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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Guest turquoiseblue

errrr...why is wookie blonde now?!  :-/  yes i agree with @samzz, I don't believe Wookie will dye his hair like that just because he can't wait to be blonde haha! I believe he wanted to dye his hair when not working for "privacy" :-/purposes kekeke :) wearing a black mask is not enough coz fans will still recognize you and wearing a mask can be a double edge sword... you are attracting more people to look at you and wonder why you have a mask on...but dying your hair a totally different color will make the fans think twice or even completely ignore him when seen on the streets or in public places.
I also agree with Joon, Wookie was the only stylish member of RM in that farewell party... dressed to the nines eh? I'm wondering if he's been out on a date before that party? Did he visit the birthday girl? kekeke... Coz he is usually very casual on farewell parties right? hmmm...  :\">

oh well, i still miss his old Hotel King GM hair..gaaaah... he's so swoon worthy with that hair... don't you all agree? :x

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@asisahkh_stv, -welcome to our world, wow, so glad to see good analysis on your journey into kdrama, and your experience is totally the same as mine. Before knowing Donghae/Chamo, I always glance through on kdrama, not really invested in them, my first kdrama is Story of Bright girl (Jang Nara and Jang Hyuk), and only watched 2-3 eps only, them many more but always 1-2 eps only, until MY Girl that change everything. Like you I was more interested in Wookie than Dahae but I shipped them hard. I only became hard core fan of Dahae after Green Rose and Flower Fairies. 
abt our couple, no one is right or wrong in here, all based on our observation and evidences, but never ever we got any confession from them, but they do give us some hints or hard evidence, that's why we are still sailing. The crucial point now  are they still together until now, or they managed to find another half that can give them more meaningful relationship.
I had experienced in shipping them hard 8 yrs ago, stop only after news on Wookie and Miss Kim. To me that kind of news even rumor, I considered full stop already, no point day dreaming, but I didn't hate him, that's his life and I don't hv  a right to say "don't" or whatever and he's not hurting anyone IMO. 
Luckily my shipping broken hearted is only short lived, bc I can ship Dahae with other guys after that, hv same fun and dream, which most of Dahae's fans in her thread know very well. 
I think Dahae is very well known in your country, i used to see her fans talking abt her in google when I visited your country before, 
 one of her friend twitted this to her  after  he saw it when he visited Cambodia.

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@asisahkh_stv welcome to this wonderful thread :D

Well, even me when watching My Girl, I'm into Lee Dong Wook first rather than Da Hae.. And I like their chemistry in that drama, I think that's pretty normal for all of us.. since we're women, of course we will attract to Wookie first because of his handsomeness.. After that, like @samzz I became Da Hae's hard core fan when watching Hello Miss since Wookie took a long break after My Girl...

Btw, @NalyL said her friend told her that in May Dispatch will reveal another couple and this tine it would be actor-actress.. I'm not putting too much high hopes but I'm just excited to hear it..*remember Wookie's promise* no harm to be excited right! ;;) 8-> [-O<

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Guest kitmyles

Hi everyone! I am from the Philippines and a newbie when it comes to forums like this. I've been following this thread since February because I truly believe donghae couple is for real. Since then, I've been regularly reading this thread and I am very happy for all your comments!  :) I've been an avid fan of k drama since 2007 and up to this time. I really hope that I can watch donghae in another Kdrama. :)>-

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@kitmyles, welcome to our world, of course we love to see more in here, even though we hv nothing new to share, just hanging on our dream.
@sassygirl, ouchhhhh, that makes my heart "thump, thump, thump" (quoting Wookie's trademark note to Dahae), yes don't want to put so much hope on Dispatch and our couple, so just wait and see.
@asisahkh, the pic is actually from Dahae twitter, I think nobody care much abt that, so no issue abt using that pic, and Dahae and her friend seemed so proud knowing abt that.
and I do love your country so much bc I love historical places, just sharing some since nothing new abt our couple.

taking by my friend-credit to her. I was just next to her when she took that pic, but I don't know why I don't see the way she sees it, -that's why some people said, creative and artistic people hv diff eyesight. 



and this is from samzz eyesight,-fail, kekekekekiGnnyHd.jpg

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Unlike some of the shippers here, I am Dahae's fan from the beginning to now and going forever!  Of course because Wookie was so fresh and handsome in MG, I wanted them to be a real couple.  After MG finished, there were still so many rumors about them so I had shipped them for 3 years.  When the first time Dahae said she was a single, my heart was broken.  I stopped following Wookie as I don't want to hear him linked with other girls.  He was like a stranger to me, sorry kekeke!  Even my Philippine co-worker recommended me to watch SOW, I said NO! 

During they filmed HK, I went back to read Wookie's interviews.  Found out that he is really like what Dahae said, warm and knowledgeable.  He is somebody that has leadership ability which was one of the quality of Dahae's ideal type.  After these years, Wookie should have learnt a lot about women from Strong Heart.  Dahae became more mature and low keyed from her experience.  Both of them are at the age that they would not linger with any fake relationship.  That was why I think they are real!

Welcome @AsisahKH, this thread is for we shippers to release our delulu minds!  At this moment, even we don't have any strong evidence to proof that our DongHae are dating, but all the hints that we got from their fan meetings, roommates, radio shows are enough for us to endure until the good news comes out.  Although we should prepare ourselves of any bad news but I still have a very strong belief that they are together!  What I wish is they will hold their hands tight and walk to the end! 

