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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Hello shippers...i missed u girls a lot by my internet sort of died on me...and still very slow.

I cant watch anything but after reading yr comments, I felt much better...

I love sy even more and after today, if wy has the confidence...they can actually be together...she is so brave and so full of love for him...but wont act on it unless he does...she's still very girlish in that area...and rightfully so.

Wy too has surprised me a lot in letting out his emotions...they can get carried away when filming...but bri is what happened later...I take what they say there more seriously becoz they have had time to think...

I dunno when i csn watch this but I am pretty sure they are missing each other like crazy right now...pls pls dont let go of the feelings you hv for each other coz love like this doesnt come by twice in your life....this is for wy...be the man...sy is definitely waiting for you...God I love her to pieces!

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Hi my beloved frds who have been sharing same feelings with me for 8 months. I have never cried so much for a reality show like this..

When I first faced with the news that this week would be their last episode, I just felt like being attacked by a shock, even I know that they would never on TV for us forever and this time must be the right time due to their crazy busy schedule. Then, I didn’t know how to handle with that kind of feeling which was a mix of shock and sadness, and somehow a betrayal. I didn’t know who I should pour those kind of uncomfortable feelings because I have my real life too and people around me (includes my younger sister) might think I was crazy to be overly sadden by a stranger couple. Then I thought about the break-up feeling and my sympathy leans much towards Seyoung. She is an honest and mature girl. She is not kind of girl that trying to show a lot in front of others like a bunch of Korean K-pop girl star that have all same style. The more deep and profound her characteristic is, the more painful her heart will be. Then accidentally I watched the show which Wooyoung was featuring 2 days after their last filming (MC Hodong hosts that show, sorry I don’t know the name of that show) and I found his smiling face, even playful face in front of his fans. I became more angry for Seyoung unreasonably. I started to blame Wooyoung that he is also a trivial young man who is really shallow and thoughtless. He is not even a millimeter matching to my wonderful Seyoung. I felt being betrayed as a fan of this show too. I deleted all their pics on my phone’s library. There was a moment I intended to delete all their episodes too but I was enduring it lol.

And after the final episode, I felt regret for having misunderstood Wooyoung and his feelings. I lost the faith in them because of my sadness. It is a shame.

They are not only in love, they are DEEPLY in love with each other. I remembered how Seyoung talked about the details of other couples some times when they were filming. She must have watched every ep despite her busy schedule. She also paid attention to every small details. I am impressed by her profound thought about not able to look straight to his eyes as time went by. Wooyoung is definitely the one who can feel this the most obviously. We can see it through his speechless moment, his gazes, his bravery to kiss her, his hesitant confession.. After all, this is the first couple that brings lots of emotional moments for the audience, because they were all showing their true feelings. As a senior for years watching WGM, I have never seen any couples could leave that true feelings to the audience and the MC staff except the real 11 years couple Jung In – Jung Chi on their last episode.

Wooyoung’s mom and sister, and also his grandmom may be sad too watching this ep. I hope they will encourage Wooyoung to do the right thing, to find out his right person. Because no matter how much money and success he will gain, his happiness to find a true love is the most important. 2pm members, GOT7 members, Miss A’s members, JYP, and all JYP’s artirsts plz give him courage! And oppa freaks, please think of his happiness when you think you are so in love with him, don’t be selfish. Think about Seyoung, how lucky Wooyoung is to have a girl like her beside.

Wooyoung wipes the teary eyes of his Seyoung and told her :”It will be fine. It will be fine.”

Right, it will be ok after all. Even a scale can disappear by time. But please be fine in a good way for both of you. Please be real, not for us but for you two.

Fighting Wooyoung, A girl like Seyoung is not easy to find.

I cant sleep over this romance, guys. Sorry for my long post.

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@bladerunner‌ ....thank you very much for the greay translation...

Tears coming out while reading alls the comments here..cried because of 2young...huhu...

YY nation? Hehe...will miss this shippers....miss all of you...miss all the comments....

YY nation daebak!!

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bladerunner said: She was sad for whole day.
WooYoung was sad but once he heard SY's confession, he was happy!
These is no sadness in his eyes but adoration.His kiss on a national tv is his answer for SeYoung."Yes I love you THIS much that I am willing to take risk, now you can believe me."
SeYoung finally felt relived, her love has no expiration date. He loves her more then enough and more then what she expected.
They flirted like for 8 month, come on....all the audiences know!!! But they didn't.
They both thought they are the one loves the other more.
No...They love each other....That's it!

