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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Maigad...chansung is gorgeous being ermmm female pocahontas... @-) ;;)

@MsChiefy I too hope the movie is a success and I really wanna see her up and about busy with movies and dramas...i m not even interested in drama casting these days knowing she's not able to be cast. Just miss her terribly...yaaah boyfriend...share yr girl sometimes with us will you? We miss her too.... :wink:

I just want her to look gorgeous tomorrow and be properly given the limelight she deserves...so that boyfriend can be proud-er of her... [-O<

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You know, as we talk and reminisce and rant about MBC and 2Young's time on WGM, I've come to realize the thing that I love most about this place and the global 2Young community is that we had two communities that became one. You have two people from two different, yet similar industries, each having their own set of fans {although there were several overlaps here and there}. Their time on the show brought together the two communities to make one cohesive one.
2PM fans who didn't really know who Seyoung was became some of her biggest supporters during one of probably the toughest periods of her career. And then, there are Seyoung fans who weren't really into 2PM now watching videos, variety shows, and actively following news about Wooyoung and 2PM. I just think that it's awesome and you're all awesome. It's kind of like the movie "Yours, Mine, and Ours" where two former lovers, who each got married, had children, and then became widowed, meet up and realize how much they still love each other and got married. They all became one family. Their kids may fight from time to time, but at the end of the day, they became a family. Being here kinda reminds me of that. Anyway, I apologize for the cheese. I was just thinking about it while I reminisce and rant to poor @jbum and @shineehappypandas. I'm just glad that we've grown from each of us defending our own bias, to defending the couple. It's kinda cool to go back and see how much we've grown since the beginning. 
I also want to share this screen cap as I think it's a hilarious observation of 2Young's relationship. Especially because there were so many people who didn't like that it seemed like Wooyoung was portrayed as being weaker than Seyoung. I never thought that was the case, I've always thought as it being them both respecting the fact that there are things the other is better at than them and being amazed by their partner. And we never really saw Wooyoung being upset that Seyoung was better than him at something. He was always praising her.

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Wuuu Wuuu.. only 1 day to go to see our Princess at Cat Funeral movie premiere.. I am very excited.
As she is still in contract dispute, she can do only present herself at the VIP premiere. She may not be interviewed or attend press conference.
However, I am still happy to see her, to know that she is fine.
Seyoung-ah.. fighting..


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So she can go to the premier but cannot talk? Aigooo...that's so ridiculous!

I dont even see the connection to the dispute if she talks abt her movie. It's not like she gets paid to go anyway...just tell her what she can or cannot talk about. These ppl are too much.....why this total ownership by agency and why is it so rigid? Wy ahhh... look what they are doing to yr girl...no wonder he was in a bad mood...poor babies

I think i need cheese cake...i feel miserable :-S

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jann17 said: So she can go to the premier but cannot talk? Aigooo...that's so ridiculous! I dont even see the connection to the dispute if she talks abt her movie. It's not like she gets paid to go anyway...just tell her what she can or cannot talk about. These ppl are too much.....why this total ownership by agency and why is it so rigid? Wy ahhh... look what they are doing to yr girl...no wonder he was in a bad mood...poor babies I think i need cheese cake...i feel miserable :-S

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ujiyus1 said: jann17 said: So she can go to the premier but cannot talk? Aigooo...that's so ridiculous! I dont even see the connection to the dispute if she talks abt her movie. It's not like she gets paid to go anyway...just tell her what she can or cannot talk about. These ppl are too much.....why this total ownership by agency and why is it so rigid? Wy ahhh... look what they are doing to yr girl...no wonder he was in a bad mood...poor babies I think i need cheese cake...i feel miserable :-S

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@ujiyus1‌ flip table is too cute...lol...I was just responding to @AomP post...

Plus things were hectic at work today...i just need good news or some cake...now I got lots.. :smile: of cake, that is....

Lets hope for the best tomorrow...they better treat our girl right...or Superman will use his super duper laser eye power to...err do whatever it is superman does! Fighting!!!!!!

