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[Drama 2013/2014] A Little Love Never Hurts (Give Love Away) 사랑해서 남주나

Guest livon123

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Guest purpleZ

@jihanjannah No, you're not alone. I'm also a JM/MJ shipper. It's just that my hope for them to get back together fades each episode, now that HR's mother has approved HR/MJ's marriage. I think @Timothy Johnson, @kulpip7, @livon123 to name a few are also/still JM/MJ shippers. But we may be heart broken in the end, so I'm preparing for that scenario.

Ratings according to AGB Nielsen Media:
Episode 35: 13.6%
Episode 36: 14%
(breaking the record, with scene of HR's family dinner in celebration of his parents 35th wedding anniversary.)

Caps of episode 36


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Can anyone explain what that document is about? 

edit: Omg. Those two are so freaking greedy. They want the old couple to marry under the pretense of supporting their love. I hope MJ's mom catches them on it and calls them out on their scheme. Is the document then some sort of marriage license that they want to file? The nerve. I'm sorry. No matter how hard-hearted the daughters seem to be, it's still loads better that the old couple marry with their consent. Then again, I must be rooting for this to happen because I just hate MJ's brother and sis-in-law. I don't want the old couple to marry because of some sort of trickery. Those two riles Yoora, which isn't really the way to soften her stance that's so dead set against MJ's mom. Damn, if only MJ can get a clue about her oppa's scheme. 

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purpleZ said: @jihanjannah No, you're not alone. I'm also a JM/MJ shipper. It's just that my hope for them to get back together fades each episode, now that HR's mother has approved HR/MJ's marriage. I think @Timothy Johnson, @kulpip7, @livon123 to name a few are also/still JM/MJ shippers. But we may be heart broken in the end, so I'm preparing for that scenario.

Ratings according to AGB Nielsen Media:
Episode 35: 13.6%
Episode 36: 14%
(breaking the record, with scene of HR's family dinner in celebration of his parents 35th wedding anniversary.)

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Guest ae-jungsHAT

OMO!!! Just watch ep35!   =D> =D> =D> Can we all just clap for HR's dad for growing a backbone and taking a stand against his wife's selfish and oppressive
reign of terror in their family!!!!!!! Thank u writer nim!!!

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Hello, I'm new here... Have been watching this drama since episode 1, really like it!watched this because of Seo Jiseok actually...but ended up liking JM/HK couple^^, such a cute couple! but they don't have a lot of scenes these days...and anyways I like the other couples as well except for BJ/JY :D
Looking forward to ep 36 already! :)

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Well I'm still watching this drama even though I haven posted in a while, but I'm loving JM/HK but for some reason they might put JM/MJ back together in which I really prefer the couples as they are right now and loving the old couple as well, So I'm waiting impatiently for the next episode because it's getting good as each episode goes by while this drama is another one of my addictions ;)

