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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Guest uctqepe

this scene must be shot very late at night of maybe early dawn, with no sleep whatsoever.. Look how red Puppy's eyes were  :-S :-S tumblr_njkhi9z2EF1qfakbgo4_r1_500.gif

@autumn93 OMG you're here! :)) =)) :P :-* 

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Me! me! Me! I'm here!


Not only that scene. When JCW was talking to Elder at the start of ep18 his eyes were also red and puffy. They were so sleep deprived at the last few weeks I'm really glad the whole filming was completed safely.

Re: styling

Looking at pix of JungSoo at the farewell party he sure looks like a teenager! But in e drama he seriously passed off as a mid 20s reporter.

*thumbs up* cordi-nim!

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Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone knows (and therefore could post) a video or link to the song at the very beginning of Ep.14, when Healer learns about Teacher's death. It has the words "Ave Maria" in it, so I am assuming it is a rendition of it. I have listened to the whole OST, and I don't believe it is on it, probably because it is an independent song. I would appreciate it if anyone knows of that song, and could either post a link to it, or a YT video of it. Thank you!
That song plays in the first 2mns (or so) of ep.14. Thanks again.

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said: Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone knows (and therefore could post) a video or link to the song at the very beginning of Ep.14, when Healer learns about Teacher's death. It has the words "Ave Maria" in it, so I am assuming it is a rendition of it. I have listened to the whole OST, and I don't believe it is on it, probably because it is an independent song. I would appreciate it if anyone knows of that song, and could either post a link to it, or a YT video of it. Thank you!

That song plays in the first 2mns (or so) of ep.14. Thanks again.

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Guest uctqepe

amvondo said: Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone knows (and therefore could post) a video or link to the song at the very beginning of Ep.14, when Healer learns about Teacher's death. It has the words "Ave Maria" in it, so I am assuming it is a rendition of it. I have listened to the whole OST, and I don't believe it is on it, probably because it is an independent song. I would appreciate it if anyone knows of that song, and could either post a link to it, or a YT video of it. Thank you!
That song plays in the first 2mns (or so) of ep.14. Thanks again.

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Haha great list of the drama cliches that Healer so effortlessly avoided. 

So excited for JCW's interviews for Healer. I wonder if any of the interviews will include all three leads. Maybe we can have a photoshoot with the three of them? Anything!?! ;( 

Seriously, I don't believe that JCW and PMY took pictures with almost every single person but not with each other. Can we have that selca as a Valentine's day gift please, @sos97? 

@OO1230 I knew something was adlibbed during that scene! Her reaction looked so natural. And JCW's little 'dimple' smile after getting poked was adorable! 

@jdnle I actually loved that little detail. He knew she wouldn't be able to see him, but still he wanted to dress his best for a date with his girl! :D 

Yeah that was the beginning of the end for him. There was no turning back now. She calls and he comes running.

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As promised - HIFP Blog ! Thank you for waiting so patiently :) I hope you guys like it. Open in the order given below as the blog generally posts the latest posts first and it might get confusing otherwise :)

1) Blog Introduction - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/introduction-to-healer-international.html
2) Submission 1 -  http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-introduction-letter.html
3) Submission 2 - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-teaser-video.html

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Guest uctqepe

sanika said: As promised - HIFP Blog ! Thank you for waiting so patiently :) I hope you guys like it. Open in the order given below as the blog generally posts the latest posts first and it might get confusing otherwise :)

1) Blog Introduction - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/introduction-to-healer-international.html
2) Submission 1 -  http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-introduction-letter.html
3) Submission 2 - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-teaser-video.html

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Idk if it's just me or the effect of the lighting, but I think Puppy had his hair dyed to dark brown?


It's a big deal to me ok. Everything about him is a big deal to me. :)) :)) :))


Great work on the blog, HIFP team! Sorry I haven't been much help. Been tied up with school. :((

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Guest lovekayla


No amnesia.

And no abandoned child-love interest characters who turned out to be siblings.

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Hi Healerites, i have not been posting but I have been lurking and reading every single page of this thread. Been busy with RL with Chinese New Year coming. Just wanna say thank you for all your awesome posts, for keeping the thread alive and kicking and making me feel that I am not crazy and alone in missing our Healer so much. This video below ( of JCW's collection of laughters) was posted before and it's the video I watch every morning eversince Healer ended.

Cr uploader

@Bambiina‌ , hope you are recovering well, my chinggu, I was wondering what happened to you and missed you. @sanika‌ , that HIFP teaser video is awesome ...you guys are really clever to release and share the project work bit by bit ....such a tease ! I will wait patiently. Thanks
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