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[Drama 2013/2014] Take My Hand 내 손을 잡아

Guest skara

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YS is at the police station and they have blocked the video and the detective walks away. YS brother is jacking up JH as he has blocked the video to clear his sister and implicate SH. JW is watching the chairman do therapy and JH is there. JH is in his office and remembering everything every one said to him. YS is saying something. 

Video credit MBCDrama Channel on Youtube.

My thoughts:

Oh.. so they blocked it with the police now is the time to leak it to the press and public. Public opinion cannot be stopped and would drop  hints he blocked it.. Let's hope someone gets smart.

Well I'll be damned, I knew Sh was going to blackmail Jh she will not go to jail by herself. I'm with you also on this. I don't think they should have taken the tape to the police I think they should have gave it to the prosecutors office I'm sure Jw still has friends in the law department.  How bad are the police to conceal evidence like that how much is they paying him let's see who will have sense enough to check the officer bank acct.

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thanks @gene71632 for the recap....

It amazes me that those that were not effected by things in the past can say this:

  1. [*]
JH said that the past is the past only. YS told JH that he is crazy. JH asked why he should destroy the present matter over things of the past.[*]YS told JH not to be mistaken that he can stop everything as the truth will be revealed sooner or later

It is about time someone got smart.. you stop it this way then now I still say it is time for them to put the video out to the press and public.  Even showing it to the board of directors of the company. Showing them JH wife and the fact she murdered someone.

SH wants to use this and the excuse to not let it harm him but it is really all about her not wanting to pay for what she did.

So YS should just let it go about her mother, her reputation everything because him holding that seat is much more important then her life and her mother's life.. (see a weak man she is so better off with out him!!)

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Don't you just love the aunt mopping up the dirt she say's.
Well Jh just wasted his money trying to block Sh re-investigation. Ys did him one better and uploaded the on the internet. Everybody is seeing it and the police that stop investigation is also in trouble now. A reporter jack Jh mom up outside the house questioning her about Sh and Sh still trying to lie. Jh standing there looking stupid. 
I look for Jh or Sh to go after the chairman again Jh can't have him getting well at all.  
I'm thinking Sh father covering her crime is taking a toll on him. 

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Guest colleenfh

@LdyGmerm highlighted this line:

J H said that the past is the past only. YS told JH that he is crazy. JH asked why he should destroy the present matter over things of the past.

I agree with what you said about his idea of it all being in the past, it seems that he really has not considered this from his son's perspective.  ES will have to grow up knowing that the public thinks his mother is a murderer and the stigma attached to him for being the son of a murderer.  That does not sound like it is in the past, it sounds like the present and the future for his son.  If he were any kind of parent that is the person he should be considering most in his recent decision to protect SH and not the Chairman's seat he got by ruthless means.

I loved how with each additional attack on his character from YS, JW, JY and finally the aunty trying to clean-up all of the dirt in the Chairman's office.  I am sorry but he should have stood there and taken it from her because he knows he was totally in the wrong.  JH just could not take any more of the guilt-trip but he made his bed and should lay in it like a man.

I also loved the preview of the reporter and JH's mom, the press is going to "kill" them.  It is only going to get worse especially if they continue to try covering SH's dirt, the press will just keep digging.

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I also loved the preview of the reporter and JH's mom, the press is going to "kill" them.  It is only going to get worse especially if they continue to try covering SH's dirt, the press will just keep digging.

Jh is going to have to answer to those boardmembers about Sh past and her stealing someone else work in order to obtain what she got.  I look for those members to want her fired it will be known.  Jh will not be able to help Sh anymore and he may as well tell his mom the truth because Sh matters do have his position on the line now. I look for his mom to tell him to divorce her quick if he don't want to lose the company.  

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I loved that they did what I suggested and took it to public opinion.. The internet is the fastest way to get something out there reaching many countries and millions of people.

Try to cover it up.. and when the press goes to ask the police why was this covered up and hidden they will have no choice but to investigate and prosecute SH.. JH trying to cover this up to save his seat has just lost it. Everyone from the preview has seen it in the building and are looking at SH funny. She can not deny it. I was happy the reporter walked up on JH's mother.. and she has found out even then she tried to lie and JH could not say anything because it is the truth.

I look for KCJ to go into hiding because it will come out that he took the video that night and held on to it using it to blackmail and block the truth of the night as well as lying as a false witness.

JH life is over as is his mothers and SH's.. covering up for her has only resulted in everything crumbling. I did not get a chance to look at the whole episode so no recap sorry guys.. I just caught the last few mins and then the preview.

Video Credit MBCDrama Channel on Youtube.
valsava said: Don't you just love the aunt mopping up the dirt she say's.
Well Jh just wasted his money trying to block Sh re-investigation. Ys did him one better and uploaded the on the internet. Everybody is seeing it and the police that stop investigation is also in trouble now. A reporter jack Jh mom up outside the house questioning her about Sh and Sh still trying to lie. Jh standing there looking stupid. 
I look for Jh or Sh to go after the chairman again Jh can't have him getting well at all.  
I'm thinking Sh father covering her crime is taking a toll on him. 
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I think jh will suffer the same fate as the chairman the stress of it all is going to destroy his health. I expect the board to start their grumbling now questioning jh integrity to remove the chairman when he and his wife did what they did. I also see that other director who betrayed the director to do a 180 and restore him to his position.

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Well it's time for Jh to abandon Sh did he really think that all is forgiving and cover it up because it's in the past. Now the methods of him obtaining  his seat has become questionable. Ys should let those boardmembers see it. Sh is back into a corner now so who she will go after is Ys baby.  

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valsava said: Well it's time for Jh to abandon Sh did he really think that all is forgiving and cover it up because it's in the past. Now the methods of him obtaining  his seat has become questionable. Ys should let those boardmembers see it. Sh is back into a corner now so who she will go after is Ys baby.  

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The thing about kdrama board of directors....its too late to stop it....as jh found out several of them are behind jw but this time a majority will be behind jw. I see jh loosing his position soon and since jw has abandoned jh there is nothing he can do.

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@LdyGmerm, I think Jh was telling Sh to get out before his mom finds and throw her out.
I tell you Sh is after that baby she paid the man to kidnap Es. Or she paid the man to try and doctor up the video about her.
You got to love the aunt once she get's fired up about something it's no stopping her. 
Well tomorrow's ep Jh mom will start to let Sh have it. It looks like Jh mom cares more about how Ys look to the public eye for her G/Son then his on father and she's is teed with Jh for knowing Sh did that and not trying to get rid of her. Sh is standing with one foot on the banana peeling and the other over the cliff because it's nothing she could do to get rid of her guilt. 
It looks like Ys and Jw serve Jh papers on Es and it's really nothing he could do or say to stop her from taking him those papers is a restraining order for them to stay away from Es.

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Es will be Sh last resort. That's really going to spin the wheels twirling/ Jh is starting to look bad in front of the board. Those boardmembers are wondering what he's going to do about Sh azz knowing she's a murderer and you haven't gotten rid of her she's a liability to the company.   

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