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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Once again it was amazing to be part of healerities family here. Healer make all of us international fan become one on these thread..

SJN was amazing thinking about human society and translate to Healer it was proove her to become more good writer. And she had good feeling to choose JCW and PMY who has strong character meet on her drama become faith..

Try watch these it was colaboration 20 episode become one and make me more hooked and everlasting drama.. http://youtu.be/GCFP2YaqAWw

Omg!! Love the video!!! Thanks for this awesome vid!!!

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ruizaio said: The remainder of the Q&A of Writer SJNAlso, she gave me permission to publish my translations on the HIFP blog, so please do not post these anywhere else for now. You can post them with links to the new blog once it's up.

Q: Do you have any thoughts on working on Healer 2?A: Not even in my dreams at this time. My energy is totally depleted. Even playing video games is hard for me right now. (sobs)
Q: Did JH take Teacher's ashes to the South Pacific?A: If the ending had turned out to be after 1 year had passed as planned, of course he'd have made that trip by then. Along with his woman by his side. JH wouldn't be able to say much, but the woman by his side would be chattering nonstop as they scatter the ashes.
Q: When Det. Yoon asks MJ whether Healer is good for this world, MJ doesn't answer. I want to know your and MJ's thoughts on that.A: I think that one should be answered by the viewers of Healer. Now that you've watched all 20 episodes, is JH good for this world or bad? My thoughts are your thoughts.
Q: There were so many scenes of JH and YS holding hands. Did you have any special reasons for that? From your personal experience?A: Not to mention Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam or the contact between alien and earthlings in E.T.,Yes, I like holding hands. The contact, the connection, the warmth that spreads through the hand... things like that.MY always extends her two hands to hold the other person's hands.I think I miss that touch more and more as the cyber world takes over reality these days.
Think about it. When the day comes when androids prevail (although it already feels like 20% of the active people today are androids), you wouldn't be able to tell just by listening to someone talking whether they are real humans or whether they really mean what they're saying about me.My hope is that holding hands will help you there. ... I don't know what I'm saying.
Q: What heals you when you're having a hard time?A: Family!
Q: When you first started writing Healer, I wonder if there was a scene that you had in mind from the beginning, a scene you wanted to write the most. If not, which scene left the biggest impression after you finished writing Healer?A: Regarding the scene I wanted to write before I began writing? ...beating up president Hwang Jae Gook? LOL I wanted to write stuff like that every day, but I think I would have been reported for writing such a violent drama.The rooftop kiss scene at the ending of episode 8?The man breaking out of his shell and the woman accepting that man as he is without any regards to his status?(Sounds better than it really was... I wasn't sure how to describe this feeling at first, and I was glad to somewhat portray that with the kiss scene in episode 8.)The scene with the biggest impression after the writing was over... was what was also used as the ending of episode 19... the four of them ascending on an escalator. Regardless of which generation they belong, they were standing side by side to work on the same mission...!
Q: I want to know more about how this drama came about - any episodes or ideas that came up as you discussed with your assistants.A: At first they are all fragments. Various images... episodes... we just talk nonstop. Then the assistants write them down and organize them. Then we talk more on those. It's like matching the pieces of a puzzle of the story.Once the casting is complete, the characters are made to fit the actors, then we follow the imagery.For example, things changed a lot after YJT accepted the role of MH. There was going to be a hint of a love triangle between MH, JH, and YS. But we decided that MH portrayed by YJT was enough without that. (in response to a similar question, she added) YJT was an uncle enough to love and care for them without that kind of feelings.
Q: Did you originally plan a sad ending? If so, at about which episode did you switch to a happy ending?A: It was going to have a happy ending from the beginning. When JCW came to the studio for the first time, I told him the ending as I explained his character. We just kept that path. One death and a new beginning. Only... at the time, I was planning on taking my time with a proper ending. My first thought was for JH to fake a crash while on an aircraft. Sorry, JH.
Q: What happened to KMS and Sec Oh after they lost their leader, the Elder? A: KMS is admitted to a facility, and MY visits him once a week. MH might visit him once a month or so.Sec Oh still works for the farmers. Eww... I hate it.
Q: Looks like JH quit being Healer and became a reporter, what is MJ doing? Would you have considered MJ and Det. Yoon's romance if there had been more episodes?A: JH is not an ordinary reporter, but a freelancer specializing in digging up stuff, so he'll continue to work with MJ. I think he just won't make as much money as he used to... but MJ might think differently.As for the romance with Det. Yoon... Good luck, Det. Yoon!
Q: Did you intend the symbolic meanings in the character names? For example, I thought MY stood for a warm glow of this age and democracy, MS for the facade of capitalism that devours the media, and MH for the protection of media that doesn't yield to the control of money. I also wonder about how JH and Dae Yong met, and how DY and the delivery guys came to work for JH. A: I did see the dictionary reference about the meanings of some of the characters. I was very surprised. (in response to a similar question later) One or two of such meanings were intended, but the rest were decided by the general impression of the characters. (You can find a translation of the part about character names at the bottom of this post)
