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[Drama 2014] Cuckoo Nest 뻐꾸기 둥지 (KBS2)

Bayu Pratama

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Finally got to watch the episode(World cup prevented me from doing so :D)!
In the preview, is HY really having dinner with YH's husband? I wonder if this is a dream or he really is cheating on his wife. It seems like he doesn't get any with his wife because of the son because he seemed really frustrated. He might be up to his old games again. Lol!

HY is filled with so much hate that she will only succeed in destroying herself in the end. She obviously spent the last six years seething and planning how to carry out her revenge. The person who will be hurt the most in the ensuing mess will be the child. Somehow I don't see the boy being alive at the end of the drama.

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suchadiva42 said: My assumption is how in the world HY know that YH killed her brother was she their (hell no) so what make her say those thing unless she has proof and I'm also thinking and keep saying her ploy is not only wanting revenge on YH but her EX as well.. A sick minded woman..

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@Bayu Pratama  Please Please Please DONT post links to other sites in the thread....you can get this thread penalized or even shut down. If someone needs links send it in a private message. Also use the spoiler tags when trying to post a larger number of images (which by the way none work or are showing), that way space and page load time will not be affected.
I mean really how many images is that? 30+ 40+   You took up the whole page for that post and none of the images even load.    SMH (shaking my head).
Anyway....Another week has begun and the best part of that is the fact that subs will start either today or tomorrow WOOHOO!  Can't wait to see what we have been missing in translation lol. And we get to see little miss Cuckoo put her plan into action and fall deeper into madness. 

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Good Morning Everyone.
That Hy is really nuts she is really out to seduce him and he's trying to figure out were he knows her from.. And his Aunt knows who she is she out to get Yh.. I don't know why the boy working at her father company haven't given her the heads up on the looney at least make Yh aware..  
I see now my BP is going to go through the roof and MIL wants her to stop working because the little boy broke and ornament in the house and cut his foot.. What was the other adults doing in the house when he was playing with the shyt.. 
I just think MIL want her home to keep her company..LOL  

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@kdramafan469,  Hello Sunshine,
So the subs will be out this week were on Yt.. I think I'll wait til at least 10 ep or sub of cuckoo nest and the watch.. Is the live link working fine for you.. Was that supposed to be and interview that Hy had with Yh hubby.. She is really after him fat azz in that skimpy swimming suit.. 

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@valsava Good Monday morning to you and everyone else also :-)   Nah the link works when it wants too....I tried it the day you sent and it was fine, but after that it didnt work. Tried again last night...came on, worked for about 25min then shut down :-((  hasnt begun working again yet. I havent watched todays ep yet...but on my way.

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Also did MIL get Hy mom a job in the housekeeping department at her company or is she working at Yh father's company this is nothing but trouble once she finds out all these people is connected and placing the children with the rightful parent.. She's going to talk big time shyt and money is going to be flying in her hands left and right.. 

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@valsava  I doubt very much MIL had anything to do with HY mom working there. She already gave them 50k plus paid for HY to go study abroad. Once that baby was born she probably hasn't seen hide nor hair of them since then.....but since this is another writer that doesn't seem to want the audience to know what really going on who the hells knows if MIL got HY mother the  job or not. I do know that the aunt didn't seem to know HY uncle or even who hired him. She was introduced to him by other staff members. Now was his name always Micheal or did he change it too?

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I also believe that the mil isn't going to give HY another dime which down the line she's going to want more watch and see in order to keep her identity sealed, I've seen too many drama so far with the blackmailing in (give me want I want and I'll go away) yeah right ending up asking for more because to me A PERSON THAT LOVES MONEY CAN'T NEVER GET ENOUGH ;)

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See we were missing a whole lot of information by not having anyone who spoke or understood korean. From ep.1 it seems that BG (Yh hubby) is the last male heir in his family. If YH is infertile the family money will go to other relatives. That woman who was making a scene at the memorial wanted them to adopt her grandson. The MIL said you just want us to adopt him so you can get our wealth, but the woman said she knows that YH had uterine cancer and is infertile. The old man said they needed to clear it up right there and asked if the rumors of YH being infertile were true. MIL said they lies and rumors and that YH and BG would have kids. MIL was so intent on relatives not getting what she and her family had built up that she said she would even use a concubine.  So now we know why MIL was so darn crazy about anyone finding out or seeing YH without that fake baby belly on. 

