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[Drama 2014] My Lovely Girl 내겐 너무 사랑스러운 그녀


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I consider HW as a juggler/joungler who has so many balls above his head and doesn't know how to deal with all of it... he must be nice to HY, according to SJ and his own father, then consider SW's career, HW's father, his father's dirty secrets, ANA, SN, his secret (SE as girlfriend), DB and finally JY's dirty tricks and threads, No wonder, he is feeling dizzy and desperate. HY's  pushing was the final blow....
I admire SN for her persistence, she became really hurt in the second half of the episode, SW could cheer her up... Thankfully, SW was there for her. I enjoy SW's scenes because even if he is in love with her, he doesn't impose himself. He is already happy, when he sees her... He has become more mature and his decision to sing a song from SN was a big move and a good sign that he has changed. Through SN's support and honest chats, he has become more stronger and he looks more self-confident.
I watched the episode raw... and it wasn't that sad... only the last 30 minutes... when SN became more and more less confident and started to doubt HW and was hurt by his comments... but I don't know what he said.
There is an advantage watching an episode raw ... I can enjoy watching Rain's and Crystal's acting. Both are so great!

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"My Lovely Girl", Krystal finds out who Rain really is




On the ninth episode of the SBS drama "My Lovely Girl", Lee Hyeon-wook (Rain) was nervous that Yoon Sena (Krystal) would find out about him.

Si-woo (L) got hurt on his debut stage and ANA was in panic. Sena was caught on camera when she visited him at the hospital and a scandal broke out. Sin Hae-yoon (Cha Ye-ryeon) tried to drive her out of ANA.

Sin Hae-yoon told Lee Hyeon-wook about Si-woo and Sena's scandal and explained why she needed to be driven out. Lee Hyeon-wook remained calm and answered that there had to be something else and that they weren't that close.

Sin Hae-yoon said, "How do you know? Because Sena likes you? You can't do that. She's Yoon So-eun's (Lee Si-ah) sister". Lee Hyeon-wook was shocked that she knew and asked if she had told Sena.

Lee Hyeon-wook used to date Sena's sister So-eun who'd passed away. He was trying to take care of her sister Sena, but he fell in love with her instead. Sin Hae-yoon said, "Are you afraid that she may find out and not like you anymore?"

Lee Hyeon-wook got up to find Sena who was standing outside his office. She was walking back slowly and Lee Hyeon-wook's worst fear had come true.

Source : www.newsen.com/news_v...

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OMG! it's a bit late in my country and I have to get up early tomorrow but I couldn't stop watching ep 10. my heart was about to stop, especially at the scene of SN's last front door scene. I thought that she would die because of love&broken heart, and I swear I also sobbed while she was making her last speech to HW. the other heart breaking part was HW crying scene, I cannot stand seeing men cry, especially if he cries for love :D
I'd mentioned that I've never been able to love  Cha Ye-Run (Shin Hae Yoon) as an actress and now I figured out why. she always accepts the irritating second lead woman role and it's really normal to feel like that. today she made a really big mistake that I literally hated her! no matter how drunk she was, her telling to truth to devil CEO was a huge mistake. she screwed it up.
till today, I always wished that SN could be divided into 2 for the 2 men but for the first time I wanted SN to be with SW. the more I know SW and the more I watch his acting, the more I ship for him. he's so cute and  also very naive about his feelings. I've watched him in Master's sun for the first time but couldn't notice how handsome he was. he has a really really beautiful face and I love his way of talking and also his voice is so cool (noona tribal :P )
anyway, today's ending  was really exciting and I don't know how I can wait for the next week. this week I feel myself really tired because of ep 9&10 so I hope they will make us a bit relaxed and relieved next week by the old cute, funny ajusshi scenes. 
I wish everyone have a nice weekend XO XO

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Really like this drama and while the writing is fairly good I think I like it more because of the 2 main leads, and today L's SW. I really appreciated the acting from Rain and Krystal- I think they both did such a fantastic job showing the emotional and physical heartbreak HW and SN were going through. But it should be enough for a while...Now is he going to tell her or still keep it a secret? Since everyone is telling him it is impossible for him to be with her, I'm not sure he will.He also said "I don't care" and went after her (wasn't it nice to see him run to her?), so the option is there to throw caution to the wind and just come out and tell her-- but he probably will not in fear yet of what she'd do. But what will his explanation be to her for treating her like a yo-yo?How I wish to be surprised and he just tell her already! ;)
SW seems to be growing up and his scenes brought some relief from the heaviness of the rest of the show. I am tentatively looking forward to what is coming up for him- hoping he does not react in the same way HY has once he learns about SN and HW. I am not thinking he will - he honored SN's wishes to be left alone for a while and didn't force himself on her; and it seems to be like he said, "I just like her" and he's not really expecting too much.

