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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Omg this thread just blew up!  @rei_smasher11 , I don't think there's a preview yet. Maybe it's good thing especially after episode 10's cliffhanger.  Lol. I think they're short on scenes so we probably have to wait until Wednesday morning again.

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I finally watched the 10 episodes that are out and I have to say I love this drama. But after watching this 10 episodes I'm now enduring the pain of having to wait each weeks for my ‘dose’... (but let’s be honest when this drama will be over, we will miss these long weeks waiting for wednesday, (that seems to never come)), to finally see what happens to our OTP.

Aaah the OTP... This main lead is truly perfect (they're so sweet to each other, I think I have to go see the dentist because I got caries after all the sweetness they gave us...).


Also the election result banner was uterly annoying during this episode


MY is so cute and nice but she definitely still need to have more confidence and Lee Gun, is a caring, nice and lovely weirdo chaebol (I really appreciate his character, mainly because he is not a total jerk towards the female lead, like it’s the case in most dramas).


Like I said, nice and lovely (weirdo) chaebol


To my opinion this 10 episodes are perfect, I enjoyed watching every one of them (the only thing that I may reproach is… Lee Gun’s… haircut… (I don’t know what they are doing with his shiny hair, but sometimes it’s ok and sometimes I find it hard to focus on the subtitles because I’m too distracted by his hair...)).

If it continues like that I think it will become my favorite drama, but maybe it's too soon to affirm this because as we can see at the end of episode 10, a big storm is coming and I'm afraid, like some of you have said, that this storm will be called ‘makjang amnesia’.


So after watching the last episode aired I have thought of 2 “scenarios” that might happen:

1-     Amnesia + Twins

LG has amnesia and gets back with Se Ra, because he forgets everything that happened since the day he bought the ring, so LG will forget about MY and obviously SR will not tell him about her (but there are some problems with that scenario, because if SR don’t tell him, maybe the chief secretary or his grandma will do it… so if he does have amnesia I don’t know how they will handle it, but let say that, nobody talks about it because when he hears the name: Kim Mi Young, he passes out and when people talk about snails around him he has some crisis and transforms into evil joker… but still… how will they explain that there is a baby bed and baby items in his house?... Well, let just say that, chief secretary Tak will distract him with his whale dance moves each time he asks…There, problem solved.).


See!! Look how distracted you are, you already forget everything that was wrong with this amnesia scenario!

Then MY will have twins (I think that because of the > baby has a big head thing, > the twins (the seller, and the boobs’ massage prenatal exercises’ professor), and also > because they bought two bears and > when they bought the family clothes it seems they were two shirts on the kid mannequin a blue one and pink one, so maybe they are having a girl and a boy…


And then LG and MY will meet again (because they are Fated to love each other) and LG will fall in love again and find out she is having his twins and he will be hurt but will forgive her and then they will finish what they started which is giving us diabetes...


 And 2nd “scenario” I will put it into spoiler because as I’ve watched the Tw. version of the drama I don’t know if I’m biased by it for this “scenario”: (read at your own risk if you haven't seen the TW version)

Underline to see it :

2-     Amnesia + Miscarriage

So LG has amnesia, he goes back with SR, there is still the same problem as why does nobody talk about MY and the baby, so like before I will say that if he hears her name he passes out, and if he sees a snail, he will definitely become crazy… But sadly MY loose the baby. So some time pass by (1 year or so). And they meet again, LG fall in love again even without any memory of MY, but he finds the truth he is hurt and sad… And they finish the drama with another wedding and another baby coming.

(I might also be totally biased by 2 other dramas – that I will not name to not spoil any drama to anybody – one were the woman loose her baby but the husband doesn’t know and find out later and another were the male lead has amnesia, and the woman goes live somewhere else far away and she has his baby, they meet again and he fall in love with her again and find out the child is his…)



Well I don’t think my 2 “scenarios” are worth anything, but I just wanted to share some thoughts I had about it, but as I’m always wrong when I try to guess what is going to happen in a drama, maybe I’m once again totally wrong…and when LG wakes up, the reason why he looks surprised is not because he finally understood that he was in love with MY or even SR, but with Danielicious…

(Unlike Gun, Daniel has understood it a long time ago:)


*Daniel: “Gun, don’t fight your feelings anymore!!!”*


Ps: I hope I didn't made too many English mistakes and that the images and spoilers will appear correctly, if not I'll try to correct it, but it may take time as my internet connection is really bad :)

Edit: I knew it, I knew that the spoilers tags would not show up correctly... I hate you too spoiler tag !