DY is the only person that really works for JH, but she has a lot of friends, so those delivery guys end up helping her a lot. At first, I had planned on featuring those delivery guys a lot, and spent the time to include a scene of what they do for fun, but because of the restraints on action scenes (budget and time T_T), we couldn't incorporate them a lot, which is really sad.
Q: MS seemed to have lost everything after MY left. Why did he think he was Gil Han when he was drunk? Did he want to become GH because of his jealousy or his yearning for MY's affection? Or did his guilty feeling after that incident cause him to deny himself? If so, he could just as well claim to be Joon Seok, but why specifically GH? A: MS could never forget GH. The only person MY loved. Someone who hadn't committed any crimes. Jealousy, envy, and guilt. I think the only way to get rid of all those was for him to become GH himself.
Q: Could you give an advice for people aspiring to become writers?A: First advice: don't become a writer! Second advice: Observe people a lot. There are many aspiring drama writers who only watch dramas a lot. I wish they'd be observing people... Listen to what they say and think about why they'd be acting that way... I think that's how you train yourself to become a writer. Reading books is the biggest help in figuring out what people think. Good books always contain what people think.Think. We spend so much time without thinking. Writers especially have to think a lot....is the advice coming from a writer who doesn't think much.
Q: How did YS know about Healer even before she met him?A: The reputation of Healer must have spread discretely somehow. That way he'd get clients who'd hire him.There's this guy called Healer, who only deals with top class information and is extravagantly expensive...Apparently, he's a special dealer of information in the world of politics and business... He doesn't just take any job just because of the money.If rumors like these went around, what reporter wouldn't want to meet him?
Q: How come people just believe that the dead person is somebody with a different name (PBS), face, and body build when the goons that worked for the Elder and were arrested all know that it was JH that died?A: This was an interesting part. Now there are two types of people who know JH. People who only know the picture on the wanted poster. You can take care of that by supposing that MJ deleted the video file and switched out the picture.Those who had actually seen JH... are those that JH will have to avoid as he works as a freelancer. This is why JH works as a freelancer and not an ordinary reporter that works in the office. How would he get away when he comes across people who know his face... maybe he'll just say with a straight face, "I hear that a lot. That I look a lot like someone." ...that would be thrilling.
Q: The scene where MY says in teary eyes, "Where are you, Min Joo (democracy)? I'm here!" made me cry. Did you have a specific intention with this scene?A: I really liked that part, too. I thought it might have been nice if she had been smiling there, too. Min Joo also somewhat symbolizes YS, so it can also mean that MY knows who YS is (although I know this is a flaw of mine to have so many things that only I am privy to)Or it can also mean that Min Joo is right here, she didn't go anywhere, but we'd been ignoring it this whole time...
Q: East or west?A: The instinct of going straight. No conflict! Always the first one!(If YS had asked, west or east? JH would have answered, west!)
Q: What is the meaning of MJ always knitting?A: MJ is supposed to be donating to a children's hospital. So she knits things to give to the children there or other orphanages. Also, when she's not working with JH, there's nothing else for her to do. Just spacing out in that space if she's not knitting. So knitting is her way of killing time.
Q: Towards the end of episode 20, YS is wearing glasses as she drives. I don't think it's for her eyesight. Is there a specific reason?A: Ah... haha. It's Healer glasses. And that would have required CG work, but because we didn't have time, I didn't say anything about that in the script. Just had her wearing glasses.
Q: When Gi Young Jae went to the hospital where MY was admitted, KMS tried to explain his excuse. Had YJ listend to that, what would have happened? When KMS was taken to the Elder, that might have been the only choice he could make in order to save his beloved MY, right? If KMS had chosen to go against the Elder, could MY have survived?A: KMS's excuses would have been a series of lies that even he himself couldn't really buy.Had KMS gone against the Elder, MY might have died. Instead of living like a human vegetable for decades. I don't know which one she would have liked better.Today we live in houses with good heating, with clothes, without starving... but do we become happier in proportion to the size of our houses?
Q: What kind of life would MY lead now?A: She got a job as the Writer of Editorials at Someday. She visits MS once a week.
Q: Does JH continue to live in his place or does he set up his honeymoon nest somewhere else?A: I vote he still lives in his place! But with better heating system! Honeymoon... lol... I'll call him and ask, did you guys go on a honeymoon trip?
Q: What kind of people is Sec Oh supposed to represent in today's society?A: I think there are a lot of people like that around today. In the Prosecutor's Office... the National Assembly... People who don't have their own opinions and have become mere voting machines or a dog... people who don't feel any guilt. Sec Oh's character was made to symbolize such people. Which is why... he's so hard to get rid of.

