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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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@assyl4 I don't speak korean, but I'm 100% sure he didn't say "yeobo", it's some indication for the game, he'll never call her like that during the show, even if they are really in a relationship. For the sidehug I don't know if it's really to edit out the two of them, I noticed they usually avoid to show if someone is injured, the most recent examples are: the soccer game in Shangai when JK fell because of his knee, it was pretty  obvious but the editing team decided to make fun of it and to make it look like he stumbled without a reason; and episode 285 where Gary's hand was bleeding, probably he cut himself with the box, but nobody mentioned it and the camera showed it only for some seconds. It's probably a way to avoid scaring viewers. It's true they usually got cut, but I don't think this is the case :) 

We should prepare ourselves, next two episodes can be worst than last one as spartacers (as running man fan I'm anticipating it, it should be fun to watch), but to be honest the only interesting part for me was actually all the MC's WGM. It was boring and out of place in many ways, however I'm all the more convinced there is nothing between Gary and Ji Hyo (not that I needed it), so I'm waiting with popcorn next episode of WGM by RM, where M could mean Mocked and is for the fans. Anyway I wish there will not be a war on IG, here or wherever, let them enjoy their cute, sweet and heartwarming,moments, and we can enjoy ours ;)

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Have been looking at SA naver cafe. Most of the old shippers might be familiar with all their analysis, so bear with me if this is repetition of things they already know of.

In the Love and War episode (episode 251), if you notice during the bingo game, the focus is largely on the answers of the actual couples. The musical singer couple get lots of screen time, Byul's answers get screen time, but the same attention is not given to Gary and Kwang Soo's answers. Funnily, JK and JH's answers get the most screen time. I know it could be because their answers (especially JH's) are interesting. But it made me wonder whether there was something in there, sort of like an inside joke since the editor knows what the viewers don't. It made me think of the secret couple episode where the secret couple are revealed to be Ji Hyo and (Lee) Jong Suk, but it could also refer to Ji Hyo and (Kim) Jong Sook (JK's feminine avatar in the episode).

When JH says she does not want a song as a present, JK is at first a bit puzzled. I saw some people say on the naver cafe that he says "it depends on the person". Does he really say that?  Anyway, when JS sings to JH and goes on to mention things like "JH is so pretty, JH is my woman" etc., JK participates in it a bit shyly. And when she talks about how women don't like flowers, it feels as though he is personally insulted. He immediately goes into explanation mode about when a woman would appreciate flowers. Nobody else seems to have a problem with JH's answer, so why is he taking it personal ? (unless of course we admit to the possibility that he kind of likes giving flowers to his GF and therefore took offense at JH generalizing). JS and Haha immediately rag him and though it looks like he had many things to say on the subject, he shuts up.

Also, when JK says he used to date in the practice room, the conversation goes like this. (52:07 -52:45)

JS: Were you dating a celebrity?

JK: It was during the Turbo days

JS: I know who she is. I know who his date was

(The way he reacts is "it's too obvious")

JK: Shut up

JSJ to JK: Then she must be a singer

JK: No, she wasn't. She is not a singer

JSJ: Why would you practice together if she is not a singer?

(After he says this, JSJ's expression looks like he kind of realizes he said too much. He sticks his tongue out and shakes his head)

JK: She just visited my practice room. I stayed at the practice room most of the time

(Then JK gives this cheeky smile to JS)

During this segment, JK and JH are smiling at each other.

The analysis on naver cafe was that the person he is referring to need not be a person he dated in his Turbo days, but JH. They say there is a possibility since JK recorded "So pretty" in the C-Jes studio. I don't know whether that alone substantiates this reasoning, but there are some hints that point to how there could be more to JK's answer than what is obvious. All the couples in the game (the married ones) refer to dating places with their current partners (to be on the safer side). JS specifically mentions that it is with his wife that he visited a dating place when somebody questions him (since he had previously mentioned another one where he went with his wife). When the bingo is about "disappointing gifts you have got", Haha tells Byul that now she can talk about the gifts she got before she met him (since they are "disappointing"). Even then, she mentions a gift from her husband. So the general understanding between couples seems to be that you won't mention people in your past or it has to be as far back as high school. So there is a possibility that it could be JH ( if JK and JH were dating at that point of time, there are chances he won't bring up people in his past to be on the safer side. We have all seen how uncomfortable JH gets when somebody brings up YEH).

On the other hand, the way JS says "I know" in a deprecating way right after JK says it was during his Turbo days seems to suggest that it was perhaps someone else. I don't know whether JSJ also knows this person (since JK and JS seem to have been friends for a longer time compared to SJ). So,  we do not know who was in SJ's mind when he asks those searching questions. He could be thinking of some other person. Perhaps since JK's GF was during his Turbo days, JH doesn't mind her being referred to. The way JK and JH smile at each other seems to indicate that she is very much in the know and is amused by it.