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Guest fossilgirl

finished watching ep 10 with subs.. and frankly, i really understand everyone's concern with Sena and HW's realationship.. its just so hard to imagine being with someone whose dead sister you used to date. even i most probably would walk away from such a relationship.. so freaking complicated.. but i guess that is what the story is about.. how they get over that problem and live happily ever after.. there are just too many tangled webs they have to manage in this one .. Shiwoo is the only character that lightens things for me.. i really don't know how much more angst i can take.. since Sena still doesn't know the truth, i am bracing myself for more sadness.. can't help feeling it would be a lot less complicated if Sena just ends up with Shiwoo, who adores her and HW just finds someone not related to Eunso.. lol. then everyone is happy and well..why must everything be so complicated in kdramaland?!

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I dont want SW to become love-sick-puppy once he learned about SN and HW relationship .............He better stays the way he is right now and not to turn into typical 2nd lead.....If Sena intent to stick with HW,she with must make herself clear to SW and dont give hope to him. I find it weird that  Sena cant sense that SW is harboring some romantic feeling for her....

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The battle continues for the #1 title among Wed-Thurs dramas, who came out on top?

Oct. 16, 2014

Among the diverse options for dramas to choose from as the week starts to close,'My Spring Day' remained the go-to drama on Wednesday and Thursday nights!

According to AGB Nielsen Media Research, MBC's 'My Spring Day' achieved a 8.5% viewer rating on Thursday which is a 0.1% decrease from its previous viewer rating of 8.6% on Wednesday.

SBS' 'My Lovely Girl' rose 1.2% from a 5.7% viewer rating on Wednesday to a 6.9% viewer rating on Thursday, securing second place. KBS 2TV's 'Iron Man' also rose 0.2% from a 4.1% viewer rating on Wednesday to a 4.3% viewer rating on Thursday, but it is still struggling to raise its average.

Which Wed-Thurs drama have you been catching up with?


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I know this episode is pretty much emotional, but isn't this supposed to be actually melodrama? :)>-

I don't know why but my heart just weeps for SN especially for this risk taking actions by HW. SN is the kind of heroine we don't usually see in dramas. (or maybe I'm blinded by her LMAO sorry in advance) She's bold and able to talk about her feelings with HW and with anyone else. She is sensitive to SW's condition but has that kdrama girl's sickness ignoring the second lead's attention.

I can still grasp the writer's motives and will never judge the way the story flows to. We're in the 10th episode and instead of SN knowing the truth from HY, something else will make her realize it soon (maybe next week or who knows when). It will be more heartbreaking and nerve wrecking for her once the relationship with HW becomes a lot deeper.

Everything just falls into its rightful place- HY being awfully rejected so many times (when will she ever understand? let me bang you head on the wall), JY getting closer to HY(why not drag her into his company too and both play as the super villains in the story), SW finally maturing into someone concerned with his career, SN grabbing an opportunity as a songwriter...well, everyone except HW. As much as SN will suffer later on, he's the one struggling with his feelings all this time, and how's his earworm condition? When will he finally be able to move on and heal his own wounds? I thought the drama is about healing and such, but why are they not yet healed yet in more than half of the episodes?

SW shines in every episode (bias aside). Thanks to the writer, he's the one shifting the whole complicated mood into something refreshing, or maybe giving hope to both SN and the company. I just don't want to see him cry later on because that would be the most heartbreaking episode. Like, what if he finally succeeds with SN but then realizes that he's nothing for her. *let me get a hold of myself*

Overall, even with all the dramas, I can still smile and say that it still has something MORE and INTERESTING stuffs in store for us. Writer-nim, just don't make the leads suffer so much, ok? Someone give them a miracle asap.

