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[Drama 2014] Naeil's Cantabile 내일도 칸타빌레

Guest adikkeluangman

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I can't believe it's over!  The very end made it seem as though we might get a special episode? maybe it's just me in denial of it being the end lol. The vienna part was so gorgeous! I think group 8 always does a good job cinematically. The scene where YJ and NI are on that stone wall thing, the background is almost like a picture it's so beautiful. I feel like it was an ad for tourism for Vienna bc it' so pretty, it defenitly made me want to visit there one day. The cathedral they filmed was so pretty! wah i wanna go to vienna now! someone buy me a plane ticket? 
 Anyways, onto the drama. It was kinda weird seeing nae il act a little crazy around vienna and then go back to Korea to her...mature self? I guess bc at the time they filmed Shim Eun Kyung was still getting used to her character and how to play it. I loved the way she portrayed nae il from beginning to end. She was child like at first, but as time went on she matured and grew up as a musician and person. The same thing goes with Yoo jin. He went from being someone who kept everything to himself and no friends, to being warm and putting nae il before everything. UGHH the scene that really touched me was when he was wtching her perform in Vienna and there was a flashback to all their moments together and he said "if that morning didn't happen, where would we be now?" and i the montage was just perfect. 
I LOVE THIS DRAMA SO MUCH I'LL REWATCH IT OVRAND OVER UNTIL MY EYES BLEED. I'M GOING TO MISS EVERYONE HERE (well it's not like i wont go on the thread anymore lol) AND ORABULGE/ORABUTT! Im gonna have to watch Gaksital to get my helping of the butt lol. Thank you to all the recappers who did an awesome job and meme makes and fanfic writer and my fellow orabulge perverts hehe! Everyone here made the drama more enjoyable than it already. Yay! 

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Guest adikkeluangman

‘Naeil’s Cantabile’ Cast Members Play Around and Hug Each Other Before Final Shoot
Naeil’s Cantabile released a set of behind-the-scene photos from the last day of filming. 
On December 2, KBS 2TV’s Naeil’s Cantabile released a set of photos featuring the members of RS orchestra on the last day of filming. 
The cast and orchestra members who gathered on the drama set on December 1 couldn’t hide their excitement upon seeing each other, although they saw each other’s faces almost everyday. With the final shoot about to begin, they expressed their sadness on soon parting with the staff and cast members, who they’ve become attached to. 

The last shoot involved the cast members, Joo Won, Shim Eun Kyung, Ko Kyung Pyo, Park Bo Gum, Jang Se Hyun and Min Do Hee, playing Mozart piano concerto no. 21 with the orchestra members.
Before the shoot began, the actors and actresses took photos with the orchestra and staff members, who worked hard together for the past several months. Joo Won, Shim Eun Kyung, Ko Kyung Pyo, Park Bo Gum, Min Do Hee and Jang Se Hyun, who became close friends in real life, started playing around with each other, filling the drama site with laugher. Joo Won left the pictures of what will soon become good memories on his cellphone.
Joo Won said, “The cast and staff members worked really hard and I don’t think I will be able to forget,” and Shim Eun Kyung shared, “I still don’t feel like it’s over. I feel stunned and sad but I’m happy that I was able to work with good people.”
The last shoot of Naeil’s Cantabile, which was filled with more laughter than ever, will air on December 2. 
-----Joo Won Gifts ‘Naeil’s Cantabile’ Staff Members with Down Jackets
Joo Won prepared special gifts for the staff members of Naeil’s Cantabile, creating a warm atmosphere to the drama set.
Acting as ‘Cha Yoo Jin’ in Naeil’s Cantabile, who is an aspiring world-renowned conductor, Joo Won gifted the staff members, who have been working hard throughout the nights in the cold weather, with down jackets from the outdoor brand ‘Mountia,’ which he is modeling for.
On December 2, the production company released a group picture of Joo Won and the staff members. As the lead actor in the drama, Joo Won has been spending busy days filming more scenes than anyone else and practicing playing the piano and conducting for his role.