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Good Morning Everyone,
Hy is hell bent on destroying everything.. She's going to seduce Yh hubby this girl to be all friendly with Yh and stab her in the back and it seems that she has been doing her wifey duties with hubby.. But Yh hubby aunt knows Grace Lee ois Hy..  
Yh hubby has slept with so many girls he trying hard to remember where he knows her from.. But it seems like tomorrow Hy tells him who she is.. I'm wondering will she get pregnant again and Halmoni still want accept her because of her family background.. 

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@valsava Good Morning .....  From what I gathered he didn't really dump her. After they had sex he said he said he had to leave and go meet up with his mother and then they (him and his mom ) were going to dinner.  YH crazy azz was like why don't I join you..I can meet your mom and then we can all go out to dinner. (Who does that?!?!?!)  He was like no..ain't happening. He said when they meet up next he was going to take her shopping and buy her that branded bag she wanted and she was all like didn't you say you loved me, and he was like yeah I love you when I'm with you but then I return to the reality of the situation. She kept going on about but you sang that love song once remember, and he was like yeah and? Why are you so caught up on love why can't we continue to be casual with each other? So basically she did herself in because he wasn't trying to dump her, he just thought they were messing around but she was the one who took it to mean more. Again I say she went after him from the get go but got it twisted.
Again HY has some serious mental issues that predate her brother's death, her relationship with BG was case in point. HY is just as money hungry as her mom is, she just goes about it in a different way. After she saw him the first time at the restaurant as she was walking home she blamed him for the life she was living, saying, "if only you had been in love with me I could be living near the pretty lights". And something about he was to blame that she was still poor and living in the slums. CRAZY! I TELL YOU! Maybe if she had kept her mouth shut kept seeing him like he wanted her to she could have made him fall in love with her, or at least gotten pregnant and trapped him. But it was her decision more or less to break up with him because she hadn't succeeded in making him love her...just like it was her decision to go after him after he was introduced as being educated and having money. 

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OUCH:  That had to hurt BG told her I love you when I'm with you but once I leave you it's back to reality.. What's up with those Korean actress sleeping with men for designers bags they feel it wrong to ask for the money I think getting a handbag makes you look like a cheap richard simmons the rather high paid h o o k e r .. Just think who would go around saying a person is a h o o k e r  if they paying for it..

I don't like this idea she getting chummy with Yh this is Halmoni fault for not letting them know who the surrogate mother was... 
She is out to seduce and destroy that marriage thinking she will be married into the family but her plan will backfire when Yh decides not to leave her husband after he has cheated on her.. I see Yh finding out about her daughter and see Hy with that family or connected to it and realize she had planned to do all of this.. You are right she should have trap him into a marriage even though I don't like the idea but it would have been better for everyone concerns..    

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I'm glad the subs is out so we can get a better understanding of what were watching"

HY has her mind on hurting YH because of her brothers death, but really is doing for herself as well along with wanting to live the famous lifestyle in which she thought YH hubby was going to love and be with her but got the shock of her life by him leaving her azz..

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So the mil didnt believe aunt when she said HY was Grace Lee, so she doubted herself. Then that bsc HY told the aunt yeah it's me, but you better call me Grace Lee and threatened her. I hope aunt got enough sense in her head to go back and tell MIL that it is indeed HY and she is crazier than ever.

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Guest linakyon

Finally the husband will recognize that Grace Lee is HY. Good thing, I was getting annoyed hearing him muttering where he had met her before orz
But seriously what will be her revenge plan? What seems more likely is destroying YH's marriage.And that won't be too hard since YH's hubby seems upset lately, seeing that his wife has a job and is feeling jealous of his son.

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kdramafan469 said: So the mil didnt believe aunt when she said HY was Grace Lee, so she doubted herself. Then that bsc HY told the aunt yeah it's me, but you better call me Grace Lee and threatened her. I hope aunt got enough sense in her head to go back and tell MIL that it is indeed HY and she is crazier than ever.

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