Edit 2: I hope you will die painfully Spoiler Tag !

Edit 3: Ok I give up Spoiler Tag, you may have won this battle but you have not won the war, one day I'll get my revenge!

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Guest patriarcha

Hey girls it's IMPOSSIBLE for him and Se Ra to be chaste for 3 years and this makes no sense. =)) =)) =))
I think they were seeing each other very often althoug she was in the USA and was very busy.

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Guest LadyAra

class="content-title" style="font-weight: 400; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 26px; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; visibility: visible; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Jang Hyuk’s “Hand Acting” in MBC Drama “Fated to Love You” Was His Own Idea
jang hyuk hand acting

Jang Hyuk, who plays the role of Lee Gun in MBC’s “Fated to Love You,” is gathering much attention for his naughty yet detailed “hand acting” in the drama. In reaction to this the “Fated to Love You” team revealed that “The portrayal of Lee Gun’s emotions through his hands was all Jang Hyuk’s idea. For every emotion, Jang Hyuk comes up with a detailed hand gesture, and even the members of the staff on the set have to stop themselves from laughing during filming.” Netizens that have seem Jang Hyuk’s hand acting responded, “Jang Hyuk’s hand acting is unbelievable,” “Even my heart starts racing when seeing Jang Hyuk’s hand acting,” “Every time Lee Gun reluctantly reaches out for Mi Young my heart starts pumping. I get so nervous,” “Just looking at his hands makes me nervous. If only I could hold his hand once,” among others. [more]

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Since I'm waiting for Wednesday and no other drama has really grabbed my attention like this one, I decided to post some of my thought to help pass time/days. So forgive me for the long post.  I love what the writers told us via suggestions.  I noticed while watching episode 1 of Korean FTLY:

1) The writers did a good job in showing how Geon is infatuated with Se Ra, vs in love with her. IMO, Infatuation is when you're blind to the real person. You only see what you want to see, the good. Nor does infatuation lasts.  Love is when you see the real person with all their faults and flaws and love them despite knowing those things about them. Love will also motivate you to be honest and self-sacrificing, not self serving. True love lasts.

When Geon is buying the engagement ring for Se Ra, the clerk asks him what Se Ra is like so she could assist him in making a ring selection.  Geon then pictures Se Ra in this soft, dewy white background dancing gracefully as a ballerina.  He talks about how on stage she's graceful and warm.  Geon then says, she's like a poet. "She's like warm hugs, the kind he got from his mother when he was young. She is like poetry."

Our first introduction to the 'real' Se Ra is of her slouching in her seat on the plane. Not being considered of those around her as she's talking back to a video drama she's watching. She and Daniel exchanges some none friendly words--so already, we don't get warm poetry feeling.  When she arrives at Geon's office dressed very unimpressive - the first thing she does is put him in a headlock--very tom boyish. But more than that, there is not a "softness" to Se Ra. She looks strong and MY looks more fragile.

Geon in describing Se Ra, the woman, he 'loves' pictured the flawless person that he sees on stage, not the woman off stage. In comparison to MY, he points out all her flaws and faults before others and that he sees, but despite those faults he also sees the person she is inside that moves him in a way that he hasn't been moved before. 

If he had known true romantic love before, he wouldn't have to ask his doctor about these strange feelings he has for MY. He would already recognize the signs.

2) After not being with your boyfriend and seeing him for months, wouldn't you dress up and want to look your best? I saw this as another way the writers wanted to point out how Se Ra was taking Geon for granted.  She didn't feel the need to dress up for him. There was no excited running into his arms. Whereas he's planning for her visit as if the President of the country is visiting.

3) The writer also points out how the two of them have a very intimate relationship--I get the impression they stayed/slept together at his house (I have to really pay attention to the videos he's watching later of the two of them--looks like they are in his man-cave). It's made even more clear when she walking in the airport to meet him where he plans to propose marriage, in there telephone conversation she tells Geon that when she gets there let's eat good food and spend all day being lazy in bed.