Another interesting dialogue they point to is when the couples have to do the bubble wrap fight (from 19:36). Gary says the game is advantageous to JK and JK protests it is not since he has hurt his ankle. Immediately, JH says "No, Jong Kook oppa is good at everything". JS then says to JK "We are at an advantage". JK protests again and he says "No, we have to admit, we are at an advantage". Then Haha says "You are secretly boasting" and laughs. Gary catches on and both of them laugh naughtily. Jae Suk has his arms wrapped around JK who just stares at whatever is in front of him and JS also has a mischievous smile on his face as he looks in Haha's direction. The funny thing is the other people near Haha and Gary, his wife Byul and the singer couple, both do not react to the joke. So what the SA naver fans are suggesting is that only the people who know the cast dynamics can understand the joke. I didn't get what they were saying fully, but based on the context, it seemed to me that perhaps they are suggesting that the remark is meant for JH and not JS (JS is openly saying that they are at an advantage. Why should it be then called 'secretly boasting' and that too be the source of such private humour?) .


cre: SA naver cafe and 쿠키쿠키

@assyl4 I also don't know chinese and my google translate is not helping me beyond a point. I have a feeling they are pointing to the fact that JSJ doesn't pick his lot 2nd as is made out to be and that he picks his lot after JH picks hers. I cannot understand what else they are saying.

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Also, looking at JH and JK answer board in places they frequently date, their answers are mostly similar although I might be just reaching and maybe these are just purely coincidences. Hehehe.


Anyway, I am so excited because I will be flying to SK next month and I am hoping against hope that I get to see RM film or something. Can you guys recommend on how to check filming schedules? 


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In 251, watch HaHa's reaction when JH says she doesn't want a song as a gift (at least I'm pretty certain that was the part; can't check it at the moment). I have thoughts on it, but I'm curious what others think.

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@laubi agree with you. i forget that they usually cut it when someone got injured. this also makes me angry that they turn JK's incident into a joke. and as always, JH is the one who cares about him a lot.

@athoughtcloud1 yep, the only thing that i understand from the picture is there're 2 lots left after JH picked hers. there should be one lot left bcz JS was the last person and JH was before him. 


i'm quite excited to see the upcoming episode. just forget about MC, i really wanna see the members do extreme missions.

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On 04/03/2016 at 1:34 PM, assyl4 said:

i also find an interesting part people shared on IG. it's when JH passed the game before entering KS's apartment. people think JK said "yeobo" which means "honey". i play that part over and over but i think it's not "yeobo" bcz the first letter must be D/T not Y. i don't speak korean so maybe someone here can explain me this.


He says "numb - er" which means "go over" (the obstacle).

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Since Chinese is my second language, I will try my best to translate the blog but I might not be 100% accurate so there are part I may be wrong but this is the translation:

The recent running man episode lead many fans to wondered if the episode is scripted and edited? During the Jeju island selection, fans question why does Suk Jin not have a ballot even after Jong Koo who was suppose to be behind him took a ballot? The answer is that Suk Jin was the last to go for the ballot but the editors cut that clip, confusing fans who thought that Suk Jin was the second to take the ballot. This is the sequence

1: Gary takes a ballot without hesitation and Jae Suk moves toward Suk Jin. However Suk Jin was hesitant

2: Jong Kook took the second ballot and HaHa took the third and Kwang Soo took the fourth

3: After Ji Hyo took hers, there were two left in Jae Suk hands, one for Suk Jin and one for himself

4: Suk Jin took his but the film was cut by the pd

Many ask if the Jeju island pick was scripted but if you look at Suk Jin expression, he look clearly happy, reminder, he is a terrible actor and sometimes has the tendency to say things his not suppose to say. Look at his expression, he look clearly happy, do you think it acting?

That the translation.

This blog is probably written from a Monday couple fan point of view on how their sweet moments are not scripted and it was destiny...-_-" but there this one fact, what makes you think Suk Jin acting is bad. They could film this again and again until Suk Jin facial expression sort of look it was realistic or it could just be the fact that Jae Suk and M* know which they are suppose to chose and the other do not know hence they all felt relieve and so on...but the pd of Running Man should understand that what attract the viewer of running man is the enjoyment, the laughter it brings to us...notsome stupid loveline! This is not M* Love show! It Running Man! So what if there lesser m* interaction and some m* fans stop watching, you gain even more new fans who watch this show for laughter! By making this show into a M* love show, many fans stop cus it become boring, the enjoyment is no more. I hope that Myuk Pd and the new Pd will understand this and make Running Man become that one show we love, that one show that can make me laugh till my stomach ache. So pls, bring back the old RUNNING MAN WE ALL LOVE AND ENJOY NOT SOME STUPID LOVE SHOW, WE HAVE WGM FOR THAT! UNDERSTAND THIS PDs!

