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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Guest maikaphuong

@SMTsamantha Dear !
I have just made this moment with speed so slowly impossible, because it's too fast, I can't feeling :P, so I decide made it , clearly , right?

Edited by maikaphuong
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Ji Hyo's pairing was the most interesting and most exciting for this episode and they barely filmed them together, what's wrong with that, it's really annoying how little screentime they are giving ji hyo when many of us only watch it because of her, soo many interesting moments that were cut out!

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Guest reikaharu

I can understand why Jihyo lost her temper though I don't understand the language clearly but I can understand a little bit I guess...

Not evryone can do yoga just like kwang soo partner in exact pose... PD and the other a little bit unfair with Jihyo... they know very well that Jihyo's body a little stiff plus with her age its not easy to do that pose... I guess PD must accept Jihyo pose as far as she can, resemble with kwang soo's partner pose though its not exactly same...

When Jihyo ask other girls to do that pose, Jong Kook's partner try to do so and we can tell that the girl cannot do well too but before the girl do the pose JK hold her hand to get the girl up...

Before that round nobody said about the perfect pose must be done... thats why Jihyo lost her temper...

When Jihyo lost her temper, at first Jae Suk and Kwang soo try to calm her down, and Kwang Soo's partner looks a little scare and feel guilty... than Jong Kook walk and embrace her a little and hold her hand to walk to the other venue for the last game...

I just feel that the PD a little bit unfair with her, thats why Jihyo lost temper in the end... and I really can understand her... 

ps : but than she maybe a little bit jealous too when she saw Jong Kook help his partner to get up and stop the pose by holding her arm... she shouted "YAH! KIM JONG KOOK SSI! YOU DO IT!" hahaha... thats why when Jaesuk, Sukjin and Gary's couple walk out from the venue, Jong Kook approaching Jihyo to calm her down with help from HaHa and Kwang soo (and their partner)...and he really embrace her a while before hold her wrist and walk together... Jong Kook really looks like a boyfriend try to coax his the jealous girlfriend ^^

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I think we can see jihyo's temper from diff angle and positive way...the PD's unfair, fortunately, made a good result for us as SA shipper...so we can see Jihyo's anger and her man tried to calm her...

if and if the PD were fair, maybe Jihyo would not be angry and we will not see the caring and daring act from KJK...

I hope for the next episode...Jihyo will show her anger and jealousy more...lolol...

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i do think that the PDs are not being unfair. i mean what got her mad was when the other RM members were I think teasing her/complaining. Haha even made a demo on what SJ did in comparison to KS's partner. I think the game is really to make you do poses which are difficult for others to imitate.

but having that aside, LOL i feel like SJ might take yoga classes after this. she really was trying her best and flared up when she was having a hard time doing the pose similar to KS's partner and got complaints and teasing from the other members. 

i did find it sweet when the other RM members tried to appease her. 

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Guest hazy929

They filmed this episode back-to-back with last week's and not to mention it was straight after Ex-Girlfriend Club wrap-up, so Jihyo basically was exhausted after all the drama shooting and with lack of sleep temper flares easily I think. And also her injured hand.

If we want to blame anyone, then blame the PDs for allowing Kwangsoo's team to change their poses. When Jihyo first tried the pose, the production goes wow~ I think they might have been willing to let her pass until Haha retorted and Jongkook followed. I think that's what pissed Jihyo off and it's also why she yelled "Is that so Kim Jong Kook ssi!! She's not that childish to be jealous of Jongkook for holding the girl (the poor girl was scared by Jihyo's sudden anger and really tried to do the pose :P ) and her anger is not directed at her actually. Both Jongkook's and Gary's partner are not extremely good at these poses either hence why she pointed at them asking them to do it.

Everyone knows Jihyo is not a flexible person and they keep teasing about her not being able to do it and keep doing these kind of poses. I can feel the pressure and when they suddenly went so strict with judging she snapped. I've never seen her so angry. All the girls were shocked. We know Jihyo is always taking good care of female guests and she even helped them up to the platform in the first game. But yeah it's nice to see Jongkook's reaction when Jihyo yelled at him. The tamed tiger went straight to hug her and hold her hand, walking together to the next venue.


This again ignites hope in me that I am not imagining things and they are indeed together. It's not the skin ship, it's how naturally they do it. But there's one thing, I wonder if you guys notice it. After they are finished with the third game and everyone were checking their ice boxes, Jongkook came out with a towel on his back and another on his hand. He walked past Jihyo (it's not shown but Jihyo was walking to that direction) and put the towel on Kwangsoo. While it's nice to see these caring acts between him and Kwangsoo too I can't help but wonder why if they are dating and he's not getting one for his girlfriend. Did he hold two towels on his hands and has already given one to Jihyo or was Jihyo still mad and refuse his nice gesture?