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For me, I am not a hard core fan of Dahae, However, I have some understanding of how Dahae shared with members of her official FC. It is known to be quite openness and close with the hardcore fans. Because until now, she has gone through a difficult career. The number of people in the official FC Emerald in Korea is very small. I've been reading a letter from her master's fan cafe. And I understand that Dahae appreciate the fans of this FC. This is the oldest FC supporters Dahae from the early days. After so many events in her career, number of members of the FC is not much but they still always there to support her. every important occasion sends congratulatory gift as: birthday. I also heard that sometimes Dahae also organized a meeting with them at a restaurant or cafe to share with each other like friends, the sisters in the family.However, they operate fairly quiet since the scandal EOE. They still send gifts to her, but no overt activities to support her in the event that her film participation like the other fan cafe in Korea. And maybe I'm wrong, but I only see one activity they publicly supported her in party wrapped Hotel King. I did not know was accidental or deliberate, but when to Dahae appear on the ROM, Wookie has chosen to place flowers and rice that FC Emerald sent to Dahae . 201582cdaf2e-a709-426c-a5fa-b525fb927004
To me, this makes sense for both Da Hae and her FC at Korea. When there is a scene where he wanted to introduce her to the ROM, as well as introducing her to people who will watch that program. I think he is very concerned about this issue. and he's had an impact on the returnpublic activities of  this FC. Apparently, Dong Wook wants Da Hae's FC  back of exciting activities and have more public activities, to support her, like his FC doing at a the film. As for her official FC in China "Seaweeds". I only have just found out about them. And I saw that, they are also very close with her. The person in the photo below, is members of FC official.They also have close relationships with Chinese teachers of Dahae. I realized they were follow Dahae in many events she participated in China. I see the people in the photos there when she arrived in Guangzhou in November 2014. They also came to the last event in Lanzhou to meet Dahae. 2015248745a3-daea-4003-b899-c24bc00b6c1d
They are Dahae's hardcore fans in FC "Seaweed", but I am surprised that they are believe and support in relationship of Dahae with Dong Wook. So, I think they must know something about this relationship. Maybe they get a bit of share from the stars or I think that the fans are hardcore fans of the star. They understand and closer to their star than anyone. Obviously they will know better than the other fans. They donated gifts for Dahae which I think isn't a hardcore fan donated their idol, unless he/she was married. And this makes me more faith in their relationship2015578dc7d2-63af-44c5-bcf9-3c07b1433ef3
And with my own feelings. I just want to say: Everyone in life. we can lie with words or actions, but the eyes never lie. That's my view through my own life and through so many star couples that I know, the first time the couple does not want public relations that is typical: Wu Qi Long and Liu Shishi, Rob and Kris,...
 Sorry for the article is too long  ^:)^

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Dahae k-fc used to be the most active and one of the biggest bc her drama Flower Fairies and later My Girl. All gone after EOE, not they hated her, but to avoid been dragged in controversies. Most of them are blue color workers, not many teenagers, so no point joined the craziness of knet.

In China many are teenagers but they are the most mature. Rarely they involve in fan war, best example on this month weibo hot issue. It's so hot now, and I saw not many join the backlash. At first I feel sad BC nobody tried to protect her, even the ex-bf just ignore his fans eating Dahae alive. At least do something, true or false just do something. Then I realized how pathetic they are and Dahae FC over there treated it like nothing worth to fight for.

Baidu news, one of the biggest portal have captured the issue today, but the post has been deleted.

On other international fans, they also rarely joined the backlash or join the discussion in famous blogs like DB or Ockoala. If you see the article abt who should be the lead actress on this and that drama, none ever suggest Dahae. Not we are afraid or not many, but deep inside we hv our own priorities no need to make so much buzz out of nothing.

And that's why I'm so happy when our chinggus Apqaria opened her Crush on Dahae blog, and the number visited now reaching 1,million in less than 2 yes, plus very limited news-so it shows how big is her fan base or people interested to know abt her.

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@samzz yes your right,they have similar fashion knowing that his codi is korean.i think if his trying to get back with dahae he must be careful entering korea but no many fans saw him and took a lot of pictures.i saw him arriving together with a girl maybe his manager and w/bodyguard protecting him frm fans.thanks for enlightening me it helps a lot.

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actually they are lots of pic of him arrived in Korea on 18th and fans said he just went to get hair done and did some shopping at Myeondong (there are pic with his manager at that place). 
Plus we know already Dahae's teacher already said Dahae is not in Korea around that day, and she didn't cover up bc only after that we saw her ex arrived on 18, So if we trust her teacher, so nothing to worry about same with Dahae FC in China.
as what I said before, he just want to be a couple with Wookie,, I saw a lot, but I only can find this-don't know why C-Media or his fans never make a noise abt this couple items.

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Hello.. I'm newbie here. I'm happy can join this thread. I'm from indonesia.

I'm falling in love with this couple since MG and become more more in love in HK.

I agree with @samzz about LYF fashion that similar with wookie. Maybe he's jealous with wookie and curious why dahae choose wookie. I don't why lyf come to korea,but I notice when he back to chinese he looks so sad. Maybe he know dahae very very happy with her namja now *cough wookie cough* and when dahae's birthday, she's not in korea (have holiday with her namja ^^)

Sorry for long my 1st post ^*^

I'm believe donghae is real and will announce soon. Fighting!!


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