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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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@larabn : Seeing how DKS loves his father and TN, i think he will be losing his mind. TN and DKS just look so much alike, they are governed by their emotions unlike ET, who is more pragmatic (no wonder he's watching WY as his ideal son), maybe they've inherited from their mother's side :P :p :P

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sarah.lina said:Well, i didn't see that it's JJM agency who put the article. But that's better than BJH agency who, if i'm not mistaken, changedTanasili timeline, she will be playing Tanasili until the end (according to Koalaplayground), thanks to our PD who is ruining the drama by the day, the mainlead HJW doesn't even have screen time. 

We are in the latter half of the drama, they didn't have introduce BG's niece, SN is still a concubine, i'm starting to think that the titleHwatu was better for this drama.

In the article, they were implying that WY is currently outside the love triangle. I don't understand some who said that he has to come back in Goryo... like really??? don't you think that he would remain in Yuan, if he had the choice, it's not like, he's loving his life inYuan #-o #-o #-o

I understand that SN is TH's concubine, but don't tell me that the love triangle cannot exist, well so Song Ji Hyo sleeping with Jo In Sung while she's married with Joo Jin Mo (i'm talking about their characters) is irealistic then???

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@jeenee : Don't take it the wrong way dear, i wasn't implying that SN should have an affair with WY, she's an upright person and has her own principles, she wouldn't do something like that, it's the same for WY (that's not R-Rated drama either :D :D :D).
on a side note : Song Ji Hyo kept sleeping with Jo In Sung without Joo Jin Mo knowing ;)

The one-sided love of WY, well i'm not too sure about that, after watching 31 episodes of this drama, the tears after her reunion with WY weren't without sentiments (ie : in the beginning she swear to not cry for WY).

The tears from the coronation scene attest that she didn't "forget" WY, she even asked her court lady, if he left Yuan. But you have to understand that SN is dead since her baby death, she doesn't want to love anybody, she can't love anybody, that's how she's now, it's only because she has the mind of a warrior that she's decided with that dead body of her to take the revenge and only revenge. That's her last duty as a human being.

The problem is after the revenge, there is their baby left in the middle (who happened to be alive), after knowing that i don't they will keep helping secretly each other. The relation between WY-SN-TH will get even more complicated.

I don't know if i'm clear, if you don't understand some point, just ask me :)>- :)>-

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DJG said: DISCLAIMER: I am not on any OTP “Ship”, I actually am not a fan of the idea that every Korean drama needs a love triangle (medical, historical, crime, melo etc. always revolve around some love triangle, bleh). I like all the actors and I think they are for the most part doing a good job.

Having said that, I think the love triangle was unnecessary in this drama, and the current episodes make it even more glaring. I understand why they included it, how do you sell a Kdrama to native viewers that takes place primarily in a foreign country without any connection to the homeland.

But WY is off in no-man’s land and now is relegated to errand boy, working behind the scenes to help his former lover and her new husband. How selfless. The fact that he spent several episodes running after the counterfeit ring, and then it took TT one episode to take down the face of the ring was a slap in the face of WY’s prowess. But then he is rewarded with finding the coded document. Hmm, okay.

The scene where he and SN meet again was weird. Here is a supposed epic love story that took place primarily off screen. One minute they are male comrades fighting to save Goryeo, next minute she is pining for him, he finds out she is a girl, they hug, they reconcile, they part, she is pregnant, and then she goes to another man. They finally meet and the conversation goes something like this:

SN: So we talked about dying together, change of plans bro
WY: Yeah, I feel you dude, my bad for leaving you behind
SN: No sweat, I got business to handle up in this joint
WY: Okay, do you
SN: Yeah, let’s not meet again
End scene

I am paraphrasing a bit, lol. But, that’s what their conversation felt like. It was devoid of feelings and just really odd.

I haven’t followed the news on this drama lately, but if companies are pulling strings behind the scenes, then this drama is going to fall off the cliff. They are already dragging things out way too much. TH should have gotten back his power by now.

Who is behind Eagle House
When does BY get in power
When is the second empress coming
When is Lady Ki promoted
What about the other consorts and their fight for power
When will SN and TH consummate their marriage
When will SN give birth
When will the fight to promote SN happen
What about the fight to make her son the heir
When will SN and the ED go head to head
When will TT go against BY and support SN
When will SN become, you know Empress

This drama is going in the direction of so many Kdramas- good start, draggy middle, rushed end.

