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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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HIi 2youngers!

I don't expect you guys to remember me, since I've been gone for so long but I was a very active member back in the old good days hahahaha. Sorry, real life caught me up on guard so I can't post here that often and later on I went MIA completely *sigh* however my beating heart is still beating fast for our couple~

how are you guys??? So many new members I can't keep up :")

I just want to say

My wish for them are :  get married for real, have beatiful babies, have great career ahead and live a happy life togetha forevaaa~

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Hi guys; to celebrate their anniversary, albeit a little late, here's the newest installment. Sorry it took forever. And please overlook any grammatical/spelling errors. I hope you enjoy!

They had fallen asleep again. When Woo-young opened his eyes, he looked over at the clock on the nightstand that told him that it was a little after 1.00pm. Turning his head to Se-young who was still sleeping next to him, he smiled. Pulling her closer, he kissed her forehead before brushing her hair out of her face. At the soft touch, she stirred before snuggling closer to the warm body next to her.
When Se-young woke up a little bit later, she opened her eyes to see Woo-young grinning at her. Smiling shyly, she tucked her head into his chest. "How long have you been up?" she asked, her voice muffled.
"What was that?" he asked, bringing his head down closer to her.
She looked up at him, "I said, how long have you been up?" Rolling away, she stretched her arms and legs.
"Not that long." He ran his hand through his hair and rubbed the sleepiness out of his face. "Should we get ready? If we leave by 2.30pm we should be able to get to the farm by 3.30pm."
Her stomach took that moment to make its presence known. Rubbing her belly, she grinned, "Why don't you go first, I'm going to eat something before my stomach decides to eat itself." She rolled out of bed and grabbed the robe from the floor before walking out of the bedroom to the living room.
He got up from the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Turning on the water, he waited for it to heat up. He caught his reflection in the mirror and stepped up for a closer look. He looked happy and relaxed. The bags under his eyes were still there, but that went without saying due to his schedule. But the obvious signs of happiness were there. He thought of the woman sitting a room away from him, enjoying her very late breakfast and smiled. Seeing the steam rising from the shower, he stepped in and took his shower.
15 minutes later, showered and dressed, Woo-young walked into the living room to see Se-young sipping on coffee and munching on a croissant. "Shower's open," he told her as he took a seat across from her. Pouring himself a cup of coffee, he selected a muffin from the tray. Taking a bite, he leaned back in the chair, "This is good."
Se-young nodded and finished her croissant. Washing it down with the rest of her coffee, she stood up. "Thanks for ordering to food."
"Sorry I kept you away from it."
She chuckled and shrugged, "It's okay. It was worth it." She walked to her suit case and pulled out her toiletries before walking into the bedroom.
While Se-young was showering, Woo-young dialed down to the concierge desk. When the concierge picked up, he grinned, "Hello, I was wondering if you would be able to help me with something."
"Of course, sir. What can we do for you?"
"I'm here on a family trip and I want to have a picnic on the beach later tonight. Do you think you'll be able to arrange a picnic basket for me?"
"That shouldn't be a problem, sir. What time would you like for us to bring the basket over to you?"
He looked down at his watch, "We're heading out in a little bit, but we should be back by 7.00pm. Would you be able to get it to our room by then?"
"That shouldn't be a problem. I'll schedule to have the basket delivered to you at 6.45pm just to be safe."
"That's perfect. Thank you."
"Our pleasure, sir."
Hanging up the phone, he walked over to his computer and pulled up his email. He saw several emails from his manager and staff in his inbox. He decided that he should probably answer those emails before emails turned into phone calls. He updated them on his whereabouts and wellbeing, reassuring that both he and Se-young were fine. Then, he shot a few emails to his producers about some of the changes he wanted to make. He was finishing one last email when Se-young reappeared in the living room, dressed for the farm.
"Sorry that took a while," she told him as she put on her shoes.
"I had emails to write, so you're fine." He closed down his laptop and returned it to his backpack. Grabbing his wallet, phone and car keys, he met her at the door. She handed her his wallet, "Would you mind holding on to this for me?"
Nodding, she slipped it into her purse. Reaching for him, she slip her arm around him as they walked out of the door. "Are you excited to head to America next week?"
"It should be fun. I'll get to see a few of my friends who are there, which would be nice."

"I hope you have an awesome time and take lots of pictures for me to see."
"You could see it all if you came with me," he told her.

