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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Wow, I never knew this lol. 

Edit: I think the pic says "content unavailable" now. anyway, it's a korean spartace fan who pointed out that KJK recorded and had the lyrics of his 7th album done at CJes, SJH's company.

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 Im really curious if there was ever a korean fan who reported seeing them hang out together. i dont really frequent korean forums that much. Ive seen a couple restaurant pics but not a whole lot.


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I was re watching episode 183 and noticed something, so I'm sharing a few screencaps if anyone is interested in revisiting old SA moments. In this episode, they had their individual fortunes told and then the PD says that two people amongst these various couples have the best compatibility. Notice Haha, YJS and SA reactions (mainly the direction of their gaze as soon as the mission is announced). The rest of the cast and the guests were unbothered.

Btw, in this episode KJK was really nervous, this dude has some weird defense mechanisms lol. In this ep, he pushed hard for MC...








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I don't even know what to say about the latest episode, but WTF @ the production team.  Not even speaking as an SA shipper, but literally having most of the episode focused on KG was really unnecessary.  It was a good time to have the 6 of them work together as a team, and refocus on what RM should be about.  Having a short cameo of KG is fine, but dedicating most of the episode to him was just not needed.  Instead of having an episode where the 6 of them can focus on working as a team of 6 from here on out, they keep bringing back the 7012. And immediately after this, they throw guests at the 6 members.  We'll never know how well the 6 can work as a team and the production themselves will never know either, the only 6 that was incorporated into the episode was the 6 hours.  Knowing that the ratings are horrible for RM (I've been pretty nice and hopeful about the new RM production team so far, and this is probably the last straw), and the perfect chance for a change after the farewell episode and have the 6 refocus and regather their thought, instead they keep holding on to 7012 and the Monday Boyfriend.  I had hopes for the production team to move forward ever since the change in PDs, but instead, we're back to the same old days of Taek PD, where the focus is on MC concept, 2 of the 7 members.  2 of the 7 members, where the other 5 members are pretty funny themselves and these 2 aren't that comedic.  Promoting MC or KG never worked for ratings, yes I get that they have a big following outside of Korea, but if ratings are the concern right now, KG never helped with it. I don't know if anyone is interested in knowing, but 1N2D recently filmed with RM nametags, and I'm not sure what the show plans to do/make a parody out of it, but it's pretty embarrassing that your competing show is using your main trademark of your show.   

As a RM fan and SA fan, what the hell at the production team. Rotating PD's for who's taking the lead for episodes is not a good idea.  The consistency of the episodes is just richard simmons. You gave the MC concept 2 goodbyes, one during the Q&A episode, and one during the farewell episode.  Clearly the main focus/selling point of the episode was the reunion of MC. The production team putting out articles about the reunion, PD putting an MC photo on his personal IG. Based on the text messages, what KS said seemed made up, like what he used to do back in the early RM episodes.  It was out of character for him to say anything about MC, bc of all the members so far these past 7 years, KS was one who never promoted MC or really hinted anything at it.  I think it comes out of understanding knowing that lovelines can harm an actors/actress' career.  JK's expression though was literally probably everyone's face who isn't watching the show for MC. We get it, JH cried a lot, and can't let go of her Monday Boyfriend, we understood that perfectly last week and the 1000 articles they released about how she cried more off camera.  Can we now move on, production team? Can we also stop boxing in JH as just a Monday Girlfriend? Even if there's a possibility of the two dating or being together, it literally is way too much.  MC did not make RM, all the members made what RM is today, so a little respect from the production team would be great to respect the efforts of the other 5 members of the show. Also for anyone that says the show isn't scripted in the least bit, I think this episode pretty much tells you it is.  There was no way that KG didn't know prior that the cast was going to crash his studio.  They did everything in the area of his studio, booking the karaoke rooms, and all that jazz. Had KG not been in his studio, the cast would've just been up to doing nothing.  /end rant.  

On a positive note: JK and the puppy were cute together, I don't think I'll be having much to say about RM anymore.  Going to just tune into JK cuts. 

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@lostinthisdream I agree with pretty much everything you said. These days, I find myself re-watching old episodes more than the actual ones. I only check out every week for possible SA moments. The members in this ep looked bored out of their minds, especially Haha and KJK. It looked more like a kid's show than variety. It's a pity that they have 6 talented people at their disposal who proved they can deliver in the funny department but mis-use them so blatantly. Maybe time will prove that KG got out of that sinking ship just in time (if SBS don't get their richard simmons together very soon). Idk why they are incapable of changing, the name tags should remain but the creativity in games is non existent at this point.

