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[Drama 2013/2014] King's Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang 제왕의 딸, 수백향


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After re-watching the first episode it's clear that SN knows who her father is...i think she was the one that stabbed JM,because she found the truth about her mom and ADOPTIVE dad murder ...and maybe that they betrayed their country

Do you want to live?
To live in disgrace?
I could kill you
and rid Paekche of you forever.
You raised your hand
to Princess Su Baek-hyang.
My father... King Mulryong...
...won't stand for it.
Life means nothing to me.
I'll see you in hell!
You fussed if I caught so much as a cold.
Cut me down?
You can't.
It's not in you.
You're right.
You were my one and only
precious sister.
But then you made things this way.
You betrayed your own country.
Solhi, come...
Come with me to hell.

Mother is watching.
The last thing she said to you...
Remember it.
For me the fake one  is the new DORIM not SN ,DORIM was a fake monk/nun SH is a fake princess...She'll become a traitor and JM too...that first scene is heartbreaking SN wants them to die together she won't cover for her this time...she just wants to die...maybe she thinks she deserveS  the hell too for loving the CP her father son

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Well, i thought a lot about it but King Gaero died 45 years ago (Dorim stayed 15 years with him). Let's suppose that they have conceived a child, his/her age would be close to Kuchon... And SH represents the beautiful poisonous flower, just like Dorim was. We are on speculation so i just proposed mine.

Otherwise, i'm particularly thinking about the year: if SBH is supposed turn 21 the next year, we are in 522. In 523, King Muryeong dies and Gokuryeo attacks Baekje. We are close...

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said: @prissymom I tried to google translate as well and just have a bit of ideas. The tattoo is a symbol of the King's men, a marking of possession almost. MN doesn't have to do the engraving. However, DR noticed that SN loves MN and MN does care for her so she wants him to do the engraving by saying that if he wants her to be the best spy and listens to his orders, he should do the engraving and so he did… Still don't know why DR would do it though. She's full of mystery.Btw, I think MN did say something like he did the engraving so SN is his [to order] when talking to the Bimun instructor.

After ep 42, I honestly want the Koguryo officer/messenger to doubt SN's identity as princess and asks to stay and observe for a while. That would give SN time to stay in the palace and enjoy a bit of luxury. In the mean time, she can totally build a good brother/sister relationship with JM (since the princess meets with him sometimes from what we know in her routines) and maybe makes MN jealous


… I so look forward to this turn of events, at least before she comes to Koguryo and discovers all the lies and betrayal.

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prissymom said: Thank you for sharing your interpretation.  So, Dorim concentrated on CP's and SN's "feelings" for each other rather than the "rules" in convincing CP.
I think the reason Dorim cannot perform the engraving of the tapir tattoo on SN's body after she found out that SN is the real SBH is because only a person with royal blood (and royal physicians) can touch with their hands the body of another royal person.  Dorim is not of royal blood nor is she a royal physician so she cannot do the engraving on SN. 
I need the English translation  of the conversation between CP and Dorim at the end of ep 41 when she was convincing CP to do the engraving on SN.  I think Dorim knows (like I do) that CP knows that SN is the real SBH.  I will wait for Eng subs of ep 41 to share the reasons why.

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It's all too confusing trying to suss things out....I have given up trying because all I get is an headache when I do. Now I will take and enjoy each episode as they come..... I have enough trouble trying to suss this world out....I am NOT going to include this drama to my very long list.

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Is it only me but did solnan forget about why she joined the band? i mean we know that solhi is safe and is in the palace, but solnan does not know this. her reason for joining the band was to find her sister. now that she's in the band, why is she not looking for solhi? 

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NewKDramaAddict said: That's what I love about these sagueks whether they are based on historical facts or loosely based. I love exploring the history and following the story to see where it goes. I love when I see that I am right but also love when I missed something because it gives me an opportunity to go back. That's why I love soompi because I get to read others thoughts and see how close they mirror mine. And if not, I learn a HELL of a lot from reading other posts!!

