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[Drama 2014-2015] Cheongdam-dong Scandal 청담동 스캔들 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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@Ldy_Gmerm Thanks for recap and vids. 

Sorry to hear you're down with the flu bug. Do get well soon

I agree, it's high time WSJ and BSH leave EHS alone to move on with her life, and find happiness after all that she's been put through. And I also blame WSJ for putting EHS into the evil household of KBH. If WSJ can let EHS marry into a rich household and hide herself all those years hoping her 'daughter' can get a better life, she should have done the right thing in reuniting EHS with her bio mom, CSR. 
And am loving NJN and LJN more too. Back to catching up with ep 113...

To ALL CS Chingus & Fans...image

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Thanks Guys, I am BACK!! *Waving*...

So I found out what the drama is that is following this one and created a thread but not sure if I will watch.. as of yet..

"Title: 황홀한 이웃 / Enchanting Neighbor


Gong Soo Rae (Yoon Son Ha) only love her husband, Seo Bong Gook (Yoon Hee Suk) since she met him in her teen-ages. She then learns that her husband is having an affair with Choi Yi Kyung (Park Tam Hee). Park Chan Woo (Seo Do Young) plays a man who supports her."

Ok back to BSH and the rest.. @jadecloud that is exactly it.  WSJ and BSH both are the reason that things have turned out this way. He was a bit naive and egotistical concerning his mother and well WSJ was just selfish in my opinion. The moment she took that baby she stopped being crazy and became a thief of someone else child that she raised as her own and did not want to give back. Both would continued to covet someone that was not a possession but a person and neither put that persons feelings before their own selfish feelings and needs.

It is just too bad because now that HS is gone they want her back and they are so sorry.. Well why be sorry now? Why not think about the possibility of your actions hurting the person you say you care so much about. Thinking about what would happen when or if HS found out about the things they did. Neither did that and tried to hide things from HS until she found out all she needed on her own (making it so much worse this way.)  and acted on it.  So this is the price to pay. Watching her from a distance go on with her life and interact with other people who do think of her and her needs and feelings.( i.e. JSJ and CSR.) WSJ does not want to loose this daughter she stole and BSH does not want to loose the wife he could not protect and did not even know well. Because if he knew his wife he would never have done the things he had and lost her.

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Ldy Gmerm...touch'e.  Can't say it any better.  A part of me felt sorry for BSH because I believe that he really did love HS but was blinded and controlled by his mother and unfortunately was too weak to stand up against her until it was too late. Everything he is dong now is not because he was told by HS that he needed to do it INSTEAD of simply doing it because it was the right thing to do.  A day late and a dollar short.....

As for WSJ, well she was just a crazy selfish individual that truly thought that she would never get caught for the horrible things that she did. 

I'm hoping that this is not going to be an open ended drama...really dislike that type of endings....

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That is my take as well on BSH.. He should have done the right thing the moment he found out the truth that HS was CSR's kid.  He should have done something more to stop his mother way before it became a situation that his brother lost his life.  As you stated going about doing things just because it is the right thing to do and he owes it to her to do that and not ask for anything or expect anything from her in return. (meaning a reconciliation.)  But he did not and now he mopes and looks at pictures of her moaning in his mind about how much he loves her, misses her and does not want to let her go.

If you loved her when you asked her to marry you, how could you still be carrying on an affair? If you knew her how could you not tell her you had a problem conceiving and that you may not want children? Did you think she would leave you if you had a problem? HS was never like that and he knew that.. He broke that trust she had and this is why they are where they are today... his mother was only a footnote in his own issues that he caused.

Your statement is so very correct "A day late and a dollar Short."

If WSJ ever had good intentions to give that child back to her mother she would have done it years ago. She stole it, claimed it and meant to keep her. That is why she fell in with KBH. Because there could be no way after finding out what that woman did to your daughter and then tried to do with the AI that you would make a deal with her for anything unless you were being stupid, crazy or both and did not want to let go what did not belong to you in the first place.  I still see she is not really sorry for what she did. She took the times CSR should have had as a mother to HS away.

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I kind of cheated regarding to watching this drama. I've been reading recaps from time to time since episode 60 or 70. I started at episode 90 and watched to 114. I feel like watching it from episode 1. I was chocked how good this daily was. Doesn't drag on with things too long. No pushover female lead. The lead also has a brain compared to most.

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Lunkera said: I kind of cheated regarding to watching this drama. I've been reading recaps from time to time since episode 60 or 70. I started at episode 90 and watched to 114. I feel like watching it from episode 1. I was chocked how good this daily was. Doesn't drag on with things too long. No pushover female lead. The lead also has a brain compared to most.