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1 hour ago, lostinthisdream said:

I had hopes for the production team to move forward ever since the change in PDs, but instead, we're back to the same old days of Taek PD, where the focus is on MC concept, 2 of the 7 members.  2 of the 7 members, where the other 5 members are pretty funny themselves and these 2 aren't that comedic.  


Your post took the words right out of my mouth, but unlike you, I don't have the patience to organize my thoughts, so thank you for it. XD

Though I would like to especially comment about the above quoted excerpt: this production team has an unfortunate tendency of focusing on just 2 people in general. In episodes where MC wasn't the main concept (though the crew always had a mandatory and random af clip inserted of them + had them positioned next to each other so there was a greater potential of recording footage with an MC moment), they still focused on 2 people: JS and KS. Now, unlike MC, they are funny, but you can't have the entire show revolve around them, especially when doing so disregards the other members' efforts. The PDs haven't realized that you can have too much of a good thing (and then personally, the others are more my style, but I'm describing the general situation). Sure, I like chocolate cake, but I wouldn't want to have chocolate cake 24/7. Problems with moderation (and proper consistency) plague this production crew since they just milk the heck out of things they think "know" work, either due to shortsightedness or laziness/stubbornness. 

Unfortunately, that focus on the show's other 2012 is likely to be present in the next 2 episodes too, so no hope in the near future. Though the next episode starts off with all the RM guys on one team + the female guest versus Sechs Kies + JH, 


JS and KS are eventually swapped with two of Sechs Kies' members. Granted, it seems like it will happen in the latter half of the episode, but that easily opens up the opportunity for the show to focus on JS + KS and the guests without having to distribute as much screentime for the RM team.

Additionally, if anyone's seen the filming pics from today's ep, you can see how 


JS and KS are the only ones paired up with the guest, and in fact grouped up with their partners for the first (likely "random") mission. You can see Hahyo and JK/SJ meet up together later on, but it seems like SJ+Haha and JK+JH perform the missions separately before then, granted I still don't know if like SJ and Haha, JH and JK do the same mission, or unlike everyone else and for some magical "random" reason, they're off doing separate missions. Now it's expected for D.O. to be paired up with either JS or KS, but both being paired up with guests again allows the production crew to fall back on their old and awful screentime distribution habits.

Of course, we'll have to see how these play out in the actual broadcasts, but there have been far more times my low expectations of the PD team have been validated than otherwise. So I'm not being hopeful. 

EDIT: Also, I've voiced my concerns to my friends on IG, including @androkia91, but I'm curious about other shippers' thoughts as well. Was anyone else extremely bothered by SA's distance in the (broadcast, at least) karaoke segment? Like I know it can be reasoned that it was just a coincidence, but it gave me war flashbacks to 2015. I feel immature over worrying about such a trivial thing, but I still am frustrated over it right now.

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Can't help but wants to compare with 1N2D PD,the PD after Yoo PD was getting criticized for early episode when he take over like 6-7 episodes korean viewers complain but later he improving and their rating still doing good,I guess he read those comments and TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!RM PD and some intl fans who always keep in their mind of 'it's okay we popular oversea' or 'ranting doesn't matter' should stop!the reason why the rating didn't improve,that's what Taek think is so  unmotivate when yoo jaesuk had even promise to get good rating..the PD like this is not need..i remember read korean comment said Taek have ZERO skill.Rating of course important,if not no way theres article about it and you at the time slot that get attention the most and aren't if you get good rating will motivated you to workhard??.The PDs are work for this show since early no different from that 1N2D,are 6 years work and observe senior PD are not enough to learn?i don't want to compare..but needed to do so.I just had enough with RM PD.sorry for my rants.

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I'm angry as well. I actually liked the premise that the RM members were missing something and therefore the low phone battery and little gas, but then they wasted the premise by bringing Gary back. So rather than learning to make do without something/someone, the RM members just got their seventh member back. There's not lesson to be learnt, which completely undermines the episode. Now they haven't had an episode of be 6 before they've been thrown into having guests again. 

I'm also not a huge fan of YJS and LKS's overthetop variety styles. I like them in small doses, but I prefer KJK, SJH, and HH. Perhaps the PDs don't get the appeal of KJK, SJH, and HH's styles, but they should know that these three have huge fanbases and should therefore at least try to  keep these fanbases as well. Perhaps we might be surprised by the editing, but I don't have a lot of confidence in the PDs. They just don't seem to know what they're doing. 