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Guest jinergizer

Hi all healerities...

I'm looking for Healer ost in episode 20 when Junghoo and Youngshin had a date on the rooftop (backhug scene). I would like to have that OST on my phone..but I don't know the title >< I hope someone here can help me. Thanks in advance! ^^

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cr: Mai Ahn Everlasting for uploading the whole album of Healer ost on youtube ^_^
it's around 19 seconds. That's the exact part of the song where they are on the rooftop with the back hug in ep 20. jinergizer said: Hi all healerities... I'm looking for Healer ost in episode 20 when Junghoo and Youngshin had a date on the rooftop (backhug scene). I would like to have that OST on my phone..but I don't know the title >< I hope someone here can help me. Thanks in advance! ^^
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Hi Healerites!
I'm done watching all 720p version and now i really want to watch Healer in 1080 version,any kind soul can give me the link/pm me for the download link for 1080p version?really really need you guys help.THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!

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I've searching for the opening credits of Healer for so long and yet I couldn't find it anywhere.
Finally, yesterday, I found it when I was downloading Healer in 1080.
I like opening credits but I hate it they're not included in the raws.

Healer OP is so cool and I really love it.
Here YT link. I think it was never shared in this forum.

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Wow. I think I need a rehab asap. I am switching between this thread and now have joined the ChangMin Shipper page too.

Am re-watching Healer from ep 1. After I know what SJN said, I feel more connected.

From all the kisses in the drama, my most favorite one was in episode 20. The last but one kiss. Where he is holding the camera. There is something about that kiss that seems so real. Its less than a second but damn its so hot and filled with love. And when they break apart the looks they exchanged..... AWESOME!!!

:x :x :x

Can I assume that kiss was the last scene they shot for Healer? Becos I heard the last scene was shot on the morning of the last episode airing. If they shoot a morning scene that involve JCW for the last scene, what other scene cud it be, since the kiss happen in the morning. I think the last kiss on the rooftop was shot earlier, when JH & YS went for a drive. So the camera kiss was shot on the morning of the day ep 20 wud air

So it make sense morning kiss looks different & more real becos they probably give their best emotional all, since its gonna be their last kiss #atleastonscreen# also hoping the kiss was an adlib by both [-O<

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ruizaio said: Q: Did JH take Teacher's ashes to the South Pacific?A: If the ending had turned out to be after 1 year had passed as planned, of course he'd have made that trip by then. Along with his woman by his side. JH wouldn't be able to say much, but the woman by his side would be chattering nonstop as they scatter the ashes.
LoL That is how exactly I imagine it would happened.. JH was all serious and YS just chatted around trying to cheer him up. Such love. <3

Q: I want to know more about how this drama came about - any episodes or ideas that came up as you discussed with your assistants.A: At first they are all fragments. Various images... episodes... we just talk nonstop. Then the assistants write them down and organize them. Then we talk more on those. It's like matching the pieces of a puzzle of the story.Once the casting is complete, the characters are made to fit the actors, then we follow the imagery.For example, things changed a lot after YJT accepted the role of MH. There was going to be a hint of a love triangle between MH, JH, and YS. But we decided that MH portrayed by YJT was enough without that. (in response to a similar question, she added) YJT was an uncle enough to love and care for them without that kind of feelings.

I was soooo afraid that where it went for MH, JH and YS.. MAn! Am I glad that it didn't go into that direction. I just could not imagine that MH, JH and YS were in a love triangle thing. Thou, for sure even if it did, JH and YS is FOREVER! It just that perhaps MH would not be in their life... huhuhuhu But seriously... MH being their Samchon was much better. I just love seeing the way he looks at JH and YS together.

Q: What happened to KMS and Sec Oh after they lost their leader, the Elder? A: KMS is admitted to a facility, and MY visits him once a week. MH might visit him once a month or so.Sec Oh still works for the farmers. Eww... I hate it.
Of all people I want to be dead or at least in prison was Sec OH! The thought he was still out there working for the farmer, creep the heck out of me. Hope JH and YS would never come across with him! BLEH!
Q: Could you give an advice for people aspiring to become writers?A: First advice: don't become a writer! Second advice: Observe people a lot. There are many aspiring drama writers who only watch dramas a lot. I wish they'd be observing people... Listen to what they say and think about why they'd be acting that way... I think that's how you train yourself to become a writer. Reading books is the biggest help in figuring out what people think. Good books always contain what people think.Think. We spend so much time without thinking. Writers especially have to think a lot....is the advice coming from a writer who doesn't think much.