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can't believe tomorrow finally we would see 
our princess missing her too much :x
I think i will be admiring her pic for days 
about her attending the event but can't really talk 
hope it is not true this is just too silly 
salt and this contract dipute really getting on my nerves :-w
it has been months already can't they just end it already 
anyway even if it did happen and she didn't talk I'm more than glad that we gonna see her 
wouldn't be great if she wear something blue?! ;)
can't wait for tomorrow  
#AlwaysSupportParkSeYoung :x 

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Guest liestiana

WY : Junho-ah something wrong with my body. I feel so dizzy and I've a stomachache till I can't breath. Help me Junho-ah | JH : What's wrong? You want me to take you to the backstage for a while, huh?? | WY : Anniiii.. I think i've a lovesick. I just miss my Seyoung-ie lol | JH : Ahhh you two jinjjaa !! >
Seyoung-aaaaahhh I miss youuuu so badly .... >
cr : as tagged

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Guest freeza

@scuttler i agree with you about 2 young relationship. what's wrong with that? i mean that's what relationship supposed to be, not women should be like this or man should be like this kind of thing. just go with the flow and enjoy each other, that's what 2young did, that's why i love them. their time in wgm really show what true relationship supposed to be. ottoke i miss 2young again and again and again and again....@jann17 is it true is true what on earth is that. so weird seyoung cannot talk on her movie's premiere. i'm like @ujiyus1 throwing the table, aiissh, ok let us all eat some cake, chocolate cheese cake and chocolate ice cream, drink hot chocolate.....omo too much chocolate.

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freeza said: @scuttler i agree with you about 2 young relationship. what's wrong with that? i mean that's what relationship supposed to be, not women should be like this or man should be like this kind of thing. just go with the flow and enjoy each other, that's what 2young did, that's why i love them. their time in wgm really show what true relationship supposed to be. ottoke i miss 2young again and again and again and again....@jann17 is it true is true what on earth is that. so weird seyoung cannot talk on her movie's premiere. i'm like @ujiyus1 throwing the table, aiissh, ok let us all eat some cake, chocolate cheese cake and chocolate ice cream, drink hot chocolate.....omo too much chocolate.

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I agree with @scuttler ...wy was never bothered with the role reversal. He did go into the marriage with a lot of pride...to be the man, to take care and protect her, to always look good in front of her... A typical Busan guy...but he didnt expect sy to want to do the same for him. She wanted to drive for him, initiate skinship sometimes, support him, be the one protecting him when he needs it, and is not afraid to meet him half way. And how he looked never bothered her...silly pyjamas n all...he was just her wy in front of her...

Pride never stopped her from showing her affections, only shyness most of the time. And wy, being a man who is open to letting her do all this for him...I think just made him a bigger man in my eyes. That's the way she shows love...may be different, sometimes bold... but it doesnt make him think less of her. And when he depends on her or is vulnerable with jealousy, it doesnt make her think any less of him too. In fact, i love how he appreciates each skinship and care that she gives, and tries to step it up and take it from there. That's why i said their dynamics and understanding of one another is superb...

He knew she was all bothered when they practised the script. She turned red, she couldnt read the script properly when he hugged her tight...so he appreciated that by showing her how much he wanted to hold her hand, hug her to sleep and had been longing for a kiss. He showed that he was equally...if not more attracted to her than she is to him. That's why i love them...that's how they complement and complete each other in my eyes. You let go of yr pride and bare yr soul...I'm going to do the same...that kind of thing, and you are still cool and beautiful in my eyes in all your vulnerability. It was just pull and pull...it's simply amazing. :x

And scuttler chingu....never ever apologise for the cheese...lolz [-X :x

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Guest freeza

hi to you too ujiyus1.  ottoke too much 2young this night, i just watch their camping episode and now i have to watch that fanfid ( well i don't have to but but i want too kkkk) @jann17 you always now how to wrote something, you're younger than me i guess but surely much much wiser than me =D> aigooo i have to go to sleep now (but watch one or two fanfid first  :D) 2young look what you've done to this ahjumma. 

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