She leaned her head on his shoulder, "Next time," she smiled. "Enjoy your time with the guys. You're going to have the time of your life."
He pinched her cheeks, "Still wish you were coming."
"I know. I wish I was going, too. But you're going for work and you need to focus on your work. There will be other opportunities," she squeezed his side.
He nodded as they reached the car. He opened the door for her and waited for her to climb in to close the door before walking around to the driver side. Starting the car, he punched the address for the farm into the GPS. Once the GPS kicked in, he pulled out of the space and headed towards the main road.
When they arrived at the farm an hour later, they were greeted by an older couple who owned the farm. They greeted them and followed them through the farm. Woo-young kept his hand on Se-young's lower back as they walked through tree-lined field. 
When they came up to a tree with baskets sitting by the trunk, the owners showed them how to collect the tangerines. Once they were done explaining, they left them to their tasks.
Woo-young looked at the baskets in front of them, "How many of these do we have to fill?"
Se-young shrugged, "However much it takes to fill five boxes."
"Why are we doing this instead of staying in bed again?"
She turned to him, an amused look on her face, "Because we are thankful to our families who are being extremely supportive of us. And because we need fresh air. Except for church, I haven't been outside in ages, I almost forgot what sunlight looks like."
He reached for her hand, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I've been better, but I'm okay." She brought her hand up to his cheek and gave him a light kiss, "Besides, I've got you. It doesn't get much better than that." Pulling away, she bent down to grab two pairs of gloves and pruning shears, handing a set to him.
"You know you can always talk to me." He told her, pulling the gloves on.
"Of course, I do. And when I can't handle something, you'll be the first to know." She responded, stepping up to the tree.
He walked up next to her, "Even if you can, you should still talk to me. Keeping it all inside is only going to upset you more."
She plucked a tangerine from the tree and placed it in the basket. "I know that. But you also have to understand that up until a few months ago, I didn't have anyone to go to other than my family and a few of my close friends. I know I can rely on you, but you have to understand where I'm coming from."
"It's hard to see you struggling and not being able to do something about it."
"You can't stress out over something you have no control over. Things aren't all that bad and I am happy. I have you. And you have to know that that alone makes everything better," she smiled, cutting more tangerines from the tree.
Beaming, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close, smothering her with kisses on her cheek.
"Hey, Young-ah! Careful, I've got pruning shears in my hand. Do you want to lose an eye?" She scolded him.
He chuckled sheepishly, "Sorry. You just make me really happy."
She poked his side, "I know. And you make me happy, too. But these tangerines aren't going to pick themselves."
He pouted, "I'm trying to be sweet and romantic, but you're just worried about the tangerines. You're making me sad."
"One minute I make you happy, the next I make you sad. I don't know what to do with you," she shook her head, returning her attention to the tree.
He reached for a tangerine, carefully cutting the stem, "Tell me you love me once in a while."
She stopped and looked at him, "You know I do. Just because I don't say it doesn't mean I don't. Besides, actions speak louder than words."
"I know, but hearing it is nice, too," he pouted, picking more tangerines off the tree.
She stayed quiet and set the pruning shears down before picked up a slightly green tangerine. Peeling it, she tried a piece before she offered it to him, "Open up."
He looked at the tangerine skeptically, "What is this?"
"I'm showing you that I love you. Open. It's really good," she told him.
He opened his mouth and took the piece she offered. She smiled as he chewed. "Gah! Young-ah!" he yelped, clutching his head as the sourness hit him.
She laughed loudly as he turned and leaned against the tree, gasping for air, "Hahahahaha. Isn't it delicious?"
Dropping the pruning shears, he beckoned her, "Come here."
She shook her head and started to step away from him. When he reached for her, she ran away from his reach. He chased her around the tree a few times before catching up and wrapping his arm around her, "You. Why do you always do that?"
"It's fun?"
"Feeding me an insanely unripe tangerine is your way of showing me you love me? Are you trying to kill me?"
She giggled and shook her head, "You're not going to die from an unripe tangerine." He bit her lightly on her shoulder, "Hey!" she shoved his face away from her. "It's not my fault you never say no to me."