The Korean drama, in my opinion, has kept a lot more from the TW version than I first thought, but has smartly changed some things around that I know griped a lot of us who watched the TW version.

- They have Se Ra and Geon sleeping together on her first return to Korean, before he's married to MY. (I get the impression they were sharing his apartment from the videos--but I can't be sure).  In the TW version, they had JC and Anna sleeping together after he married CX.  He moved into the apartment with Anna.  I hope the Koreans on the checklist of things to include from the original, put "Scene of Geon and Se Ra sleeping/staying together" as being covered in the K-version.  I hope it doesn't reappear in the last 10 episodes.

- We immediate get a good impression of how Anna treats JC on her list of priorities--her career is first. It's seen in her phone conversation with him on her way to the ship. He mentioned how she's stood him up 4 or 5 five times in Paris and several times in New York, and wonders if she's going to stand him up at the ship. She promises she won't. Then we see she leaves him waiting for her on the ship (and a few more times later on in the dram). It's all about her and not him. 

In the Korean version, they 'soften' Se Ra by having her first meet him at his office on her arrival to Korea. The spend a day or two together where he then leaves to plan his proposal. On her way to meet him there, she put her career before him and leaves for New York.  I have a feeling the Korean version may want us to pity Se Ra probably because she turns out be Daniel's sister--and we like him. (We'll see if they make her as dislikable of an antagonist as they later made Anna).

 - We see that Se Ra has an evil adopted mother who's pushing her to be a top ballerina. In the TW version, we didn't really have an impression of Anna's mother until Dylan met her in his search for his sister--towards the end. We saw the adopted mom's personality and meanness through Dylan's interaction with her--she was wheelchair bound who was an ex-ballerina.

- In the TW drama we know that JC met with an "accident" and was temporarily blinded. He used that "blindness" to get closer to CX. (Side note: I thought the scene of his mother in law using different means to help him regain his sight was hilarious. I loved Ethan facial expressions). In the Korean version we have a "sick" Geon. I'm interested to see how they use this sickness that appears to be terminal at some point. JC was only temporarily blind for 24 hours, but he didn't let on to anyone. (Will they roll the who baby thing into this portion of the plot and thereby save the baby in the process?)

---Also the doctor. The doctor in the TW version was CX. He always got onto JC for not treating CX better. In this Korean version, the doctor is here mainly for Geon, helping him though his issues.  CX was having the health scares with the baby. Here Geon is having the health scares. For the most part, MY is 3 months pregnant, I think, and healthy, unlike CX. Really want to know where this is going to go.

The Korean writers have taken the TW script and dissected it and rewritten it, but for the most part has kept it's core.  I love both versions, but this one makes be feel good watching it.

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Guest reedtrip82

Well, Sera might have jet lag and all they do is relax w/ each other. Gun is a very caring man, he was able to restrain himself w/ MY * cold shower* . If the writer given a line " I was chaste w/o woman for 3 years" then it true. Plus, since Sera care for her career , he wouldn't want to accidentally impregnated her lol

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Guest marie21000

BounS said: So after watching the last episode aired I have thought of 2 “scenarios” that might happen:

1-     Amnesia + Twins

Then MY will have twins (I think that because of the > baby has a big head thing, > the twins (the seller, and the boobs’ massage prenatal exercises’ professor), and also > because they bought two bears and > when they bought the family clothes it seems they were two shirts on the kid mannequin a blue one and pink one, so maybe they are having a girl and a boy…


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@lov3lyqu33n, looking at those pictures of LG and MY, I'm reminding of the pictures that Sera was looking at in episode 9 of her and Gun.  Gun is smiling, but his smiles don't seem to reach his eyes.  They are nothing like the smiles he have when he is with MY.  

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I think I'm studying... no no ... we all are studying Drama analysis.. We are analyzing this drama scene by scene as if we are preparing for the Masters Degree on Drama Analysis ... Specialization on Fated to love you 103.gif

Well I was rewatching.. (i guess you all know that already) episode 8 ending... aaaaah the feels of that fireworks in my stomach and the sky image.gif

Why did she cry? Yes she was moved by Lee Gun's gesture at the event ... and also because of the sweet dance and fireworks.... and he said he was thankful that she waited for her
Do you guys remember the wish box? She had written no one bothers to even say "thank you" to her... It must have been really nice that Lee Gun thanks her for what she does for him. That scene was packed with emotion and happiness... it was really amazing isn't it? 