Translated from this blog: http://toutiao.com/i6257357557648589314/?tt_from=copy&utm_campaign=client_share&app=news_article&utm_source=copy&iid=3658829616&utm_medium=toutiao_ios

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Thanks a lot @shadowfalcon Hmm.. wonder whether the MC couple fan wrote the article to justify some other article which had pointed out that picking the lots was scripted. I don't understand why they have to show Ji Suk Jin's part like that if in reality that is not what happened. Even if the right lots were not picked, I am sure the production team would have found some way to ensure that it was an MC themed episode since from the beginning, you could hear requests for MC to do a WGM. I also don't think JSJ is such a bad actor as made out to be. They are all pretty good actors since they have been in this show for so many years now.

The interesting thing is that unlike in his previous instagram posts, JK did not say even one word about MC when he made a post about this episode. That is quite strange. There were just 5 of them in that video and he would know his fans might be wondering where the other two were.He knew obviously that it was going to be one of the MC-themed episodes, yet no kind of promotion whatsoever of MC like he usually does.  Gives me the feeling that this time the MC loveline was foisted on them without telling them beforehand. His commenting on MC would also have been a way to clear up the recent spartace rumours, yet he chose not to. Let's see what happens in the next episode. But in a way, I am glad he is with the guest team. If MC are together and if the other members are expected to speculate about MC relationship, better JK is not around.


@aschae What did you observe?

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Lets have some more blasts to the past.

Episode 62 race in China where JH is a criminal warlord, asks JK to be her partner in crime.

And then the pay negotiations lol.

What seems to have been omitted in the translations seems to be the bit where JK says in the beginning:

"I know you're busy and working hard due to your filming, [but despite that you coming to China] is very endearing [to me] so i'm helping you out".


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6 hours ago, SpartaceJjang said:

Jihyo would have never pass up an opportunity to sky dive man...

Exactly!!! I don't know what the PDs were thinking with the script....

I'm pretty sure they contacted Lee Da Hae while already arranging and preparing her for the sky diving (that's the impression she gave to me).

Also there was this ridicouls moment when LDH was saying that the place is really romantic while looking at MC.

Il Woo said to feel left out between 2 couples and only he&LDH were laughing  :crazy:

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I think rm pd wanted to fulfill the request from Dubai authority who invited them. Maybe  the majority of Dubai's fans are MC fans. That is why jh and kg didn't say their choices of destination and the whole mission had been scripted. We only saw jk talked limited conversation in this ep. So sad.....

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I am so disappointed there is no much Kjk and JH inter action even just little bit close to each other . I have a feeling they are trying to avoid the rumors to jeopardize there team running man. The issue of the fake rumors that they are dating .. so here we had .. spartace fans, we've been punish not to see there close inter action in the show . crap that person who started the fake humor. 

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So disappointed there is no much Kjk in this episode . The reason probably that KJK and JH are trying to avoid more inter action in running man bcause of the fake rumors that they're dating or getting married or what ever that stupid rumors is..specially she has a new show with Chen Bolin and ofc the MC so viewers don't get confuse.. crap that person who started it.. now we, spartace fans are been punish... 

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10 hours ago, SpartaceJjang said:

Jihyo would have never pass up an opportunity to sky dive man...

 Exactly I was soo mad at the PD for not allowing her to sky dive too, thats just wrong she's the Ace and always loves to take challenges like these ones

3 hours ago, tushe0511 said:

Exactly!!! I don't know what the PDs were thinking with the script....

I'm pretty sure they contacted Lee Da Hae while already arranging and preparing her for the sky diving (that's the impression she gave to me).

Also there was this ridicouls moment when LDH was saying that the place is really romantic while looking at MC.

Il Woo said to feel left out between 2 couples and only he&LDH were laughing  :crazy:


yeah I was also thinking WTF, she knows it's a scripted loveline, i wonder whether her comments were also scripted

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Guest ktiminie

Annyong chinguzzz, I'm a big running man fan and YES you could call me a SpartAce shipper gckg.gif

It's my first time posting in this thread. Up until now I have been a silent lurker reading carefully everyone's thoughts and I really wanted to thank you all for your insights.

Also after last RM episodes (don't get me wrong, I enjoy when they are filming abroad, but too much MC is enough, give us a break pleaaaase), let's lighten up the mood:


Thank you very much @androkia91 and all the SA shippers currently working on it, you're daebak!!

I can't be much of a help because of my poor English but I will keep voting and supporting our team all the way!


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