It would be a shame for this drama to unravel. It is not the best, but it is better than most, and if politics is getting into the handling of things then that is a huge shame.

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said: For me. Whatever your role in the drama it doesn't matter as long as you act it rightly. The audience will always remember the actor or actress when they act realistic. The audience must feel the emotions of the actors even without words. Empress ki actors are all great. We are move how they portray their characters. They are all amazing. This is the reason why empress ki is always at the top. Good job. God bless everyone.

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@pegster - LMAO! Me too, I had to look several times at that picture last night before I realized those weren't headphone earbuds they were putting in their ear! I was like "Oh, I wonder what they're listening to? Maybe a new song for the OST?"   =))
That BTS with Gol-ta (Jo Jae-hyun) is hilarious! He plays it himself first then he imitates the way HJW plays it, trying to be all serious & sexy. (HJW cracks up - LOL) The last bit, that crew member plays it (it sounds like Jingle Bells) and he yells "HEY!" after the first part. I'm thinking this guy is the "mood-maker" on the set, he's hilarious. 

Those spoilers...I keep wondering how on earth they would have time to add all of that in? This drama would have to be 200+ episodes to fit in all the things I've read.  :-?  (not that I would mind - hehehe) I've been ready for ET & clan to leave for many weeks now. Thanks for the bts and the spoilers, @pegster! 
@SongMira - Awwww, good luck to you as well! There's no rush to get caught up and school is always more important.  :D  Fingers crossed for you too! 
@larabn - I've missed you! I hope you'll be with us during the next live show.  >:D<
EDIT: spoiler tags not working for me.  :-L

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So although I'm looking forward to the so called "Hunting Competition", I hope it doesn't end up being another filler episode... I love the action scenes, but if they don't do anything to the plots that have yet to be resolved...mmmmhhhh And who's competing against who? Are random people (noblemen, etc) "allowed" to compete? and If so, can they actually win against the Emperor?
According to the BTS pictures, KN learnt some dressing code from Baklava girl, good for her! But, but, the Emperor is wearing a warrior suit? He doesn't have a hunting outfit? Maybe he overdressed for the occasion?? Me not liking Emperor wearing Yum the Scum fashion...
I wonder if poor TalTal will have to keep on wearing his noisy Dark Knight suit, I want to see him in hunting gear... ohhh yeah...  ;;)
It still bugs me not knowing who the head of the Merchant Group is? And wouldn't he/she had reacted after key members of the group have been killed and captured?  :)

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@stclaus : you killed me with "baklava girl" =)) =)) =)) but i agree SN clothes is the same as Batolu but in blue though :D
There are even Jocko and Tanasili at the hunting competition, so it seems like everyone will be there

Tal Tal
with a hunting gear??, me likey very much :D :D :D But i think he will wear pratically the same clothes as WY :D


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@sarah.lina WY + TalTal wearing a black hunting suit and leather............ =P~
Fan Service for StClaus:
I also want to see TalTal holding a bow and arrows, they have to show him full body, doing his shooting stance and closing one of his eyes... We hear his VO while he's getting ready to shoot...  :x
Edit: I won't ask for another bath scene... last time I requested one I got Jockho... :-&

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@stclaus : Jockho has a good body though =P~ =P~ :-O
I know that there will be a battle scene, i'm not too difficult i'm just hoping two things :
- Tal Tal + Wang Yoo fighting together =P~ =P~ =P~
- No "Love Wind" song in the background >:/ >:/ >:/

Really, when i try to remember Chuno : The Slave hunters battles scenes, i'm crying alone  :-SS :-SS i want battle scenes like that PD-nimm

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Episode 29 graphics ~






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Why is that chick even there? I thought being in the cold place was a punishment and not a visit to a spa. Now she's allowed to the hunting game (almost sounds like the Hunger Games) to do what exactly? I rather see turk girl there instead. At least, she's good at more than one thing besides smirking.

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@chrissydiva : If i'm not mistaken TN will see that WY saved SN

LOL So she's there for a plot point? Ok then (she says sarcastically) I even forgot about her crush just like she did once she got delulu pregnancy. Maybe that's why she is so attached to the baby. She can smell WY's blood through him. Too bad, his real parents are not good sniffing wolves :))

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