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Guest crazymiss

bladerunner said: Okay, This is my feeling.
I think SY likes WY from the beginning but she just didn't know if he treats this a show or a real relationship. She walled her heart up and try not to fall for him too deep. But she like him more and more. She doesn't want to reveal her heart maybe ..you know...he is an idol...no one teach you how to date an idol....I think she truly believe he likes her but only like her enough to get the show going.

In contrast, WooYoung likes her too but he has no hesitation. He just wasn't sure if she likes him enough for him to make a move (like risk his idol package (fan, popularity and etc....)
She walled herself up...it made WY believe she might just love him enough to be a virtual couple on screen.

I think SeYoung truly believe it's over, idol go back to be idol after the ending.
A love with expiration date.
She was sad for whole day.
WooYoung was sad but once he heard SY's confession, he was happy!
These is no sadness in his eyes but adoration.His kiss on a national tv is his answer for SeYoung."Yes I love you THIS much that I am willing to take risk, now you can believe me."
SeYoung finally felt relived, her love has no expiration date. He loves her more then enough and more then what she expected.
They flirted like for 8 month, come on....all the audiences know!!! But they didn't.
They both thought they are the one loves the other more.
No...They love each other....That's it!

So....WY, please throw some more heart signs to us!and SY......be careful the oppa freaks!kekekeke

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Guest bladerunner

Glad you all enjoy.(sorry, can't name each of you)
Hope the recap put a smile on your face.
I don't think I can make any gifs in next 8 hours.....
I am gonna jump on my bed and re-watch 2young again...and...sleeep
What a roller coaster day.....Good night everyone!
Our ship is sailing.....

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said: Okay, This is my feeling.

I think SY likes WY from the beginning but she just didn't know if he treats this a show or a real relationship. She walled her heart up and try not to fall for him too deep. But she like him more and more. She doesn't want to reveal her heart maybe ..you know...he is an idol...no one teach you how to date an idol....I think she truly believe he likes her but only like her enough to get the show going.

In contrast, WooYoung likes her too but he has no hesitation. He just wasn't sure if she likes him enough for him to make a move (like risk his idol package (fan, popularity and etc....)

She walled herself up...it made WY believe she might just love him enough to be a virtual couple on screen.

I think SeYoung truly believe it's over, idol go back to be idol after the ending.
A love with expiration date.
She was sad for whole day.

WooYoung was sad but once he heard SY's confession, he was happy!

These is no sadness in his eyes but adoration.His kiss on a national tv is his answer for SeYoung."Yes I love you THIS much that I am willing to take risk, now you can believe me."

SeYoung finally felt relived, her love has no expiration date. He loves her more then enough and more then what she expected.

They flirted like for 8 month, come on....all the audiences know!!! But they didn't.
They both thought they are the one loves the other more.
No...They love each other....That's it!

So....WY, please throw some more heart signs to us!and SY......be careful the oppa freaks!kekekeke

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I really like this "caption: It's 2young style even till the end." huging, talking, laughing.and stare to each other eyes..
Yeahhhh.2YOUNG really have their romans style. Both of 2YOUNG.really luv uand kamsahamida
Yeahhhh……2young will be my last shipper. Happy But still crying….hiks hiks hike :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :((