Oh my, this is my first time shipping a couple and I shouldn't have board this ship. Feeling the dizziness now.

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Guest reikaharu

The PD's being unfair because before that round they're allowed to do the pose as far as they can, no need exactly same with the original one... and yes because the PD's allow Kwangsoo couple to change the pose...

about the towel, maybe, just maybe, Jihyo already has her own towel.. or...because of the obvious act in the game before (the split incident) the PD's talked to SA to be more low profile with their interaction...

Yes, is not about the skinship, but about the gesture, so natural... gesture like that only moved by heart...sweet and warm... 

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Guest reikaharu

RM's members and the staff must know well enough that Jihyo is not a spoilt woman... if she became angry like that maybe its already reach her limits.. poor Mong Ji...

Just imagine : tired because if the shooting RM and drama, and she's a woman if she's also im her period, and we all know women in our period are more sensitive than ever... so yeah...its already reach her limits... but unfortunately I'm sure there's a bad comments about her losing temper on the show...people aith narrow mind and a lot of jealousy will saw the incident in different way... I just hope Jihyo can take a good rest with a lot of love from her closed people, family and lover...

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Guest reikaharu

About jealousy... Jihyo is ordinary woman... the jealousy can appear every time... yes, she's proffesional actress, but in that kind of situation and that kind of tiredness the jealousy can come up on surface...

she really looks tired and distracted... 

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They filmed this episode back-to-back with last week's and not to mention it was straight after Ex-Girlfriend Club wrap-up, so Jihyo basically was exhausted after all the drama shooting and with lack of sleep temper flares easily I think. And also her injured hand.

If we want to blame anyone, then blame the PDs for allowing Kwangsoo's team to change their poses. When Jihyo first tried the pose, the production goes wow~ I think they might have been willing to let her pass until Haha retorted and Jongkook followed. I think that's what pissed Jihyo off and it's also why she yelled "Is that so Kim Jong Kook ssi!! She's not that childish to be jealous of Jongkook for holding the girl (the poor girl was scared by Jihyo's sudden anger and really tried to do the pose :P ) and her anger is not directed at her actually. Both Jongkook's and Gary's partner are not extremely good at these poses either hence why she pointed at them asking them to do it.

Everyone knows Jihyo is not a flexible person and they keep teasing about her not being able to do it and keep doing these kind of poses. I can feel the pressure and when they suddenly went so strict with judging she snapped. I've never seen her so angry. All the girls were shocked. We know Jihyo is always taking good care of female guests and she even helped them up to the platform in the first game. But yeah it's nice to see Jongkook's reaction when Jihyo yelled at him. The tamed tiger went straight to hug her and hold her hand, walking together to the next venue.



i noticed her injured hand too. does anyone know why her hand was injured?

me too.. i was also surprised when she even started pointing her fingers to the others. i also felt that she really looked tired. and everyone was like "she's really mad.." and instantaneously changed their tone and backed down. you will see it in their faces when they tried to calm her. 

Edited by meh2222
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But there's one thing, I wonder if you guys notice it. After they are finished with the third game and everyone were checking their ice boxes, Jongkook came out with a towel on his back and another on his hand. He walked past Jihyo (it's not shown but Jihyo was walking to that direction) and put the towel on Kwangsoo. While it's nice to see these caring acts between him and Kwangsoo too I can't help but wonder why if they are dating and he's not getting one for his girlfriend. Did he hold two towels on his hands and has already given one to Jihyo or was Jihyo still mad and refuse his nice gesture?

Oh my, this is my first time shipping a couple and I shouldn't have board this ship. Feeling the dizziness now.

Maybe because Kwangsoo had just gotten out of the pool and Jihyo was already getting dry after the game. Or maybe because I saw Jihyo went to the pool again for whatever reason, so she maybe refused the towel at first. Or maybe Kwangsoo was not feeling well that day. There's multiple possible reasons. The bigger picture here is that there's so much going on behind the scene to a point we can't be sure of anything anymore. 

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Guest hazy929

i noticed her injured hand too. does anyone know why her hand was injured?

me too.. i was also surprised when she even started pointing her fingers to the others. i also felt that she really looked tired. and everyone was like "she's really mad.." and instantaneously changed their tone and backed down. you will see it in their faces when they tried to calm her. 

It's a recurrent injury, I've seen her wearing that bandage in some 2013 episodes as well. Might have sustained the injury in 2013 or even before that. I have no idea why it comes back again, perhaps she injured herself in that challenge done with Gary when Haha's wife came?


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subs are out my friends

Watched, LKS said to his partner when they on the car about KJK don't want marry but KS don't want to tell the reason. That mean he know about KJK relationship with someone because they are close brother.

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