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3 hours ago, bogummish said:

@lostinthisdream I agree with pretty much everything you said. These days, I find myself re-watching old episodes more than the actual ones. I only check out every week for possible SA moments. The members in this ep looked bored out of their minds, especially Haha and KJK. It looked more like a kid's show than variety. It's a pity that they have 6 talented people at their disposal who proved they can deliver in the funny department but mis-use them so blatantly. Maybe time will prove that KG got out of that sinking ship just in time (if SBS don't get their richard simmons together very soon). Idk why they are incapable of changing, the name tags should remain but the creativity in games is non existent at this point.


Old episodes were great.  The teamwork and the actual focus on the members rather than the guests made each episode.  It wasn't the guest that made the episodes, but the cast. The creativity behind the games and the mind game that the cast used to play with each other used to be the highlights of each episode.  Some may say KG got out of that sinking ship just in time, but he, imo, benefited the most out of said ship more than the rest of the members.  Yes, YJS and LKS gets the most screen time now a days, but I honestly feel like they deserve it with the amount of effort they put into try to make the show funny, though they do tend to over do it, they earned that screen time.  For KG, I know his character is the mellow one, and his other character is the Monday Boyfriend but as long as JH is around him, he'll get the screen time, and look back at how many special episodes he has gotten since the beginning of RM.  Whereas, HaHa and JK who put in a lot of effort in the beginning and helping KS, JSJ, and KG to find their characters, look at how many special episodes they have.  JK never had a special episode, correct me if I'm wrong.  HaHa may have been spies in the early days, but I would never really consider that a special episode because he had to work with the guests.  JSJ had some special episodes, KS had some, YJS had some, but no one really had as many as KG including the MC focused ones.  I guess what I'm trying to say is, KG voluntarily left the show, and I don't know why PD's felt the need to make another KG special episode when he got a farewell episode dedicated to him the week before.  If us fans can see how some of the cast members are being under appreciated, I don't know how the cast members themselves feel, and I don't blame them for being bored out of their mind.  I'm sure going into the episode, from the preview if they had watched the farewell episode live on air, they already knew the episode was going to be center around KG again, and just based on how the episodes have been going they know their screen time isn't going to change.  We're talking about variety show veterans, they know how these things work.  It is a pity that the production team does not know how to use the cast, even if the members tried hard to deliver good scenes, it also comes down to the PD's and editing team to edit how the episode will be like.  I feel like now HaHa, KJK, and JSJ, are getting the short end of the stick. These 3 are just as funny as YJS and KS.  I don't know how they can under use these 3. (Side note, I think it's a problem when a fan feels that a competing show appreciates JK more than the show he himself is on) 

@pink007 I agree that it's always been the trend to focus on 2 members out of the 7, but I think my issue with MC is whether it is deserved or not.  With YJS and KS, you can tell they try hard to make it funny, where at times it can be cringe worthy and over the top because you see them over compensating for the fact that the production team isn't able to come up with segments or games that allow for laughs.  Like the action message, had it not been that, or their interactions, there literally would not have been any laughable scenes really to be made out of a pure chasing game.  Whereas for MC, you literally can just put them in the same room and the editing team will put all these captions, texts, and background music to make it MC centered.  I'm not saying that KG and JH never try, but really, you don't need them to try in order to make it a MC centered episode.  Just put them alone in a room, and the production team and editing team can do it for them.  Or like last years award show how the two got the high excellence award is beyond me.  To whoever is reading this, I swear I don't hate KG or JH.  But you've got to give credit to where it's due.  MC concept has always been easy for the two to do and fall back on without much effort. No matter how difficult it has been for them outside of RM, it is and was the easiest concept in RM because everyone else around them sets up the scenario for them, they just need to be within the same vicinity. 

I saw the photos for yesterday's filming.  I expected KS to be paired up with DO as they are really good friends and hang out and travel together with their actor group of friends.  And well, YJS is always paired up with a guest.  But I think the pairing of JK and JSJ is the first, at least for an entire episode.  These 2 are funny and interesting together, and you can tell they're close just with how JK can talk back to him. So I'm hoping they can establish an equation between the two and get the screen time they deserve. 

As for SA, I think Spartacers are always going to be in doubt of everything they thought and the gut feelings they have for the two of them.  It doesn't help that PD's flip flop on what they want to show, and that JH and KG play into it too.  Plus also the neighbouring fans on the other side of the fence going on about how real the loveline is doesn't help either. The friends of one-half of the loveline does not help with it either.  I'm probably not the best SA fan to reassure anyone about our ship, cause I have my doubts and I guess "insecurities" about the ship.  But hey, at least she wore his hat right? That's something. Especially given when she wore it? The karaoke was only one long segment of the episode, so who knows? I think the thing is if they're making a conscious effort to stay away from each other, then that's something right?  Why would 2 colleagues who have worked together for 7 years need to make sure they stay within at least one arms length away from each other? Until JK announces he's dating someone or JH announces she's dating someone, we'll never be able to get away from the insecurities.  And tbh, sometimes I wish one of them will just come out and announce that they're dating someone whether it's each other or not, just so I can ship them as best friends instead of holding on to this little hope that they can potentially be a real thing.  But hey, that's what we get knowing that our ship isn't the official loveline of the show, we'll forever be in dark.  