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Guest samasta93

The sisters, although some of us here see them as egoistic people, I can understand their heartache and reasons why they behave like that. The idea of their father getting re-married is really like a betrayal toward their late mom. For what she had been doing regardless what he had done in the past, her sacrifices etc now seem so meaningless. The father can forget her so easily, the daughters will never be understanding about that. However, as we can see from the drama, the father in fact doesn't forget his late wife and always feels remorseful with his mistake. Thus, he wants to try to live happily just like what his late wife told him to do during her deathbed. He wants to at least - try to be a good husband, a good man for only one woman.. since during his past life, two women became his "victims". He's never been able to fulfill the husband role accordingly.Meantime, in the sisters' eyes, they cannot fathom the father's intention of getting re-married as the act of remorse. For them, if the father does really love their mom and does regret with his mistake, repentance should come in a form of: nobody can/should/will replace their mom's position in his heart and life. In their eyes, they see nothing is lack from the father's life. He has children who take care of him and healthy-happy grandchildren. He has pension to live his golden age. He has home. He is healthy. So, what? What is lacking? Why the father feels lonely? Why the father cannot be content with what he has now? Why he has to be greedy with pursuing a marital relationship with another woman - a divorced woman with complicated family issue? He can just move forward like he's been! It's not like the children abandon him! The more they're thinking of it, the more they sense that the father is only finding excuses and egoistic. After all, isn't the father old already? He should spend rest of his life peacefully and meaningfully by behaving accordingly like a father/grandfather or a widower should be. The father should not be worried or afraid of being abandoned and left by the children. So far, the daughters are dutiful and devout enough regardless their disappointment with what the father did to their mom.. but now, they can't understand it more. The father seems like losing his sense. He is senseless and insensitive. If the father feels lonely, isn't he a former judge who has acquaintances or friends? He can fill his spare time by connecting with his fellow friends or colleagues.. or simply perhaps, being a lecturer in universities from time to time or freelance~? Or he can pursue his hobbies such as hiking, travelling, or anything else - things or activities he had no chance to do back then. But, why dating? Why re-marrying? Is it the only way to kill the time? Is it the only way not to live lonely?
I, myself, as a viewer of this drama... to be honest, is taking side with the sisters. Emotionally, if I were YJ who had witnessed how sad her mom's life was, I would never be considerate with any ideas of the father's bringing another woman as his wife and being new mom. Emotionally, if I were YR who had thought my father was the greatest loving father and a devout husband in the universe who would never ever do cheating, I would never appreciate any ideas of another woman replacing mother's place in the father's heart. On the other hand, realistically, uniting two different families whose children are adults with different background, values, and expectations... which nevertheless will indeed create internal conflict is really difficult and complicated, if I were the father.. I would try not to bring another chaos into the family for I had successfully created one huge mistake which scar is lasting till today consciously or unconsciously inside my children' heart.
Well, I am not against with the idea of getting re-married - please underline it. But, for this drama and for this old couple, I think they must evaluate their position and decision objectively and carefully. If their decision to get married brings more disappointment and sadness than happiness to the circumstances, wouldn't it affect their lives as a married couple too? In the end, they would think of their own children and prioritize them over others consciously or unconsciously. Maybe at first, they try to act fairly, but as time goes by? Blood is thicker than water.  IMHO, having old step-father or step-mother whom you (an adult) meet and live together (like it or not) can create issues. Even I, who is blood-related to my parents, always have conflict with them just because different perspective over something. The conflict can be serious and hurtful sometimes regardless the fact I'm their daughter and they're my parents, and the scar is lasting even though we can make up naturally or easily.
In short, I understand the sisters. Jaemin and his bro in-law can be chill out over this issue perhaps because they're men. Though I'm not sure if YJ's husband would ever like the idea of having his beautiful wife got re-married after his death.. LOL.. =))at any rate, perhaps for some of you.. watching the sisters' reaction is so nerve-wrecking.. but, I enjoy it.. hahahah..  I do really enjoy it to the point this ruckus should be shown longer than the boring HR-MJ~ LOL
On the other hand, **screaming full of support" to JM and HK. This couple is damn cute. I am never getting bored of watching both.The progress is fun and realistic. Wanna see JM so head over heels to her.Meantime, I agree with some of you here that they need to do something MORE to spice things up between HR-MJ instead of just focusing on the marriage which I think neither is crucial nor suitable for both current stage of relationship. I still feel they're lacking something, so why do they need to bring the issue of wedding bell as fast as thunderbolt? Wondering if HR has been doing too much in kitchen that he knows nothing but rushing the proposal when you've just spent over months with a woman. excellent =.= smarty chef =.=
Lastly, about the conflict between HK's parents. I was wondering if they finally would bring back HK's mom's secretary on screen to spice things up between her and HK's dad during this temporary separation period..?  it seems to me, the family members feel suffocated under HK's mom's "reign".. LOL..whenever I see her, her boldness of expecting her son as the successor may be related to her own birth situation as a daughter - pride that her father had never had. Thus, she wants (or let's say: wanted) to give the marathon stick back to son descendant. No wonder she said that when she gave birth to HR, she felt like she owns the world.. 

