally wake up to take a revenge,playing too hard to get,at the end holding hands saying goodbye to the viewers.most western series I have watched the lead actress always accept love  even if they are seeking a revenge or struggling to make ends means,they recognize the right person,the right man in front of them and uses the love they receive to  help and better themselves,JI refuses love and support and waiting for the right time as usual per Korean drama story line is a waste of air time,still hope the writer will introduce early  love story  in this drama between JI /HW  and take it to the end.
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@joyblack4, I think it is difficult for writers to not employ the standard menu in the K-dailys because it seems popular--the trend etc.  Those without the typical clichés are the exception.  Incompetent police are a staple.  So are naïve, kind, doormat women. The average person who you and I might identify with is often a secondary character that is intended to fill the time space between the lead characters who, I must say, are often written to the extreme: Devil versus a Saint.  So this show is not doing anything differently.  What is interesting is the fact that we continue to watch these shows, albeit with a sense of mental fatigue, foreboding, disengagement, and perhaps in the hopes that the next writer will do something radical, something against the status quo because that would certainly re-engage the otherwise tired audience. This show had my attention in the first few episodes because the villain is written so radically: a woman who is married but so shamelessly has an affair with someone else's husband and expects the whole world to just accept and deal with it without any consequences to her! Jaw dropper.  But she does much much worse than that. I don't even know how they will sustain that level of extremism in depicting her character.  Its a hard show to really understand in that everything done is so extreme, I cant even identify with the story. And now, am about to drop it or just skip episodes, because quite frankly, I cant waste another precious 50 hours on this devil versus saint approach (even though I like you all good folks in the forum). I want an equally radical saint to counter the tormentor, I want competent police and thinking characters, I want an equally good and cunning male lead (how contradictory?) only am smart enough to realize its not going to happen--thanks to all the wisdom of the LEGENDS in this forum. This type of story telling--well there is nothing new, just different faces, same story. My mother says--Ack, child, just watch me, am enough drama and very diverse--am considering her offer

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zaabu said: @joyblack4, I think it is difficult for writers to not employ the standard menu in the K-dailys because it seems popular--the trend etc.  Those without the typical clichés are the exception.  Incompetent police are a staple.  So are naïve, kind, doormat women. The average person who you and I might identify with is often a secondary character that is intended to fill the time space between the lead characters who, I must say, are often written to the extreme: Devil versus a Saint.  So this show is not doing anything differently.  What is interesting is the fact that we continue to watch these shows, albeit with a sense of mental fatigue, foreboding, disengagement, and perhaps in the hopes that the next writer will do something radical, something against the status quo because that would certainly re-engage the otherwise tired audience. This show had my attention in the first few episodes because the villain is written so radically: a woman who is married but so shamelessly has an affair with someone else's husband and expects the whole world to just accept and deal with it without any consequences to her! Jaw dropper.  But she does much much worse than that. I don't even know how they will sustain that level of extremism in depicting her character.  Its a hard show to really understand in that everything done is so extreme, I cant even identify with the story. And now, am about to drop it or just skip episodes, because quite frankly, I cant waste another precious 50 hours on this devil versus saint approach (even though I like you all good folks in the forum). I want an equally radical saint to counter the tormentor, I want competent police and thinking characters, I want an equally good and cunning male lead (how contradictory?) only am smart enough to realize its not going to happen--thanks to all the wisdom of the LEGENDS in this forum. This type of story telling--well there is nothing new, just different faces, same story. My mother says--Ack, child, just watch me, am enough drama and very diverse--am considering her offer

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@zaabu for us legends and a few immortals we felt like you in the beginning. Just stay with it the drama will pick up in about 20 episodes....we are still in the next phase of the drama after the heroine loses everything to the intro of the new guy and the reconstruction of the heroines life. It will be during this phase where the good stuff starts to come together that ultimately will lead to the fall of the villian...its during the first 50 episodes its hard to stomach.

