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[Drama 2014] Repentance / A New Leaf 改过迁善 개과천선

Guest yeohweping

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Guest samasta93

hairstyle and this suit make him younger and so hot!!

Indeed..... Why is he getting younger? Lols..

He looks so serious during script reading, his short hair is yummy too.. Lol

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Guest asyree

One of KMM's legendary role, this time as the genius surgeon Dr Jang Joon Hyeok in one of what people sometimes dubbed as the best medical drama ever. Lol, he looks young and hot in this series but way far from the cute dandy guy instead you will get chills all over your body coz this character is just out of this world ambitious and sharp. While we all gearing up and warming up for A New Leaf you can watch White Tower here in this link However let me mind you that there's no fluffy cute romance there or any steamy shower scene, this series is far darker and intense than that. But if you want to see how those old charismatic ahjussi actors display their talent and acting skill, this one suits your plate alright.

The trailer of White Tower

The OST of the series, played by Ditto. I love the piece so much I use it as my phone ring tone for few years lol.

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Guest blossomnagr

asyree said: One of KMM's legendary role, this time as the genius surgeon Dr Jang Joon Hyeok in one of what people sometimes dubbed as the best medical drama ever. Lol, he looks young and hot in this series but way far from the cute dandy guy instead you will get chills all over your body coz this character is just out of this world ambitious and sharp. While we all gearing up and warming up for A New Leaf you can watch White Tower here in this link However let me mind you that there's no fluffy cute romance there or any steamy shower scene, this series is far darker and intense than that. But if you want to see how those old charismatic ahjussi actors display their talent and acting skill, this one suits your plate alright.

The trailer of White Tower

The OST of the series, played by Ditto. I love the piece so much I use it as my phone ring tone for few years lol.

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Guest asyree

You guys can compare this genius surgeon here

With this genius conductor here

Give you goosebumps right? Yeah, that's KMM, the Nation Actor.
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Guest asyree

These are old articles talked about how far KMM would try to achieve the most realistic portrayal of the role he played, from Dramabeans.

Kim Myung-min: “In the end I was so exhausted it was difficult to act” by javabeans | August 24, 2009


“With Lou Gehrig’s disease, your conscious mind remains active while your muscles deteriorate, but for me, I found that as I kept losing weight, my consciousness became equally paralyzed.”

Actor Kim Myung-min recently took on the challenge of portraying a patient gradually worsening from ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, in the upcoming melodrama film My Love By My Side [내 사랑 내 곁에]. On August 24, the cast of the movie gathered at the CGV cinema in Apgujung for a press conference.

Much has been made of Kim’s dramatic 20kg weight loss (mostly accomplished while he filmed the movie, losing the weight to correspond to his character’s deteriorating health). Kim admitted what he found the most difficult aspect of filming: “In the latter half, I had to become increasingly immersed in the emotions of the character, but because I was constantly exhausted, it was difficult to become absorbed in the acting.”

We saw bits of the process in the MBC documentary following Kim from pre-production through filming. Regarding the decision to embark on the drastic effort, Kim said, “Going hungry wasn’t something I insisted on, it’s something I think goes without saying because I took on his role.” In the end, his spine and ribs were painfully visible and all the fat gone from his face and body, leaving him gaunt.

Find the rest of the article here

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Guest asyree

@mimi26 @Oksana Syutra I don't mind to have such a hot lawyer dude like this hahahaha


Photo Credit to Dramabeans

And these are some excerpts  from how KMM sees or thinks about breathing live into his character and what KMM's fellow co-stars think about him. I can't wait to see what PMY can say about him later  :)

This is the original article taken here from Dramabeans: MBC documentary special features Kim Myung-min by javabeans | April 13, 2009.
I just cut some parts of the article and post it here. Too bad since the old link seems to be broken coz the documentary was so awesome and inspiring indeed to know what really goes or takes to create such a powerful actor like the very own KMM himself.

From the documentary of filming the movie My Love By My Side/Closer To Heaven

Kim Myung-min: “Whether the director knows or not, it doesn’t matter, it’s something I do anyway. That’s something the actor has to create. That part is the actor’s job. A character isn’t born just based on what’s written down. It’s because I am Lee Soon-shin [of Immortal Lee Soon-shin], it’s because I am Maestro Kang [of Beethoven Virus], it’s because I am Jang Jun-hyuk [of White Tower].”

White Tower

For an actor’s actor, his level of detail startles his colleagues.

Han Sang-jin from White Tower: “He’s an actor who places a lot of thought into realism. In a surgery scene, he was like a real doctor, tying and suturing for real with his own hands. We had an instructor who had been consulting for us, and he was so shocked to see that.”