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cacazeel said: Is it only me but did solnan forget about why she joined the band? i mean we know that solhi is safe and is in the palace, but solnan does not know this. her reason for joining the band was to find her sister. now that she's in the band, why is she not looking for solhi? 

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My thoughts

There are so many thoughts as to the key characters of this show which though is thought provoking, fun, but mostly interesting I am wondering if some of us should follow libby5602 example and just relax to avoid headaches trying to sort things out.  For some that’s fine I do suggest that you do so to ease headaches (life is hard as it is), for others- are you crazy, where would the fun be in that this show is getting at a point where there is more people talking & being interested in a 100+ episode daily drama that is rare on soompi especially for a historical saguek.  That’s also a point too, I am both because there are times when I just want to relax & try not to suss/sort things out – “Be SBH brain free!!” :).  But most of the times I just cannot help it, SBH despite its flaws is surprisingly good, I am saying that because of my nasty viewing history with MBC shows of late.  I am a soompi addict, I love coming here often to read people’s thoughts of shows that I’m viewing there are times you just want to respond to what that person said whether you agree/disagree/find what was said amusing/disturbing etc.  The other component is my sense of responsibility when I volunteered to provide recaps for this show, knowing that my Korean is very limited and I am just telling you from what I interpreted from watching that episode in raw.  I was not sure if I could do so but nothing beats failure than not trying, so I tried and I like it so far. Though it is time consuming, deciding what and how to write takes a long time which explains why I do this in Msword first, before sending it over to soompi. As a result I am appreciative and encouraged that you like what I have written so far.  The my thoughts came in when I realize that it takes too much out of me to give an opinion of the show after 1 episode, its best to do so collectively and to take into what has been said so far into consideration say everything & then some at one time.

In relation to the delay in subs, this has happened before with MBC last time it has to do with working conditions etc which was resolved.  This time for us it is unknown, but it is hopeful that all will come back on track shortly, being impatiently patient helps.

So here I am with my thoughts for last week’s episodes. You were already forewarned that this will be lengthy.

I said in my recap for episode 41 that one has to keep in mind that this drama is 100+ episodes as such based on where we are it is a bit early for the major stories to be revealed. As such I am asking all of us to be impatiently patient as all will show in due time, long way to go.  Though I do admit it’s tough as some of us already have the ending in mind, what I can say is that this show has proven to be a bit unpredictable at times which is good, keep us alert.  As most of us did not expect that twister for SN’s main mission that was a biggee.  For the end, I just want a happy one for SN as she really deserves it.

This week was:-

(a) The revelation of MN’s true purpose for SN being trained as a spy for Baekje to go to Koguryo as princess of Baekje.  This is even when she is the real one which at present is only known by SH/ “SBH” who is the cuckoo. 

(B) Introducing super spy DR who will be influential and become a major player in the future.  In addition has raised the suspicion of SN to her as to her true identity which was highlighted during training.

© Start closing in on the possible romantic relationship between MN/SN.  What they have done is skirt it but in such a seductive way. 

(d) Cemented SH/ “SBH” position in Baekje’s palace as she will not be going to Koguryo as a hostage.  It also shows her yearning to be accepted as SH/ “SBH” by both the king & MN a fact that JM is aware of.  SH/ “SBH” is also aware of the tattoo that truly names SN as SBH for which I am sure she is upset with her mother for doing.  As stated before JM for once I wished you had shut up with that tidbit.

(e) Introduced JM to SN and likewise.  The relationship between them is- I am not sure, as they feel an immediate kinship with each other but at this time cannot explain it.  Considering what the father did also will affect this relationship in the future.

(f) Introduced SN to the king.  As far as the king is concerned at this point SN is the fake princess and not his daughter. He has also been advised by DR to keep his feelings for her in check as she is a ‘fake’ daughter.

(g) Introduce NE as more than just SH/ “SBH” personal maid.  We find out that she is BM and could possibly shift loyalties to SH/ “SBH” in the future.

I will expand on some of them and not all as they are self explanatory.