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@bladerunner thank you for all your hard work. I'm sure you're emotionally exhausted, as we all are.
Having watched this several times already today {I don't think I have any tears left}, I just can't get the image of their faces when they read the mission card out of my head. I mean, almost everyone here was devastated at the news of them leaving the show. Could you imagine how they felt when they read the mission card? Even knowing it going into watching it, I felt my stomach drop watching it. I'm sure it's a 10000000000000~ times worse for the two of them. 
I really like the fact that the last thing Wooyoung wanted to do was to go out in public to showoff Seyoung to the world. Like most of you said, it doesn't seem like an ending to everything, but rather an ending to a chapter of their lives. Turning the page, they'll have a blank canvas to make new memories. Speaking of which... who gets all the photos? Who gets all the baby animals? Who gets the princess duvet set... the puzzles, the butterflies?! Did they end up paying Jin Young?! Important questions need answers. I like to think that maybe since Seyoung kept the first and last mission cards {maybe the others as well?} she'll take the photos and make a scrapbook? What a great way to preserve memories.
I hope fate brings these two back together often; be it in music shows, CFs, dramas {maybe he sings the soundtrack to one of her projects? Although that could bring up more jealousy}, etc. etc. Just remembering what Jinwoon said about thinking that they were actually dating and how happy he was that two awesome people found each other. He wasn't shocked or surprised and was rather supportive. As well as Chansung and Junho and Seyoung's friends. These two have so many important people in their lives who adore them together, I think that's a pretty good recipe for a future.
If those crazy fans stop supporting 2PM should/when Wooyoung and Seyoung are a real deal, I will personally finance 2PM's endeavors, my wallet be damned. I just wish that fans could be happy when their idols are happy. Are JYP/SALT public companies? Maybe I should buy some stocks. Either way, I would like to see them try to explore something beyond the screen. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, I just hope that they'll always be friends and are supportive and respectful to one another.
At least Wooyoung will know exactly who that pretty girl standing next to him on stage or in a CF is now. His one and only Seyoung.
Does anyone here know the policy on jewelry for these guys? I mean, is it feasible/allowed should Wooyoung want to wear the bracelet and puzzle ring in public? I know he has sponsored jewelry and clothes. 
Also, I want an uncut, unedited version of the black couch. They were there for a while. The pink drink went from frozen to clear pink by the end of it.

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dear @bladerunner can u give me the link of chinesse sub? thanks in advance...

ur translation n all of 2 young..u all really help me cure my sadness... 

now im not sad coz their separation...coz im pretty sure that they will date in secret (maybe already...)... i cant tell maybe some of u can explain better than me... just like @happy2bhere...(i really love ur explanation) 

im watching some couple of we got married but when it was the last ep..its sad coz some of the couple i watch always very sad both male n female...its just like tell us yeah this is the end n i really hate to watch the last eps..... but yy is different..at first im scare too (watch their last eps).. but after watch it, i just cannot stop to rewatch  it again and again..its just like some of you i can understand some part of the conversation but not at all so i understand little.. wy already gift fans a hint.. he said lets get married for real (joking?)... and at the end he even said meet secretly (joking?) why should joking like that he know for sure some of fans dun like that...so for me its a hint...

n the kiss? wow i think he is so brave... (im pretty sure too that he know some of fans will hate it) but he just do it... for me thats just to ensure seyoung its not the end...

some of called it... kiss goodbye? i dun think so...kiss goodbye will be really sad..but look at his after kissing sy..he just smile brightly...ther is no sadness in his face...its totally a man in love..

i watch some of wy interview before WGM..he said he is very obvious when he is dating someone..people can tell the different..he even said we r human of course we need love... u can watch his interview here 

ah..  im really relieve i have this tread to chat coz now im sad that from now on i cant watch yy anymore (coz they would keep their relationship in private) i'll be really miss them .. i wish someday i'll see them doin interview talking about their relationship n how they announce their marriage for real... i wish...

love u all n our yy nation (new name) n my dearest yy...

[-O< :-*
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have been crying the whole day  :(( (I have been trying to prepare myself from last week's preview but still I had to shed tears today :( ) I'm glad that 2 Young couple has shippers like you guys :)

YY COUPLE fighting ...  2Young shippers fighting ...

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Sorry….to many posting from today….because I really can't sleep. But after this I have to sleep ….
If I am not wrong jokingly wooyoung talking about married 3 times:
First : when 2young, junho, chansung, seyoung 2 friends play a game. seyoung chose the same ball as wooyoung and wooyoung: you can not married with another guy.
second is this last episode: Then we just married for real
and third : In the future I'll meet her MAYBE SECRETLY!!!!!
As 2YOUNG fans….I really proud of you WOOYOUNG to have a brave to jokingly like that at national TV.

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@alilla He even sort of mentioned it in the first episode....after he was describing his ideal type....he said this....

Little did he know, he would really feel this way 9 months later.  For some reason I wanted to watch their first episode again....it's actually good to go back to this point and compare with their farewell remarks.  I almost think some of what they said, was like predicting the future, because things turned out how they were imagining them to. :x

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