6 episodes to go....Oh my, I can't bear doing the countdown!  :((

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Guest tyty6_7

This episode is heartbreaking. I was watching it without sub at work during my lunch break. I cried when seeing HW crying in front of SJ and my coworker asked me if I was OK.lol. Rain is amazing in this scene. His acting skill really improved a lot. I am proud of him, as a fan.
As a rookie actress, Krystal did a good job to portray a heart broken Sena too.
Can not wait for the next episode. Like some of you, I just wish they could give us some extra episodes...already feel bad when thinking about the day this drama will end.. 

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Screenshot2014-10-16at104432PM_zps8ee385MLG is going to kill me soon with the emotional baggage it carries. It also steals my ability to be critical in any aspect whatsoever. It's bad enough that I'm so ridiculously invested, but it just manages to crucify my heart with how much Hyunwook and Sena love each other. I can't say I loved this episode, but I also can't say I didn't. I'm yet to read everyone's comments so I'm not sure if you guys hated the noble idiocy that ensued, but I saw it coming from the preview and it played exactly how I wanted it to and ended exactly as I was expecting. With Hyunwook giving in.

See, my main reason for understanding Hyunwook's plight to the T is that he's carrying a whole lot of guilt but also so much love. That he wouldn't be this hurt and he wouldn't hurt her as much if he didn't love her with such depth and realness. He would never revert back to the dreadful life he lived for the past three years or allow her to be crying in a bar alone and not comfort her if he didn't love her with such fierceness. It is because he loves her that he has allowed himself to be the jerk, the guy who pushes her away so brutally. The guy who breaks her heart.

He knows it will never be good if she finds out the truth about Soeun. That it would crush her heart the deeper she involves herself with him, so he does everything in his power to save her from that pain. It's brutal and painful to watch, but I wanted him to try and save her from the truth - at least once. I wanted him to think about what was good for her like he always has, and while we all obviously see this from Sena's point of view, in Hyunwook's opinion, this was the right way to go. I'm very glad they showed this arc of his character, the selfless lover who'd push himself to the brink in order to save her. No one can ever accuse him of not trying because he gave it everything, and for that I'm proud of his love and what its worth was to him.

Sena continues to climb my most-awesome-kdrama-heroine ranks. She's honest and willing to let herself be fall apart in front of him in the hopes that he'd come to hold her together. Its moving and emotional and it killed me to see her so lost, life-less and ill. It was her sincerity that got to Hyunwook eventually. It was her unflinching ability to just slam his mistakes on his face and her pained eyes that really shook Hyunwook's resolve. Its Sena again who saves Hyunwook from an almost lifetime of misery he was ready to inflicted on himself.

I loved the last 10 minutes of this episode more than any other moment thus far in the whole drama. It was a tipping point for everyone, but particularly for Hyunwook who was already looking down a cliff and yet being continually pushed to the point of breaking down. Its gutwrenching to see his long time friends treat him like he has no right to feel pain. When he screams for Sungjin to just understand him for once, I think I shed a tear. Sungjin has been a great moral support by being there for him when he needs someone to talk to. But he's also someone who doesn't understand Hyunwook at all. I wish he could read the guys' eyes and understand the pain he's going through. I know he loves Haeyoon as a friend, but he forgets that Hyunwook is also his friend. Its upsetting so I hope they redeem his character from here on.

I think I may have been crying happy tears when Hyunwook went to chase Sena. The sureness was palpable, and so was the resolute. I'm proud of him for winning against himself and fighting for their love. I've always believed Sena loves Hyunwook a little more than he does, but today proved they're both in it deep. They have many mountains to climb from here on but as long as they have each other's hands, they'll pull through everything.

I hope Sena finds out next week about Soeun. With everything Hyunwook did to push her away, she'll definitely understand why he did what he did, and maybe she'll doubt who he sees in her, but she'll be there for him through it all. We have six episodes left, I hope the writers will focus on Hyunwook's journey to writing songs again and Sena's hand in that eventual path. I'm excited for whats to come and I feel like I may have lost all my critical bones when watching this drama, but right now, it does no wrong in my eyes.