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I think it's interesting that we've gotten so many pictures of them together behind the scenes in the last episode and the upcoming one, yet we're having so many doubts. I'm still like 99& confident that they're dating (the 1% is on the off-chance that I'm wrong and don't want to seem like Im that big of an idiot). In this most recent ep, when KJK-JSJ pair and HH-SJH pair met up, they separated into JSJ-HH and KJK-SJH while walking. We see SJH sit down next to KJK when he's holding the dog, and they keep touching each other comfortably in the photo booth. I think we should expect them to keep some distance for the first two or three episodes following KG's departure (even more so if they're dating) because they don't want people to connect them to KG's decision to leave. 

I think KJK very much feels that KG quit so he shouldn't get two episodes dedicated to him. KJK says this in the episode that KG quit so shouldn't he treat them, etc. I think YJS felt a similar way of "we said goodbye and now we need to move on". They're both veterans who have had people leave their shows before, and in those instances, they had one episode to say goodbye and then that was it. Yes, they're going to miss KG, but is it really necessary to have two episodes dedicated to him. Especially when the episodes accomplish the same task. Yes, I'm going to miss KG and I was sad after the first episode, but now a part of me is like "good riddance". I don't want to feel that way, but I want RM to move forward and the staff isn't letting the members do that. 

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@mialove I get the frustration especially when Hwan Jine PD has been there since the beginning of time, at least since episode 90 and that's a really long time.  Yes, when Yoo Ho Jin PD was promoted, the first few episodes by the new PD were lacking, but they were by no means terrible they were still killing it at the ratings.  1N2D were still able to distribute the screen time pretty equally amongst members, and to viewers, all the members were appreciated and felt that there was an actual need for all 6 of them to be together.  The biggest difference between 1N2D and RM is the international crowd and domestic crowd and I guess money and quality.  The international crowd has never been the focus of 1N2D and they never had to cater to a specific crowd - they actually pay attention to the Korean Viewers, one would know this because the cast and PD mentioning the comments from the viewers make the cut to the final episode.  I remember one episode on 1N2D where viewers were angered/disappointed that the PD's were caving into the members demand too much and made it too easy for them to earn their meal.  The PD's of 1N2D dedicated two episodes to those comments to make it as hard as possible for the cast to get their meal.  This is a reason why the ratings for 1N2D is doing so well in ratings, they actually care about how they're doing in the domestic market.  The PD would poke fun at themselves and acknowledging that they're lacking or have aspects to improve on, the casts were allowed to make fun of them.  RM would never include comments from the viewers in the episodes, they always need a sense of control.  At times, I feel like the popularity and fame have gotten into the production teams and SBS's head.  At their prime right now 1N2D, mentions of RM would make the cut of the episodes, but for RM, any mention of people or competing show is taboo.  I'm not saying the cast isn't humble, they're probably the most grateful people out there but the production team and SBS sure are not.  At least YJS is able to acknowledge the show isn't doing well and at an award show with that, I don't see the PD's team acknowledging that the show is in trouble at all. They can't save how well they're doing in Korea anymore, so might as well just focus on the international MC crowd who brings in the money for them.  The international fame has become a double-edged sword RM carries.  Kills their rating domestically, but brings in the money and considered to be a part of the Hallyu Wave.  This is where quality and quantity comes in and I think SBS/RM has not learned that quantity > quality does not work and will never work in the long run.  

@linzer03 I don't think the production team realizes how big of a following, JK and HaHa have.  JK arguably has the biggest following in China, Taiwan and HK and I might just throw in US as well.  They know JH has a fanbase, but I think the MC following dominates and overshadows the fans that solely follows JH.  I just think that these fandoms just aren't as vocal as say MC fans or KG fans so they oversee it.  Do you remember how surprised the cast and production team were at the amount of views JK's 3 minute video got? I just, seeing how bored JK and HaHa are with the show says something. These two have been in the variety field for so long, I highly doubt they don't know what is funny and entertaining.  I think at some point sure they may not have put in as much effort as they did before, but would anyone continue putting in the effort knowing that your screen time is still minimal despite the amount of effort you put it for the past years.  I don't want to totally fault the PD's and editing team, as there might be a chance someone higher up wants things to be done in a specific way, but I feel like if the cast and PD's agree on a change, the higher ups would agree to it.  