"I don't think I can ever say no to you," he told her, pulling her closer and kissing her again on the cheek, making her smile.
"Okay, okay, I get it. Let's finish this up before it starts getting dark. We've got a few more baskets to go," she told him.
They spent the next few hours picking tangerines and talking about family and his work. He was off to Beijing in a few days and then after that he'd be away for a week in the US. She would miss him dearly, but knew that he was going to have the time of his life with his friends. She was looking forward to hearing the stories when he got back. But until then, she wanted to enjoy all the time she had with him. With her issues with her company, it was hard to not feel discouraged from time to time. She was glad that they were dealing with the issue maturely on both sides. She just couldn't wait for all of it to be over.
When they were finished picking the tangerines, they went to the area in the farm where they packed the fruit into boxes. Quietly, they figured out who and where they were shipping some of the boxes. When they figured it out, they packed the boxes, filled out the forms, and handed them over to the staff. As they headed out of the farm, the met up with the owners again. They thanked the couple for their hospitality and promised to return again.
When they reached their car, Woo-young placed the box they packed for his family in the trunk while Se-young got into the passenger seat. When he got into the driver's seat, he looked over to see her typing away on her phone with a smile on her face, "Who are you talking to?" he asked.
She looked up and smiled, "Eomeonim. I just sent her the picture of us at the farm. She says she's looking forward to seeing us."
"I feel like I should be slightly terrified at the fact that you and Eomma are so close," he replied, starting the car and pulling out of the parking spot.
"Don't be. We have nothing but positive things to say about you," she told him.
"I doubt that's true."
"It's mostly true," she replied quietly.
He reached over and pinched her cheek, "I know the two of you. I know that mostly means 55% of the time."
"We have other things we talk about other than you, you know."
"I'm sure you do. Eomma loves you. I think she looks forward to you visiting than she does me."
"That's not true. She talks about how much she misses you all the time. I know she wishes that you could visit more often."
"If and when things settle down a bit, we'll do a long week in Busan," he told her.
She smiled at him, "I would love that. She could teach me more Satori, too."
"I'm sure she and Appa would like that," he told her.
They continued to talk about their plans for the stone park the next day, figuring out what time they'll get up and leave. Se-young also doubled check with him about their flight and travel arrangements to Busan. It's a relatively decent flight that would get them to Busan a few hours before lunch, but that meant they had to leave the hotel relatively early in the morning to make it to the airport and catch their flight. By the time the got back to the hotel, they were both tired and hungry.
"Why don't you go shower? Then we can go get dinner," Woo-young suggested.
"That sounds good. I feel disgusting," Se-young replied before heading into the bedroom.
Woo-young grabbed his laptop from his bag and started working again while he waited for the basket he requested to be delivered. 15 minutes later, there was a knock at the door and he went to greet the staff member who was carrying a rather large basket with him. Woo-young smiled and thanked the staffer before signing the receipt for the basket. He placed the basket on the coffee table and went to grab a few things from his suitcase.
A few minutes later, Se-young walked into the living room after having gotten dressed for dinner. On the coffee table was a large wicker picnic basket. She eyed it suspiciously, "Why is there a picnic basket here?"
Woo-young looked up from where he was rummaging through his suitcase, "It's surprisingly nice out for a fall evening. I thought we could have dinner by the water. And what a better way to enjoy a dinner by the water than a picnic on the beach."
"And when did you find the time to organize all this?" she asked.
"When you were showering earlier," he told her, standing up. He handed her a rectangular box, "Can you hold that for a sec?" he asked, before walking into the bedroom.
She nodded and took it. Turning it in her hands she asked, "What is it?"
"Speakers," he called back.
She looked at the box and smiled. When he came back out into the living room, having just tossed on a sweater she asked, "You just happened to have speakers in your suitcase?"
"Okay, so maybe I thought that in the event that it was nice out, I'd be able to do something nice."
"Jang Woo-young, are you trying to romance me?"