The set of Naeil’s Cantabile was reportedly filled with warmth until the last day of filming thanks to Joo Won, who is well known for taking good care of the staff members and his respectful attitude.
An affiliate of the drama shared, “I’m always proud to see Joo Won, who never shows signs of tiredness on the set, despite carrying out his busy schedules of going back and forth between practicing and filming. I’m thankful towards him for acting with a more sincere attitude than anyone else and encouraging the staff members with his warm words until the last shoot.”
Meanwhile, Naeil’s Cantabile will air the final episode on December 2 at 10 p.m. (KST)
-----′Naeil′s Cantabile′ Ends with Lots of Lessons to Be Learn
After beginning with much hype, KBS′ Naeil′s Cantabile unfortunately hit several rough patches before concluding its series on Tuesday night. 
Naeil′s Cantabile began with 8.5 percent on October 13 and ended with 4.9 percent on November 2. 
The drama began as almost an exact replica of the popular Japanese manga and drama series Nodame Cantabile with a few Korean twists, that actually had viewers turning their heads. Criticism was brought to the Korean version in story and even acting, making the production company change the direction of the drama into something completely different than what viewers were used to from the original series. 

The change wasn′t all that successful as the drama decided to focus on a random love triangle, rather than focusing on the drama′s main theme, classical music. Sorry to say, the drama never went back to the ratings it saw in its first episode. 
If anything could be taken from this drama, it would be lessons of what should and shouldn′t be done when making a remake of a different country′s drama, especially with a brilliant cast in its hands.
Tues, December 2, 2014
1. MBC Pride and Prejudice 10.3→11.1 2. SBS Secret Door 6.1→5.4 3. KBS Naeil′s Cantabile 4.8→4.9 
Ouch, that is harsh. Well, just because the rating is low, the reporter said like this. Few drama remakes that also add some changes also got low rating.

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I have given up on how Korean viewers think and what they like or dislike. I can say that we are living in an increasingly globalised world and viewers all over the globe have tuned into this drama. I think we (in this thread) have shown our love for the drama and support for the actors and actresses regarding their hard work. 
This drama has given much international exposure to names like Shim Eun Kyung, Park Bo Gum, Go Kyung Pyo and Min Do Hee. Joo Won is already internationally known :) 
I have yet to watch the last two episodes, but I will be settling in tonight to watch these episodes, screencap like mad and keep them in my treasure trove of memories about this great drama.
So....when is the Director's Cut coming out? :P
And because I miss him... :))tumblr_nftfcbD7Np1tsrfhco1_500_zpsrzw8uamw.gif cr:dramaaddict101

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I've just watched the last episode. I still don't want to say goodbye.
I don't really care what the ratings say too. This series had a really good storyline that didn't want to betray itself by following what's popular in the eyes of the Korean TV-viewing public. THAT'S OKAY!
When is the director's cut going to be released?!
And the series ended with the plot following the beginnings of Nae Il's growth as a pianist. Will we see Yoo Jin's growth as a conductor too? I WILL VOTE FOR A SPECIAL TO BE MADE WHERE WE WILL GET TO SEE YOO JIN'S GROWTH TOO! He didn't get to meet Vieira, and he didn't get to meet Stresemann in Europe, and travel with him! He hadn't had a chance to conduct one of the world's orchestras!
And.. and... we must see scenes where Yoo Jin and Nae Il will live in a house near the little church. :\"> The character of Yoo Jin is a little more direct than Chiaki - he said that they will live together! Ohhhhhhh~! :\"> That IS saying a lot, and is providing much fodder for our imaginations. fufufufufu~ :D

EDIT: Just read the review for Episode 16 at dramabeans. The writer was right - I also wish that there would be more scenes of Yoo Jin with Nae Il's family or even scenes where Yoo Jin gets on a plane with Nae Il. I didn't mind the return of Orabang Nae Il as much though. Yes, the character of Nae Il has grown into a mature, young lady as the series progresses, but it's heartwarming to see Nae Il being free and happy with her Yoo Jin. The last few episodes before the finale have shown Nae Il to be rather sombre, and mellow. It's actually refreshing to see her excitement with the sights, sounds, food and Yoo Jin take over her character again. She is in Europe on her own with her Yoo Jin after all! Any girl would be absolutely ecstatic. :D 
P.S. I completely understand Nae Il's love for Mozartkugeln. They really are delicious!