Edit: I think JK, YJS and HaHa were done with the episode once the concept of the episode was announced.  By now, YJS has already become normalized to people leaving shows as should HaHa.  Damn it, I really hate comparing, but 1N2D did a fantastic job when one of the members voluntarily left.  It wasn't the production team that kept holding on to the member, but the members themselves would bring it up spontaneously.  It makes it more genuine than having the production team force the members to find their ex-colleague who had voluntarily left.  KG voluntarily chose to leave, why should the rest of the cast be dragged/forced drag into this concept of an episode when it wasn't their doing that he chose to leave.  This sounds so ridiculous but get this, a guest got a special episode solely dedicated to the guest.  (KG was a guest for this episode, he officially left, blows my mind that a guest got a special episode. A GUEST.) 

I think we can all agree at this point that the production team is richard simmons despite what they promised for change.  There has been ABSOLUTELY no change, it's been more than half a year.  It does not take more than 6 months to catalyze a change.  

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Considering KJK is the one who goes to LA often and throws concerts in the US, I'd say he's the most popular here. And also HH who does these concerts with KJK. I think it's just a monumental error on the production team's part to not notice how popular two of their cast members are and then to cut down on their screen time. Like even a rookie producer should have enough knowledge to look up how popular each member is and realize "hmmm maybe we should give him/her more screen time to satisfy these fans..." Do we have to start spamming SBS IG page for more KJK, HH, JSJ, and SJH (without MC)? I don't like being one of those people but I feel like there has to be some way to get the staff's attention that this is not okay. You'd think they'd get the message in that KJK had the most views for his video and HH the second most, but apparently that didn't register with them. It also makes me angry because the other RM members wont quit but they're also not being appreciated by the show. 

Okay. Rant over. 

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What pissed me off more than refocusing on Gary too soon and well, for no damn reason, is the immediate insertion of MC references, the dialogues (between Gary and SJH) looked so forced and even the KS line abt SJH sending drunken texts was so cringeeee (and KS was looking at KJK of all people while delivering those lines, ok buddy). did you see KJK's face? That was literally me. That ish is not funny and serves no purpose anymore, no one actually laughed amongst the cast, let alone the viewers. Idk what the hell these PDs are doing anymore.

She said goodbye last week, they cried, she wished him luck, she didn't want to talk about it, at the point that KJK had to actually answer on her behalf. A week later, Gary brings up what they discussed in private, then a marriage joke and embarrassing drunken texts? Ugh.

PS: It's a good thing KJK is refocusing on his music and SJH on her acting, because I just don't feel they should exclusively waste their talent on this show alone tbh. Spartace had some golden years in RM and we all witnessed it but I have no hopes of us catching a glimpse of them anytime soon with the direction this program is going. That's why i asked the other day if they were ever caught hanging out outside the show.


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@bogummish Well we know they go tanning together and eat dinner together at times  - got photos of dinner with JK's friends on two occasions, and verbal confirmation from JH herself, when SA fans have already speculated that they go tanning together.  The owner of the tanning shop posted photos with JK and had hashtagged JH and couple with the IG Photos.  SA fans have speculated for the longest time they go tanning together but there has never been actual photos, or confirmation until JH confirmed herself this year.  There was another tanning place that posted something about JK and JH once, so I assume they go tanning at multiple locations?  Honestly, fans of JK and JH, if there are any sightings of the two together, will try to protect their bias.  JK fans especially are really protective of him and do not enjoy him being shipped with people.  So, if there are any sightings, I think Korean fans probably wouldn't want it to get out to the international fandom. Side note, the park photos of the two during RM filming break, I'm pretty sure AR-KJK probably have more photos, but chose not to release them for whatever reason.  Edit: we also get accounts of them hanging out with JSJ from the cast themselves, so like I'm sure they hang out quite a bit.  But whether they've been sighted by fans and fans post on naver they caught them outside is a different story. 

Okay, I'm done ranting for the day.  I appreciate that we could rant here about RM or anything associated to RM here without having people go down our throats like on reddit or IG.  Friends, we're all in this together whether it be for SA or for the good of RM.  If there are chances they're not together, at least we have these cuteass moments to look back on. (lol, can we time travel back to 2013?) I apologize if this kills anyone's browser, but I think we all need a little bit of cheering up to do. 


Gifs credit to fyeahspartace on tumblr. 


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