OH oh one more thing.... 

2 days, 19 hours, 24 minutes and 34 seconds left ... 

67 hours 
or 4044 min
242674 seconds..117.gif

Damn this never seems like it is reducing, does it? image.gif
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Let's say the writers decide to go with the amnesia plot(although I highly doubt that will happen), I could see Se Ra not telling him about MY if he does forget her and even Secretary Tak not revealing her existence either. Geon's position in the company is in jeopardy and we all saw how Secretary Tak tried to convince him to go back to the office and fight for what's his. If Se Ra convinces MY to back off for Geon's own good(as she'll probably present her case), MY will probably move out of the house. Se Ra can then convince Secretary Tak to keep MY hidden so as not to confuse Geon and make his health deteriorate. After all, the Secretary is genuinely worried about Geon losing everything and may feel this is the best way to protect his boss.
Oh dear.....I've obviously seen way too many dramas! :|

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<blockquote class="Quote" rel="beamonkr">@lov3lyqu33n, looking at those pictures of LG and MY, I'm reminding of the pictures that Sera was looking at in episode 9 of her and Gun.  Gun is smiling, but his smiles don't seem to reach his eyes.  They are nothing like the smiles he have when he is with MY.  </blockquote>

@beamonkr‌ i've watched it til episode 7th.. :( next episode is still pending... Maybe next week will be come out.. While im waiting, i rewatch it from 1st - 7th again and again ;;)

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@lov3lyqu33n, I'm so sorry  ^:)^ ^:)^  We've all been discussing episode 1-10 and keep forgetting that some Soompiers may not have seen it.  I hope you do get to see it next week /:)  I guarantee you that come Wednesday this forum is going to explode.  We're going through withdrawal now so we're analyzing everything that happened just as @Sunset90, said.  Hence, all the discussions about amnesia and feels.
If possible, try to watch on Viki, I want to hear your thoughts as well.

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@Iclarakl: thanks for pointing out your first impression with Se Ra, my cousin also told me that she is the complete opposite of a ballerina, because when she arrived in Korea, her first thing she notice is her dress.....and I thought as well that she is tomboyish, the way she greeted LG is headlock, I mean if you watched the original version Anna is quite regal and proper, completely opposite of Se Ra.

I think their relationship will sum up like only for we don't know 2 years or less.....because if Sera stayed aboard for 3 years for sure she always on the plane and performing outside the country or maybe she got a lot of training as well so, they really don't know each other that well.

I will just quote what Ana said when she finally broke up with CX: "Our 3 years of relationship plus the 2 years that have until now is meaningless to the 2 months that you spend time with XY".

It means the longer years is not the bases of how relationship was build, its because of the presence, trust and commitment to each other.

on the side view I'm hoping that they will not go with the miscarriage thing, because in the original version, XY has already sensitive pregnancy, the second time she met Dylan, her tummy pains, then one time again when CX lived with Anna, she was brought in the hospital. I mean her first trimester of pregnancy is very fragile unlike Min Young, who is very strong and there is no signs that is sensitive.

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Even if they do the amnesia plot, I don't think they can hide Gun's marriage.  The whole country knows about Gun being married to MY.  If they do go through with this plot, I think Se Ra will manipulate Gun into making him hate MY.  A lot of the TW viewers have said that in the original the male lead was really mean to MY once his ex gf came back.  So I think the writers will still do this.  Se Ra will cause a misunderstanding between Gun and MY and it will make Gun hate MY and become really mean towards her (even more so that he was at the beginning of their marriage).  I think this will go on in the next 2 episodes and then the next 8 episodes will deal with MY leaving Gun and Gun trying to win her back.

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Guest marie21000

Lj said: spoiler:

on the side view I'm hoping that they will not go with the miscarriage thing, because in the original version, XY has already sensitive pregnancy, the second time she met Dylan, her tummy pains, then one time again when CX lived with Anna, she was brought in the hospital. I mean her first trimester of pregnancy is very fragile unlike Min Young, who is very strong and there is no signs that is sensitive.

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