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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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nesschino83 . said:My dear friend...I am afraid you misunderstood the ending of my story...It's a happy one instead...In the first part the woman he touches when he wakes up in the morning is Ji Hee but after she dies, when he first confronts Yoon Jung on the stairs at the police stion  he gets to touch another skin and feel another warmth and he becomes obsessed with it for five years until he finally accept her in her heart and when he wakes up again there is Yoon Jung whom he immagines next to him and gets up with renewed hope that he will have the chance to see her that day at the restaurant and receive a smile from her. 

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GM to all the Secret Agents, I left for sleep (didn't really happen I laid there running secret in my head all night) and come back 6 pages behind, how f****** awesome is that!!!
I really must say this drama is all about parallels, we see SY in an earlier scene going to JH memorial saying that it is time to let MH go so she can have him. (I would like to think that JH is looking down from the heavens and shaking her head at SY) a request that was selfish and only serves her.
Then we see in episode 13 YJ (2.0 turbo charged version, this is the way you go and give respect) begging forgiveness (yes, we know she was not driving nor saw JH that night, but for YJ she is sorry for that and is very responsible. Just because she did not see her does not absolve her in her eyes.) And asking the woman that has had so much of MH's heart for so long. (another difference from SY, how is it that you know him but do not know that basic fact about him.) That is only right to go and ask if it is ok for her to accept his love and hold his hand even if it is only for one day and I hope it is more then one. (I am sure JH was smiling down on that union) MH does not need someone who is selfish with their so call love. He has had that with his family enough and with the loss of his mother. He needs someone that is going to give as much love and support to him as he will to them. 
parrallels.. all of them are always so much better when we see it from MH or YJ's perspective. 
SY only seems to be self serving, here you are engaged to the man and are suppose to be a good partner to him in home and business and yet, you stab him in the back time after time.  He never wants to stand by you or know where you are.
YJ here you should be the one stabbing him in the back after all you thought he did to you and yet you are the one that tells him you will not leave him and to encourage and support him to continue when a crisis is near. He has to always know where you are and can't breathe if he does not see you. (could be why he was so pale when he was sick, the poor man was not breathing due to not seeing YJ, He sure got his color back fast after she visited and fed him and give him her own special hug.. lol) he demands to have you stand beside him or in this case him beside you.

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so i started out with Heirs and paid no attention to Secret, and end up worrying what my life will be after this drama end.i mean, after Ailee's "I Believe i love youuuuu....~" i have to go back and be all "LOVE IS THE MOMMMEEENNNNTTTT~"I can't even... X_Xthe power of sizzling chemistry promising makeout scene otp's to-die-for snogging session amazing combination of great script and great actors!if they don't get the best drama and/or the best couple, there is no justice in this life. :-B

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mokonapuu said: so i started out with Heirs and paid no attention to Secret, and end up worrying what my life will be after this drama end.the power of sizzling chemistry promising makeout scene otp's to-die-for snogging session amazing combination of great script and great actors!if they don't get the best drama and/or the best couple, there is no justice in this life.

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Guest blueivy

Guys, do you remember BTS. So what? Will be a wedding MH and SY? iHS4F4q.jpgg6HYBko.jpgEgEHFOq.jpg

X_X  :-SS :-w

I hope and pray this is jus a wedding dress fitting instead a marriage

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For those who happened to experience one of life's most amazing excstasy aka KISS.. ya'all will know what I'm talking about...

Kiss is happening due to the evolution of desire's hot lava (blood burning) into an unstoppable passion to express the mixed of feelings.. caress, protection, regret, relief, longing, missing, providing, possesing.. LOVE.

When two lips intertwined.. the hormon endhorpine factory in our body suddenly rise it's speed almost 100 times more than normal. The effect of feeling, smelling, tasting, inhaling and absorbing other human's most sensitive body part other than yours.. is a nirwana to mind and soul.. it's as addicting as breathing, for people who's in the first stage of fall so deeply in love.

For Min Hyuk.. he can kiss that lips forever.

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Hello Secret Society! I've been a silent reader since day 1 and I've been planning on staying one but ep 13 just forced to come out of the shadows. This drama is just on another level that it is hard function properly from Friday till Tuesday. Everybody's analysis and theories have been so fun to read that it makes the other days of the week bearable. When I watched the scene where Chaebol Appa gathered everybody and told YJ to shoo, it reminded me a little bit of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (y'know MH's 'loved ones' scheming behind his back)...especially when KS held back MH, I was like "Et tu, Kwang Soo?"I also would love to give the cinematographer and the director an ultimate high 5. The backdrop of the Autumn leaves in the last scene was just a gorgeous complement to the scene. =D> =D>

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Guest henrisha

@mellifluorence Please write a recap for Episode 14 and make it as detailed and awesome as the one you did for Episode 13! I couldn't wait for the subbed version, so I watched the raw while reading your recap and everything made sense. Thank you!

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I have a shopping appoinment ladies.. so I won't be able (and never able yet) to watch this episode live with you all...

But as usual, no matter in which fitting room I am later, I will surely update this like a religion to me thread...

Recappers.. ajja ajja fighting!! Kamsahanmida in advance..

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Guest falloutjane

lyrayoo said: A quick heads up to everyone :----
Gah! I can't seem to type outside of the blockquote. Anyway, I got 'Promotes' from you! So where can I exchange these promotes for an itunes card? Or an Amazon card? Or heck, I'll take an Etsy gift card too! Hurhur. 
Man, I was just a silent lurker, caught up to episode 6 before I decided to try out the livestream, it actually worked and now look where it got me! Ack! Now I have to spend nearly an hour after the show recapping. Hurhur. For soompi fame and PROMOTES THAT WOULD GET ME AN ITUNES CARD, NO??? Hurhur. 
Anyway, I watched 13 again. Very interesting thing to note again. Mentioned it in my recap but I only got to the significance when I got to watch it the second time. When the weaksauce start came on, MH was looking at the death report of JH and the police report of YJ. It's very interesting to note how far his emotions have shifted that when he cried, it was over YJ and not JH. <3
Sajangnimmmmmmmmmm! YOU! IN! MY! HEART! 
FOREVAHHHHHHH! Or as the Koreans go POREBAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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