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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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bladerunner said: I asked my friends to translate the final messages on the chair.I was so touched by their words and think I should share with you.
cr: jbum
This is what WY wrote to SY:
In front of the woman I love, things like pride doesn't exist any more.
Still remains unchanged, that person...is you! Thank you.

This is what SY wrote to WY:
WooYoung ah. Thank you to be with me. Just like the sofa/chair we made together, let's be together forever.  Married you is such a wonderful thing. Honey, I love you.
I am not korean so I can't say it's 100% accurate (but should be close enough to make you cry).BUT please do not post on any social media or share on other site...just leave it for fun chat. I don't want any trouble.
I cry when I read this..........
They love each other so much!

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Guest enzo0227

My God I cried again after knowing what they've written in the sofa...It's like there confession to each other..I'm sad that I wouldn't get to see them every Sat but so excited for there future together...

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Unni @diendong‌ i think 2PM should make sure who is hottest and the REAL HOTTEST! They cant say that they're hottest if they can't see their bias being happy with someone they love.. And i know who is she unni eventhough i still cant open my ig.. My signal totally bad.. But i will check wy's ig asap.. Kekekekkee.. I know her, and i really don't like to see her comment on wy's ig..

Thankyou so much unni @bladerunner‌ its so touching and made me more believe in their love.. Thats why i say NO DOUBT! :x

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Guest PeerayaI

I just watched the last episode, with a big smile on my face.
For me, as a Hottest whose WY is my ultimate bias, as YY shipper, I'm so touched. I don't know, really can't put my feelings into words. He's such a real MAN whose I'm proud of. I see his eyes saying how much he loves SY. I see is action, telling her how much he loves her no matter what. I just see a guy who has fallen totally in love with a girl. Not an Idol singer, not an actress. They're so sincere with us and themselves. So fearless even though they're aware wholeheartedly what will definitely happen if this episode is on air. There must be more many oppa freaks bombing comments in his ig and twitter. He may lose some fans or make them sad. But he just doesn't care. He's totally a man. 
I don't know. I just love our Woo the way he is. He's always be honest to us, his fans. Be honest to his feelings and always be honest to SY. I believe he already has their future planned in his head. Plan on keep in touch with her, maybe dating for real? I don't know. But I think Woo has grown up so much from this show. Comparing with Woo who was so awkward in the first episode, now he has already become so fearless to what awaits them from now on. He said he loves her many times. He kiss her on cheeks and even on lips. I don't think Woo is the person who could possibly be forced to do something he doesn't want. It's his own will girls. He said it fearlessly that he wants to kiss her, to stop her from crying. That was so touching. I know I said it many times, but I'm so proud of him. Thank goodness he's my bias. I never know that I could love him more from watching this show. This would totally be the most memorable show for me forever.
Sorry that I'm totally rambling about Woo. ;) He's my bias after all. Do I need to welcome SY as our Hottest new sister-in-law? (after welcoming Tiffany?) I don't think so. I think she has already become our Hottest family already :) 

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Thank you for the translation @bladerunner and your friend :x
I wanna cry when I read their messages. as if looks like their made confession in that chair... :x
Hopefully those words are REAL... Hopefully they will meet again someday and make progress of their relationship... 8->

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Guest crazymiss

AomP said: bladerunner said: I asked my friends to translate the final messages on the chair.I was so touched by their words and think I should share with you.

cr: jbum
This is what WY wrote to SY:
In front of the woman I love, things like pride doesn't exist any more.
Still remains unchanged, that person...is you! Thank you.

This is what SY wrote to WY:
WooYoung ah. Thank you to be with me. Just like the sofa/chair we made together, let's be together forever.  Married you is such a wonderful thing. Honey, I love you.
I am not korean so I can't say it's 100% accurate (but should be close enough to make you cry).BUT please do not post on any social media or share on other site...just leave it for fun chat. I don't want any trouble.
I cry when I read this..........
They love each other so much!