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Wooooh, that was long! Lol, I just wanted to add (but not extend my previous thesis paper, :)) ) that Rain just killed it today. He's always been more powerful and commanding with quieter moments (both in emotions and comedy) and today he was just fantastic. I think this drama has been a little simple for him as an actor but the past few episodes has tested his abilities. He always comes out with flying colours and I was moved to tears on more than one occasion today.

Everyone is holding their own more or less in this drama. A lot of credit goes to the actors but also the PD who's done a pretty darn fantastic job of shooting MLG with such gorgeousness and emotional beat. The live-shoot hasn't changed any of the aesthetics so I'm extremely pleased! 

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Guest JamesFrancoPhD

Long time Soompi lurker here, just had to come out of the cave I was hiding in to comment on this weeks two episodes. Originally I was planning on commenting next week when hopefully everything is out in the open and finally some healing for our two main leads can begin in full force, but week-long wait be damned, I can't wait that long to share some thoughts about the show so far.

I'd like to preface this rant/review or whatever it falls under by saying, I came into watching this show not having watched a single K-Drama since 2010-2011, so aside from Rain and Krystal I honestly had no idea about who the other stars were, so if I come off as a bit biased towards a particular pairing, forgive me. Anyways, onto thoughts on the show.

For the most part when it comes to K-Dramas, I cringe at cliche's, be it the rich spoiled brat, the loner with a hint of danger, the lonely rich kid, the naive female lead etc. etc. and whilst this drama in particular does take some notes from an array of those cliche's, they do it in a way that doesn't make me cringe.

HyunWook for example, wealthy and good-looking, unlike male leads in other dramas who share similar traits, HyunWook, albeit his father is the CEO of a company, HyunWook landed in his position by his own merit (talent) and just doesn't live off of the family wealth, sounds perfect does he not ? Far from it, his petty jealousy, indecisiveness and overall willingness to give into his 'friends' warnings make him feel so real as opposed to some male leads I've watched in the past that had me thinking 'there's no way in hell a person like this exists'.

The same goes for SeNa, whilst bits and pieces of her play into some cliche characters, something that stood out to me most and what looks like to all of you in the thread having read all the comments, is that unlike other female leads, she isn't one to shy away from her emotions. She may not recognize what they are right away, but when she does, she acts on it in the blink of an eye, for example when she was out on the street drinking with her two roomies after the news was broken to her that her song was rejected, the moment JooHong confirmed for her that HyunWook made her heartbeat she went straight running to HyunWook's place. I can't express enough how refreshing it is to have a female lead who isn't so caught up in this and that, the theatrics, the gestures, but rather the small moments like time spent together, the chats.

Onto them as a couple, whilst I completely understand peoples reservations about them falling in love with each other being weird because of the dead sister, I'm not of the same motion. HyunWook upon learning about SeNa's struggles, came into the picture with the intention of just being a helping-hand, I highly doubt he came in with thoughts of making SeNa a SoEun replacement, he just wanted to help someone out who he felt he had wronged, little did he know he'd end up falling for SeNa's charm and appeal. And vice versa, SeNa doesn't know that HyunWook is her sisters ex, so she isn't carrying that stigma, that baggage around like HyunWook is, so she's free to fall in love, so she started falling for the Handsome man with a dog who she had met at a hotel, a man who took care of her debt, saved her from a car accident, provided her a job and a ton of other small gestures, I'd find it hard not to develop feelings for someone who'd go through all that for me.

I just hope that when the truth is finally out there, she'd recognize all the signs about why HyunWook has been so indecisive and distant. And also recognize that unlike her, he's the one who had to be shouldering the burden of falling in love with an ex's sister. Which leads me onto the two episodes of this week. As much as I love the 'falling in love' stages which happen in the first half of the drama, I have to say that I'm really enjoying how they're finally bringing us into the nitty and gritty part of it all. I have to commend Rain on his improvement in acting, I have to say, as a guy, seeing another guy cry is always uncomfortable, but damn it, I'd be lying if I said he didn't shake me for a bit when he lost it in E10. It was about damn time man, though I hoped the secret would have come out this week so we don't have to deal with episodes of more drama down the road (we only have 6 episodes left :( and I honestly want a few happy ones), but still, thank God HyunWook finally lost it and decided to screw it all and act on his feelings and run after SeNa. My hope for next week is that SeNa just doesn't give in right away and makes HyunWook explain as to what changed his mind, make him squirm a bit by expressing his feelings for her a bit more, lol ... I may be a bit of a sadist, haha, but that's totally irrelevant.