The revelation of MN’s true purpose for SN being trained as a spy for Baekje to go to Koguryo as princess of Baekje -We knew that MN was going to use SN as a spy but the how was a surprise to all of us. Got to give MN props for his foresight where it comes to SN/ Baekje, as well as his planning capabilities. These are talents critical in ruling Baekje as according to history he was proven to be a shrewd king with a sad demise later.  MN is first & foremost the crown prince, future king of Baekje as such his priority will always be Baekje.  He will use whatever resources in whatever manner required in ensuring that his country comes out on top & protecting its interests.  When you think about it, you should not be surprised as their personal feelings for one person is not considered priority as a future ruler of a country as it is their main responsibility.  Sad but true, yes MN is a man but being a ruler takes precedence.

It just happens that one of those resources is SN.  In both episode 38 & 39 he said all this to GM as to why he/Baekje needed SN, in episode 42 I think he is saying that he has ensured that SN has the qualifications to do what needs to be done therefore he is not concerned/worried per se to TC.  The fact that SN now knows the truth is hurtful but at least she is prepared and her illusions are somewhat gone about MN. She is still going ahead because what she wants is finding her sister no matter what she has to do or how long it takes, he must fulfill his part when all is done.

The fact that it so happens that the person he is sending as a hostage is the true princess of Baekje is surely going to mess him up very badly, as he so happens to care for the woman.

Introducing super spy DR who will be influential and become a major player in the future.  In addition has raised the suspicion of SN to her as to her true identity which was highlighted during training.  Approximately 2 weeks ago we were introduced to DR who was responsible for one of Baekje’s major losses which is the Han River.  I also said it was too early to determine who DR is.  I am still saying it’s too early, what we have to go on is the fact that she is a very intelligent woman who so happens to now be a spy for Baekje.  She is a master Baduk player who is using the prizes (stones) that were received from King Gaero as a way to make up for her “sin” to him /Baekje & present king.  I think she truly liked the former king but because of her duty as a spy she had to do what she did, hence it was one of the reasons why she stayed in Baekje.  When you think about it, would not surprise me to find out if BM was formed because of her.  If one ever met DR on the road, you would not think of her as a spy based on one’s perception as to what a spy should be that in itself is her success. 

DR suspicions as to SN’s true identity has come about through getting to know SN, liking her & as her tutor is aware as to why SN became BM.  However there are some things that do not make sense to her right now, these are how it is that SN knows the story of SBH, who is her mother and why does she have the tattoo of SBH on her.  SN talks about her sister but not once she has mentioned her name to DR or others for that matter to them SH is her ‘younger sister’. DR has also never met or spoken to  SH/ “SBH” in person, she knows of princess “SBH” but does not know “SBH”.  Therefore she cannot make a call – that’s why I stated that all players are not fully on the board as yet, not all key information are out in the open for the game to be truly played.

Start closing in on the possible romantic relationship between MN/SN.  What they have done is skirt it but in such a seductive way.  - MN has a large influence on SN whose romantic feelings are growing for him, his feelings on the other hand is there but is not completely open.  However by before the end of episode 42 SN’s feelings are now making her aware as to the illusion of MN & that they have to disappear because all MN has done from day one is use her (even if the feelings disappear, it’s temporary).  We were seduced from episode 40 to 42 as to romance aspect between them; however DR warned her saying that being too open in your feelings can kill you/its dangerous, I think she has to take heed to those warnings. During SN’s training as a princess her actions seduces MN, but he is good at hiding his feelings as to how much she affects him which is rarely seen by others the exception being the picking up stones, sword sparring and thinking about her while he works.  He does not realize those feelings because of how he has grown up.  DR sees a lot so she tries to tighten that relationship by making him place the BM tattoo on her making them both aware as to the true meaning of it etc. should it come to affect them in the future. As said before that scene was seductive but a bit disturbing for me (seductive – how it was done, disturbing – the term ownership of a person, I know it was common at that time but I still do not like it). That’s what the PDs has done with this component of SN/MN relationship at this point which is to seduce and skirt.


