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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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there's a  demonstration at someday. but the staff concern about JH raiding someday searching for the recorder left. Dad cafe is new healer quarter. the staffs  were stunned by his behavior. All of them comment about his style, talk and things. 
Vid recording continue. he desribing how he feels when he met CYS the first time.
CYS, MH and ajuhma figuring out things from the usb they got. CYS asked why JH not there. Ajuhma said he's still waiting for something?
JH at rooftop singing. 
Det calling ajuhma.  there's problem with PDC case. they seem to cant find the culprit and the vid of JH confession being sent to police. Det asked what are they connection. CYS heard all of it. he said he need to do plan b. ajuhma tell him CYS been listening. CYS said if it can't be helped they can ran together. 
thug? watching  cafe.
MH brings Myunghee there.  She cook for her. she found young CYS pictures and cry. Dad came in. (I ROOT FOR THEM) I actually not sure she knew or not. Dad showing CYS pictures. 

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ahjuma's new place is CYS dad's cafe....

KMH and CMH arrives...I guess KMH already told CMH about CYS real identity....she's crying

CYS dad and CMH talking at his office...looking at old photo albums of CYS, CMH looks so happy, CYS watching both her parents crying while narrating( I don't understand)

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sorry I step away for awhile.

CYS crying while SJH listen to her on the roof. not answering her. 
Ahjumma sees two guys outside the coffeebay through the cctv cameras
-------------------the photo is nice, too pretty. our youngshin is pretty.myunghee look at the photos with tears.
CYS: I think I look like mumI told you when I am afraid, I dont talk.Where are you Jung hoo alone.
SJH in car, opening a parcel from overseas.

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WHy, show?! WHy are you doing this to me! This slow heartbrea, this long goodbye. YS asking JH for them to run away alone! MY FEELS! He is the most important person in the world for her! SHe could live without her family but not without him but of course he doesn'T say anything.T7vbrZL.jpgIoBxmGI.jpg

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Guest tomoyo1010

ahjumma looking at cctv...car is coming.
its KMH and CMH. looks like CMH knows CYS is OJA. the three cry.
CMH made something for CYS.
they're at papa chae office. CMH looking at OJA, papa chae and the mother picture.
papa chae enter. CMH greet him and CMH cry. they talk. i wonder if these two will have feelings later. papa chae seem shy but happy.lol...
ahjumma can get together with det yoon or ahjussi..lol...
papa chae show albums to CMH. CYS looks at them in tears.
SJH open a box and there's 2 hp.
SJH at KMH office.
KMH is drunk and talking to someone (invisible). he's imagining he's talking to SJS. is he crazy.
he saw SJH and said JS adel has come.

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