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@zaabu,  Love you for sating this.. :))     Well just come back after JI will start to take her stand which I plan on doing I do watch just to see if there is a new character being introduce to the picture but what this drama I think we got all the characters that's needed so watching one day a week is suffice for the tome being.. I find the thread more interesting then the drama it self 

Hey Chingu's it looks like we are all in agreement to skip some episodes until JI get's her stuff together. =)) =)) I don't like watching the Female lead get abused and taking it all like she deserve it. I need a fighter like HS from CS.

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Triton823 said: @zaabu for us legends and a few immortals we felt like you in the beginning. Just stay with it the drama will pick up in about 20 episodes....we are still in the next phase of the drama after the heroine loses everything to the intro of the new guy and the reconstruction of the heroines life. It will be during this phase where the good stuff starts to come together that ultimately will lead to the fall of the villian...its during the first 50 episodes its hard to stomach.

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zaabu said: @joyblack4, I think it is difficult for writers to not employ the standard menu in the K-dailys because it seems popular--the trend etc.  Those without the typical clichés are the exception.  Incompetent police are a staple.  So are naïve, kind, doormat women. The average person who you and I might identify with is often a secondary character that is intended to fill the time space between the lead characters who, I must say, are often written to the extreme: Devil versus a Saint.  So this show is not doing anything differently.  What is interesting is the fact that we continue to watch these shows, albeit with a sense of mental fatigue, foreboding, disengagement, and perhaps in the hopes that the next writer will do something radical, something against the status quo because that would certainly re-engage the otherwise tired audience. This show had my attention in the first few episodes because the villain is written so radically: a woman who is married but so shamelessly has an affair with someone else's husband and expects the whole world to just accept and deal with it without any consequences to her! Jaw dropper.  But she does much much worse than that. I don't even know how they will sustain that level of extremism in depicting her character.  Its a hard show to really understand in that everything done is so extreme, I cant even identify with the story. And now, am about to drop it or just skip episodes, because quite frankly, I cant waste another precious 50 hours on this devil versus saint approach (even though I like you all good folks in the forum). I want an equally radical saint to counter the tormentor, I want competent police and thinking characters, I want an equally good and cunning male lead (how contradictory?) only am smart enough to realize its not going to happen--thanks to all the wisdom of the LEGENDS in this forum. This type of story telling--well there is nothing new, just different faces, same story. My mother says--Ack, child, just watch me, am enough drama and very diverse--am considering her offer
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Sarah Maurice-Laplanche said:

zaabu said: @joyblack4, I think it is difficult for writers to not employ the standard menu in the K-dailys because it seems popular--the trend etc.  Those without the typical clichés are the exception.  Incompetent police are a staple.  So are naïve, kind, doormat women. The average person who you and I might identify with is often a secondary character that is intended to fill the time space between the lead characters who, I must say, are often written to the extreme: Devil versus a Saint.  So this show is not doing anything differently.  What is interesting is the fact that we continue to watch these shows, albeit with a sense of mental fatigue, foreboding, disengagement, and perhaps in the hopes that the next writer will do something radical, something against the status quo because that would certainly re-engage the otherwise tired audience. This show had my attention in the first few episodes because the villain is written so radically: a woman who is married but so shamelessly has an affair with someone else's husband and expects the whole world to just accept and deal with it without any consequences to her! Jaw dropper.  But she does much much worse than that. I don't even know how they will sustain that level of extremism in depicting her character.  Its a hard show to really understand in that everything done is so extreme, I cant even identify with the story. And now, am about to drop it or just skip episodes, because quite frankly, I cant waste another precious 50 hours on this devil versus saint approach (even though I like you all good folks in the forum). I want an equally radical saint to counter the tormentor, I want competent police and thinking characters, I want an equally good and cunning male lead (how contradictory?) only am smart enough to realize its not going to happen--thanks to all the wisdom of the LEGENDS in this forum. This type of story telling--well there is nothing new, just different faces, same story. My mother says--Ack, child, just watch me, am enough drama and very diverse--am considering her offer
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