Thank you for this! I have always wanted to be a writer. It just that I don't think I have good enough talent in it. And I do agree, by observing people, you can learn a lot of things. It one of the reason why it is easy for me to read people. It is useful when you are a teacher and know what your students are up to and feeling.

Q: How come people just believe that the dead person is somebody with a different name (PBS), face, and body build when the goons that worked for the Elder and were arrested all know that it was JH that died?A: This was an interesting part. Now there are two types of people who know JH. People who only know the picture on the wanted poster. You can take care of that by supposing that MJ deleted the video file and switched out the picture.Those who had actually seen JH... are those that JH will have to avoid as he works as a freelancer. This is why JH works as a freelancer and not an ordinary reporter that works in the office. How would he get away when he comes across people who know his face... maybe he'll just say with a straight face, "I hear that a lot. That I look a lot like someone." ...that would be thrilling.
SECOND SEASON OF HEALER! I would love to watch JH and the other Healer 2.0 bringing down the rest of the farmers! or at least some of the farmers.. lol If there is going to be Healer 2, I want it to be just like Healer 1. NO MAKJANG! lol No amnesia. No breaking up. No splitting up. Nothing like that. From episode 1 til it end, JH and YS would always be together but even if they are apart, they would still know that the other love them. Definitely not being apart due to NOBLE IDIOCY! lol
Q: What kind of life would MY lead now?A: She got a job as the Writer of Editorials at Someday. She visits MS once a week.

Glad to know that both MH and MY would visit MS. I hate MS but he is a pitiful character. He was just too weak but seriously, what would you do in his position when the one person that you love is being threaten? after you had lost everything? your best friends. I would never know what would I do if I was in his position? Fight? Join? or Run? I might just run. If I fight, those I love might get killed. If I join, I would lose my humanity. But if I run, not only I survive but the one I love would too. The only problem would be until when would you run? If it was me, run and plan then fight them! That would be good. Just like what MH did. Run, Plan and Fight! You would survive it or not, you would never know but at least you prepare for it.

Q: Does JH continue to live in his place or does he set up his honeymoon nest somewhere else?A: I vote he still lives in his place! But with better heating system! Honeymoon... lol... I'll call him and ask, did you guys go on a honeymoon trip?

I hope he is living with YS there.. Or perhaps he would live there until they got marry... lol So, it is good to assume they are not marry yet if he is still living there? I don't think Papa Chae would like it if YS lives there or even MH and MY. lol JH would need to find a proper and nice lair to raise their kids together. Wait... it is not a year yet right? So, it is okay he lives there but once you are marry JH (I hope it soon), do find another place.. hehehehe

Q: What kind of people is Sec Oh supposed to represent in today's society?A: I think there are a lot of people like that around today. In the Prosecutor's Office... the National Assembly... People who don't have their own opinions and have become mere voting machines or a dog... people who don't feel any guilt. Sec Oh's character was made to symbolize such people. Which is why... he's so hard to get rid of.

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Guest greencross

thankful the OSTs are on iTunes, kinda feeling guilty for watching this beautiful drama just for free i mean i love it so much and i cud watch it without paying i cudn't even help them with the ratings so when i saw the OSTs on iTunes i bought the album at least i paid something, even if that way i helped, currently Eternal Love is #6 in OST chart

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azzurri said: @mywebfoot.... I so agree with you, and can see the wisdom behind the writer's intention of leaving some things for our imaginations to finish off. And that's my problem, all these imaginary scenarios keep playing in my head, and if it gets too unbearable I will need to put them down just to make them stop. LOL So I really write FF for totally selfish reasons. ;)
Admittedly there are many questions left unanswered, many loopholes in narration, and even artistic licenses employed - still, the great thing about this show is that all those things don't weaken the overall quality, doesn't make us love it any less or even disappoint us in any way. As Javabeans wrote in her Ep 20 discussion, it wasn't a perfect drama, but it was a perfect viewing experience, which I so agree. I love what she said about how SJN created a universe of believable people, and we can imagine that they are real, and living their lives as we speak. Only that we were privileged enough to be given the opportunity of a tiny peek into a portion of the more exciting episodes in their lives. I can really get behind this, because they do seem real. Even though the things that happen may seem outlandish or even disproportionately over-dramatic, but then if you think again, there are many outlandish and over-dramatic things happening in real life as we speak. I guess what makes it real is the way they react to the dramatic - not in any illogical, nonsensical even 'noble idiotic' way, but in a way that makes sense to all of us, because we would be that way too if those things happen to us. 

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Hi girls, it's been awhile.

I'm still lurking around trying to think funny things and ended up crying bucketloads instead. Ah, healer-ya, how I miss you...

So, I wanna pose you guys a question. Feel free to answer:

Q- What do you miss most about Healer?

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