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ep 113

sr asks ldh to rise her head and asks why she cries, ldh says sorry, sr says she have lived like a half dead body and she won't forgive ldh for her a few drops of tears and a word of sorry, ldh says she is ready for any punishment from sr, sr says so she wishes time can turn back to 30 years ago to get back her kid, she cries ldh must go to die and ldh must have lived a good life even though she had stolen her child, hs arrives and stops her from shaking ldh, sr says ldh can't go to die and she must live in pain until die.

sr is back to her office and cries continues, she says she only wanted ldh to die and she couldn't forgive her because she has taken her life for being with hs for 30 years, she says she thought it was her fault when she knew yi was someone's mistress and yi destroyed other's family and she thought if she lived with yi yi couldn't grow up like that, she says but looking at hs she thinks ldj raised up hs well so she must leave a life to ldh even thought she can't forgive her.

ljn tells bh sh will hold an urgent shareholders meeting about bh's dismissal, bh runs to sh and says he must be crazy for stabbing her in back, he says it's for putting off the public cry and it's just a show and they can find a man they can manipulate to do the boss job for the company, he says she must give out her shares too, she says she rather dies to give up her shares, he says it's just a show and they will have a foundation and their shares will go there and the public will think they have given up their shares and jobs on the company so they won't control the company so the public will leave them alone and they must success with their china plan.

news on tv about bh gave up her job and shares, silly couple says so she wasn't dismissed but she resigned and she even gave up her shares, jang says anyway it's a good christmas gift.

bh says after the show the public cry will be gone and she asks ljn if any news about jennifer, ljn says no a bit and bh wonders why.

jang recalls things and says hs was hurt because she knew her mom was the kidnapper.

yi returns the money to sr and says if she escaped with money then she couldn't come back again, she says jang told her to change to a warm person and she asks sr if there is a way for her to be forgiven, sr says yi should live well and if she no longer feels sorry for her life then she can come back to he and she will be her supporter, yi asks sr return the scarf to jang and says it made her feel warm.

dad says so yi left, jn says yi should knelt down before left, dad says jn made mistakes also, jn says dad likes to point out her fault, sr says the old jn is back, dad asks when hs moves in the house, sr says they can't allow bh know it, dad says he likes to step on bh at once, sr says bh made hs suffered a lot and she can't allow bh to get away so easily and she will make bh suffer a lot before hs is back, dad says jn can't make trouble for hs if hs is back, jn says she can't because hs is above her.

hs meets sh, she asks what if bh knows his real aim, he says he won't need her reminder and he already felt horrible for what he did to his mom and the company is like her life, he says but he will think he has done a good thing to mom since he has stopped mom from getting more damage, he says he will leave after it's over and why he can't let her go even though he has been damaged physically and mentally so much and he wishes someone can tell him what to do, he says he won't ask for how to make her to stay with him and he just wants to know how to give up on her and he really wants to know how.

hs says she always had gifts from sj and not another way around, sj says he wants to have a gift from her too and he wants to have her hand the most.

sh recalls happy life with hs.

hs tells jang how she met sj and it's a bike accident, jang says it's her fate to bring her to jang family, hs says she liked jang from the beginning, jang says but everyone fears her because she is like a tiger, hs says she came to jang for any trouble she had and she wanted to stay with jang, jang wonders if hs wanted to tell her about fake mom.

ljn tells bh their trick worked and the public cry is going, bh goes to see hs and asks if hs is disappointed about it because the public cy is getting cold and hs's so-called truth will be covered up again and she wins, hb says be careful and it isn't over yet, bh says it's over and another company would die under such public cry and her company stands because it has her and it can't be destroyed by hs, hs says she will remember what bh said and bh will be hurt by her own words, bh says hs must think she is scared of her and will ask for forgiveness from her, bh gets a call from ljn saying a big thing happened.

ljn tells bh the companies who work with them are leaving, bh says why since the public cry is disappearing, ljn says someone must be working on it because those companies got better contracts with someone, bh asks ljn to find out who, ljn asks about the money for china plan, bh says the invest money will come in a week and ljn should focus on china plan because it will make the company bigger than jb group, ljn says she will and she leave, bh calls sr, sr says jennifer is with her right now and she will meet bb tomorrow, bh says she will talk about china plan with jennifer and she asks what she likes because she wants to give her a little gift, sr says simple things like cookies will be fine, bh says she looks forward to seeing jennifer very much, the jennifer is hs , hs says she likes to know if bh will says "i looked forward to seeing you" to her tomorrow.

sr: i am disappointed hs still calls her fake mom "mom".
ljn: this is a list of companies who will stop doing business with us.
bh: what? aren't they all companies who work with us?
sh: a big thing happened.
bh: what is it?
sh: nobody wants to be chairman of tbs.
bh: you can't win over me, you are cracking eggs to stones.
hs: so allow me to crack just for once.
bh: really, haven't you had a clear mind?
sr: you should have a clear mind instead.
bh: sr?

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