Anyways, I have so much more irrelevant things to say, like how I find it cute that they have Krystal always wearing high platform shoes or heels just to make up for the high difference a little bit, but I feel as if I've written an essay, so I'll stop now.

Just like to thank everyone in the thread for their awesome posts as well, its really made my return to watching K-Drama's so much more enjoyable and couldn't be anymore happier with my choice of choosing this show for it.

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I thought I'd try something new tonight. Live recapping my reactions! Let's see how this works . . . To (hopefully) avoid being an annoyance, I'll put it behind a spoiler tag.

- Oh nice, HY. I see what you did there. LIE about HW having seen the picture. Tsk. Have you no shame? No wonder SN took a step back, poor thing.

- Aw, look how disappointed and upset HW is as he walks away from SN. I can sense his frustration; how impotent he must be feeling. Poor thing, but just remember, HW! In Kdramaland, there is no gain without pain. ;)

- Ooh, SN confronts HW about his feelings outside his house. Nice! This is what I love about her. She's no wilting flower and she's going to get right down to the bottom of things. Too bad for her, HW is going to revert to the age old Kdrama act like a major jerk thing - for her sake, of course. Just tell her the truth,

HW! It'll be less painful for you both. I know you don't think that way, but think of it as pulling teeth. After the initial shock of pain, there will be relief.

- SW, you're breaking my heart. And HW, don't you see how your desire to hide the truth is making you go about doing everything incorrectly? Be honest, be free!

- Hm. Sounds like SY really is just bitter over losing the company. He probably just hates always coming in second to HW and the company turnover to HW was the last straw. Ah well, it was still fun to speculate that maybe he was a half brother. (Maybe I should go into drama writing, kekeke.)

- I knew HW wouldn't be able to resist helping SN out in the background. But you know how you can really help her, HW???? I know, I know, you don't want to hear it.

- Oh noes! Don't be unnerved, SN. HY forced her way into helping to pick up Dalbongie. She means nothing to him - the dog or his owner.

- Argh. This is another thing I dislike about HY; the way she tries to organize HW's life. Like what, if he moves that will help him get over SN? It's not like his feelings are as shallow as yours, sweetie.

- What? No piggy backing drunk SN home from the bar? Drats! But fine, I guess we got some tears and longing stares instead.

- Nice. SN turning down the job because she's got her pride. Good for her. And just in time, SW has an offer for her too. He's killing me with his nerves. Why you gotta be do adorable in this episode, SW?

- Man, as much as I am a HW fan, even I must admit that where he falters this ep, SW really steps up. I love how he's all taking charge with getting SN back as his songwriter. (Although I can't resist whispering anyway that this is why he should have listened to HW from the beginning.)

- Nice. I love the way SN tells HY off with her cool headed logic, and omo. I think even SW has caught on to the president's crush.

- "Just stay out of my sight" -- oof. That hurt even me.

- SN's friend is really sweet. I'm so glad she has her.

- Aw, you tell him SN!! You let him know how he's making you sick!!! :(

- Oh dear. Don't misunderstand! He had to let HY into his house!!

- "You can't control my heart." - yes! Finally! He's telling HY what she's needed to hear all along.

- Omomomomo, I know I've been hard on HW about needing to come clean but seeing him break down in tears, feeling helpless and in pain . . . Now I just want to give him a giant hug.

- Okay, random comment: but I feel like I have seen this bar in so many other dramas.

- Seeing HY and SY together always makes me nervous.

- Holy crap!!!!!! Why did she tell him the secret???? Of all the persons to be in the know, SY is NOT one of them.

- Oooh, a confession at the ending. But now where will they go from here if he won't open up about his past???

Sigh. What an episode. What a rollercoaster of emotions. Don't know if I will live recap my impressions again; it took me longer than expected. But this was fun. So many times I have thoughts when watching, but then I forget them later when I'm posting. At least this way I got to capture all those initial reactions. Hope you all enjoy them.

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