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Guest PerryjoH

yep she look like a royal beauty..wooyoung must be proud for having a beautiful and smart gf,,seyoung is a treasure.,aigooo this is the beggining of their hardship..busy schedule.freaking oppas.secretly dating,bad publicity and the most Wooyoung jealousy mode lol..hope they can handle it in the name of LOVE!!

:-/ :x :\"> we need to cheer them up !!
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@all YY Nation..yah we hv one hope after we watch their last episode and actually the last ep not make our sad but happy cz their relationship being real..i'm fans of SY for 5th years and i never saw she cried like that full of emotion..and SY is really honest so sometimes she can hide her exspretion sad,happy,jealous and mad that's like her friend mention on WGM ep she's blunt...but she's a cool girl with mature mindset so i think she's doesn't think about WY said on program WGM not funny...@rosera uni welcomeback..if we really like them we just support and think possitive about them cz everyting they choise must be the best for them...aminn

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I thought i was going to devastated and uncontrollably crying my eyes out for this episode but guess who smiled through the whole 20 mins? yup, I DID!!!! Wooyoung & Seyoung have become two of most favorite human beings on planet earth and i will watch this ep every single day till i cant watch anymore. 
Wooyoung, you brave beast you!!! lol As an Idol, he knew the consequences that comes with kissing a girl on NATIONAL TV! but he was more than willing to deal with all the hate & millions of questions hes gonna get this month abt it because thats wat his heart wanted. He chooses been a normal human over an idol anyday and thats why i love this man!!! 
His explanation of the kiss was even better than the act itself. The way he closed his eyes, clenched his fist and said "I REALLYYYYYY REALLYYYYYYYY wanted to kiss her" was literally like heaven to me. Thank you both for allowing us in your journey of falling in love. I pray everyday for God to watch over you, protect u & grow stronger & stronger everyday. NO MATTER WAT ANYBODY SAYS, THEIR OPINIONS R IRRELEVANT BECAUSE WOOYOUNG & SEYOUNG BELIEVE IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP. AND THEY HAVE US, ALTHOUGH WE ARE A FEW MEMBER ARMY, TO BELIEVE & SUPPORT THEM TOO. thats all that matters in the end :) 
                                     EAT YOUR HEARTS OUT HATERS, FREAKS, CRAZIES!!                                             imagep.s if u have twitter, i encourage u to tweet both of them so they atleast know they have supporters..

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@emiells agree with you really almost everyone says seyoung is pretty when they first met her If I remember clearly,the fans in the airport when they went to Singapore, the girl selling iced coffee in the airport, of course wooyoung mom, the composer changdaii and now the ice cream seller. Wooyoung is such a lucky man to have seyoung not only she is pretty physically but she has a good heart and good personality. Even me as a girl was mesmeized with her beauty, She is indeed a natural beauty inside and out.   :)

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@emiells @cat_ram yes me too agree with you,my friend who meet her when SY and WY on SG for wedd ceremony said SY is really shinning and pretty..once more she's very polite and taking care of WY in front of 2PM fans..i think both of them lucky having each other... :x

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@ulizz  really your friend is lucky to have met her in person. It's one of my wish to meet her but I think that would be impossible but who knows. LOL

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..i just finished watching WGM.what does this mean Seyoung tears....?i understand it because they love....and love is very deep and they do not want to say it.quite simply they both understand their heart is....i am very happy Wooyoung gentleman at the end of the episode.seyoung very loving Wooyoung.who among the hottest capable of preventing what they want to do....Hottest or Haters....sorry you can not do anything for love not be in force.and you can only love him as an idol.cannot have the faith of Wooyoung.Hottest or Haters....do not hate him because he loves someone.Seyoung may be the most perfect woman in Wooyoung Eyes....so don't blame Wooyoung or Seyoung becuse they love each other.take care of your self....feeling   :-q Sorry i just ignore what you said...... Haters....

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