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I agree with all your points. It's hard for me not to side with the sisters as well. I love the old couple, I really do but I can understand what the sisters view is of the subject of them remarrying. I guess it's selfish, but I don't/can't ever see my mom marrying another guy as well especially at her age. I can probably go with Yoora's point and allow them to have a close relationship though. Back to the sisters relationship with their father, has it already healed over? I remember an episode where all of them seem to have talked things through but I've never really remembered (or haven't probably seen an episode) their dad make an effort to reach out to his kids, and actually wait for them to react positively to his efforts. It seems to me like he feels that he has done his part patching things up with them, but the daughters feel differently. It's still pretty obvious though that beneath all that resentment and regrets lie concern and love, so they all really have to reach out and mend bridges before they're able to move on. The problem I have with the father is that he's so defensive of his relationship and is somewhat dismissive of his daughters whenever they want to talk about it. Seems like Yoora got her pride from the dad. 
I feel bad mentioning this but I'm starting to dislike MJ. She looks and feels pathetic as a character in these recent episodes, and her wavy hair isn't doing anything for her imo. I wish she'd get rid of the waves and opt for straight shoulder-length hair with highlights instead. I don't know how I went from liking her to detesting her characterization but it's pretty obvious that I'm rooting for the mother-in-law more. Gah.. I must be selfish like mom. =)) I just don't like the fact that everyone's backing the relationship and rebelling against HR's mom I guess. It's like they had her bullied into agreeing with the marriage instead of seeking her permission for it. I don't think MJ will get treated well as a daughter-in-law that way. I'd wish the writer had written MJ in a way that she'd ACTIVELY seek the mom's approval instead of always wanting to convince her through talk. It would've been more of a testament of MJ's love for HR to have her do everything in order to gain the mom's consent--and not have everyone backing her up. I do so hate damsels-in-distress. I think HR's mom is pushy but I don't believe that she's all bad either. She liked JM enough for her daughter, despite him being an employee, so I'm sure she's not one of those dramas who only cares about the money the in-law will bring in to the family. 
I think the mom really detests MJ because she looks pathetic, a pushover and won't be the kind of wife who'll manage her husband, family and household well. On that note, one scenario that plays in my mind is to have MJ ask the mom to prove herself--by possibly hiring her to do a job for example? I would've love to see MJ's relationship with the mom to go from feelings of detest, to skepticism, to grudging respect and last, camaraderie. And to see MJ point out to HR his shortcomings as a son as well (while he's complaining about his mom to her) would've been far interesting to see. 
On HK and JM, it's interesting how HK told JM that they should just start seeing each other as often as possible instead of avoiding one another, this is so they'll slowly get sick of the other. What HK/JM had neglected to pointing out is that there'll always be two sides to a coin, and that 'seeing' each other and acting like an old married couple (flaws and all) is pretty much what dating is all about =)) Moreover, seeing each other can also lead to positive results: falling in love.  :x Fighting JM and HK! 

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Guest tiyalampard8

bella1025 said:
On HK and JM, it's interesting how HK told JM that they should just start seeing each other as often as possible instead of avoiding one another, this is so they'll slowly get sick of the other. What HK/JM had neglected to pointing out is that there'll always be two sides to a coin, and that 'seeing' each other and acting like an old married couple (flaws and all) is pretty much what dating is all about =)) Moreover, seeing each other can also lead to positive results: falling in love.  :x Fighting JM and HK!

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Guest tiyalampard8

Probably correct.. cos live streaming mbc now is sport game..yeah, the winter olympics :(
coldsun242 said: Is it true that the new episode was preempted by the Winter Olympics? So no episode tomorrow?


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Guest adikkeluangman


[사랑해서 남주나] *결방 알림* 소치 동계올림픽 중계 일정으로 오늘 저녁 8시 45분에 방송될 예정이었던 주말드라마 '사랑해서 남주나'가 결방됨을 알려드립니다. 내일(2/9)은 37회가 정상적으로 방송됩니다! pic.twitter.com/9kKv5HC4oI

— MBC PR (@MBCnest)

February 8, 2014
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The problem I have with the sisters is we as the viewer have no idea what the dad's marriage was like,for all we know it could have been an arranged marriage with no love in it, we get that the mother was hurt by his cheating but again we don't know what their marriage was like. We also know that when he cheated they were living apart, but we don't know for how long. With that said I have always got the feeling that their objections was more about their father daring to find someone that makes him happy. Just like their resentment stem from their knowledge that they mother had lived being unhappy. If a marriage is only about duty and doing the right thing, someone is going to be unhappy.
When Y first saw her father with MJ mom her complaint was about him looking happy, she resented that he had never looked that way in front of their mom. At their age do they really think he is trying to find them a new mom. The only thing I see his marrying requires of the children is courtesy and respect when they are having family gatherings. 
Leaving that alone because I don't know if their is a right answer. I am waiting for JM to find out that his fathers new love is MJ's mom.

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Guest purpleZ

One thing I'm frustrated about right now is how long they're going to drag JM and MJ into finding out that their parents are actually in love with each other. Now there's only 12 episodes left and while almost everything is revealed and solved, this particular scenario is not happening yet.  X(

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