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Article from enews24.
주원, '내일도 칸타빌레' 종영소감 "'함께'의 소중함 느꼈다" (Joo Won's Thoughts at the finale of 'Tomorrow Cantabile' - The Importance of 'Togetherness' is Felt.)


And we also have superman Cha Yoo Jin making an appearance in the article.

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I haven't visited this thread in ages! Woah Cantabile Tomorrow has finally ended and I honestly don't know what to feel  :(( I can't watch another Korean drama right now or probably ever. I even decided to drop/not start watching Pinocchio because I never want to replace the warm and fuzzy feeling Cantabile Tomorrow has given me. 
However though, I have to agree with javabeans of Dramabeans and some other people that the ending was a bit of a let down. I didn't mind that there was no kiss. I'm quite used to it because of some of the romance anime I have seen (pointing at you Vision of Escaflowne and Princess Tutu). The only problem for me was some of the scenes in Salzburg. Nae-il for me has over come her childish and has become a bit mature. I do feel she would have practice even without the ring as a consolation. And well, Yoo-jin would have problem done something else (like joked about it or scoff at the idea like what he did when he was about to give the ring before the fountain went off) when Nae-il wanted a victory kiss than run away like he hated the idea of it.  Cause we all know he wanted to kiss her on episode 15.
Episode 15 was such a great episode that  some parts in episode 16  felt like a step back from all the development our lead characters have gone through especially in their relationship. I know it would be to much to ask to do something different with the Salzburg scenes since they already filmed them way before the series premiered. It would had been a waste of money and footage. Though I love how they are finally an official couple and Yoo-jin doesn't deny it. He pretty much indirectly proposed to her *squeals!!!* (Plus point though to the last final scene where Yoo-jin and Nae-il finally performed together. Can't help but squeal over the piano concerto.)

tumblr_nfnl0tTTqx1tieqlmo7_250.gif tumblr_nfnl0tTTqx1tieqlmo8_250.gif
(source) Nevertheless, Cantabile Tomorrow is still one of my favorite dramas/series (counting Japanese and American) of all time. This is not like how How I Met Your Mother's finale ruined the entire series for me. No, it's beyond that. Despite my disappointment in the finale, despite their struggle at the beginning, Cantabile has given such a wonderful story. They manage to transition in such an amazing way when as JB puts "once it decided to be its own drama"Cantabile decided to go with an adaptation that didn't care if they would be totally different from Nodame Cantabile. It still had some of the elements of the original but once they found the right formula and groove, it became wonderful. I have seen a couple of Korean dramas that have struggled with the negative criticism and end up failing miserably when they try to tweak it. This show manage to be build a good story and strong characters with both their leads and the side characters. It had the right amount of angst/drama, comedy, and everything else. It felt real,warm, and sweet. tumblr_neze83NwHp1r36b7po7_500.jpg
It was also a beautiful drama to watch. I love the cinematographer and the director for the amazing shots of landscapes, placement and movement of camera, and the wonderful angles. 
Overall, thank you for everything to the lovely cast, crew, writer, director. . . to everyone for such a wonderful treat. I don't want this show to end. I want it to continue. Even just a 30-minute special, will do :D Thank you also for everyone in this thread for all the support in the drama. It was nice reading all of your positive comments and opinions when a lot of people wanted to drop this at the very beginning. It gave me hope that there plenty of people who saw the good in this show. It's nice to see that now, a lot see the gem that is Cantabile Tomorrow. Definitely the most underrated Korean drama of 2014.
Thank you also for taking your time in reading my review. Till the next drama. tumblr_luyvxb9Wtz1qi6zcb.gif

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@ecs707a and @honeywell re rings: I think one is a couple ring and one is an engagement ring? Maybe it means that they just decided to date + engaged + married at the same time. Or they have been dating/engaged all these time and he wants to make it official and combine the two to one? I"m confused - he should just drop down and proposed <3

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Guest chatieee

To conclude all of the emotions and say a final goodbye.