He took the speakers from her hand and placed it carefully in the picnic basket. Grabbing her hand, he led her towards the door. "Park Se-young, I'm going to show you what real romance is," he told her as they walked down the hall towards the elevator.
She chuckled and nodded, "I can't wait."
They walked quietly through the grounds of the hotel, enjoying the views and each other's company. When they reached the edge of the sand, they slipped out of their shoes and held on to them. Woo-young led them towards a quiet area where the staff had set a table that was surrounded by torches. "I thought about just laying down a blanket on the sand, but this will probably work better," he shrugged.
"It looks great. Thanks for planning this," she hugged him as he led her to the table.
He kissed her hair and smiled, "I hope you like it."
"I love it already," she smiled.

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Guest oolita

Before the day ends, I want to join in the celebration.
HAPPY 1st WEDDING ANNIVERSARY DEAR 2YOUNG!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥More than pop of balloons, flash of lights and shower of confetti - may the sound of laughter, flashes of smiles and showers of happiness mark your anniversary.

It's only their 2nd meeting, but she already shown how much of a caring person she is. I miss you Park Se Young.

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Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary YY couple Collection of Sweet body language 
Stare = When you have someone special in you mind, you will keep an eye on her all the time  2Young%2BSW-2.gif 2YoungEP32-30.gif 

Holding Hand = I like you 2Young%2BSW-1.gif 2YpungEP19-362.gif
Embrace the waist = Fully demonstrated enthusiasm and sincerity to tie a relationship with you. A hug is indicative love very much. Comes with familiarity and trust between two people. Shows that there is no space between you. Relationships were also equality and reconciliation.
2YoungEP21-205.gif 2Young%2BSW-12.gif

Embrace your shoulder =  A serious love. Sweet romance with one of their loved one. And want to be loved, honesty and trust in themselves. Like to have someone beside me close and supportive.2Youngep14-22.gif 2Young%2BSW-9.gif
Put your ring on her finger = You will be my only one forever2Young%2BSW-4.gif 2Young%2BSW-3.gif
Kiss the cheek = I want you 
2YoungEP32-4.gif 2YoungEP33-13.gif
Forehead Kiss = I be merciful you, you so adorable and wanna nurture you2YoungWC-36.gif 2Young%2BSW-6.gif 
2Young%2BSW-7.gif 2Young%2BSW-8.gif
Lips Kiss = I Love you2Young%2BSW-10.gif 2Young%2BSW-11.gif

I used Google translate to help so might be had a weird word I miss Every one, Love you all PS. It's different size cos I used my old gif and sorry for long post hope you guys can forgive me for this  

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Awww im soo sad i missed the anniversary party but everyday is 2young day so its okay. i cant believe its been a whole year!!! lol I dont think i was even this emotional when i watched their final episode as i am reading all your post 2day. that poem, as an english major, i think you derseve an award @jann17, & @agashi868 that mv made me cry. You guys are amazing!! every single person!! :x :x :x
This is my absolute favorite moment from that day!tumblr_n5v9gzy3Zh1qlbwojo2_250.giftumblr_n5v9gzy3Zh1qlbwojo6_250.gif
The smile on her face is everythingggggggggggg!

"I’ve already fallen in love with you, so how can you be fake, and not real? When the love I have for you is real, how can that love become false? As long as my love for you remains, you will always be real. Even though there may have been nothing here when you first came, I’m here now standing right beside you."- heard this from Hyde Jekyll Me & immediately thought of our babies. Happy 1 year Anniversay 2youngers <3

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WOW daebak this 2YOUNG 1 year wedding Anniversary long time no see Unnies….make more time apperance 
REALLY HAPPY to great all of you Unnies and all of chingus s YY nations….
Let's be happy sailing and hope we can get a great news both our lovely 2YOUNG.
Luv u FULL

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Guest Sarie_31

@scuttler eonnie... the ff so sweet... makeme smile ear to ear...  :Dtengkyu..tengkyu..tengkyuuu...

@jbum eonnie... I knew it...  ;)

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Dear @agashi868 i dont know what to say... I really love this fmv, I'm crying n smiling at the same time... I miss them soooooo bad! Thank you for making this, love u to the moon back!

And @rosera uniiiiii welcomeback! I miss you and miss ur slow motion gif, your post was daebak as always...

@dilawidj aaaaah one of woostan who loving Uri Seyoungie so much...

How I miss our golden days in this thread.... All of you guys... The old shippers, active, newbie, silent lurker... And uri @bladerunner where are u dear?

Thank u for keep this thread alive :*

Anw, happy sailing youngers~~

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@ModiaD @alillia @Diendong and EveryoneUnni miss you too, Since long time I never back to post anything on the threads Thank you for still remember me  You need to thank you @jbum If she doesn't remind and invites me to celebrate 1st Wedding anniversary I might be forgot to post wrong day hehe  :-*  >:D
I will back to talk to you guys later, I will post to belated celebrate for my 2Young Thailand Fanpage Love you all PS. I just found out this come back make me know that's my first Anniversary too hehe 

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@rosera  don't mention it unnie. We miss you here in the thread :x  It's been a while since you last bombard us with your gifs ^^ that was like everyday when the show was still airing.This ship is indeed blessed with all the talented contributors like @jann17 @TioY @shineehappypandas @agashi868 @eeyahlove22 @scuttler & everyone who posted those lovely fanart. 
Also, happy to see again @dilawidj welcome back dear!  It's been a long time.As @Sage_Turquoise unnie said, we are family because of these two. This ship won't be as fun without each and everyone of us here. 
To @bladerunner unnieavh_zpsluvdf9l7.gif

We miss you unnie :PGIFS-ice-age-32408829-245-123_zps9vudpemk.gif
(.....................runs and hide)

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two heartbreaking chapters at a row is too much to handle :(( =((
but still 
the auther is so good and the story line is intersting 
hope things will be fixed by the next chapter :)
@scuttler enjoy your update as always hope to see anthor one soon 
@agashi868 this mv is just amazing lovvvvvvve it  thank you so much 
@jann17 the poem is so beautiful and sweet you are so talented .

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@jbum hehe almost give up but I finished already If someone wanna saw was Picture I choose cos Facebook gif can't be moveSo I change some moment for my post 
Here is the link https://www.facebook.com/notes/919124318138465/

And I have long weekend so when I got back, I will drop some gif that I didn't finished before:x 

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