SH/ “SBH” her yearning to be accepted as SH/ “SBH” by both the king & MN a fact that JM is aware of – I remember an earlier episode when SH described herself to NE as a person who hated her past self but who is now dead.  From the dance it appears that she is not 100% comfortable as “SBH” because in her heart of hearts she knows that she is the fraud.  JM knows that fact as well and he tries subtle ways to dig it in for his revenge on the king.  However, JM needs to play smarter as he just met the true SBH & does not know it. I am surprised that she has a bit of conscience on this matter, considering the she had planned this from the moment her mother told her the truth about SN. The fact that she continuously looks at the ‘family portrait’ is worth noting.


In response to some of the comments, these are my views:-

MN knows that SN is SBH – disagree.   The reasons for this are as follows :- (i) SH has never given indication in her fraud to be other than “SBH” to Baekje (ii) SN has never mentioned SH’s name nor her complete family background with names etc to him & others of note in terms of her story which was a typical one at that time based on the area having bandits etc.- so MN has never thought otherwise with the exception that SN’s extreme devotion to her sister which he envies and manipulates to his way (iii) apart from playing the role he has never heard the word SBH being uttered from SN’s lips especially with the background (iv) he would not knowingly send the true princess of Baekje on a suicide mission to Koguryo especially when he is aware of how the king loves CH.

CH not loving KC – disagree.  CH’s did love KC but it was different from that of the king.  KC for all purposes was a good man & husband to her so after going through tragedy, in order to live she learned to love KC the man.  We saw this in episode 14 when they went through a happy series of memories between them their look at each other was loving, the fact that she chose to be with KC even when called by the king to meet him, she got blinded in trying to protect him when they were attacked episode 16.  She thought of him first when she was injured asking for him while they escaped but accepted his ‘death’ when told. CH sincerely loved KC. However, the king was her first & true love, she died loving him but circumstances avoided them being together as a couple her last thought was of him because he was still alive.  It’s the same with the king, CH was never far from his thoughts though he got married twice, he never gave his heart to anyone else because the reasoning behind having a wife was more political than emotional.

DR knowing that SN is SBH – disagree.  DR suspects that SN is someone important; she just does not know who that person is.  As stated earlier most people know the general idea as to SN’s past, her mission etc & complete devotion to her ‘missing sister’.  However, not once has she mentioned her name out loud except younger sister.  Also DR is just getting to know SN, her first meeting was this week and from their interactions she is aware of 4 key things (1) SN knows the true story of SBH (2) SN has the SBH tattoo (3) the current princess’s habits matches that of SN’s missing sister (4) the actions of CH in trying to subtly but ensuring that SN is recognized as princess SBH.  DR has never met or spoken to SH so she cannot make a connection at this point and SH ever since coming to Baekje has never once called herself SH nor responded to that name she has stuck with “SBH” from the beginning.  The GM suspects something but has no proof, MN has talked about SN but no connection could be made as well.  As stated earlier I hoped that the GM takes a good look at SN because then he has to do some serious thinking as to what to do next.

I do agree with most of what @carmolita had said about DR and SN in her post.

@cacazeel – SN has never once forgotten as to why she is in BM, but she had to undergo training and become BM in order to get her foot in the door in finding her sister. Once she has done so, the responsibility will fall unto MN to fulfill his end of the bargain, can you imagine his surprise and messed up emotions he is going to have when that truth is revealed.

@libby5602 – it also makes me upset when I get things wrong too in the prediction aspect of the show but it’s fun in playing the game to determine how good you are at these things and what others think.  Plus to be honest it goes to show that though k drama is predictable sometimes though rarely they actually surprise you with its unpredictability keeping you on your toes making some of you want to play some more.  When you think about a drama should not be too boringly predictable it makes one lose interest after a time.

Little much is known about the real SBH according to research done earlier by Araminta some pages ago she married someone else which contributed to the strengthening of that country.  We do not know if the PDs are going to stick with that little known fact or there will be an alternate ending for MN/SN, it’s too early to tell.

Still want to know exactly how much episodes its does help in our playing. After typing all this, I will be now “SBH brain free until next episode”.  Take care everyone.  

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