The drama was a breath of fresh air – something that was really warm to me during this autumn. I actually loved it from the beginning till the very end, but I do feel dissapointed with few things.

We have got two Nae Il in the final. Through that we’ve got the chance to actaully see (what I wrote already) how different the directions were at the beginning. The first episodes wanted to go more with the comedy – in this comedy we saw clearly the childish and immature Nae Il.  I liked the first episodes too, but it was really amazing to watch the growth of Nae Il through the serie. And than BAM. In the final. FINAL! They gave us an old Nae Il – which was okay for me at the beginning, but not after all this she went through. I would rather don’t get these Europe scenes honestly. The only good ones were the competitions footage. I enjoyed the rest, it was fun, but it was not coherent with the past episodes. It was more visible with Nae Il, but Yoo Jin wasn’t coherent with the changed Yoo Jin for me as well.

So. I will skip the Europe scenes, because the rest of the scenes were actually worth the final. They were a little bit short but they made this episode work for me. Thanks god. The very first scene – a backhug – and that little simple  explanation of Nae Il that totally shows her lovely character as a very kind, not selfish one and very affecionate towards the people. How can you express your love more than that? She just want to the person she loves to be free and do whatever he wants too. That’s why she runs away – not to hold him back. I do think Yoo Jin could have been more clear about that. We do see how desparate he is, after hearing that she actaully regrets what she said about quiting the competition, but he did not tell her that. We do have kind-of-confession-scene though. The confirmation of his love. In the most random scene ever – which is nightwalking. It’s not that useless as it’s seems to, because he biscally said that he is going to be with her until one of them dies. It doesn’t matter if she would be abroad with him. He will be with her. Lovely.

In place of these Europe scenes I would like to see the rest of the follow-ups of the characters. Aigooo.

Yoon Hoo was still a little bit unclear to me. He did not buy me completely I must say. And I wanted to be bought. He is thoughfull, though. The practice scene was cute.

Rak-eun and his girl. I must say I was a little bit annoyed hearing the music of our couple in this. I know, I know. It doesn’t matter. It just didn’t feel right.

The conversation with dad. It was good and it wasn’t. I don’t like the fact that he accepted Yoo Jin just because he finally could step in in the airplane. It doesn’t mean he changed, at all.  It feels like he is accepting the way Yoo Jin wants to live just because he is finally doing what he wanted. He is abroad, it doesn’t matter for him how he went here. Helping them was a a little price that Yoo Jin has won (and Nae Il for getting him there), because he could finally get into the Europe.

The piano scene was also touching to me. That little reflection about their first meeting.

Where would they be? Probably still in Seoul running away from the problems. That’s really important point of the story. They made here together. That wouldn’t be possible without Nae Il to make it for Yoo Jin and it wouldn’t be possible without Yoo Jin to make it for Nae Il. Their lives changed completely after meeting each other and they made their lives into the shared life. They are so ment to be with each other. I love this love story. And I am really jelous in fact, because I don’t think it will happen to me.

About couple rings – I am glad that only Nae Il has one actually. I feel that it really doesn’t fit Yoo Jin to wear the ring, so I am glad they stopped with Nae Il.

And the last performance. It made me cry as I wrote. It was a goodbye event not only for Yoo Jin and Nae Il, but also a goobye scene as whole. I said that already, but the whole drama was about people not about music. People first. Together on the musical path. Music is an important factor, but there will be no music without the people. It is really important to understand that the writer had that specific idea in mind. The drama had its flaws and the writer had not used the whole potential.

Still, I think the writer did a good job with the development of their characters and the relationships. I do have few complaints (especially about the friendship between Yoo Jin and Rak-eun), but it was good written overall.

I think that the actors gave their all into that drama. That’s why it was so great to watch.

I loved the last episode because it felt like the begining of their paths. However, I do think it was the lazy act from the production team. “It didn’t get high ratings we don’t care anymore.” Europe scenes were random and were just to fill up the episode.

The drama as whole act is really worth watching. They searched themselves and they finally found themselves. They helped each other to grow bigger. Together. For that alone the drama did a great job.