Co-star Lee Seon-kyun says, laughingly:

Lee Seon-kyun: “He hardly makes NG scenes. It adds a lot of pressure on his fellow actors, because he doesn’t make mistakes. He ought to make a few mistakes and lighten the mood, so we can all believe, ‘Ah, it’s difficult even for him.’ But he acts so perfectly without NGs, it makes you think, ‘Wow, he really is Jang Jun-hyuk. What a tough guy.’”

Han Sang-jin recalls that it was this way with White Tower — Kim has always loved eating, but starting around the 14th or 15th episode, he had started eating less, because it wouldn’t be true to character if a dying patient had full cheeks.

Han Sang-jin: “When he’s filming Scene 17 of Episode 3, he’s not just shooting Scene 17 of Episode 3. He’s living the whole time, from the first scene in Episode 1 through the last scene in Episode 20, as Jang Jun-hyuk.”

Lee Seon-kyun: “If I can say anything with confidence, it’s that there’s no actor in this country who could act Jang Jun-hyuk better than Kim Myung-min. He’s truly the best.”

Kim explains character work as part of a process of giving the overall work credibility:

Kim Myung-min: “What’s most important is that [Kim's character] Jang Jun-hyuk is a brilliant surgeon. Given that, the reality of surgery adds or takes away from the essence of the drama. It’s the difference between whether viewers will be absorbed in the drama or not. …

“I worked hard to understand the process of surgery, using medical terminology and coming across as a real surgeon. On top of that, I have to express emotion while letting my hands move, freely but also in precise timing. It’s not something that can be done by practicing the hand movements separately, or the dialogue separately. I have to remember each part, to act a certain way at a certain part, and continually rehearse on my own. It’s something that required me to rehearse enough that I could do it without looking. And even then it’s difficult.”

“Beethoven Virus”

Beethoven Virus director Lee Jae-kyu explains with a laugh that even he couldn’t have imagined the way Kim would deliver that line. He hadn’t requested it of Kim:

Dir. Lee Jae-kyu: “The actor rehearsed that line dozens of times on his own, and figured out the way to best say it to fit the situation… His ability as an actor to leave Kim Myung-min behind and pour himself into a scene is truly amazing.”

Kim explains that when he’s not shooting, he goes through everything in his head, remembering the music, figuring out the tempo, rhythm:

Kim Myung-min: “At that moment, I think of myself as a conductor. As the conductor, I think, how ashamed would I feel if I fail in front of all these people? …

“If I don’t prepare enough, I have bad dreams, nightmares where I keep making NGs and everyone scolds me.”

Jang Geun-seok, Kim’s co-star from Beethoven Virus, explains:

“He doesn’t talk much when we’re on set to film, and always holds the script in his hand. He buries himself in the script. I didn’t know he would be so focused, to that extent. It was enough to give me chills down my spine.”

Jang Geun-seok recalls that throughout Beethoven Virus, Kim never asked for a break, even when they’d shot three days straight, and calls him an “iron man.”

Director Lee Jae-kyu: “Kang-mae became real. You could feel him, how much this Kang-mae character was… what do you call it… possessing his spirit? No, like he pulled his soul into him.”

Kim explains how famed conductor Karajan would finish a 70-minute performance and be exhausted from the exertion of throwing himself into his work. Kim aimed for a similar level of immersion in shooting the grand concert scene when the orchestra performs Beethoven’s Ninth. In the drama, following the concert, Kang-mae collapses into a chair — all the stress ebbing out of his body, leaving him weakened — and is taken to the hospital. In real life, Kim went home early after the shoot, unable to complete his schedule for the day. The exertion was so hard on his body that his legs shook, and he speculates this was probably the most difficult scene he’ll ever shoot.

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Guest blossomnagr

http://p.twpl.jp/show/orig/8iK4p cannot find the bottom to post images on phone,so copied the link.i found it on KMM fans twitter account.is it our cast going to shoot?

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Thanks @asyree for that. The lines which made me go  ^:)^  :-O    In a surgery scene, he was like a real doctor, tying and suturing for real with his own hands. We had an instructor who had been consulting for us, and he was so shocked to see that.” Haha
Lee Seon-kyun: “He hardly makes NG scenes. It adds a lot of pressure on his fellow actors, because he doesn’t make mistakes. He ought to make a few mistakes and lighten the mood, so we can all believe, ‘Ah, it’s difficult even for him.’ But he acts so perfectly without NGs, it makes you think, ‘Wow, he really is Jang Jun-hyuk. What a tough guy.’”
“If I don’t prepare enough, I have bad dreams, nightmares where I keep making NGs and everyone scolds me.”

