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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Guest tigercouple

How can they(mc) say KG and SJH is real. Because from what i survey i dont think so (KG n SJH is real) because i cannot see lovely movement between them like KJK do ( for ex : when SJH angry about game only KJK give attention to SJH while KG just go to another game site) hehe...i hope u all understand wht i mean. My poor eng. I support spartace . :)


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I am sorry to bark in...but please refrain from talking about mc or post something from mc thread/instagram when this thread is on spartace to avoid any unnecessary arguments or whatsortever..let just focus on spartace and support them...thank u chingus

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Guest pheonickx

Strange.. I did a quick search just now and it says Gary is born in 1978 which would make him two years younger than JK?

Maybe its because I don't follow him ad much but I haven't seen that much marriage related questions concerning G compared to JK..

And as for JK I seem to recall an interview where JK is said that he'll go home straight after work and try finishing early to spend more time with family but G is said to be unsure whether he can do that because of his commitment to work etc.

I hope they're both happy with whoever or lack of whoever you know

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@SpartAce_JKJH thanks! I was actually looking for these photos. Noticed how JongKook's legs were on top of the vj's. Then subtly moved his leg to Jihyo's. :rolleyes:

perhaps because of the injury, in order to prevent his knee bending and/or bouncing too much (pic 3 of @SpartAce_JKJH show that his other leg bouncing)...so he put the injured one on top of JH thigh :)

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Hi guys! 

Part of what helped me become an SA shipper is watching youtube vids. I've watched sooo many that I now wait for new vids to be uploaded. I recently noticed that when I type spartace in the search box and change the filter to 'newest vids' I get these SA videos that I have seen before. These vids are being reuploaded by several accounts. I am unsure if this is being done by multiple people or one person under the guise of multiple accounts. Either way, these vids are not being properly credited. The vids are slightly altered with different music, a different title, or blatantly recopied. This is unfair because it takes time and effort to make these vids. 

If anyone is doing this, please give credit where credit is due. And for those who do make SA vids and upload them on youtube, please watch out cuz someone is not crediting you for your hard work. 

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i first watched running man when KG became a guest on my fave emergency couple.  i became curious what is this monday couple thing so i searched ad saw its on the variety show running man.   So with my curiosity, I watched running man,,,, and enjoyed them... But as i watched episodes after episodes, i get more interested in the interaction of JK and JH.  so i searched over the net and lead me to spartace.. so i went back to the very first episode to look into their interactions and they just made me fall in love with them... fighting spartace :)

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hey I found this voting, and saw that one could vote for song ji hyo, but i can't read chinese so if anyone knows how to vote for her please tell me, oh and for all song ji hyo fans here vote for her too :)


Just vote by clicking under her name, then type in the characters shown on the box to verify and you've just successfully voted. You can vote every 30 minutes if I'm not mistaken.

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hey I found this voting, and saw that one could vote for song ji hyo, but i can't read chinese so if anyone knows how to vote for her please tell me, oh and for all song ji hyo fans here vote for her too :)


Just vote by clicking under her name, then type in the characters shown on the box to verify and you've just successfully voted. You can vote every 30 minutes if I'm not mistaken.

Thanks for telling, I did what you said, an pressed on the chinese word right under her picture, but nothing happend then i pressed the second chinese word below and i could type the characters shown in the box, anyway i'm happy that i could vote for her!



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Guest pheonickx

Guys, just curious... What made u ship spartace? When did start rooting for them? 

Well my first episode was the Sherlock Holmes episode and I thought they were pretty cool and my second one was the aquarium one with Han Ji Min.. of course I didn't know who any of them were at that point but I started watching from the first ep

I became a JK fangirl real fast but in the early episodes MC were actually pretty cute but then ep 21 they had such great teamwork (and by then I really liked JH too) like I just wanted to see them again work together again.

And I watched every episode after and at just some point finding out more bout the two of them (like how shy JK is towards women with only a few as an exception) like I really liked them together? And just the mutual trust for each other because these two actively try not to betray each other (ep 95, when JK gives her the win like omg) and the cute teasing in between. Like whatever it is you have going on between you two whether it be romantic or just good friends juat continue being awesome together and as individuals. And it made me see the Sherlock and Han Ji Min in a whole new lighting keke

And entering the forums and reading analysis of these two by hawk eye fans just kinda made me more serious when before it was light fun.. As much as I love these two tho I understand that they are their own person and there's little that we actually know about them and deserve to be happy with whoever they choose so I've just been quietly supporting them really. ^^

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Guys, just curious... What made u ship spartace? When did start rooting for them? 

About a month ago, I was looking for something else about Running Man, and found that people thought SpartAce was a couple. At first, I thought it was kinda funny, because I hadn't really noticed it. But then I found this forum (and became a member just so I could keep up with everything!). When I read the posts and saw everything the eagle-eyed fans have caught, I totally jumped aboard this ship. Now I'm just waiting for it to officially set sail!!

I think it would be great for the show if this ship was allowed to sail. I'd like to think there would be a lot more Bad Ji Hyo moments towards female guests who were trying to flirt with KJK. Or how much teasing the rest of the cast would give KJK. In my delulu mind, it'd be fabulous! But I guess we will have to wait and see...

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