The acting was on really high level. Just watching them perform was an extraordinary expiriance. Try and find the drama with such a great actors as the leads. There are not many of them unfortunetely. Discovered Joo Won. A pure acting talent. Eun Kyungie another pure acting talent. I think their style of acting has something in common and it’s they way they are performing. They are giving their all hearts into that.

I am really upset to say goodbye to this drama and will rewatching it regularly.


What’s really great about this drama is that I have learned something new too. I enjoyed it a lot of more because I was with you guys this whole time. I met really special people hier and I am really glad we were together this past few weeks. Thanks guys!

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Guest adikkeluangman

Wrap up party
Go Kyung Pyo20141202_1417518821_23314500_1.jpg
Park Bo Gum20141202_1417519170_75049900_1.jpg

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chatieee said:

To conclude all of the emotions and say a final goodbye.


What’s really great about this drama is that I have learned something new too. I enjoyed it a lot of more because I was with you guys this whole time. I met really special people hier and I am really glad we were together this past few weeks. Thanks guys!

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I hope we can still share some news of this drama in the future.Because we'll meet them on April 2015 right? Just my wish the 2 lead promote the drama 2gether in Japan he... I hope they got good response there n make a headline news :x :x

I'm not watching yet the last eps bcause this bad net con so I can't comment anything 4 this :(( poor me.

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Guest pink91_nina_450e

TV: Naeil's Cantabile (Finale)

Article: 'Cantabile' finale... Joo Won, "One that I worked hard on" Shim Eun Kyung, "A challenge"

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+1,339, -65] Wouldn't have mattered who was cast, the drama wasn't meant to live up to the original...

2. [+1,067, -67] They both suffered for this. I hope they really think hard about their next work and make the right decision.

3. [+858, -71] Unfortunate viewer ratings but I thought it was fun ㅋ Great work

4. [+594, -51] What a shame....

5. [+138, -24] May not have been daebak but please know that a lot of people enjoyed it ^^ Great work~

6. [+115, -18] Oh how these two suffered for this drama...

7. [+123, -26] This drama is not the fault of the actors... As someone who never saw the original and only watched the Korean version, I felt that their acting was good... just that the producers and scriptwriters seemed to not know what they were doing

8. [+106, -21] Not like the drama could ever live up to the original anyway... the cast did what they could ㅋㅋㅋ Great work ^^

source: http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2014/12/tv-naeils-cantabile-finale.html?m=1

DONT EVEN BOTHER READ I-NETIZEN COMMENT, if you had fragile heart.

While i really appreciate k-net didnt bash the actors, especially SEK, i thought the scriptwriter done well. I'm glad JW and SEK are both reputable actor, or else they will get slayyyyyyy. Joo won is really untouchable in his acting ability as CYJ. I cant say the same for SEK, but she is great after initial episodes. Of course naeil was a bit harder character.

The only thing that was not my cup of tea is the directing. It could be done better.

Overall, i think TC was at par with NC(i would say better than if the ending was not ep 16, personal preference)

Saying TC did not live up to original is just a denial that the original itself have many flaws. Plus, it just a matter of taste.TC certainly give justice to original as much as the jdrama.

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i think i'm the only one in the world who actually like SEK's portrayal of childish Naeil. ;)) ;)) so the final episode was perfect for me~ i was laughing so much and was so into watching the drama that i cant even recap properly.
hope the casts rest well~ i think the party ended late last night.

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Guest adikkeluangman

http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=614834Hope girl will get much rest after this. She practically working daily since her group comeback until now.
Kim YuMi20141202_1417519832_44138400_1.jpg
http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=614825Is this the current jacket trend in Korea now? The buckle thing, PBG also wear similar like Kim YuMi here.
KBS uploaded the last teaser this morning after the drama end.

Why JW-SEK never did any magazine pictorial while in Austria. No magazine interested?
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Guest dimplelover

I like this heartwarming drama. I like this thread. I like all of you who make this thread lively and funny. I like the recaps,comments, pictures and those pervy things..... Haha, just want to say I like all of you.

I love Naeil's Cantabile !!! :-*

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Guest dimplelover

Guys,let's vote for this:


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