LOL. I am wondering what he will do to transform into a man who gets an amnesia and has a 360 degree character turn. It is taken for granted by me after reading all that that he will come as a lawyer on to the set.But what I loved most was this: 
Kim Myung-min: “Whether the director knows or not, it doesn’t matter, it’s something I do anyway. That’s something the actor has to create. That part is the actor’s job. A character isn’t born just based on what’s written down. It’s because I am Lee Soon-shin [of Immortal Lee Soon-shin], it’s because I am Maestro Kang [of Beethoven Virus], it’s because I am Jang Jun-hyuk [of White Tower].”

There are actors like this I know of in my country, people who prepare months ahead to totally get into the character, where they just become  and I am fascinated by them.  I hope working with KMM will show younger actors the levels they can reach if they have the conviction, passion and the hard work and are ready to cross over. It is of course a daunting task to leave yourself behind and try to become another. I remember reading Kim Seung Woo's interview where he said he receives counselling after each project to get out of the character. I am sure this is gonna be a lifetime experience for my girl.
@blossomnagr No, dear. It is something else. Think it is about a tourist bus for sightseeing in Hiroshima. Hehe For a moment, I wondered if the girl in green was MY. LOL 

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Guest AndOne

Everytime I read an interview of KMM I always was left speechless. His intensity is unmatched ! 

I do hope MBC will elaborate a bit more on the plot and release teasers/pictures or get some media coverage to drum up viewers interest since ANL will have some serious competition. That being said,  I'd rather wait and watch a well written, well produced drama any day than a harriedly written, rushed production.


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Guest ChoBap

AndOne said: Everytime I read an interview of KMM I always was left speechless. His intensity is unmatched ! 

I do hope MBC will elaborate a bit more on the plot and release teasers/pictures or get some media coverage to drum up viewers interest since ANL will have some serious competition. That being said,  I'd rather wait and watch a well written, well produced drama any day than a harriedly written, rushed production.


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Guest ChoBap

stuartjmz said: ChoBap said: AndOne said: Everytime I read an interview of KMM I always was left speechless. His intensity is unmatched ! 

I do hope MBC will elaborate a bit more on the plot and release teasers/pictures or get some media coverage to drum up viewers interest since ANL will have some serious competition. That being said,  I'd rather wait and watch a well written, well produced drama any day than a harriedly written, rushed production.


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Guest chenderella

stuartjmz said:I think this sort of thing highlights what's wrong with the ratings system, and I say that as someone who works with Nielsen on a TV ratings project in my country. As an international fan, I'm looking forward to, and will be watching BOTH these Dramas. At the moment I'm watching 3 currently airing Dramas, two of which air on Wed/Thur KST. Soon I'll be watching six airing Dramas, and I haven't even bothered figuring out which days they air on because it doesn't matter. I will be downloading or streaming them at a time convenient to me, and there is no way in Hades the the very tech-savvy and gadget-rich Korean audience won't be doing the same. If the TV ratings properly accounted for tmie-shifted viewing and viewing on mobile devices, then ratings overall would be more accurate, and we wouldn't have to worry about our favourite shows being butchered in an attempt to "win" the ratings war. 

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Guest chenderella

stuartjmz said:
Indeed. You seem to have missed the point of my post. The reality is that in a very connected and wired society like Korea it no longer matters as much what time it airs there either. As I clearly said in my post, the issue here is the validity and accuracy of the ratings. The ratings system is stuck in the past, measuring only viewing done on TV sets at the time of airing.
 I'm not suggesting that K Dramas modify their content to fit international audiences, although given the growing size of the international market, making a Drama specfically for the international audience would not be financial suicide either.  The main point is that it would be great if the ratings system would accommodate the variety of viewing methods now available. Doing so would give more reliable data and might challenge the "ahjumma" dominated slant of current programming. 

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What I like about the connection of MBC and Kim Myung-min is the way it builds him up as an actor and as an artist. White Tower had KMM win the Baeksang (or is it the Daesang? Correct me if I'm wrong) and it had an amaaaaazing soundtrack that I am overly obsessed with (B Rossette anybody??). Beethoven Virus also had Kim Myung-min win the Daesang and Baeksang again that year (That I'm so sure of, especially when I became upset when he co-shared the Daesang with Song Seung-heon's comeback performance in East of Eden but it wasn't just me. But I know they have their reasons). MBC also made this documentary special for KMM, oh what a delight, and such appreciation of talent. Even though I am a great fan of SBS, I truly gained greater respect for MBC in that aspect, since KMM is undeniably my favorite actor. Because I remember King of Dramas, my all-time favorite, had ratings lower than 10% (and Ep. 5 was the only ep which had 10% rating) while it being PERFECT IN EVERY SINGLE WAY OF LIFE. And SBS had KMM, Lee Beom-soo (Salaryman) and Lee Min-ho (Faith) in the same actual Excellence category. That's why I appreciate that this is an MBC broadcast. ♥
I'm so glad to be here! :-D

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